Watches Quotes

Quotes tagged as "watches" Showing 1-15 of 15
Douglas Adams
“Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.”
Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Douglas Adams
“And so the problem remained; lots of people were mean, and most were miserable, even the ones with digital watches.”
Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Jeannette Walls
“Unlike diamonds, watches were practical. They were for people on the run, people with appointments to keep and schedules to meet.”
Jeannette Walls, The Glass Castle

Anthony Liccione
“She knows her timing, always knows. The time to strike or the time to starve. Her eyes as a clock, she watches she waits she learns, and in the second she blinks, she changes her mind just like that.”
Anthony Liccione

Holly Black
“Locke brings me a thimbleful of liquor, and I take a tiny scalding sip for
the sake of politeness. I start coughing immediately. At that moment,
Cardan’s gaze goes to me. His eyes are barely open, but I can see the shine of
them, wet as tar. He watches me as the girl kisses his mouth, watches me as
she slides her hand beneath the hem of his silly, ruffly shirt.”
Holly Black, The Cruel Prince

K. Martin Beckner
“People create all kind of fancy watches and clocks, never stopping to realize they're building monuments to the greatest of all thieves.”
K. Martin Beckner, A Million Doorways

Jenny  Holiday
“You don't let go of love without a fight." He smiled at her. "The part where you talk to him. The part where you try to keep him. The part where you let him decide he doesn't want you instead of making that decision for him.”
Jenny Holiday, A Princess for Christmas

J.S. Mason
“outside the watchmaker shop. It was sandwiched between a deli and a bakery and only time would tell if a condiment store would strap on in its place.”
J.S. Mason, Whisky Hernandez

Stephen         King
“He reached a finger toward the Seiko, which now proclaimed the time to be ninety-one minutes past seven--A.M. and P.M.--and pulled it back just before touching the glass above the liquid crystal display. "Tell me, dear boy--is this 'watch' of yours boobyrigged?"
"Huh? Oh! No. No, it's not boobyrigged." Jake touched his own finger to the face of the watch.
"That means nothing, if it's set to the frequency of your own body," the Tick-Tock Man said. He spoke in the sharp, scornful tone Jake's father used when he didn't want people to figure out that he didn't have the slightest idea what he was talking about. Tick-Tock glanced briefly at Brandon, and Jake saw him weigh the pros and cons of making the bowlegged man his designated toucher. Then he dismissed the notion and looked back into Jake's eyes. "If this thing gives me a shock, my little friend, you're going to be choking to death on your own sweetmeats in thirty seconds."
Jake swallowed hard but said nothing. The Tick-Tock Man reached out his finger again, and this time allowed it to settle on the face of the Seiko. The moment that it did, all the numbers went to zeros and then began to count upward again.
Tick-Tock's eyes had narrowed in a grimace of potential pain as he touched the face of the watch. Now their corners crinkled in the first genuine smile Jake had seen from him. He thought it was partly pleasure at his own courage but mostly simple wonder and interest.
"May I have it?" he asked Jake silkily. "As a gesture of your goodwill, shall we say? I am something of a clock fancier, my dear young cully--so I am."
"Be my guest." Jake stripped the watch off his arm at once and dropped in onto the Tick-Tock Man's large waiting palm.”
Stephen King, The Waste Lands

Tennessee Williams
“A single watch or clock can be a powerful influence on a man, but when a man lives among as many watches and clocks as crowded the tiny, dim shop of Mr Gonzales, some lagging behind, some skipping ahead, but all ticking monotonously on in their witless fashion, the multitude of them may be likely to deprive them of importance, as a gem loses its value when there are too many just like it which are too easily or cheaply obtainable.”
Tennessee Williams, The Mysteries of the Joy Rio

Tennessee Williams
“Clocks and watches he ficed with marvelous delicacy and precision, but he paid no attention to them; he had grown as obliviously accustomed to their many small noises as someone grows to the sound of waves who has always lived by the sea.”
Tennessee Williams, The Mysteries of the Joy Rio

“When it comes to ladies watches, women are sure spoilt for choice. You will find watches to suit your needs, your tastes in fashion as well as different occasions.”

“Only watches the movie those who pay for the ticket. Never remain in struggling with negative emotions that no one knows, except you.”
Alan Maiccon

Guy Endore
“Here's my watch. If I wind it, it marks time. It exists. It is alive. If the spring breaks, it stops. It no longer marks the hour. It is dead. Time does not exist for it. Same with you, when your main spring is gone.”
Guy Endore, The Werewolf of Paris