Tear Quotes

Quotes tagged as "tear" Showing 1-30 of 81
Maggie Stiefvater
“Cole,” I said, “do you think I’m lovable?”
“As in ‘cuddly and’?”
“As in ‘able to be loved,’” I said.
Cole’s gaze was unwavering. Just for a moment, I had the strange idea that I could see exactly what he had looked like when he was younger, and exactly what he’d look like when he was older. It was piercing, a secret glimpse of his future. “Maybe,” he said. “But you won’t let anybody try.”
I closed my eyes and swallowed. “I can’t tell the diference between not fighting,” I said,“and giving up.”
Despite my eyelids being tightly shut, a single, hot tear ran out of my left eye. I was so angry that it had escaped. I was so angry.
Beneath me, the bed tipped as Cole edged closer. I felt him lean over me. His breath, warm and measured, hit my cheek. Two breaths. Three. Four. I didn’t know what I wanted. Then I heard him stop breathing, and a second later, I felt his lips on my mouth. It wasn’t the sort of kiss I’d had with him before, hungry, wanting, desperate. It wasn’t the sort of kiss I’d had with anyone before. This kiss was so soft that it was like a memory of a kiss, so careful on my lips that it waslike a memory of a kiss, so careful on my lips that it was like someone running his fingers along them. My mouth parted and stilled; it was so quiet, a whisper, not a shout. Cole’s hand touched my neck, thumb pressed into the
skin next to my jaw. It wasn’t a touch that said “I need more”. It was a touch that said “I want this.”
It was all completely soundless. I didn’t think either of us was breathing.
Cole sat back up, slowly, and I opened my eyes. His expression, as ever, was blank, the face he wore when something mattered.
He said, “That’s how I would kiss you, if I loved you.”
Maggie Stiefvater , Forever


Laugh, I tell you
And you will turn back
The hands of time.

Smile, I tell you
And you will reflect
The face of the divine.

Sing, I tell you
And all the angels will sing with you!

Cry, I tell you
And the reflections found in your pool of tears -
Will remind you of the lessons of today and yesterday
To guide you through the fears of tomorrow.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Javed Akhtar
“When clouds of pain loom in the sky
When a shadow of sadness flickers by
When a tear finds its way to the eye
When fear keeps the loneliness alive
I try and console my heart
Why is it that you cry? I ask

This is only what life imparts
These deep silences within
Have been handed out to all by time
Everyone’s story has a little sorrow
Everyone’s share has a little sunshine

No need for water in your eyes
Every moment can be a new life
Why do you let them pass you by?
Oh heart, why is it that you cry?”
Javed Akhtar

Shaun Hick
“Eyes so young, so full of pain ... Two lonely drops of winter rain ... And no tear could these eyes sustain ... For too much had they seen.”
Shaun Hick

Tiffanie DeBartolo
“Swear to God, for someone so obsessed with music, she’s borderline tone deaf. But trying to describe how I felt watching her dance around and sing would be like trying to build a skyscraper with my bare hands. It made me want to marry her. Made me want to buy her a magic airplane and fly her away to a place where nothing bad could ever happen. Made me want to pour rubber cement all over my chest and then lay down on top of her so that we’d be stuck together, and so it would hurt like hell if we ever tried to tear ourselves apart.”
Tiffanie DeBartolo, How to Kill a Rock Star

Samuel Taylor Coleridge
“A grief without a pang, void, dark and drear,
A drowsy, stifled, unimpassioned grief,
Which finds no natural outlet or relief,
In word, or sigh, or tear.”
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Lionel Shriver
“It isn't very nice to admit, but domestic violence has its uses. So raw and unleashed, it tears away the veil of civilization that comes between us as much as it makes life possible. A poor substitute for the sort of passion we like to extol perhaps, but real love shares more in common with hatred and rage than it does with geniality or politeness.”
Lionel Shriver, We Need to Talk About Kevin

Nguyễn Ngọc Tư
“Nước mắt chảy từ con mắt là thứ thường thôi, có thứ nước mắt không chảy ra kiểu vậy.”
Nguyễn Ngọc Tư, Sông

Jonathan Stroud
“I rather think he knew anyway.”
Jonathan Stroud

Kamand Kojouri
“One sip of this wine
and you will go mad with drunkenness.
You will drop your masks
and tear your clothes — destroying
everything that separates you from the Lover.
Once you taste the fruit of this vine,
you will be kicked out of the city of yourself.
You will forget the world. You will forget yourself.
I tell you:
you will become a madman
who wanders the streets looking for the Lover
once you drink this Wine of Love.”
Kamand Kojouri

Anurag Anand
“Change the world, I know I won’t,
Enthralling as always I hope it remains,
A kaleidoscope of joy, sorrow and pain.
But my only wish as I take this jaunt,
Is for my words on you to impress upon,
A smile, a tear or even an angry frown.”
Anurag Anand

Malak El Halabi
“أنّك أتٍ من هناك

ما بين موجةِ تسامر خصري وموجةٍ تلّفني
وشمس حزيران البرتقالية..
دمعة تحرق خدّي وتغرقني..
لأنني لوهلةٍ تخيّل لي أنك آتٍ من هناك..
ماشياً حافياً على الماء لتلقي عليّ التحية.”
Malak El Halabi

Brian Catling
“One solitary tear crept through the scars of his face, through the diagrams of constellations and the incised maps of influence and dominion. A liquid without a name, it being made of so many emotions and conflicts, each cancelling the other out until only salt and gravity filled the moment and moved down through his expression.”
Brian Catling, The Vorrh

Eoin Colfer
“I'm sorry, Arty,' she whispered into his ear.
'Sorry for what?'
'For everything. For the last few months, I haven't been myself. But things are going to change. Time to stop living in the past.'
Artemis felt a tear on his cheek. He wasn't sure whose tear it was.”
Eoin Colfer, Artemis Fowl

Toba Beta
“Nuclear is clear so near to fear and tear.”
Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

Jasleen Kaur Gumber
“I'll keep looking- till that watery reflection of mine in your eye, rolls down as a tear. I'll keep looking till we finally look away like our lives never met. Let's cheat destiny as if we never knew each other. Let's do this last thing together.”
Jasleen Kaur Gumber

Arthur Golden
“that droplet of moisture that had slipped from me like a tear seemed almost to tell the story of my life. It fell through empty space, with no control whatsoever over its destiny; rolled along a path of silk; and somehow came to rest there on the teeth of that dragon. I thought of the petals I’d thrown into the Kamo River shallows outside Mr. Arashino’s workshop, imagining they might find their way to the Chairman. It seemed to me that, somehow, perhaps they had.”
Arthur Golden, Memoirs of a Geisha

Israelmore Ayivor
“Don’t lose the positive power to make right choices that will convert your tears into smiles.”
Israelmore Ayivor, 101 Keys To Everyday Passion

Mitch Albom
“Is this what comes at the end, I wondered?
Maybe death is the great equaliser, the one big thing that can finally make strangers shed a tear for one another.”
Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie

Steven James Taylor
“Theo continued weeping, and with each tear, he marched his way into manhood.”
Steven James Taylor, the dog

Nitya Prakash
“Every tear has a story!”
Nitya Prakash, Dear, I Hate You

Luis García Montero
“Because a ballerina resembles a tear…”
Luis García Montero

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Smiley tears and teary smiles are priceless.”
Vikrmn, You By You

Israelmore Ayivor
“Soon, the pain will be over!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Six Words Inspiration

Nitya Prakash
“Behind every tear, there is someone stronger than you think.”
Nitya Prakash

Nitya Prakash
“Let your every tear be a word!”
Nitya Prakash

“Better to wear and tear, rather than tear and wear........”
Ankala Subbarao
tags: tear, wear

John Chrysostom
“Think of St. Paul’s tears when he was in prison: for three years, night and day, he did not stop weeping. What fountain can you compare to those tears? The one in Paradise, that waters the entire earth? But this font of tears watered souls, not earth. If some artist were to show us St. Paul bathed in tears and groaning, wouldn’t that be far better to see than a choir of countless singers, all gaily crowned?… With these tears the Church is watered; with these tears souls are planted; with these tears any fire, no matter how fero cious, is quenched…. Christ said, “Blessed are they who mourn, and blessed are they that weep, for they shall laugh.” Nothing is sweeter than these tears; they are sweeter than any laughter…. So tears are not painful. In fact, tears that flow from pious sorrow are better than tears from worldly pleasures and disasters…. For where is a pious tear not useful? In prayers? In exhortations? We give tears an ill name, by not using them the way they were given us to be used.”
St. John Chrysostom

Jayita Bhattacharjee
“This is not the haze that has clouded your eyes for the first time...neither it is the fog that will mystify you for the last ....for a thirst so fierce dries your lips....for a mouthful of melodies....the thirst that overpowers every loss....like the honey that smoothens the sharpest of edges....so your lips can live with songs and not scars.....so dawn will show unannounced in the thickest of dark....so you will heal as you kiss your wounds....as you pick up what is left of the broken promises....and wishes that remain unfulfilled.....so you will press those pieces like roses between the pages....and every tear will turn to a sonnet...so in the dark.... if you collapse into a powerlessness...you will still remain.....with lips full of lyrics.....”
Jayita Bhattacharjee

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