Struggles Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "struggles-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 350
Hagir Elsheikh
“I dealt with a lot; anything that could go wrong with any one person happened to me at some point in my life. I didn't let this define me, control my destiny, or dictate how I will live the rest of my life.”
Hagir Elsheikh, Through Tragedy and Triumph: A Life Well Traveled

Hagir Elsheikh
“You have the power within you and you may surprise yourself, but you have to take that first step.”
Hagir Elsheikh, Through Tragedy and Triumph: A Life Well Traveled

Arnold Schwarzenegger
“My vision of where I wanted to go in life was not normal. The whole idea of a conventional existence was like Kryptonite to me.”
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story

Asa Don Brown
“As a psychologist, I could never have imagined such a massive outpouring of emotions, distress, or afflication.”
Asa Don Brown

Brittany Burgunder
“When things get hard, get excited! It means you have been given an opportunity to become that much stronger and knowledgeable.”
Brittany Burgunder, Safety in Numbers: From 56 to 221 Pounds, My Battle with Eating Disorders

“How can I be ?
Proud of my struggle, but having nothing to show.
Guns , petrol, tires , gas, everything blows
Now I am standing on top of Museum building burned into ashes.
It Is smoke in the mirrors.
Look at our Repercussions.
Our legacy, our reputation.
Canvas and portraits of arrogance
Lies, deception, fractions results of politicians
Insurrection results of a failed mission
Blood used to paint our image
Poor quality in this fotos, because nothing changed.
You might think it is the 80’s,
because you can see tribalism and racism.
A perfect black and white picture.
Sound of freedom turned into sound of violence,
Ambulance, Police siren , people crying and dying
Hunger and poverty used as tourists attraction
They say look more poorer, so we can get more donation.
I am getting global media coverage,
Because I am queuing and walking long distance for food,
Not because we are getting killed , abused and treated unfairly.
They look at me and say Africa is starving
Took my pics , post them on social media. Now they are laughing.
Being born with a price tag, that says you not worth it, because your black.
Government looted everything from the poor
Now the poor are looting the government.
It is like a stolen movie.
Those who started it all and who are behind it, are not getting their credit and spotlight .
If we change looting to colonization , then they would be heroes.
Not sure whether to say goodbye or good night
Because when you're in Phoenix , this might be your last night. ”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Persevere against all odds & struggles. They are nothing but a toughened pathway to your glorious shiny destiny.”
Hiral Nagda

Naïde Pavelly Obiang
“When you realize you put yourself in a mess, know that a message is on its way to set you free.”
Naïde Pavelly Obiang, Persévère: Une collection de pensées sur l’amour et les relations.

Jyoti Patel
“You fell in love with that person for a reason, the fights, the arguments, the struggles happened for a reason and the relationship ended for a reason. Connecting the dots theory might help you!

From (The Awakening)”
Jyoti Patel

Bianca Viola
“I’m drowning, drowning above water. And that’s worse than drowning underwater, because no one knows how I struggle for a breath.”
Bianca Viola, Dreaming of Hiraeth

Avijeet Das
“Each leaf tells us a story. The story of its struggle. The story of the storms that it faces in life.”
Avijeet Das, Why the Silhouette?

Neelam Saxena Chandra
“And you made me understand that
The real triumph lay
Not in being born a princess
But in struggles
Which had the power to transform
Even the steel into silver…”

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The first requirement for winning a fight is to completely forget about the possibility of losing that fight, no matter how bad the conditions get!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Avijeet Das
“The Strugglers"

He was born on a Friday. And it was raining that day. He still does not know whether the Gods were happy or sad at his arriving on earth.

He saw the world. He saw sadness. He saw misery. He saw the struggle of his dad and mom. They both struggled to give a good life to their children.

He started becoming serious in life. He started winning awards in academics and in quiz competitions to begin with. Then he tried essay competitions and debates. His sole aim was to win awards to make his parents feel proud of him.

He wanted to become an IAS officer to make his family (uncles, aunts, cousins) feel proud of him. He came to Delhi to prepare for the Civil Services. He thought he will do a job and not be dependent on his parents, and still clear the Civil Services. It did not happen. He lost out on becoming a Civil Servant of the people.

He tried a few odds jobs. He eventually became a Teacher, Poet, and Writer.

His inspirations to writing - his Mom who manages to write Poetry even now along with her struggles of life, Sylvia Plath, Maya Angelou, Franz Kafka, Roald Dahl, Jack Kerouac, Charles Bukowski, Ernest Hemingway, and all the other poets, artists, writers, and strugglers in Life.”
Avijeet Das

Germany Kent
“Every struggle in your life has shaped you into the person you are today. Be thankful for the hard times, they will only make you stronger.”
Germany Kent

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“We are the marching millions.
Our journey never ends.
The more we march towards hope
the more our hope moves
further away from us.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

“I dream of hard things yet to be done.”
Brian S Woods, THE CODEX BELLUM: Iron Wrapped In Cotton

Charity Mae
“How do I choose between two paths, one that dries me into the obedient zombie they want or the one that freezes me into a zombie?”
Charity Mae, The Enthronement

Allene vanOirschot
“Life is a journey filled with highs and lows: focus on learning from the lows, and living life to the fullest through the highs.”
Allene vanOirschot, Daddy's Little Girl: A Father's Prayer

“Everything is an Illusion, only the struggle we do everyday for surviving in this Harsh World; is Real. It's not easy to fight with the Negative thought for living one more day of our Journey towards Death' ”
Tanveer Hossain Mullick

“Always remember who stood with you and who stood against you when you were struggling.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Within every single struggle, you evolve and witness first hand what you were really made of the whole time.”
Christine E.Szymanski

John  Westrick
“It was in this line of thought, where true courage was mustered. A strength measured not by the size of his muscles or the amount one could lift, but the more impressive type, the type quantified in the amount of shit one can wade. Identified in the amount of crap hands dealt without bowing out altogether.”
John Westrick, The Hanging Tree

Marion Bekoe
“Kings and Queens aren't made from smooth sailing. They fight, they struggle, they take what's theirs, they survive and when they fall, they rise up again.”
Marion Bekoe

“People think success comes unexpectedly, without knowing the struggles, emotional hardships, and moments of doubt that often accompany the journey.”
Ojingiri Hannah, Body Shaming : Reclaiming Your Confidence.

Scott    Gordon
“You just try to get through the day. The small stuff—waiting on a bus, eating, having a simple conversation—is too much to bear, and you fight to make it through the next minute without screaming. You look around at people going about their day—smiling, laughing, having meaningless encounters and conversations as if living was effortless, and you curse yourself and your mind and you wonder if someday things will get easier, and you become terrified of what will happen if they don’t.”
Scott Gordon, Head Fake

Scott    Gordon
“Toby’s pain, cut with his guilt and sorrow, raced in my veins as if I’d shot up with it, finally overwhelming me and knocking me out.”
Scott Gordon, Head Fake

Marion Bekoe
“Kings and Queens aren't made from smooth sailing.They fight, they struggle, they take what's theirs, they survive and when they fall, they rise up again.”
Marion Bekoe

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