Tribal Publications Quotes

Quotes tagged as "tribal-publications" Showing 1-30 of 50
Jason Medina
“He could have been invisible and it wouldn’t have made a difference to them. He didn’t care, so long as he felt at ease, which was his original intention. He wasn’t there to make friends, nor did he want to.”
Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans

Jason Medina
“He blamed television, movies, and books for his love of ghosts. It was a fascination that’s been with him since his youth. He always loved watching or reading anything that had to do with ghosts and haunted locations, especially historic sites like New Orleans, Salem, Tombstone, Gettysburg, and Old San Juan.”
Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans

Jason Medina
“He tensed up at the thought of going back to work. Avoid stressful thoughts, he reminded himself. There was no need to rush his vacation thinking about such foul things as coming back home or going back to work. The vacation had only just begun and it was going to be a good one.”
Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans

Jason Medina
“So, Ray... you seem like a cool cat,” she said. “Are you into alternative lifestyle parties?”
Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans

Jason Medina
“What’s your poison or should I just waste my money by guessing something you probably won’t even drink? I’d much rather get you something you like.”
Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans

Jason Medina
“Would it be okay, if I joined you for a while?” He continued before they could respond, “I promise not to overstay my welcome.”
Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans

Jason Medina
“Please, be sure to display your stickers, so that I won’t misplace any of you. I lost a few people, while crossing the street, during the last tour. I didn’t think it was a big deal, but apparently, the boss frowns upon that sort of thing.”
Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans

Jason Medina
“What she did not realize is the dream was only the start of a long nightmare.”
Jason Medina, MEG

Jason Medina
“He was a paranormal investigator. Yes, a ghost hunter, although he never liked to use that terminology. As far as he was concerned, it was inappropriate. He didn’t really hunt ghosts, although he did search for them.”
Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans

Jason Medina
“Ray was always of the opinion that a handful was more than enough. Anything else just tends to sag, once it’s out of a bra.”
Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans

Jason Medina
“Feel da power swallow you whole. Let go an’ lose yo’self in it.”
Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans

Jason Medina
“Iffin we meant to see each other, again, it gonna happen.”
Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans

Jason Medina
“Hey, ghosts are nothing to laugh at! Whether or not you believe in them, they’re out there. I’ve seen them. I’ve even heard them.”
Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans

Jason Medina
“Hey, I knows things. I can take you places, but you gots to be willin’ to do certain... things.”
Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans

Jason Medina
“It seemed each band member was in his own world. Yet, each was in tune with the other.”
Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans

Jason Medina
“A beauty beyond words,” whispered Rini, mesmerized by the view.”
Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans

Jason Medina
“Watch it, nasty boy, or I might jest have you fixed, iffin you not careful.”
Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans

Jason Medina
“Cemeteries can be creepy, creepy, ‘specially at night.”
Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans

Jason Medina
“Rini moved in to kiss him, but on his cheek. She gave him two pecks on his right cheek and one more on his left, which caused him to blush.

“Three kisses, huh?”

She beamed at him and nodded when she explained, “Fo’ Faith, Hope, an’ Charity.”
Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans

Jason Medina
“He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have found a girl like her. She may have been the perfect woman for him.”
Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans

Jason Medina
“She shrugged innocently at him and asked, “What I do?”
Jason Medina, A Ghost In New Orleans

Jason Medina
“The creepy sensation sent shivers down her spine like icy daggers scraping against her neck and back.”
Jason Medina, MEG

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