Digital Quotes

Quotes tagged as "digital" Showing 1-30 of 185
Douglas Adams
“Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.”
Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Neil Gaiman
“You are an analog girl, living in a digital world.”
Neil Gaiman, American Gods

Douglas Rushkoff
“We are looking at a society increasingly dependent on machines, yet decreasingly capable of making or even using them effectively.”
Douglas Rushkoff, Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age

Germany Kent
“5 Ways To Build Your Brand on Social Media:

1 Post content that add value
2 Spread positivity
3 Create steady stream of info
4 Make an impact
5 Be yourself”
Germany Kent
tags: add-value, authors, be-social, bloggers, blogging, brand-image, building, change, change-agent, communication, content, content-curators, content-is-key, creative, digital, digital-age, digital-footprint, digital-marketing, digital-strategy, digital-transformation, digital-trends, dreams, focus, germany-kent, germany-kent-quote, germany-kent-quotes, global-impact, higher-ed, higher-education, impact, increase-engagement, influencers, innovation, inspiration, internet, internet-marketing, lead-generation, logistics, marketing, marketing-strategy, marketing-tips, media, motivational-speakers, network-marketers, networking, online, online-branding, online-promotion, online-visibility, passion, personal-branding, positivity, power-of-twitter, progress, resource, resourceful, self-help-authors, seo, smart, social, social-behavior, social-change, social-content, social-correct, social-impact, social-media, social-media-advice, social-media-audiences, social-media-authors, social-media-behavior, social-media-branding, social-media-experts, social-media-for-authors, social-media-influencers, social-media-marketing, social-media-tips, social-networking, social-selling, storytellers, strategy, success, success-tips, successful, tech-for-good, think-before-you-post, thought-leaders, thought-provoking, twitter, twitter-addiction, twitter-advice, twitter-audiences, twitter-mind, twitter-nation, twitter-quote, twitter-quotes, twitter-tips, vision, what-you-tweet, will, you-are-what-you-post, you-are-what-you-tweet

Nick Harkaway
“Privacy is a protection from the unreasonable use of state and corporate power. But that is, in a sense, a secondary thing. In the first instance, privacy is the statement in words of a simple understanding, which belongs to the instinctive world rather than the formal one, that some things are the province of those who experience them and not naturally open to the scrutiny of others: courtship and love, with their emotional nakedness; the simple moments of family life; the appalling rawness of grief. That the state and other systems are precluded from snooping on these things is important - it is a strong barrier between the formal world and the hearth, extended or not - but at root privacy is a simple understanding: not everything belongs to everyone.”
Nick Harkaway, The Blind Giant

Nick Harkaway
“Piracy is robbery with violence, often segueing into murder, rape and kidnapping. It is one of the most frightening crimes in the world. Using the same term to describe a twelve-year-old swapping music with friends, even thousands of songs, is evidence of a loss of perspective so astounding that it invites and deserves the derision it receives.”
Nick Harkaway, The Blind Giant

Arianna Huffington
“Whenever we look around the world, we see smart leaders – in politics, in business, in media – making terrible decisions. What they're lacking is not IQ, but wisdom. Which is no surprise; it has never been harder to tap into our inner wisdom, because in order to do so, we have to disconnect from all our omnipresent devices – our gadgets, our screens, our social media – and reconnect with ourselves.”
Arianna Huffington, Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder

“In the pursuit of greater equality in our education system, from K to PhD, technology access, print literacies, and verbal skill all collide as requirements for even basic participation in an information-based, technology-dependent economy and society.”
Adam J. Banks

Akiko Busch
“When identity is derived from projecting an image in the public realm, something is lost, some core of identity diluted, some sense of authority or interiority sacrificed. It is time to question the false equivalency between not being seen and hiding. And time to reevaluate the merits of the inconspicuous life, to search out some antidote to continuous exposure, and to reconsider the value of going unseen, undetected, or overlooked in this new world. Might invisibility be regarded not simply as refuge, but as a condition with its own meaning and power? Going unseen may be becoming a sign of decency and self-assurance. The impulse to escape notice is not about complacent isolation or senseless conformity, but about maintaining identity, propriety, autonomy, and voice. It is not about retreating from the digital world but about finding some genuine alternative to a life of perpetual display. It is not about mindless effacement but mindful awareness. Neither disgraceful nor discrediting, such obscurity can be vital to our very sense of being, a way of fitting in with the immediate social, cultural, or environmental landscape. Human endeavor can be something interior, private, and self-contained. We can gain, rather than suffer, from deep reserve.”
Akiko Busch, How to Disappear: Notes on Invisibility in a Time of Transparency

Munia Khan
“Smartphone is definitely smarter than us to be able to keep us addicted to it.”
Munia Khan

Mackenzie Finklea
“Technology continues to be used to change the way we experience museums and the ways we learn and absorb information.”
Mackenzie Finklea, Beyond the Halls: An Insider's Guide to Loving Museums

“Do Not Waste Time Lamenting On Lost Time”
Don Culloty

Allen Carr
“A bit of emptiness is actually very good for you. It leaves room for your imagination to flourish, ideas to hatch, or simply for your brain to rest. Without emptiness, your ability to be creative is severely diminished. Smartphones may be the work of some highly creative minds, but they are destroying creativity in their users.”
Allen Carr, Smart Phone Dumb Phone: Free Yourself from Digital Addiction

“Intellectual Property must be accessible to facilitate full and equal enjoyment of innovation and creativity by all.”
Dr. Kalyan C. Kankanala, Understanding Accessibility

“We dream digital nation,
but we ban other countries digital platforms.”

Mackenzie Finklea
“In a world progressively becoming more digital, it's important to remember where we've been as we continue moving forward. How do we do that best? With museums.”
Mackenzie Finklea, Beyond the Halls: An Insider's Guide to Loving Museums

Scott Galloway
“Insisto, nunca ha sido más fácil ser multimillonario y tan difícil ser millonario. Puede resultar vano, o simplemente incorrecto, combatirlas o etiquetar a estas increíbles empresas como «malas». No lo sé. Sin embargo, estoy seguro de que entender cómo funcionan los Cuatro nos da un buen conocimiento de nuestra era digital y una mayor capacidad para crear seguridad económica para ti y para tu familia. Espero que este libro te ayude a hacer ambas cosas.”
Scott Galloway, The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google

“Menschen wollen sich befähigen durch digitale und soziale Medien.”
Roger Basler de Roca

Douglas Rushkoff
“And thinking is not like a book you can pick up when you want to, in your own time.”
Douglas Rushkoff, Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age

Farshad Asl
“In today's hyper-connected world, digital leadership is the key to unlocking your potential and making a positive impact in the lives of people around the globe. Seize the moment, embrace digital leadership, step up, lead with integrity and authenticity, and let your digital presence make a positive impact on the world”
Farshad Asl

“Transforming brands digitally, our agency crafts impactful strategies and experiences that propel businesses to succeed in the dynamic digital world.”
american webs master

Nicky Verd
“Having a Degree is only a ticket to the game. Entitlement is thinking you should automatically win without playing.”
Nicky Verd, Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted

“digital whiteboards have emerged as transformative tools, reshaping the dynamics of education and professional collaboration. Their evolution continues to break down barriers, fostering interactive, engaging, and inclusive environments that propel learning and innovation forward.”

“As technology continues to reshape the educational landscape, interactive digital boards have emerged as a game-changer, enhancing learning experiences, fostering collaboration, and empowering educators to unleash their full potential. By embracing these innovative tools, schools can create dynamic and engaging learning environments that prepare students for success in the digital age and beyond.”

“AI reliability and accuracy depend on goal, truth and context.
Benjamin Franklin said "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment."
This emphasizes the importance of both accuracy in AI answers and reliability in our human actions.”
Stephane Nappo

“Spend time with your AI candidate/s before using it/them in real mode. "Your future AI tools have to pass an interview for the job". This important step must be based on clear use cases, with the involvement of relevant business representatives.
'Technology trust is a good thing, however control is a better one...”
Stephane Nappo

“In recent years, the integration of virtual reality (VR) technology into classrooms has sparked a wave of excitement and innovation in the field of education. As educators seek new ways to engage students and enhance learning outcomes, VR presents a promising frontier ripe with potential.”

“The true danger lies less in AI thinking like human, than human adopting an AI way of thinking.”
Stephane Nappo

“Human Talent is the Beating Heart of Progress, and Understanding its Influence on Digital Innovation is Vital to Shaping a More Secure and Prosperous Digital Future.”
Ludmila Morozova-Buss

McKenzie Wark
“Everything is digital and yet the digital is as nothing.”
McKenzie Wark, Gamer Theory

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