Tid Quotes

Quotes tagged as "tid" Showing 1-30 of 38
Cassandra Clare
“I love you so much, so incredibly much," he went on, "and I forget when you're close to me, I forget who you are. I forget that you're Jem's. I'd have to be the worst sort of person to think what I'm thinking right now. But I am thinking it.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Princess

Cassandra Clare
“Well, I don't want you to die," Tessa said. "I don't know why I feel it so strongly -- I've just met you -- but I don't want you to die."

"And I trust you," he said. "I don't know why -- I've just met you -- but I do.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

Cassandra Clare
“Will grinned. “Some of these books are dangerous,” he said. “It’s wise to be careful.”“One must always be careful of books,” said Tessa, “and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us.”“I’m not sure a book has ever changed me,” said Will. “Well, there is one volume that promises to teach one how to turn oneself into an entire flock of sheep—”“Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry,” said Tessa”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

Cassandra Clare
“Love potions? For Will 'erondale? 'Tain't my way to turn down payment, but any man who looks like you 'as got no need of love potions, and that's a fact."

"No," Will said, a little desperation in his voice. "I was looking for the opposite, really -- something that might put an end to being in love."

"An 'atred potion?" Mol still sounded amused.

"I was hoping for something more akin to indifference? Tolerance?"

She made a snorting noise, astonishingly human for a ghost. "I 'ardly like to tell you this, Nephilim, but if you want a girl to 'ate you, there's easy enough ways of making it 'appen. You don't need my help with the poor thing."

And with that she vanished, spinning away into the mists among the graves. Will, looking after her, sighed. "Not for her," he said under his breath, though there was no one to hear him, "for me..." And he leaned his head against the cold iron gate.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

Cassandra Clare
“What kind of monster could possibly hate chocolate?" - Will Herondale”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

Cassandra Clare
“You swore to stay with me,” he said. “When we made our oath, as parabatai. Our souls are knit. We are one person, James.”
“We are two people,” said Jem.
“Two people with a covenant between us.”
Will knew he sounded like a child, but he could not help it.
“A covenant that says you must not go where I cannot come with you.”
“Until death,” Jem replied gently.
“Those are the words of the oath. ‘Until
aught but death part thee and me.’ Someday, Will, I will go where none can
follow me, and I think it will be sooner rather than later.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

Cassandra Clare
“London was one of the few Institutes that hadn't emptied yet. Apparently Sebastian and his forces tried to attack. They were rebuffed by some kind of protection spell, something even the Council didn't know about. Something that warned the Shadowhunters what was coming and led them to safety.'
'A ghost,' Magnus said. A smile hovered around his mouth. 'A spirit, sworn to protect the place. She's been there for a hundred and thirty years.'
'She?' Jocelyn said, leaning back against a dusty wall. 'A ghost? Really? What was her name?'
'You would recognize her last name, if I told it to you, but she wouldn't like that.' Magnus's gaze was faraway. 'I hope this means she's found peace.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire

Cassandra Clare
“I don’t understand what makes them come out like that!”“Hunger,” said Jem. “Were you thinking about blood?”“No.”“Were you thinking about eating me?” Will inquired.“No!"“No one would blame you,” said Jem. “He’s very annoying.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

Cassandra Clare
“Cecy, what are you doing here?"
She took a step forward, then paused on
the threshold, glancing down at her bare
“I could ask of you the same.”
“I like to talk to the horses at night. They make good company. And you should not be out and about in your nightgown. There are Lightwoods wandering these halls.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Princess

Cassandra Clare
“But you are not a lady, Jessamine—,” Charlotte began.“Dear me,” said Will. “Such harsh truths so early in the morning cannot be good for the digestion.”“What I mean,” Charlotte said, correcting herself, “is that you are a Shadowhunter first, and a lady second.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

Cassandra Clare
“Vampires bore a grudge longer than any technically living creatures, and whenever they were in a bad temper, they expressed themselves through murder.”
Cassandra Clare, Vampires, Scones, and Edmund Herondale

Cassandra Clare
“Such harsh truths so early in the morning cannot be good for digestion." - Will Herondale”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

Cassandra Clare
“You’re the shape-changer, aren’t you?” Ragnor said. “Magnus Bane told me about you. No mark on you at all, they say.”"No. No mark."He grinned around his fork. “I do suppose they’ve looked everywhere?”“I’m sure Will’s tried,” said Jessamine.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

Cassandra Clare
“A sense of hopelessness had invaded his bones, as chill and as inescapable as the rain.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Princess

Cassandra Clare
“Perhaps you are a clockwork girl. Perhaps Mortmain’s warlock father built you, and now Mortmain seeks the secret of how to create such a perfect facsimile of life when all he can build are hideous monstrosities. Perhaps all that beats beneath your chest is a heart made of metal.’
Tessa drew in a breath, feeling momentarily dizzy. His soft voice was so convincing, and yet--’No,’ she said sharply. ‘You forget, I remember my childhood. Mechanical creatures do not change or grow. Nor would that explain my ability.’
‘I know,’ said Will with a grin that flashed white in the darkness. ‘I only wanted to see if I could convince you.’
Tessa looked at him steadily. ‘I am not the one who has no heart.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

Cassandra Clare
“And her brother John set her on her horse.'Now you are high and I am low,Give me a kiss before ye go.’She leaned down to give him a kiss,He gave her a deep wound and did not miss.And with a knife as sharp as a dart,Her brother stabbed her to the heart. ”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

Cassandra Clare
“Gracious, that's a lot of bosom you're showing." - Magnus Bane”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

Cassandra Clare
“On the day Emma Carstairs´ parents were killed, the weather was perfect.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire

Cassandra Clare
“Looking at her, he was in London again. He saw the gaslight and smelled the smoke and dirt and horses, the metallic tang of fog, the flowers in Kew Gardens. He saw a boy with black hair and blue eyes like Alec’s. A girl with long brown curls and a serious face. In a world where everything went away from him eventually, she was one of the few remaining constants.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Lost Souls

Erlend Loe
“Jeg følger ham med blikket og jeg tenker: Jeg kan se deg, men du kan ikke se meg. Vi kommer aldri til å møte hverandre, men det er noe jeg vil du skal vite. Min tid er ikke den samme som din tid. Våre tider er ikke den samme. Du har din tid og jeg har min. Våre øyeblikk er ikke de samme. Og vet du hva det betyr? Det betyr at tiden ikke fins. Skal jeg si det en gang til? Det fins ingen tid. Det fins et liv og en død. Det fins mennesker og dyr. Tankene våre fins. Og verden. Universet også. Men det fins ingen tid. Du kan ta det med ro.”
Erlend Loe

Silvia Avallone
“Flaubert skulle ha svarat att alla människor var otillräckliga. Att tiden tog överhanden och slukade dem, och att det var en ren illusion att man kunde vinna över den.”
Silvia Avallone, Da dove la vita è perfetta

Haruki Murakami
“Jag upptäcker att jag har förlorat alla tidsbegrepp. Tiden förlängs och krymper beroende på vad hjärtat anser nödvändigt”
Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore
tags: tid

Eyvind Johnson
“Tiden kunde man nog lita på; den gick.”
Eyvind Johnson, The Days of His Grace
tags: tid, tiden

Fredrik Backman
“Vi tror at det alltid vil være tid nok til å gjøre ting overfor andre mennesker. Tid nok til å si ting til dem. Og så skjer det noe, og da står vi plutselig der og tenker på ord som «hvis bare»”
Fredrick Backman
tags: tid

Cassandra Clare
“Nossos corações precisam de um espelho, Tessa. Enxergamos o melhor de nós mesmos naqueles que nos amam. E existe uma beleza que só a brevidade oferece.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Princess

August Strindberg
“Allt kan ske, allt är möjligt och sannolikt. Tid och rum existera icke; på en obetydlig verklighetsgrund spinner inbillningen ut och väver nya mönster: en blandning av minnen, upplevelser, fria påhitt, orimligheter och improvisationer.”
August Strindberg

Johannes V. Jensen
“For Mindet er et træ, gror i Tiden og bliver stadig større og rigere med den. Jo ældre og videre i Sjælen man bliver, jo fuldere Lys falder tilbage paa Begyndelsen. Derfor længes man evigt tilbage efter hvad man besad i Livet, uden Sjæl til at skatte det, naar man er bleven voksen nok til at eje det i Aanden; men da kan der ikke opleves mere.”
Johannes V. Jensen, Den lange Rejse: Første Bind
tags: tid

“Det er jo forandringer som skaper dynamikk i livet. Det er det vi er redde for, det er slik vi utvikler oss, og det er det vi forteller om. Men hva med all den tiden innimellom, slik som dette halve året. Er det en historie verdt å fortelle og?”
Hanne Sigbjørnsen, Ikke tenk på meg

Abhijit Naskar
“Minnet är tyget av tiden.”
Abhijit Naskar, Rowdy Scientist: Handbook of Humanitarian Science

Selma Lagerlöf
“Och det är människans största lycka att få bygga upp vad hon själv behöver och visa vad hon duger till, och därför måste det gamla bort.”
Selma Lagerlöf, Jerusalem

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