Solomonology Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "solomonology-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 318
“The 7 Secrets of Happiness

1. Think positively.
2. Do work you love.
3. Avoid anger.
4. Give generously.
5. Be grateful.
6. Overcome negativity.
7. Develop thick skin.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“Anger has great strength,
but no brains.
Greed has many hands,
but no heart.
Fear has many titles,
but no honor.
Hatred has many forms,
but no soul.

Desire has great strength,
but no brains.
Agony has many hands,
but no heart.
Shame has many titles,
but no honor.
Ego has many forms,
but no soul.

Envy has great strength,
but no brains.
Malice has many hands,
but no heart.
Lust has many titles,
but no honor.
Evil has many forms,
but no soul.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“The ignorant learn from none,
the simple learn from some,
the intelligent learn from many,
but enlightened learn from all.

The arrogant learn from none,
the gracious learn from some,
the patient learn from many,
but the humble learn from all.

The disinterested learn from none,
the curious learn from some,
the keen learn from many,
but the disciplined learn from all.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“I am injustice,” said tyranny.
“I am lawlessness,” said corruption.
“I am inequality,” said bigotry.
“I am intolerance,” said racism.
“I am destruction,” said immorality.

“I am independence,” said freedom.
“I am fairness,” said justice.
“I am humanity,” said compassion.
“I am tolerance,” said understanding.
“I am restoration,” said goodness.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“If they hate your race,
pardon them.
If they hate your religion,
enlighten them.
If they hate your gender,
admonish them.
If they hate your class,
avoid them.
If they hate your politics,
debate them.

If they hate your culture,
question them.
If they hate your tribe,
confront them.
If they hate your ancestry,
defy them.
If they hate your age,
outshine them.
If they hate your appearance,
disregard them.

If they love you for your knowledge,
teach them.
If they love you for your wisdom,
counsel them.
If they love you for your understanding,
instruct them.
If they love you for your intuition,
guide them.
If they love you for your excellence,
inspire them.

If they love you for your humility,
honor them.
If they love you for your compassion,
welcome them.
If they love you for your honesty,
value them.
If they love you for your kindness,
treasure them.
If they love you for your virtue,
cherish them.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“When I was young, I wanted power.
Now that I'm old, I want peace.
When I was young, I wanted titles.
Now that I'm old, I want contentment.
When I was young, I wanted money.
Now that I'm old, I want happiness.
When I was young, I wanted excitement.
Now that I'm old, I want calm.
When I was young, I wanted praise.
Now that I'm old, I want respect.

When I was young, I wanted houses.
Now that I'm old, I want fulfillment.
When I was young, I wanted cars.
Now that I'm old, I want satisfaction.
When I was young, I wanted possessions.
Now that I'm old, I want experiences.
When I was young, I wanted medals.
Now that I'm old, I want mastery.
When I was young, I wanted lackeys.
Now that I'm old, I want companions.

When I was young, I wanted amusement.
Now that I'm old, I want rest.
When I was young, I wanted beauty.
Now that I'm old, I want substance.
When I was young, I wanted fame.
Now that I'm old, I want legacy.
When I was young, I wanted command.
Now that I'm old, I want freedom.
When I was young, I wanted authority.
Now that I'm old, I want influence.

When I was young, I wanted reputation.
Now that I'm old, I want character.
When I was young, I wanted treasure.
Now that I'm old, I want truth.
When I was young, I wanted confidence.
Now that I'm old, I want conviction.
When I was young, I wanted lovers.
Now that I'm old, I want friends.
When I was young, I wanted excess.
Now that I'm old, I want joy.

When I was young, I wanted degrees.
Now that I'm old, I want wisdom.
When I was young, I wanted university.
Now that I'm old, I want nature.
When I was young, I wanted prominence.
Now that I'm old, I want humanity.
When I was young, I wanted accomplishment.
Now that I'm old, I want laughter.
When I was young, I wanted greatness.
Now that I'm old, I want health.

When I was young, I wanted resources.
Now that I'm old, I want strategies.
When I was young, I wanted contacts.
Now that I'm old, I want competence.
When I was young, I wanted followers.
Now that I'm old, I want students.
When I was young, I wanted crowds.
Now that I'm old, I want intimacy.
When I was young, I wanted empires.
Now that I'm old, I want dignity.

When I was young, I wanted honor.
Now that I'm old, I want integrity.
When I was young, I wanted popularity.
Now that I'm old, I want loyalty.
When I was young, I wanted lovers.
Now that I'm old, I want children.
When I was young, I wanted strength.
Now that I'm old, I want youth.
When I was young, I wanted life.
Now that I'm old, I want Heaven.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“When you meet young people,
inspire them.
When you meet old people,
honor them.
When you meet wise people,
study them.
When you meet foolish people,
avoid them.

When you meet humble people,
treasure them.
When you meet arrogant people,
ignore them.
When you meet gracious people,
emulate them.
When you meet crude people,
disregard them.

When you meet brave people,
support them.
When you meet cowardly people,
encourage them.
When you meet strong people,
follow them.
When you meet weak people,
toughen them.

When you meet kind people,
esteem them.
When you meet cruel people,
oppose them.
When you meet virtuous people,
reward them.
When you meet evil people,
evade them.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“For me to heal,
I need you to heal.
For me to trust,
I need you to trust.
For me to be strong,
I need you to be strong.

For me to gain,
I need you to gain.
For me to win,
I need you to win.
For me to rise,
I need you to rise.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“I am fortitude,” said faith.
“I am contentment,” said peace.
“I am delight,” said joy.
“I am goodness,” said virtue.
“I am God,” said love.

“I am truth,” said knowledge.
“I am sight,” said understanding.
“I am perception,” said intelligence.
“I am prudence,” said wisdom.
“I am awareness,” said enlightenment.

“I am success,” said excellence.
“I am mastery,” said discipline.
“I am persistence,” said focus.
“I am influence,” said action.
“I am character,” said destiny.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“I was taught by family at ten.
I was taught by books at twenty.
I was taught by enemies at thirty.
I was taught by nature at forty.
I was taught by life at fifty.

At ten, I was foolish.
At twenty, I was naïve.
At thirty, I was alert.
At forty, I was experienced.
At fifty, I was wise.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“Teach the ignorant.
Study the wise.
Avoid the foolish.
Embrace the enlightened.

Conquer your vices.
Exploit your virtues.
Release your vices.
Embrace your higher self.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“The path to ignorance is wide.
The path to shallowness is smooth.
The path to understanding is bumpy.
The path to wisdom is narrow.
The path to ignorance is steep.

The path to vice is wide.
The path to pleasure is smooth.
The path to integrity is bumpy.
The path to innocence is narrow.
The path to paradise is steep.

The path to fear is wide.
The path to assurance is smooth.
The path to hope is bumpy.
The path to valor is narrow.
The path to faith is steep.

The path to sorrow is wide.
The path to desire is smooth.
The path to patience is bumpy.
The path to gratitude is narrow.
The path to humility is steep.

The path to strife is wide.
The path to indifference is smooth.
The path to peace is bumpy.
The path to joy is narrow.
The path to harmony is steep.

The path to error is wide.
The path to delusion is smooth.
The path to discovery is bumpy.
The path to truth is narrow.
The path to certainty is steep.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“Justice is the gateway to peace.
Education is the gateway to equality.
Patience is the gateway to tolerance.
Compassion is the gateway to mercy.

Certainty is the gateway to assurance.
Hope is the gateway to courage.
Contentment is the gateway to happiness.
Integrity is the gateway to virtue.

Need is the gateway to want.
Laughter is the gateway to health.
Pleasure is the gateway to enjoyment.
Love is the gateway to joy.

Life is the gateway to death.
Reality is the gateway to truth.
Harmony is the gateway to order.
Time is the gateway to eternity.

Intelligence is the gateway to wisdom.
Focus is the gateway to determination.
Insight is the gateway to understanding.
Knowledge is the gateway to enlightenment.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“There is a fine line between:
ego and confidence,
weakness and cowardice,
piety and self-righteousness,
lust and infatuation,
patience and procrastination,
contentment and apathy,
fear and hatred,
greed and ambition,
sin and pleasure,
want and need,
and hope and delusion.

There is also a fine line between:
sleep and death,
rest and idleness,
envy and desire,
noise and music,
sight and blindness,
respect and idolatry,
poverty and crime,
corruption and equality,
tyranny and despair,
religion and exploitation,
and freewill and destiny.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“Guilt is born in shame.
Error is born in speculation.
Chaos is born in confusion.
Anger is born in bitterness.
Wrath is born in rage.
Fear is born in mistrust.
Violence is born in intolerance.
Evil is born in ignorance.
Death is born in sin.

Want is born in need.
Mercy is born in compassion.
Peace is born in contentment.
Hope is born in confidence.
Meekness is born in strength.
Patience is born in long-suffering.
Integrity is born in goodness.
Decency is born in dignity.
Joy is born in love.

Fate is born in time.
Chance is born in fate.
Motion is born in rest.
Force is born in acceleration.
Distance is born in separation.
Curiosity is born in observation.
Consciousness is born in awareness.
Perception is born in understanding.
Reason is born in clarity.

Matter is born in space.
Light is born in darkness.
Sound is born in silence.
Wind is born in stillness.
Heat is born in motion.
Nature is born in chaos.
Harmony is born in confusion.
Energy is born in God.
Experience is born in time.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“Before I had a car, I had feet.
Before I had a telephone, I had prayer.
Before I had a degree, I had commonsense.
Before I had a diploma, I had curiosity.
Before I had knowledge, I had an opinion.
Before I had a reputation, I had a character.
Before I had a bodyguard, I had a friend.
Before I had a wife, I had a mother.
Before I had a son, I had a father.
Before I had a body, I had a mind.
Before I had a brain, I had a soul.
Before I had a memory, I had an experience.
Before I had a lifetime, I had a moment.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“The weak forgive none,
the strong forgive some,
the great forgive many,
and the enlightened forgive all.

Trust unites,
fear divides,
mercy heals,
and love conquers.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“The 7 Secrets of Overcoming Your Haters

1. Identify your haters.
2. Study your haters.
3. Understand your haters.
4. Confront your haters.
5. Admonish your haters.
6. Avoid your haters.
7. Ignore your haters.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“The heart is a classroom,
the soul is a teacher,
the mind is a student,
and life is the exam.

The world is a university,
the universe is our professor,
wisdom is our homework,
and love is our final exam.

Life is an academy,
God is the instructor,
character is the assignment,
and virtue is the exam.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“The mind has greater power than a computer.
The heart has greater power than an engine.
The soul has greater power than a reactor.
The tongue has greater power than a sword.
The eye has greater power than a camera.
The ear has greater power than a recorder.

The feet are a greater invention than the car.
The hands are a greater invention than the carriage.
The nose is a greater invention than the vacuum.
The mouth is a greater invention than the megaphone.
The stomach is a greater invention than the refrigerator.
The skin is a greater invention than clothes.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“If a disciple is old,
a master should be mature.
If a disciple is young,
a master should be accessible.
If a disciple is brave,
a master should be fearless.
If a disciple is shrewd,
a master should be wise.
If a disciple is strong,
a master should be powerful.
If a disciple is learned,
a master should be enlightened.

If a disciple is contented,
a master should be joyful.
If a disciple is faithful,
a master should be devoted.
If a disciple is tolerant,
a master should be peaceful.
If a disciple is intro inspective,
a master should be self-aware.
If a disciple is focused,
a master should be determined.
If a disciple is exceptional,
a master should be perfect.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“Life is a sanatorium:
the ignorant are patients,
wisdom is the doctor,
and knowledge is the remedy.

The world is a hospital:
people are patients,
truth is the doctor,
and love is the remedy.

The universe is a clinic:
sinners are patients,
light is the doctor,
and God is the remedy.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“Givers are worth more than takers.
Earners are worth more than beggars.
Sharers are worth more than hoarders.
Lovers are worth more than haters.
Builders are worth more than destroyers.
Creators are worth more than imitators.
Leaders are worth more than followers.
Learners are worth more than teachers.
Doers are worth more than talkers.
Dreamers are worth more than doubters.
Winners are worth more than losers.

Encouragers are worth more than detractors.
Defenders are worth more than aggressors.
Liberators are worth more than jailers.
Soldiers are worth more than murderers.
Angels are worth more than monsters.
Protectors are worth more than attackers.
Originators are worth more than copiers.
Achievers are worth more than quitters.
Victors are worth more than failures.
Conquerors are worth more than warriors.
Contenders are worth more than spectators.

Producers are worth more than users.
Motivators are worth more than discouragers.
Masters are worth more than amateurs.
Intercessors are worth more than accusers.
Emancipators are worth more than backstabbers.
Sympathizers are worth more than provokers.
Healers are worth more than killers.
Peacemakers are worth more than instigators.
Deliverers are worth more than collaborators.
Saviors are worth more than invaders.
Believers are worth more than sinners.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“You may have no computer,
but thank The Divine One for giving you a brain.
You may have no television,
but thank The Divine One for giving you an imagination.
You may have no counselor,
but thank The Divine One for giving you a conscience.
You may have no binoculars,
but thank The Divine One for giving you eyes.
You may have no megaphone,
but thank The Divine One for giving you a mouth.
You may have no defender,
but thank The Divine One for giving you hands.
You may have no food,
but thank The Divine One for giving you teeth.
You may have no car,
but thank The Divine One for giving you feet.

You may have no degrees,
but thank The Divine One for giving you talents.
You may have no job,
but thank The Divine One for giving you potential.
You may have no career,
but thank The Divine One for giving you inspiration.
You may have no money,
but thank The Divine One for giving you ambition.
You may have no possessions,
but thank The Divine One for giving you character.
You may have no titles,
but thank The Divine One for giving you honor.
You may have no magic,
but thank The Divine One for giving you intuition.
You may have no friends,
but thank The Divine One for giving you angels.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“Wisdom has a mind.
Joy has a heart.
Love has a soul.

Awareness has a mind.
Discernment has a heart.
Consciousness has a soul.

Intention has a mind.
Desire has a heart.
Mindfulness has a soul.

Imagination has a mind.
Inspiration has a heart.
Passion has a soul.

Understanding has a mind.
Patience has a heart.
Humility has a soul.

Intellect has a mind.
Compassion has a heart.
Goodness has a soul.

Speech has a mind.
Silence has a heart.
Action has a soul.

Nature has a mind.
The world has a heart.
The universe has a soul.

Mankind has a mind.
Angels have a heart.
God has a soul.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“Acknowledge others,
and you will be acknowledged.
Welcome others,
and you will be welcomed.
Cherish others,
and you will be cherished.
Esteem others,
and you will be esteemed.

Despise others,
and you will be despised.
Reject others,
and you will be rejected.
Ignore others,
and you will be ignored.
Disregard others,
and you will be disregarded.

Hear others,
and you will be heard.
Understand others,
and you will be understood.
Help others,
and you be will be helped.
Love others,
and you will be loved.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“When perplexed,
light appears to you in the form of truth;
when troubled,
in the form of reason;
when sad,
in the form of understanding;
and when heartbroken,
in the form of love.

When perplexed,
love appears to you in the form of friendships;
when troubled,
in the form of family;
when sad,
in the form of lovers;
and when heartbroken,
in the form of God.

When perplexed,
God appears to you in the form of wisdom;
when troubled,
in the form of patience;
when sad,
in the form of joy;
and when heartbroken,
in the form of peace.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“A seed is happy when it becomes a root,
a root is happy when it becomes a bud,
a bud is happy when it becomes a stem,
and a stem is happy when it becomes a flower.

A thought is happy when it becomes a reflection,
a reflection is happy when it becomes a desire,
a desire is happy when it becomes an action,
and an action is happy when it becomes an experience.

A dream is happy when it becomes a vision,
a vision is happy when it becomes a goal,
a goal is happy when it becomes a plan,
and a plan is happy when it becomes a reality.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

“I have a small mind,
but big goals.
I have a small heart,
but big ambitions.
I have a small soul,
but big dreams.

I have small eyes,
but a big vision.
I have small ears,
but big understanding.
I have small hands,
but big reach.

I have a small tongue,
but a big opinion.
I have a small nose,
but a big sense.
I have a small mouth,
but a big lecture.

I have a small message,
but a big audience.
I have a small title,
but a big education.
I have a small purse,
but a big gift.

I have a small lesson,
but a big classroom.
I have a small resume,
but a big accomplishment.
I have a small company,
but a big project.

I have a small budget,
but a big profit.
I have a small team,
but a big success.
I have a small reputation,
but a big destiny.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“Abraham had more than one wife, let alone Solomon, the wisest of all. All are considered to be the greatest prophets of God. Become limitless.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

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