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Space Opera Anime/Manga/Comics > Halo Jones & 2000AD

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message 1: by E.M. (new)

E.M. Swift-Hook | 22 comments One of the most amazing comics that ever saw light of day - IMO - was 2000 A.D. How dated that date now seems. But many of the stories were pure space opera, have very worn well and are still worth checking out.

My all time favorite has to be The Ballad of Halo Jones.

Anyone else here a fan of both - or either?

message 2: by Leo (new)

Leo McBride (leomcbride) | 49 comments Absolutely love Halo Jones - and always been dumbfounded that it hasn't been adapted in some form or another for a movie. Brilliant series, but then... Alan Moore, he knows the score.

Sigh, even the thought of it has me in nostalgia mode, humming Hanging Out With Halo Jones from Transvision Vamp :)

message 3: by Ronnie (new)

Ronnie (ronnieb) | 322 comments Showing my age here, but I've been an avid reader of 2000AD since prog# 1 waaaaay back in 1977.

It's true there have never been any official adaptations of Halo Jones, but I do remember reading about a stage adaptation produced by some drama students, sometime in the late 80s.

I distinctly remember seeing photos of the cast in a 2000AD special.

message 4: by C. John (last edited Jun 16, 2016 12:57PM) (new)

C. John Kerry (cjkerry) | 611 comments I have a fair number of issues of 2000 AD myself and though Halo Jones was never my favourite I did enjoy it for the most part. Not sure if amy of the Halo Jones material saw reprinting in the books from Fleetway/Quality in the US or not. Mind you my favourite English comic is and probably will forever be Lion (which does have a space opera connection due to the periodic adventures of Captain Condor, Lion's answer to Eagle's Dan Dare}

message 5: by E.M. (new)

E.M. Swift-Hook | 22 comments Leo wrote: "humming Hanging Out With Halo Jones from Transvision Vamp"

Oh wow - I had forgotten that song.

And if Halo Jones never yet received a US publication then maybe it is time for a revival sometime...

message 6: by Ronnie (new)

Ronnie (ronnieb) | 322 comments There's a hardback special edition, just recently published, of the entire saga.

message 7: by E.M. (new)

E.M. Swift-Hook | 22 comments Ronnie wrote: "There's a hardback special edition, just recently published, of the entire saga."


Thanks for that link :)

message 8: by Ronnie (new)

Ronnie (ronnieb) | 322 comments You're very welcome. I'm going to buy myself a cpy of "The Complete Cursed Earth" at some point, now that I'm working again and have spare cash.

message 9: by E.M. (new)

E.M. Swift-Hook | 22 comments Ronnie wrote: "You're very welcome. I'm going to buy myself a cpy of "The Complete Cursed Earth" at some point, now that I'm working again and have spare cash."

Ohh - I heard they were going to re-release it in the original version now the parody laws have been changed. With the MacDonalds and Burger King episodes restored. But not sure when that is supposed to come out. Love Pat Mills - but more for Slaine than his Dredd stuff, I do have to admit....

message 10: by Ronnie (new)

Ronnie (ronnieb) | 322 comments It's either out now, or within the next week or so.

message 11: by E.M. (new)

E.M. Swift-Hook | 22 comments Good to know. It is a triumph of art over the establishment.

message 13: by E.M. (new)

E.M. Swift-Hook | 22 comments Leo wrote: "It's available now: :)"

Oooooh! Thanks for the link Leo, that is cool to see :)

message 14: by Fiannawolf (new)

Fiannawolf | 163 comments Got this on my amazon wish list. Looks interesting.

message 15: by Keith (new)

Keith The Ballad of Halo Jones is one of my favourite graphic novels of all time; I agree that it's a crying shame it hasn't been adapted, perhaps because of the non-action-driven/anti-war nature of it (see also: The Forever War, with which it shares some thematic elements). It might make a good Netflix series or mini-series (e.g. Black Mirror with a bigger budget).

message 16: by Brett (new)

Brett Fitzpatrick (brett_fitzpatrick) | 3 comments You're right Keith, it's perfect for Netflix. I vividly remember the scene where she cuts her own hair off in the throes of PTSD.

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