Prayers Of The Heart Quotes

Quotes tagged as "prayers-of-the-heart" Showing 1-30 of 48
Thomas Merton
“By reading the scriptures I am so renewed that all nature seems renewed around me and with me. The sky seems to be a pure, a cooler blue, the trees a deeper green. The whole world is charged with the glory of God and I feel fire and music under my feet. ”
Thomas Merton

Bangambiki Habyarimana
“Everyone prays to his own god, that's why miracles happen to some and not to others”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, The Great Pearl of Wisdom

Andrena Sawyer
“Lord, help us to choose humility over pride.
Help us to choose love over our reputation.
Help us to choose patience over making a point, and your Word over our feelings.
Lord, help us to choose perseverance over the easy way out.”
Andrena Sawyer

“If you are spiritually attuned to God, you should be able to see gaps all around you.”
Pamela Mandela Idenya, STANDING IN THE GAP

“Dear Shiva/ God/ Allah or what ever you want to call upon!

" Please teach me how you would like to be found and not the way I find you...for there's no I it's only YOU ! "

" Please Teach me how would you like to be LOVED and not the way I love you for there's no I it's only YOU !”
Syed Sharukh

“By prayer we wrestle with God. God's power is to perform.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Neelam Saxena Chandra
“Charity is the best form of prayer. Do whatever little you can to help the not so fortunate. You may donate a small portion of your income, you may take out time to teach the underprivileged children, sponsor a meal for the hungry or just spend some time with an old lady who has no one. I am sure that you will move one level high on the spiritual plane. Like prayers, doing charity once is not enough. You have to do it continuously, as much as possible.”
Neelam Saxena Chandra

“Prayer is communication. You talk, God listens. You listen when God talks.”
Omoakhuana Anthonia

Sarvesh Jain
“You should believe in prayers, even though there is no guarantee of success. Just like Love.”
Sarvesh Jain, The Awakening Wisdom of Life: Probably the best Quotation Book in the world

John M. Sheehan
“What a glorious day it is today; We are closer to Christ return than yesterday and a day closer to answered prayer today”
John M Sheehan

Jill Eileen Smith
“Oh Adonai, why do You not act? Why do You let the evil go on and on?”
Jill Eileen Smith, A Passionate Hope: Hannah's Story

Gift Gugu Mona
“When they make you cry, cry unto Him. He will hear your cry!”
Gift Gugu Mona

Josie Robinson
“It's a lot different to say 'thank you' to God instead of asking for stuff. That's the way I used to pray. Help me, God. Do this for me, God. I'm mad at you God, fix it.

I don't pray like that anymore. The only prayer I say now is Thank You.”
Josie Robinson, The Gratitude Jar: A Simple Guide to Creating Miracles

“When prayer flags flutter and the prayers inscribed on them blend into the wind, the surroundings sing. Hope soars, compassion spills. May those feelings guide us all through the day.”
Pooja Bhatt

Sarah Christmyer
“Because of God's immense love for us we can throw ourselves on him in our pain, whatever its source, even in the self-inflicted pain of sin. We can cry, we can yell, we can beg like a child who screams "Mo...m!" at the first sign of trouble, who assumes she can and will help. God can and will help, and he wants to.”
Sarah Christmyer, Create in Me a Clean Heart: Ten Minutes a Day in the Penitential Psalms

Aiyaz Uddin
“Imagine we all today sit together,
Join our hands together,
Pray to God to bring our hearts all together,
So we are grateful to God for his blessings together,
We pray to unite everyone under one community together,
Let there be no discrimination between all of us together,
You have created us all with a single soul altogether,
You have given us life on this planet to live together,
Everyone is traveling within and outside together,
We are going to meet you one after another together,
In your hands is our destiny all together,
We are your creation gathered today together,
All of us awaits your glance of mercy together,
To you, we are calling oh the listener together,
To you, we are calling oh the seen together,
To you, we are calling oh the sustainer together,
To you, we are calling oh the merciful together,
To you, we are calling the creator together!”
Aiyaz Uddin

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Things begin to fall into place when you start and end your day with prayers.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Oneironaut’s Diary

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Master the art of prayer, and you will have the key to all things.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Oneironaut’s Diary

Criss Jami
“See, the people for whom you least want to pray are the people for whom you most need to pray; but the others on which they all love to prey, make them brothers: then place your love in their way, laying what comes from up above on display.”
Criss Jami

“We should come to God’s presence for prayer with boldness as He is our Loving Father, with confidence as He is the Sovereign God, with reverence as He is the Holy God, and in selflessness, as He is the Father of a family. Knowing that ‘Our Father in Heaven is Sovereign and is in control, we can live in perfect rest even in difficult times.”
Prasanth Jonathan

Cali Willette
“I'm stronger than titanium, tungsten, or steel;
In prayer to You I blaze as I kneel.”
Cali Willette, Fractures of Gold

“Dear lord My Gawd on my knees I pray may your grace and mercy abound as you rain forever, quench within me oh! my soul and let the flames of high be my guide, the faint star my watch. Reveal to me the decrees of thy hearth and set my coarse fast past the morning dew, sweet flavor riches the choice of a Prince saver's the tongue from bitterness and curses , withstand not the glory of thy hands oh! lord for my tuitions I beseech Remedy the flavor of the wise. Limitless my countless days are numbered in thee oh! lord , count me inn as thy first choice of silver and Precious Mineral, You Rain forever oh! lord in thee I Pray, Amen”
Ben Jr Grey, Emmanuel weber

Pam Betts
“Fly high, my friend fly high.”
Pam Betts, Stacey's Journey Parts One and Two

“This kind of prayer was about staying present, keeping her company in this place of helplessness and uncertainty. We cried and we chuckled. We told each other stories and drank tea from china cups. All that was prayer, too. And that was how we navigated this dangerous, terrifying path.”
Maureen Callahan Smith, Grace Street: A Sister's Memoir of Grief & Gratitude

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