Who Am I Quotes

Quotes tagged as "who-am-i" Showing 1-30 of 114
Eric Micha'el Leventhal
“The closer you come to knowing that you alone create the world of your experience, the more vital it becomes for you to discover just who is doing the creating.”
Eric Micha'el Leventhal

Amit Ray
“Courage is the hallmark of spirituality. Courage comes when you love yourself for who you are.”
Amit Ray

Amit Ray
“True virtue is knowing the self not by intellectual knowledge but by pure silence.”
Amit Ray, Peace Bliss Beauty and Truth: Living with Positivity

Glennon Doyle
“I surrendered myself to the cages of others' expectations, cultural mandates and institutional allegiances. Until I buried who I was in order to become what I should be. I lost myself when I learned how to please.”
Glennon Doyle, Untamed: Stop Pleasing, Start Living / A Toolkit for Modern Life

Aura Biru
“In my quietest hours, I debate, deduce, and decide—who I am versus who I'm meant to be.”
Aura Biru

Eric Overby
“Standing at the edge of my fears
And contemplating them
Is a healthy exercise.
The extent of the boundaries
Of who I believe myself to be.

What is in question as I stand
Safely at the border of myself
And think of leaping
Or continuing on?

What happens when I walk
To the extent of "I"
And then keep walking?
Who am I then?”
Eric Overby, Senses

Amit Ray
“You are the ultimate freedom, peace and bliss - free from the trace of desire, fear and doubts.”
Amit Ray, Peace Bliss Beauty and Truth: Living with Positivity

Todd Perelmuter
“Every single thing about you will change. Your tastes, opinions, thoughts and preferences will change. Your body will become frail. Your senses may fade. But, the light of consciousness within you will never change, will never flicker, and will never dim. This is the eternal you.”
Todd Perelmuter

“Who is it that I aspire to be. What kind of person am I. You should be asking yourself these questions constantly.”
R J Palacio, Wonder

L.M. Browning
“I wasn’t empty because others abandoned me, but because I had abandoned myself.”
L.M. Browning, Drive Through the Night

Emiko Jean
I've been trying to do the right thing for everyone but myself. But I think I've figured it out now. I'm going to stop trying to please everyone.


Get ready for Izumi 2.0. I'm totally evolving.

What do you think your final form will be?

IDK, probably something winged and glittery.

Then I add,

I'm going to keep the clothes, though.

I feel like that's a given.
Emiko Jean, Tokyo Dreaming

“Know yourself and you will know God. Are you a body, a mind, a soul or something else or nothing? Can you be anything you want to be or you are already everything you want to be?”

Ramana Maharshi
“As all living beings desire to be happy always, without misery, as in the case of everyone there is observed supreme love for one's self, and as happiness alone is the cause for love, in order to gain that happiness which is one's nature and which is experienced in the state of deep sleep when there is no mind, one should know one's self. For that, the path of knowledge, the inquiry of the form "Who am I?", is the principal means.”
Ramana Maharshi

Amogh Swamy
“Contemplation - A Haiku

Amber autumn gaze,
A pond of deep reflection,
Awareness ripples.”
Amogh Swamy, On My Way To Infinity: A Seeker's Poetic Pilgrimage

Sol Luckman
“We would do well to ask how people describe themselves.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

“I'm not who I think I am, I only experience Life throuh who I think I am.”
Steve Dahl

L.M. Browning
“I wasn’t empty because others abandoned me, but because I had abandoned myself. Who I am was repressed—collateral damage in a long-term coping mechanism gone unchecked. My subconscious had put up partitions to contain the flood of emotion in the wake of trauma, but in doing so, my identity was trapped and locked away as well. As a result, everything repressed would one day come forward—without warning, without control, and without a shutoff valve.”
L.M. Browning, Drive Through the Night

Emiko Jean
“Holy childhood-dreams-come-true! You're a princess," says Noora.
Princess. Most little girls dream about this. I didn't. My mom bought me building blocks with Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Hilary Clinton on them. I just dreamed of having a father, knowing where I come from, and being able to speak proudly about who I am.”
Emiko Jean, Tokyo Ever After

Emiko Jean
“Being one of the few Asian people in Mount Shasta had its drawbacks. I never felt like I fit in."
He blinks. "Do you feel like you fit in Japan?"
"Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, no." It's hard to shake the feeling of otherness, telling me I am a tourist in my own life. Growing up in America, Princess Izumi will never be truly Japanese, an imperial biographer recently wrote. I faced the same in Mount Shasta. Izumi will never be truly American.
Truth? Sometimes I question if I should even be a princess of Japan. If I am laying claim to something that isn't mine. Maybe I will never be Japanese enough. My throat is scratchy, and I curl my fingers into my palms. No. This is my right. I was raised in America, but my father is the Crown Prince, and Japanese values are still a deep pool within me. Entrenched in my blood. People can say what they want. That I am not enough. They can talk, but I stay silent, quietly digging deeper, pulling up my roots, satiating my thirst.”
Emiko Jean, Tokyo Dreaming

“Within each man a shadow exists.

The shadow of his past.
The shadow of his future.

And the shadow of all the things he
Could have been.”

“It's the way spirit moves in the world of time and space. That's what a human body-mind is: an extension of spirit in time and space.”
Adyashanti, True Meditation: Discover the Freedom of Pure Awareness

“Aspects of ourselves show up in the people around us, just like mirrors, they reflect information about our true inner selves.”
Hazel Butterworth, ENERGY is Everything - including YOU: When YOUR ENERGY flows FREELY, YOUR LIFE flows EASILY

“You are the story of mankind.”
Jiddu Krishnamurti

Douglas R. Hofstadter
“[O]ur confusion about who we are is certainly related to the fact that we consist of a large set of levels, and we use overlapping language to describe ourselves on all of those levels.”
Douglas R. Hofstadter, Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

Amogh Swamy
“The In-betweens: A Haiku

Amidst hope and grief,
Shrewdness and anger within,
Am I but a thought..?”
Amogh Swamy, On My Way To Infinity: A Seeker's Poetic Pilgrimage

Amogh Swamy

Screen holds, tales of time,
Past and future's dance unfolds,
Who observes this screen?”
Amogh Swamy, On My Way To Infinity: A Seeker's Poetic Pilgrimage

Karen Whitten
“Your mindset helps you understand who you are by understanding the How, What, and Why aspects within you.”
Karen Whitten, The 25 Mindsets: Understand Anyone, Even Yourself

“I feel like a fraud, what do I do?
I have lied to millions, I have hurt many.
I just divorced number 3, what do I do?
I still love number 1, and number 2,
but they have moved on, I will still get what I want.
My worlds are blending, my online fantasy
becoming further from my real truth of life.
I wish I could have both, Maybe if I lie more
no one will ever know, who I really am.
but will I remember? who am I again?
Louise short, or Veronika Jensen?
my worlds are colliding, fusing together.
I now have two, delusional worlds.
I will keep up the fraud. No one must know.
only my Soul, and number 3 but I dealt with him.
no one will believe him, Because I am Veronika Jensen, but...Who are you?” —lulus.secrets.desires”

Shakara Ann Francis
“I was graced with this remarkable truth: “Knowing who you are in Jesus Christ makes it easier to function in this world.” I soon realized I didn't know who I was in Jesus
Christ. Not only did I not know my identity in Jesus Christ, but I also realized that I didn't know my Saviour enough to know myself. It's like, how can I know who I am if I don't
know who He is?”

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