The Librarian's Husband's Book Club discussion

Project Hail Mary
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May 2023 > Project Hail Mary - Active Reading Discussion

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John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
This area is for any discussion about the May 2023 book selection, Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir, while we are reading it.

Please make use of the spoilers function ([spoiler]...[/spoiler] but replace [] with <>) as appropriate to be sure we don't ruin parts of the book for others.

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Happy reading!

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 123 comments I started reading today. Now at Chapter 4, page 54.
I'm really enjoying the easy-going writing style and the set-up so far. I also appreciate how Weir mixes in the science in a way that the man-on-the-street can understand.

Jason (jasonpacheco) | 36 comments On chapter 12 and I'm loving the science aspect of this. Don't want to say too much so I don't spoil but I'm digging his alien friend

Greta Samuelson | 72 comments Jason wrote: "On chapter 12 and I'm loving the science aspect of this. Don't want to say too much so I don't spoil but I'm digging his alien friend"


Jason (jasonpacheco) | 36 comments Mental note: Do not get in an arm-wrestling match with an Eridian.

message 6: by John (new) - added it

John Worthington | 23 comments why does the alien always have to be a bug - a smart intelligent bug but still a bug. I love this author's style of writing.

Jason (jasonpacheco) | 36 comments John, I thought that too hahaha. Its not that easy to fit all that science in and not have it too technical. He does a great job with that! I did enjoy this book more that the Martian.

message 8: by John (new) - added it

John Worthington | 23 comments He was warned - never watch Rocky eat!

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 123 comments What I like most is that Ryland Grace is a science nerd, which makes it easier for the writer to break down the tech/science so it is more understandable. Also, being a nerd means he gets excited over this stuff which transfers to the reader. Well done.
I'm at Page 189.

message 10: by Michael (last edited May 18, 2023 12:39PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 123 comments Now at Page 232 and the introduction of (view spoiler) Still enjoying this, although some of the science went directly over my head despite Wier's attempts to detail it for the novices among us.

Jason (jasonpacheco) | 36 comments Michael wrote: "Now at Page 232 and the introduction of [spoilers removed] Still enjoying this, although some of the science went directly over my head despite Wier's attempts to detail it for the novices among us."

I loved their interactions as well! Also, I agree that some of the science stuff flew over my head but the story was written so well that it didn't effect the overall experience for me.

message 12: by MJ (new) - rated it 5 stars

MJ RU1Z (eleeabooks) | 9 comments I like this novel. Despite having long chapters, I hate them, but what can I say... I'm loving it.
I'm in chapter 19.

Jannelies | 8 comments I'm not actively reading this but I finished my second reading of this excellent book quite recently. I read it in 2021 but couldn't get it out of my mind! I've been an avid SF reader for over 50 years now and this one really stands out. Especially the way the earthling and the alien find ways to overcome their differences.
I loved it then and I love it still and I hope you all will keep loving it too!

Greta Samuelson | 72 comments Jannelies wrote: "I'm not actively reading this but I finished my second reading of this excellent book quite recently. I read it in 2021 but couldn't get it out of my mind! I've been an avid SF reader for over 50 y..."

I read this one a while back too and I’m enjoying everyone’s comments.
This is one of my favorite books!

message 15: by John (new) - added it

John Worthington | 23 comments Favorite Quote: the hardest part with saving two worlds and getting to know an alien is naming new things.

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 123 comments Now past the mid-way point and loving the way Weir blends the science in with the everyday (well, not so much everyday for someone in space!)

message 17: by John (new) - added it

John Worthington | 23 comments I’m done - 5 stars; I love the author’s writing style and humor. I want to meet Rocky.

message 18: by Dawn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dawn (dawnella77) | 95 comments I loved the book and the unique story. I appreciated all of the science included in the book, which I admit I looked up frequently. I especially enjoyed the determination of the two main characters: Rylan Grace and “Rocky” to learn and adapt to each other’s differences. The incredible friendship they developed to save their planets was heartwarming. I also enjoyed the creativity of the storyline and the humor. I especially loved the ending. I gave it 5 stars

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 123 comments Now at page 398, and getting harder to put this down. I"ve really enjoyed the ride so far and have avoided telling too much about the story. Looks like everyone else here is thinking similar thoughts, considering there are only 18 posts. This is a story that needs to be experienced. Telling too much would spoil that experience.

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 123 comments I finished earlier this morning. Great book. Glad that I finally got around to reading this, thanks to the prompt from our group.
I was reminded of the science fiction that I discovered in eighth grade in the school library - -- Asimov, Heinlein, Sturgeon, Silverberg, etc. I haven't experienced the same sense of awe and wonder until now.

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