Higher Self Quotes

Quotes tagged as "higher-self" Showing 1-30 of 264
Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Every man is a divinity in disguise, a god playing the fool.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Gary   Hopkins
“Never allow your ego to diminish your ability to listen.”
Gary Hopkins

Gary   Hopkins
“Never put yourself in a position to be made an example of.”
Gary Hopkins

Arnaud Saint-Paul
“You is.
Within Me!

We are ONE.”
Arnaud Saint-Paul, The Human Project

and what happens around us ,simply happens because we haven't learned to love . Till
“and what happens around us ,simply happens because we haven't learned to love .
Till this moment ,people would have to go through the same paths ,experience similar events ,blinded ,full of wrath,imprisoned and bounded by themselves.
They will star at their fellows seeing what they are unable to see on themselves....Themselves!”
Katerina Kostaki, Cosmic Light

Erica Alex
“Consulting one’s own self as oracle.”
Erica Alex, Cake in the Blackbird Stew

Torron-Lee Dewar
“New Year
Same Person
New Motivations”
Torron-Lee Dewar

“Be where you are not where you were.
Ground yourself in the knowledge that your soul is wise and will lead you toward your greatest light. This will help you love where you are so you can be where you are. It's where your power resides.”
Jodi Livon

Torron-Lee Dewar
“One life to live and humans spend the majority of it worrying about our variations. Mind blowing.”
Torron-Lee Dewar

“And if I told you we are just detached particles of the Sun, incarnated as enlightened consciousness... Would you follow me into the fire?”
Laurence BL

Robin S. Baker
“I want you to understand that we are also our own guides. We have access to extraordinarily sacred powers that our most enlightened self has known about during the entirety of our existence.”
Robin S. Baker, Esotericism With an Unconventional Soul: Exploring Philosophy, Spirituality, Science, and Mysticism

“We become whole when we consciously accept ourselves and love all the parts, including our jagged edges.”
Jodi Livon

“I call back my light, and I call back my power. I call back my ability to see through my fear and remember why I’m here.”
Jodi Livon

“Life is about holding the beautiful moments close,
Squeezing the sweetness tight,
Processing the awful and letting go.”
Jodi Livon

Mwendwa Mbaabu
“Love heals all things, for love is truth. Love is who we are essentially.
All pain, suffering, and inharmony result from the forgetting of who we are which causes us to CONTRACT. The illusion of separation from our innate perfection, from our source, and from each other, is what causes all limitation and hence our suffering.
The return to love, the love that we truly are, is the only thing that heals all things. Love caused us to EXPAND into our true nature.
There are only two decisions we can make in any moment. LOVE or FEAR. When we choose fear, we separate ourselves from the grace, truth, perfection that is the truth of who we are, and only inharmony follows (in our minds, bodies, relationships, souls etc.)
The pathway home is the rememberance of LOVE.”
Mwendwa Mbaabu

“Can my true and higher self be subconsciously plotting the glory of my life's road without my knowing?”
Helen Edwards, Nothing Sexier Than Freedom

Wayne W. Dyer
“إنني أشعر بأنني قادر على القيام بأي شيء على الإطلاق طالما أنني أتبع الصوت الذي بداخلي الذي لا يسمعه أي أحد غيري”
Wayne W. Dyer, You'll see it when you believe it

Laurie E.    Smith
“I believe we all have access to a higher energy all the time. All we have to do is turn on the laptop in our life--whatever form that takes for each of us--and make the time and space to honor what we receive.”
Laurie E. Smith, Soul Wisdom: A Guide To Miraculous Living, Book 1

Mat Auryn
“Intuition is the unconscious processing of sensory information in one’s environment to come to a particular conclusion. Psychic ability, on the other hand, is the processing of extrasensory perception that doesn’t rely on primary sensory information about one’s environment.”
Mat Auryn, Psychic Witch: A Metaphysical Guide to Meditation, Magick & Manifestation

Mat Auryn
“In other words, intuition is based on perceivable external environmental information, whereas psychic ability is not. The two often work synchronistically together, and by becoming more in tune with your intuition, you will become a stronger psychic as you learn to listen to yourself and notice how you perceive information. I view intuition as the Middle Self processing information from the Lower Self, and psychic ability as the Middle Self processing information from the Higher Self.”
Mat Auryn

“What comes upon me does not make me or break me. I am strong. I am a warrior. I am here. I am whole. I am now.”
Jodi Livon

“Absolutely everyone is intuitive. Just because you don’t have a sense of it or don’t understand it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.”
Jodi Livon

“Love is the most magical magic there is. Love survives death.”
Jodi Livon

“Your feelings don’t get in the way. They are the way.”
Jodi Livon

David Richo
“The ego is not dragged kicking and screaming to the feet of the higher self; it leaps for joy into its waiting arms. The ego is relieved to know there is an alternative to the pain it has known and its fear, attachment, and entitlement.”
David Richo, How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“Want to fly higher, learn when to fall and when to rise.”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“Your future self deserves the wisdom of your present reflections.”
Erden Tuzunkan

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