Supporters Quotes

Quotes tagged as "supporters" Showing 1-24 of 24
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
“It judged indecent in me to come forward on this occasion; but when I see a fellow-creature about to perish through the cowardice of her pretended friends, I wish to be allowed to speak, that I may say what I know of her character.”
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein

Kelley Armstrong
“I want you to have big dreams, big goals. I want you to strive to achieve them. But I don't want to see you beating yourself up every time you make a mistake.”
Kelley Armstrong, The Gathering

Julie Flygare
“I didn’t want to upset my loved ones, but I couldn’t carry this alone.”
Julie Flygare, Wide Awake and Dreaming: A Memoir

Kailin Gow
“Strength through Faith. Empower your supporters and gain strength in them. Pray for safety, strength, and blessings for all who help you succeed. - Strong by Kailin Gow”
Kailin Gow

C.K. Webb
“Be thankful for the people who have stood by you and cheered you on, but don't forget to be thankful for the ones that said it could not be done. Writing a book is no small task and even the skeptics can help you get where you want to be!”
CK Webb, Suspense Magazine, January 2011

“Entrust your dreams and goals to people who will cheer you on and inspire you, who will tell you what you need to hear rather than what you want to hear so you can move forward and fast track.”
Rachael Bermingham

Israelmore Ayivor
“The truth does not need a number of supporters for authenticity. One person among the lot can be the only truthful out of the ten; 11 people out of 12 may be on the truthful side. However, the truth is the truth irrespective of how many people like to embrace it!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

“You don't need followers, you need supporters. Followers wait for you to make it happen. Supporters, see to it that you make it happen. - The Affidavit of Niedria Dionne Kenny”
Niedria Dionne Kenny

Dougie Brimson
“To be perfectly honest, if I had my way women wouldn’t even be allowed inside grounds, and I certainly believe that if a ground is sold out and a male of the species is locked outside, someone should go in, grab the nearest female and throw her out so that the bloke can have her seat.”
Dougie Brimson, Geezer's Guide to Football: A Lifetime of Lads, Lager and Labels

“Observing a candidate's supporters is crucial. The candidates themselves are slick and polished. Their supporters aren't, so their words and actions are far easier to unravel. The Berkeley riots at Milo Yiannopoulos' attempted speech told me all I needed to know about Hillary.”
Mike Klepper

Carlos Wallace
“Our dedication to charity guides our purpose. The love of laughter inspires our vision. The generous support of supporters, friends and fans along with the finest businesses in Houston and throughout America helps drive our mission. Thank you to those who generously donate to one or all of the charities Sol-Caritas supports.”
Carlos Wallace

Criss Jami
“It is by continuing to put out good work that the artist best shows his gratitude.”
Criss Jami, Healology

“Politicians should not be supported because of personal relationship, rather, because of what they are capable of doing for the improvement of their country.”
Augustine S. Samorlu

“I am losing interest in analysing Nigerian politics for now cos this government has double k-leg.

They say something today, their supporters come en masse to defend it.

Tomorrow you hear the same government refuting what they earlier said thus embarrassing their supporters for defending what the government is repudiating”

“Being a football fan entitles us to a temporary, recurring retreat, a short holiday from real existence. Our lives can be in chaos and nothing seem fixed. Nothing except how we feel on a Saturday at 3pm, when we are elevated into blissful and infuriating distraction. What a privilege that is.”
Daniel Gray, Saturday, 3pm: 50 Eternal Delights of Modern Football

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Sometimes people have to believe us. But they never have to believe in us.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“Believe in yourself. The supporters will believe you too.”
Mustafa Donmez, Red-White Love: The Love of Liverpool FC

“Poveri tifosi [...] vi hanno fatto credere che quello del calcio è in assoluto il gioco più bello del mondo. Dopo quello del fare all'amore forse è vero. Ma si sono scordati di precisare: «Fino a quando ci siete voi». Perché è soltanto il vostro respiro che tiene in vita quel che resta dell'ultimo dei sogni.”
Ezio Vendrame, Vietato alla gente perbene

James Hauenstein
“Make sure you surround yourself with only positive people”
James Hauenstein

Tony Warrick
“Hate is too big of a burden to carry. Stop trying to prove your haters wrong, and start proving your supporters right! The more you focus on your support, the less you will see the hate. Here is some simple math; count your blessings, not your problems!”
Tony Warrick

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“How long are you gonna ignore the fact that you can only be ignored so many times before you must start ignoring those who are ignoring you?”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

Mitta Xinindlu
“Haters are your biggest admires. No-one dedicates their lives into knowing every step that you take more than your haters. In fact, the difference between your supporters and your haters is that your supporters are able to sleep at night after learning about your progress, whereas the haters get stressed and miserable from seeing you shine. Nonetheless, stick to your progress.”
Mitta Xinindlu

“Your wallet's commitment is your belief's loudspeaker, rallying others to your cause with its echo. Putting your money where your dream is signals a deep faith in your vision, drawing others to believe too”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua