Will Byrnes's Reviews > Fourth of July Creek

Fourth of July Creek by Smith Henderson
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it was amazing
bookshelves: books-of-the-year-2014, fiction, literary-fiction

There should be fireworks shooting off for Smith Henderson's first novel, as it is a just cause for celebration. This is not to say that the subject matter is exactly festive, but the book is a triumph.

Pete is a social worker in Tenmile, Montana, a place so insignificant it was named for it's distance from the nearest possible somewhere. The folks he is charged with trying to help out need all the support they can get, but some can't seem to accept any.

There are three main threads braided into this novel. Cecil is a troubled teen in a household where the biggest problem is his substance-abusing layabout mother. The two do not get along, big time. Firearms are involved.

When eleven-year-old Benjamin Pearl wanders into town alone, dressed in rags, and looking like he'd been reared by wolves, Pete is called in to check things out. Following the story of Benjamin and his family is the core here, although a portion of almost every chapter is given over to the third thread, Rachel Snow, Pete's daughter, who has troubles of her own. Pete is the central element interlacing with the threads.

Pete Snow is basically a decent guy, bloody far from perfect, but his heart is in the right place. He really cares about the people he is charged with helping, and tries his damndest to figure out what the best thing is to do for each. That it does not always work out, and that he is better at helping others than he is himself, are foregone conclusions.

The Author

Smith Henderson offers us a look at a place in America, rural, and sometimes not so rural Montana, but also a time. It is no coincidence that the story is set in 1980, when the promotion of "Morning in America" also encouraged the release of a lot of pent-up insanity. Benjamin's father is a seriously scary survivalist. His paranoia may at times have a basis in reality, but his worldview is straight out of the Lunatic Fringe Encyclopedia. There have always been folks with Jonathan Pearl's particular flavor of madness, but it looks like Henderson is signaling what lies ahead, a world in which entities like right-wing talk radio, Fox News and any organization associated with the Koch brothers foment fear 24/7 and offer a media route in which to legitimize lunacy. Ben's father actually believes, when he sees jet contrails, that the gub'mint is spying on him. There is plenty more to that story, but the political, this-is-what-is-being-unleashed, element is quite significant, although it is only implied. The implications of freedom are given a look. At what point does your ability to be free, living a life of paranoia, infringe on the rights of those who have not chosen the same path? Where is the line between legitimate desires for non-interference and license to do whatever? Where is the line between society's right to protect it's children and parents's rights to raise children as they see fit?

We get a look at institutional limitations and extreme downsides, even when those institutions are staffed by well-meaning folks. Of course not every one is so well-meaning. We also get a look at the hazards to kids of growing up working class, from screwed up homes. Children have a lot to contend with here.

Ok, now that I have made the whole thing sound like such a downer, time to shine a bit of light in the darkness. While Pete definitely has his issues, he is beautifully drawn and is someone we can cheer on, most of the time anyway. There are some good people in Tenmile, a family who fosters kids in need, a caring judge, a tonic to the extant horrors. Learning about the survivalist world is fascinating stuff, even if these days we know more about it than we should have to. The writing is powerful and stunningly beautiful. A sample of lovely descriptive:
He liked the Sunrise Cafe for its coffee and smoky ambience and the way his arms stuck to the cool plastic tablecloths in summer and how the windows steamed, beaded, and ran with tears when everyone got out of church and came in for breakfast on a cold morning. He liked how Tenmile smelt of burnt leaves for most of October. He liked the bench in front of the tobacco shop on the square and how you could still send a child to buy you a pouch of Drum from inside with no problem from the proprietor. He liked the bowling alley that was sometimes, according to a private schedule kept only by them, absolutely packed with kids from the local high school and the surrounding hills who got smashed on bottles of vodka or rotgut stashed under their seats and within their coats. How much biology throbbed and churned here--the mist coming off the swales on the east side of town and a moose or elk emerging as though through smoke or like the creature itself was smoking. How the water looked and how it tasted right out of the tap, hard and ideal, like ice cold stones and melted snow. How trout looked in that water, brown and wavering and glinting all the colors there were and maybe some that didn't really exist on the color wheel, a color, say, that was moss and brown-spotted like peppercorns and a single terra-cotta-colored stone and a flash of sunlight all at once. That color existed in the water here.
There are plenty more examples to be found here. One particular image of native fauna coming into contact with civilization was particularly chilling.

Henderson may be new to novel-writing, but he has already had some success with other forms. I do not know if he had much success as a social worker, a prison guard or a technical writer, but he co-wrote a feature film, while at the University of Texas, Dance With The One, won a 2012 Pushcart Prize for his story Number Stations, and the 2011 PEN Emerging Writers Award for Fiction. I guess he has emerged. It should be known that you have probably seen some of Smith Henderson's work already, without realizing. You know that half-time Superbowl ad for Chrysler, with Clint Eastwood, Halftime in America? Henderson was one of the writers. It ain't halftime this time. Henderson, with Fourth of July Creek goes long and scores a game-winning TD.

There is satisfaction to be had in how Henderson resolves the conflicts he has presented. And even when his outcomes are not happy ones, they are believable. We have been treated in recent years to a wealth of top-notch first novels. Fourth of July Creek will fit in nicely with the likes of The Orchardist, The Enchanted, and The Guilty One, for example, and it would sit very comfortably next to works by Willy Vlautin. Smith Henderson's is a dazzling new literary voice, and the release of this outstanding work is cause enough to light up the sky with barges-full of pyrotechnics.

Trade Paperback Publication date - March 10, 2015

This review was first posted March 7, 2014

=============================EXTRA STUFF

Henderson's Web page, FB and Twitter

In case you missed it above, here is the Halftime in America ad

6/27/14 - A gushing NY Times review by Janet Maslin

7/4/14 - a lovely short short piece from Ron Charles on the naming of the book and it's geographical placement.
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
February 16, 2014 – Finished Reading
February 17, 2014 – Shelved
March 7, 2014 – Shelved as: books-of-the-year-2014
June 9, 2018 – Shelved as: fiction
May 5, 2019 – Shelved as: literary-fiction

Comments Showing 1-50 of 132 (132 new)

message 1: by Lynda (last edited Mar 08, 2014 12:12AM) (new) - added it

Lynda Great review, Will. When is the official release on this one?

Kathy I am def. putting this one on my "to read" list.

Will Byrnes Lynda wrote: "Great review, Will. When is the official release on this one?"
Oops, I left the pub date out on the first run. Have added the info into the review, 5/27/14

Kathy I was looking for it at my library and didn't see it ...

Will Byrnes Kathy wrote: "I was looking for it at my library and didn't see it ..."
See comment 3

message 6: by Kim (new)

Kim Sung-Jin i want to read it.

message 7: by Lilo (new) - added it

Lilo You have done it again, Will. I couldn't resist. Another TBR!

Will Byrnes You won't be sorry

Michael Great job. Sounds like a winner for me, especially with the rural focus. Surprised that more lit doesn't make use of social workers as protagonists.

message 10: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes It seems pretty obvious. There was a great show many years back in which George C. Scott was a Social Worker, Eastside/West Side. AFter that not so much.

message 11: by Sue (new) - added it

Sue I remember that show Will! Another wonderful review. I will be looking for this one.

message 12: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Thanks, Sue

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh I'll be looking out for it as well, great review - and find. Thanks!

message 14: by Jill (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jill Will, this one's been on my radar and I'm glad you did the "advance work" in reading and reviewing. Thanks to your review, it goes right on my WishList.

switterbug (Betsey) Lunatic Fringe Encyclopedia. I love it!

Hanneke Great review, Will! And the quoted part is so damn seductive that I will definitely read this!

message 17: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes You won't be sorry

message 18: by Douglas (new)

Douglas Great review. I have to read this now.

message 19: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Douglas wrote: "Great review. I have to read this now."
See comment #18

Teresa Great review and a jaw-dropping lovely passage from the book. Adding it my list.

Cheri Loved this book, Will, thanks so much recommending it, and for your review(s), which seem to always find something that pulls me in. I've yet to regret reading a book you recommended.

message 22: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Cheri wrote: "Loved this book, Will, thanks so much recommending it, and for your review(s), which seem to always find something that pulls me in. I've yet to regret reading a book you recommended."
Give it time

message 23: by Susan (new) - added it

Susan Great

message 24: by Ms.pegasus (new)

Ms.pegasus Great review. Thanks for the link to the ad. Powerful.
Ms. P

Kandi As I've just finished this novel, I had to comment that I believe your review points are spot on. I was drawn to this book specifically for these elements and am thrilled that I discovered this author. I can't wait to see more of his work.

message 26: by Soumen (new)

Soumen Daschoudhury Seems like an interesting read Will, thanks for highlighting with the great review.

message 27: by Lela (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lela This is on the list but us not purchased as of yet. Is this it?

message 28: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Huh?

message 29: by roxanne babies (new)

roxanne babies uf love ths book

message 30: by Lela (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lela Will wrote: "Huh?"

That didn't make sense, did it? Blame it on my tired brain last night! Insert "is" for "us". Does that make sense? I meant - that book is on my short list but I have not purchased it yet. It was also on your list of suggestions for me, Clear as mud? I think I shall buy it and read it soon!

message 31: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Got it

Walt  Smead Right up my alley so to speak will. A DEFINITE read will. Good job

message 33: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Thanks, Walt

message 34: by Kazza (new) - added it

Kazza This is one hell of a review. Enough to make me want to buy the book. Thank you.

message 35: by Jan (new)

Jan Rice Someone dropped this book off in my Little Free Library yesterday. Yay!

Teresa Morton Loved this review, loved the book even more. Listened to the audio and was mesmerized by the prose, especially the voices by the readers.

message 37: by Susan (new) - added it

Susan Just now reading this Will. Excellent review. Update to come.

Gaylen the cat lover Can I please talk to you?

message 39: by Adam (new) - added it

Adam Great review! This sounds terrific. I recently picked this up at my local used bookstore, very excited to read it. Also: not to seem shallow, but how boring is the paperback cover compared to the original?


message 40: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Thanks, Adam. Adding the coin is an improvement, IMHO, as it is a significant element in the story. Otherwise, I am not all that smitten with either cover.

Marge Will, another great review. I def. want to read this one.

Denise Great book!

message 43: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Marge wrote: "Will, another great review. I def. want to read this one."
Thanks, Marge. It's a keeper.

message 44: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Denise wrote: "Great book!"

message 45: by Jennifer (new) - added it

Jennifer Masterson Great review, Will!

message 46: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Thanks, Jennifer

message 47: by Suz (new) - added it

Suz Will this seems great. Top review. Had it on my list but this has made me want to get to it ASAP.

message 48: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes You won't be sorry

message 49: by Mike (new) - added it

Mike A most excellent review, Will. I remain very eager to get my hands on a copy of this one.

message 50: by Will (new) - rated it 5 stars

Will Byrnes Thanks, Mike. Tis the season.

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