Walk In Quotes

Quotes tagged as "walk-in" Showing 1-4 of 4
Michael Bassey Johnson
“People will walk in and walk out of your life, but the one whose footstep made a long lasting impression is the one you should never allow to walk out.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Karl Wiggins
“Over the last few years I’ve felt as if I’m a walk-in, as if some kind of soul transference has taken place, as if a different soul – well, me I suppose - had just walked into my body and picked up my memories”
Karl Wiggins, Wrong Planet - Searching for your Tribe

Nitya Prakash
“But should we keep the door open? What if someone else wants to walk in? What if they decide to return? What if we die, killed by these what ifs?”
Nitya Prakash

“The Higher Self does not need a walk-in at the Avatar Level or any level because the Higher Self already exists as a consciousness, thus a walk-in is an overshadowing of benevolent power — or malevolent power — to either upgrade or downgrade a person’s frequency, awareness, and intelligence in order to take action. In essence, the Walk-In is a separate Being that guides the 3D person on how to take action to fulfill a specific mission. There is still free will choice for the 3D person, so a person can choose to go against divine right order.”
Deborah Bravandt