Will Byrnes's Reviews > Looking Glass Sound

Looking Glass Sound by Catriona Ward
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it was amazing
bookshelves: books-of-the-year-2023, coming-of-age, crime, fantasy, horror, literary-fiction, mystery, fiction

The sea whispers, faint. It sounds like pages shuffling. A seal barks. I lick a finger and test the breeze. The wind is in the east. A moment later it comes, mournful and high. The stones are singing and I feel it, at last, that I’m home. I listen for a time, despite my tiredness. I think, if heartbreak had a sound, it would be just like this.
She can smell him the way wild animals smell prey.
The visions don’t frighten me anymore. I can usually tell what’s real and what isn’t.
Don’t get comfortable.

Wilder Harlow has returned to the cottage where he stayed as a teen, to write the book he had started over three decades before. He is not entirely well. We meet him in 1989, via his unpublished memoir, which tells of the momentous events of that Summer. He was sixteen. His parents had just inherited a cottage from the late Uncle Vernon, and opt to spend a summer there before deciding whether to sell. It is on the Looking Glass Sound of the title, near a town, Castine, in Maine. Beset in prep school, for his unusual features, particularly pale skin and bug eyes, Wilder is ready for a novel experience. (“I’m looking at myself in the bathroom mirror and thinking about love, because I plan on falling in love this Summer. I don’t know how or with whom.”)

Catriona Ward - image from Love Reading

The sound has an unusual…um…sound.
The leaves of the sugar maple whisper—under it, there’s a high-pitched whine, a long shrill note like bad singing…it sounds like all the things you’re not supposed to believe in—mermaids, selkies, sirens…’What’s that sound?’ It seems like it’s coming from inside of me, somehow. Dad pauses in the act of unlocking the door. ‘It’s the stones on the beach. High tide has eaten away at them, making little holes—kind of like finger stops on a flute—and when the wind is in the east, coming over the ocean, it whistles through.’
Sure, dad, but the wind-driven whistling is not the only sound that haunts in these parts.

It does not take long for Wilder to make two friends. Nathaniel is the son of a local fisherman, his mother long gone. Harper is English, her well-to-do parents summer there. Wilder’s relationships with these two will define not only this Summer and the one after, but the rest of his life. Harper is a flaming redhead, with issues. She has been kicked out of many schools, for diverse crimes. So, of course, Wilder is madly in love with her at first sight. Nat, a golden boy in Wilder’s eyes, has a way of describing fishing with a harshness that is unsettling. The three form their own tribe for a time.

Pearl is named for her mother’s favorite jewel. She was only five when mom disappeared. They had been staying at a B&B in Castine. But Pearl’s mother is far from forgotten.
Sometimes her mother talks to Pearl in the night. She learns to keep herself awake, so she can hear her. It always happens the same way. Rebecca’s coming. It starts with the sound of the wind roaring in Pearl’s head, just like that day on the mountain. And then Rebecca’s warm hands close over her cold ears.
The area has a local creep. Dagger Man is the name assigned to whoever is responsible for a series of break-ins of homes occupied by Summer people. He takes photos of kids sleeping. Then sends the polaroids to the parents. The images include a dagger to the throat. Adding to the creepiness, there is a history of women going missing here. And a legend of a sea goddess luring people to a dark end.

The second summer in Castine, there is an accident in a secret cave, involving Wilder, Nat, and Harper. It leads to a very dark, traumatic discovery, upending their worlds.

When Wilder heads off to college, soon after, he is intent on becoming a writer, but, while there, his closest friend, Sky, steals his story, going on to publish a wildly successful novel using Wilder's work. He is never able to get past this, thus his final return to the source a lifetime later, to have one last go at writing his true version.

Ward employs some of the usual tricks of creating a discomfiting atmosphere. The sounds emanating from the bay are strong among these. Even underwater I can still hear the wind singing in the rocks. And I hear a voice, too, calling. In describing Harper, Wilder notes Her hair is deep, almost unnatural red, like blood. And The wet sand of the bay is slick and grey. It’s obscene like viscera, a surface that shouldn’t be uncovered. (Well, ok then. Which way to the pool?) Nat describing how his father kills seals is pretty chilling.

Ward has had some eerie experiences,
I suffer from hypnagogic hallucinations. They started when I was about 13, taking the form of a hand in the small of my back as I was falling asleep, shoving me out of bed really hard. I knew there was someone in the room and I knew they didn’t mean me well. With the information I had at the time – pre-Google as well – there was no other explanation for it, was there? I think it’s probably the deepest chasm I have ever looked into. There’s nothing comparable to it in the daylight world. - from the 9/26/22 Guardian interview
which find their way into the story.

So, there are two presenting mysteries, Dagger Man and the missing women. And a bit of magic in the air, whether it is a dark siren luring some to a watery grave, mysterious noises and notes, or teens fooling around with witchy spells. Are the kids just being imaginative, or is there something truly spectral going on?

A feeling of powerlessness is core to the horror genre. The main characters here share a deep sense of vulnerability. This is very much a coming-of-age novel. Adolescence is a prime vulnerable state, a transition between childhood and the mystery of adulthood. Not knowing who you are. Trying on different roles, names, behaviors, hoping for love, of whatever sort, always susceptible to rejection and/or betrayal, and/or disappointment. There is added vulnerability with their families. Any teen going through changes would benefit from a solid base of parental constancy. Wilder’s parents are going through more than just a rough patch. Nat does not seem particularly close to his only parent. Harper refers to a pet dog that protects her from her father. There are enough secrets in the world. Bad families, bad fathers. Pearl’s mother, like Nat’s, is long gone. In addition to whatever else assails them, there is self-harm.

The Dagger Man is wandering about. People disappear. The bay has disturbing aspects to engage all the senses. There are a few more stressors, as well. That certainly sets the stage for an unsettling horror tale. That would all be plenty. But wait, there’s more.

Some books have unreliable narrators This one has an unreliable ensemble, existing in unreliable worlds. Looking Glass Sound is not your usual scare-fest. The terrors here lie deeper than a slasher villain or a vengeful ghost. In addition to the external frights, these have to do with existential concerns, about identity, who, what, where, and when you are. Offering the sorts of thoughts that can interfere with a restful night, with the legs to disturb your sleep for a long time. This would be more than enough, but wait.

This is also a book about writing. A pretty common element in many novels, it’s on steroids in this one, cruising along in the meta lane.
Writers are monsters, really. We eat everything we see.
The book is a mirror and I am stepping through the looking glass.
‘Writing is power,’ she says. ‘Big magic. It’s a way of keeping someone alive forever.’
I think about our three names, us kids, as we were. ‘Wilder,’ I whisper to myself sometimes. ‘Nathaniel, Harper.’ We’re all named after writers. It’s too much of a coincidence. Harper. Wilder. Harlow. The names chime together. The kind of thing that would never happen in real life but it might happen in a book.
‘You wanted to live forever,’ Harper says gently. ‘You both did, you and Wilder. That’s all writers really want, whatever they say.
She also gets into the morality of story ownership. When does your personal tale become a commodity? Who has the right to tell your story?

I cannot say I have ever read a book quite like this one. It is not an easy read. Despite some surface technique that places it in the gothic/horror realm, there is a lot more going on here. You will have to be on top of your reading game to keep track, but it will be worth your time and studied attention. There should be surgeon general’s warning on this book. Stick with it and you will get a very satisfying read, and endure many nights of unwelcome wondering.
I wake to the sound of breath. No hand caressing me, this time. Instead I have the sense that I am being pummeled and stretched, pulled by firm hands into agonizing, geometrical shapes. I scream but no voice comes from my throat. Instead, an infernal scratching—horrible, like rats’ claws on stone, like bone grinding, like the creak of a bough before it breaks. Or like a pen scratching on paper.

Review posted - 7/21/23

Publication dates
----------Hardcover - 08/08/23
----------Trade paperback - 07/3-/24

I received an ARE of Looking Glass Sound from Tor/Nightfire in return for a fair review. Thanks, folks, and thanks to NetGalley for facilitating. Can you please turn down the volume on that thing?

This review is cross-posted on my site, Coot’s Reviews. Stop by and say Hi!

=============================EXTRA STUFF

Profile – from Wikipedia
Catriona Ward was born in Washington, D.C. Her family moved a lot and she grew up all over the world, including in the United States, Kenya, Madagascar, Yemen, and Morocco. Dartmoor was the one place the family returned to on a regular basis. Ward read English at St Edmund Hall, Oxford. Ward initially worked as an actor based in New York. When she returned to London she worked on her first novel while writing for a human rights foundation until she left to take an MA in creative writing from the University of East Anglia. That novel, Rawblood (distributed in the United States as The Girl from Rawblood), was published in 2015. Now she writes novels and short stories, and reviews for various publications.[1] Ward won the August Derleth Award for Best Horror Novel in 2016 …and again in 2018 for Little Eve, making her the first woman to win the prize twice.
Her most successful novel has been The Last House on Needless Street.

Links to Ward’s FB and Instagram pages

-----The Guardian – 9/26/22 - Catriona Ward: ‘When done right, horror is a transformative experience.’ by Hephzibah Anderson
-----The Guardian - 3/13/21'Every monster has a story': Catriona Ward on her chilling gothic novel by Justine Jordan
-----Lit Reactor - Catriona Ward: Learning to Fail by Jena Brown
-----The Big Thrill – 8/31/2021 - Up Close: Catriona Ward by April Snellings
-----Tor/Forge - Catriona Ward – What Was Your Inspiration for Looking Glass Sound?
-----Books Around the Corner - Catriona Ward by Stephanie Ross
-----Quick Book Reviews – Episode 206 – April 24, 2023 - Books! Boks! Books! from 26:06 to 42:30

Items of Interest
-----The Novelry – 10/2/2022 - Catriona Ward and the Power of Writing Horror
-----NHS - Charles Bonnet syndrome
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
July 7, 2023 – Finished Reading
July 19, 2023 – Shelved
July 19, 2023 – Shelved as: books-of-the-year-2023
July 19, 2023 – Shelved as: coming-of-age
July 19, 2023 – Shelved as: crime
July 19, 2023 – Shelved as: fantasy
July 19, 2023 – Shelved as: horror
July 19, 2023 – Shelved as: literary-fiction
July 19, 2023 – Shelved as: mystery
July 19, 2023 – Shelved as: fiction

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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Rhonda 🌒🌕🌘 🐈‍⬛ Looking forward to the review!

message 2: by Linda (new)

Linda Will, this sounds really creepy, but your review makes me want to read it!

Will Byrnes Definitely creepy, definitely worth reading.

message 4: by Glenda (new)

Glenda Great review as usual Glenn.

message 5: by Glenda (new)

Glenda So sorry Will. I meant Will of course 😔

Will Byrnes I am a man of many names. Who knows? Maybe Glenn is one of them. 😉

Paperwitches ♡ I want to read this sooooo bad.

message 8: by Jodi (new)

Jodi What a fantastic review, Will!! But holy cow - those are some very creepy hypnagogic hallucinations the author had as a child!! Thankfully, she seems to have grown out of them, but why-oh-why did I read this just as I'm turning out the light to go to sleep!!?)😨

Will Byrnes Jodi wrote: "What a fantastic review, Will!! But holy cow - those are some very creepy hypnagogic hallucinations the author had as a child!! Thankfully, she seems to have grown out of them, but why-oh-why did I..."
Thanks, Jodi. See?

message 10: by Hanneke (new) - added it

Hanneke Great review, Will. I definitely like a gothic/horror story now and then, so thanks for your praise of this book.

message 11: by Jodi (new)

Jodi Jodi wrote: "What a fantastic review, Will!! But holy cow - those are some very creepy hypnagogic hallucinations the author had as a child!! Thankfully, she seems to have grown out of them, but why-oh-why did I..."

Very relieved to report I did not see!😸

message 12: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Hanneke wrote: "Great review, Will. I definitely like a gothic/horror story now and then, so thanks for your praise of this book."
Thanks, H. This one is definitely unusual.

message 13: by Mai (new) - rated it 3 stars

Mai Fantastic review. I’m about to dive in and this is so helpful.

Stacey Your reviews see into books in ways I wish I could!!

message 15: by Will (last edited Feb 14, 2024 01:27AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Awww, thanks Stacey.

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