Trust The Process Quotes

Quotes tagged as "trust-the-process" Showing 1-30 of 67
Mandy Hale
“What we are waiting for is not as important as what happens to us while we are waiting. Trust the process.”
Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

“Temporary discomfort is a part of growth”
Etheria Divine

“Don't crave immediate results. Take the difficult route which puts your patience under fire and upgrades your lionheartedness.”
Hiral Nagda

Germany Kent
“It's never too late to start walking in your purpose and living the life that is truly best for you. Outlast this season. Better is coming.”
Germany Kent

Donna Goddard
“Trust the creative process. You are a walking, breathing mass of possibilities and potential.”
Donna Goddard, Writing: A Spiritual Voice

Germany Kent
“Choose to find the silver lining in every situation. What looks bad today, can be a blessing tomorrow.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Don’t be frustrated if it’s not happening your way on your timetable. God knows what he’s doing. He is getting you prepared.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Instead of trying to rush the process, trust the process.”
Germany Kent

Brittany Burgunder
“Sometimes it’s in the letting go that we find ourselves and the path we were meant to be on all along.”
Brittany Burgunder

“The Yoga is in the in-between. 
It’s between each breath, each posture, each experience. It’s in the growing, the learning, the doing, and, often, the waiting. We can grow more when we lean into the in-between and see the beauty in the process.”
Raegan Robinson

Germany Kent
“Surround yourself with as many successful people as possible. You need somebody you can talk to in different stages and phases of the process.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“If you're reading this for direction in a struggle, understand that all of the hurt and disappointments are leading to something. You must learn something during this season to become more resilient and tenacious. Trust the process.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Praise God even when you don't understand what he's doing.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Look around you. Appreciate what you have. Protect your peace. Nothing will be the same in a year. I decree and declare that amazing changes are coming your way.”
Germany Kent

“Things that don't turn out the way you want are disguised to be the best turning points of your life.”
Hiral Nagda

Ulonda Faye
“Like the sun, we rise in all our glory and splendor. As the sun, we seek the shade of the clouds during stormy moments in our lives. If the sun remained constant and bright, missing would be some beautiful changes and transformations that take shape during moments of retreat. Like the sun, we pull back as we set intentions anew to reawaken with the morning dew. Allow yourself the same space as you allow our sun. Master your life as the setting sun.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“Beauty is all around, waiting at our doorstep, we merely need to open the door. Walk out to open to the new within me and you.
Beauty lets light in, while opening us up to love, love, love-
loving within and so without.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“Keep moving, no need to ever look back- walk.
Feel the earth under your feet with the feelings that once felt like defeat, leaving meaning in the imprints of your Souls.
Walk, with the Universe on your back. Walk, journey, trust and receive. All while walking into infinity with me. There is nowhere to be. You are here with me. Feel my embrace and feel the echoes of eternities grace. Walk with me for there is no place to be except here with me.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Ulonda Faye
“Walking through the end, the beginning is near. Forever seeing clear, with each step and each breath, the Soul expands and yearns to be a part of creation, to serve you.

Each turn, every flicker of light, it offers such delight. The threshold, the point of no return. Ever so near, there is nothing to fear.

Walk with me, sweet spirit. Standing amongst the flower, ever reflecting the light, embracing the sweet fragrance of the sacred vibrations- turn to your Soul.

Awaken the spirit. An opening has been there all along. Walk forward, trust and embrace the mystery. Know that the beginning is the end, just as the end is the beginning.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul

Brittany Burgunder
“Everything happens for a reason, whether it’s something you’re excited about or not. It’s all for a purpose in the big picture. Enjoy the process knowing it will be used to make you stronger in the long run. Sometimes certain events are necessary in order for a grander opportunity to cross our paths.”
Brittany Burgunder

Heather Christian Iglesias
“Life is a process, much like art. In order to have depth, it takes more than one layer to make a good painting. Every time I paint, I learn to have patience with myself and trust the process.”
Heather Christian Iglesias

Brittany Burgunder
“If you’re feeling doubtful or discouraged about your progress, remember that none of your efforts have gone to waste. Often, the things we want most in life will come when we least expect them, and in ways that might surprise us.”
Brittany Burgunder

AVIS Viswanathan
“The path unfolds as we walk and shapes us as we move onward. Eventually we all arrive where we must, while turning out to be who we are meant to be!”
AVIS Viswanathan

Raynor Winn
“We're caught in an endless cycle of 'what if', where all we can do is take the next step and see where that leads.”
Raynor Winn, Landlines

“Pieces of Glass
When I look into your eyes
I see the doubt of lingering questions.
The strength of our love
And if it can prevail.
I see the things you’ve been through.
The trail of swept pieces of broken glass.
Shining through the dark.
I’ve both a broom and a dustpan.
And don’t have a problem,
Getting on hand and knee.
Sometimes, that is stronger than
Fear itself. The strength of another to help
Get you through the dark.
That is what you taught me
The first time I met you.
I didn’t see any of your fears,
Anything that resembled a troubled past.
I saw your light. Okay, maybe a hint of glass.
But there isn’t a part of me
That is afraid to hold on to you
With everything that I have.
When you look into my eyes.
One of the things I sincerely
Hope that you see.
Is trust.
Trust to love gain”
Kewayne Wadley, Twelve Midnight

“When I look into your eyes
I see the doubt of lingering questions.
The strength of our love
And if it can prevail.
I see the things you’ve been through.
The trail of swept pieces of broken glass.
Shining through the dark.
I’ve both a broom and a dustpan.
And don’t have a problem,
Getting on hand and knee.
Sometimes, that is stronger than
Fear itself. The strength of another to help
Get you through the dark.
That is what you taught me
The first time I met you.
I didn’t see any of your fears,
Anything that resembled a troubled past.
I saw your light. Okay, maybe a hint of glass.
But there isn’t a part of me
That is afraid to hold on to you
With everything that I have.
When you look into my eyes.
One of the things I sincerely
Hope that you see.
Is trust.
Trust to love gain”
Kewayne Wadley, Twelve Midnight

Brittany Burgunder
“Everything happens for a reason, whether it’s something you’re excited about or hate. It’s all for a purpose in the big picture. Knowing this, relax. Enjoy the process, trusting that it will somehow be used to make you stronger in the long run. Sometimes certain events are necessary for a grander opportunity to arise.”
Brittany Burgunder

“Everything happens for a reason, whether it’s something you’re excited about or not. It’s all for a purpose in the big picture. Knowing this, relax. Enjoy the process, trusting that it will somehow be used to make you stronger in the long run. Sometimes certain events are necessary for a grander opportunity to arise.”
Brittany Burguner

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