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Fun > What Readers Think Vs. The Truth

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message 1: by Dwayne, Head of Lettuce (new)

Dwayne Fry | 4418 comments Mod
I thought this might be a fun topic. Let's all try to think of at least one thing readers will think of us based on our stories that is absolutely not true.

I suspect that many readers will think I'm a drug addict, as often as I mention drugs in my stories. I have never done an illegal drug in my life (no, not even pot - although it is tempting). I also rarely drink anymore, but I seem to write about people drinking a lot.

message 2: by Christina (new)

Christina McMullen (cmcmullen) That I have an amputation fetish. Seriously, I didn't plan to hack limbs off of all of my main characters, it just kind of happened.

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

I gave a character an addiction to frotteurism once but took it out because I was embarrassed it might be seen as auto-biographical. Not. Happy to make them murderers mind. Funny how the mind works.

message 4: by Ann, Supreme Overlord (new)

Ann Andrews (annliviandrews) | 687 comments Mod
That I'm a conspiracy theorist addict. I love a good conspiracy -- doesn't mean I believe them to be true.

message 5: by G.G. (new)

G.G. (ggatcheson) | 2491 comments People might think I'm a sadist and that I like when people suffer while on the contrary, I can't stand it. When I watch TV shows and movies with the hubby, I disappear during those scenes. Dishes, coffee time, bathroom break among other things are all good reasons not to watch it. In theaters, I close my eyes and if I catch part of it, I cry, so go figure.

message 6: by Dwayne, Head of Lettuce (new)

Dwayne Fry | 4418 comments Mod
G.G. wrote: "People might think I'm a sadist and that I like when people suffer while on the contrary, I can't stand it."

Ha ha! Good one. We have to be sadists, or at least act like one, in order to put out a good story. This novel I'm working on - yow. What I've put this one little kid through so far, and it's only going to get worse. Not big on happy endings, but I think I am going to have to ensure this kid has a happy ending.

message 7: by David (new)

David Hopper (davidhopperbooks) | 8 comments I get one question repeatedly about my novel, In Spirit & Truth, (told in first person).

"How much of this is true?"

I tell them, "Everything but the central story line."

Actually, I'm pleased when they can't find the line between fact and fiction. My own very astute sister once questioned my protagonist's description of his sister. I finally had to say, "You do realize that she isn't you, right?"

message 8: by Dianne (last edited Apr 05, 2015 08:00PM) (new)

Dianne Bunnell | 61 comments Spoiler Alert for anyone who took advantage of today's free offer of The Protest!

I suspect people will judge me for having an affair with a minister - and then having twins as a result.

My story is a fictional memoir (a legitimate genre that Hemingway's True at First Light belongs to), so you can see why they might think my story is true. The first quarter of the book is completely fictional (to keep me out of court), because it was necessary to construct a fictional parallel to the real story so the antagonist had a way to legally get his hands on the kids. Oh, and my two daughters were born two years apart, unlike the twins in my story.

message 9: by Christina (new)

Christina McMullen (cmcmullen) Dianne wrote: "Oh, and my two daughters were born two years apart, unlike the twins in my story."

So in real life you had two affairs with a minister?
I kid, I kid!

message 10: by Charles (last edited Apr 05, 2015 08:14PM) (new)

Charles Hash | 1054 comments Lets see. Misogynist, weirdo, creep, sadist, sick, transgender, homosexual, pervert, nihilist, disturbed, mentally deficient, and cruel.

I expect to be called all of that and more at some point or another. And some of them may or may not be true. :D

message 11: by B.K. (new)

B.K. Raine (BKRaine) | 57 comments Christina wrote: "That I have an amputation fetish. Seriously, I didn't plan to hack limbs off of all of my main characters, it just kind of happened."

I LOLed at this. Intrigued...but kinda grossed out.

message 12: by Christina (new)

Christina McMullen (cmcmullen) It's not as bad as it sounds, I swear! I mean, George Lucas hacks off more arms in the Star Wars movies than I care to count and those are loved by children. :)

message 13: by Charles (last edited Apr 05, 2015 08:24PM) (new)

Charles Hash | 1054 comments Gee that's a hot stump you got there mister...

I used to work in an adult book store, and I have a really weird inappropriate story about that.

message 14: by B.K. (new)

B.K. Raine (BKRaine) | 57 comments My stepmother called me 'Satan's daughter' years ago because of my story...and that was when it was still rated PG-13.

Um...but seriously...Stockholm Syndrome will be mentioned, I'm sure.

message 15: by B.K. (new)

B.K. Raine (BKRaine) | 57 comments Charles wrote: "Gee that's a hot stump you got there mister...

I used to work in an adult book store, and I have a really weird inappropriate story about that."

You can't tease us like that.

message 16: by Charles (new)

Charles Hash | 1054 comments But I'm soooooo good at it. :D

message 17: by Dwayne, Head of Lettuce (new)

Dwayne Fry | 4418 comments Mod
Ann wrote: "That I'm a conspiracy theorist addict. I love a good conspiracy -- doesn't mean I believe them to be true."

Hence the appeal of the X-Files. I had a weird thought today about a conspiracy. I'm going to toy with it a while and see if a story comes from it.

message 18: by G.G. (new)

G.G. (ggatcheson) | 2491 comments Christina wrote: "That I have an amputation fetish. Seriously, I didn't plan to hack limbs off of all of my main characters, it just kind of happened."

Ok, now you're scaring me. I've read two of your books and I don't recall amputations. (Not that what they got was better but still. :P ) Does that mean I have a 100% chance that the protagonist will lose a limb in my next read? Talk about a huge spoiler! ;)

message 19: by Dianne (new)

Dianne Bunnell | 61 comments Christina wrote: "Dianne wrote: "Oh, and my two daughters were born two years apart, unlike the twins in my story."

So in real life you had two affairs with a minister?
I kid, I kid!"

Ha ha ha ha! That's why we're writers - such great imaginations!

message 20: by Dwayne, Head of Lettuce (new)

Dwayne Fry | 4418 comments Mod
Christina wrote: "That I have an amputation fetish."

That's part of what people might think about me if they read "Pretty Eyes".

message 21: by Charles (new)

Charles Hash | 1054 comments That's why I'm waiting until the 2nd book to cut someone's arm off.

message 22: by G.G. (new)

G.G. (ggatcheson) | 2491 comments Dwayne wrote: "Ha ha! Good one. We have to be sadists, or at least act like one, in order to put out a good story. This novel I'm working on - yow. What I've put this one little kid through so far, and it's only going to get worse. Not big on happy endings, but I think I am going to have to ensure this kid has a happy ending..."

True, if we wouldn't be at least a little, the stories would all be the same. :P

Poor kid! I hope you're not as mean as Terry Goodkind. I'll never forget the part where he has his antagonist pour melted iron into the mouth of a kid.
Please please please, give that kid, if not a happy ending for him, at least a not happy ending for the meanies who are doing this to him. And by meanies I don't mean you! :P

That leads me that question again: What Readers Think Vs. The Truth. I always think that Terry Goodkind is a sadistic SOB for what his characters go through sometimes, but I'm pretty sure he's not in real life (or is he?).

message 23: by Christina (new)

Christina McMullen (cmcmullen) G.G. wrote: "Ok, now you're scaring me."

You read one of them. It was in the first book you reviewed. ;)

message 24: by Dianne (new)

Dianne Bunnell | 61 comments Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing -- gotta get out of here. I'm starting to get squeamish.

message 25: by G.G. (new)

G.G. (ggatcheson) | 2491 comments Christina wrote: "G.G. wrote: "Ok, now you're scaring me."

You read one of them. It was in the first book you reviewed. ;)"

Oh! Then it's really not as bad as it sounds. Or maybe I'm really a sadist since I loved that book. lol

Don't read spoilers if you haven't read "Kind of like life" by Christina.

(view spoiler)

message 26: by E.J. (new)

E.J. Fisch (ejfisch) | 37 comments That I'm a cynical, callous sociopath with very little regard for other people.

....Wait. Well, they've at least got the cynical part right ;)

message 27: by Kevin (last edited Apr 05, 2015 10:54PM) (new)

Kevin Hill (kevinrhill) | 102 comments Joke: The masochist pleaded,'hit me, please.'

'No,' said the sadist as he laughed with glee and rolled on the floor, unable to contain his joy.

Sorry to the group. I just couldn't help but add a bit of humor to dark conversation. k

message 28: by Renee (new)

Renee Marski | 26 comments Because I write murder mysteties i get asked if im planning on killing anyone or if i know exactly how i would kill someone. i will be honest i dont think about killing anyone but my already dead characters lol.

message 29: by Alex (new)

Alex Parker | 8 comments People will probably think that I enjoy breaking people's hands. It's not my fault that it's happened to my main characters in two different stories, is it? They just shouldn't have been so stupid as to put themselves in those situations.

message 30: by Jen (new)

Jen (jenius05) | 9 comments I write romance so my readers kind of assume I am speaking from experience in my sex scenes. Um, no. I have not ever nor will ever be an exhibitionist. And also, I don't know a human on this planet that can fly and my understanding is that zero-g sex is rather difficult.

message 31: by Riley, Viking Extraordinaire (new)

Riley Amos Westbrook (sonshinegreene) | 1510 comments Mod
That I have an unhealthy obsession with unicorns. Seriously, there's one in every book so far. Secretly I think they're the least majestic of the majestic creatures.... I was going to create my own creature for the Rainbow Island in Breath Of The Titans, but my wife made me change it to a unicorn.

message 32: by Dwayne, Head of Lettuce (new)

Dwayne Fry | 4418 comments Mod
G.G. wrote: "Poor kid! I hope you're not as mean as Terry Goodkind. I'll never forget the part where he has his antagonist pour melted iron into the mouth of a kid.
Please please please, give that kid, if not a happy ending for him, at least a not happy ending for the meanies who are doing this to him. And by meanies I don't mean you! :P"

No, nothing quite that bad. I have to keep him alive and healthy enough to keep working the fields. Someone tried drowning him is all. But, I found out today I tortured him worse than that. There's one scene in which he's chowing down on Twinkie after Twinkie. I'm guessing he had about twenty. It got me hungry for Twinkies, so I bought some today. Two was enough sweet to last me a day. I can't imagine how horrible twenty would be! I think I'd rather nearly drown.

message 33: by G.G. (new)

G.G. (ggatcheson) | 2491 comments Twenty Twinkies? Oh my! One would be enough to kill me. I'm not a fan of marshmallow, sticky, too-sweet imitation of icing. :P

No but seriously...I don't think that him eating around twenty made you hungry for some. I'd say you were secretly hungry for some and that's why your poor protagonist ended up eating so many. It's a good thing you satisfied your cravings for those 'things' or else the poor boy might still be eating them. ;)

message 34: by G.G. (new)

G.G. (ggatcheson) | 2491 comments Jen wrote: "I write romance so my readers kind of assume I am speaking from experience in my sex scenes. Um, no. I have not ever nor will ever be an exhibitionist. And also, I don't know a human on this planet..."

That's always the risk with romance and sex scenes. Truth be told, I'm always wondering about E.L. James. :P

Wait a you mean...your characters are doing it in zero-gravity environment? You're making me curious now. ;)

message 35: by G.G. (new)

G.G. (ggatcheson) | 2491 comments Riley wrote: "That I have an unhealthy obsession with unicorns. Seriously, there's one in every book so far. Secretly I think they're the least majestic of the majestic creatures.... I was going to create my own..."

What's unhealthy about unicorns? I loved them! Them and the Pegasus. I love those too! What can I say, I have an insane love for everything horses. :)

message 36: by Angel (last edited Apr 06, 2015 09:03AM) (new)

Angel | 216 comments When I use some of the same words in a different context to add flavor to the work and they think I'm being atrociously repetitive or lack experience in word usage. Or think it's my first time at writing, (which its not 24 years experience). Or when I'm talking about real blood, they think it's metaphorical blood I'm talking about, because I use metaphors. Or when I'm being metaphorical they think I'm being literal. Or they think I'm writing fiction instead of nonfiction. One reader actually put my nonfiction book as fiction, when in the blurb it clearly states it's nonfiction. Or they think all I write is nonfiction. Not. But, there is more than one kind of metaphor I use. Geez, I guess people have never heard of a literal metaphor. Look it up, it exists. Or they think all I write is poetry and they give pitiful comments in the reviews on my book, as if I'll never have a chance as an author or in the writing/publish world because all I write is poetry. News flash people, I write all genres, sub genres and mixed genres. Give me a chance to finish my next work, before assuming, (which is a novel by the way).

message 37: by G.G. (new)

G.G. (ggatcheson) | 2491 comments Alex wrote: "People will probably think that I enjoy breaking people's hands. It's not my fault that it's happened to my main characters in two different stories, is it? They just shouldn't have been so stupid ..."

Have you ever broken your hand? There's so many bones in these. Ok, it's not technically the hands, but my hubby got his fingers squashed. I didn't know him at the time but he said when they slowly regained their form, it hurt like hell and he walked with his hand up in the air for over three months. (The hand higher than the heart slows the blood circulation a bit and help minimize the pain).

So all that to say, you're mean to your characters! :p

message 38: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Wells | 138 comments Readers will likely assume I have a crippling phobia of mannequins and old-fashioned toys as well as a deep love of competitive sports.

Fun topic :)

message 39: by Riley, Viking Extraordinaire (new)

Riley Amos Westbrook (sonshinegreene) | 1510 comments Mod
G.G. wrote: "Riley wrote: "That I have an unhealthy obsession with unicorns. Seriously, there's one in every book so far. Secretly I think they're the least majestic of the majestic creatures.... I was going to..."

Nothing wrong with it, but if people pay attention and read all my stories, they'll see the unicorns in all of them and think, "Hmm....he must love unicorns." When in fact, I think of them as the twisted devil spawn of a horse and a narwhal. Still, it is an interesting image! Oh, and I'll just leave this right here .

message 40: by G.G. (new)

G.G. (ggatcheson) | 2491 comments Riley wrote: "G.G. wrote: "Riley wrote: "That I have an unhealthy obsession with unicorns. Seriously, there's one in every book so far. Secretly I think they're the least majestic of the majestic creatures.... I..."

ROFL! yeah, now i'll be stuck with that image in my head. But hey, that means you DON'T like unicorns. You're mean! And I thought you were a nice guy! :>

message 41: by Riley, Viking Extraordinaire (new)

Riley Amos Westbrook (sonshinegreene) | 1510 comments Mod
G.G. wrote: "Riley wrote: "G.G. wrote: "Riley wrote: "That I have an unhealthy obsession with unicorns. Seriously, there's one in every book so far. Secretly I think they're the least majestic of the majestic c..."

I am a nice guy...but I grew up in the 80's and my sister used to watch Rainbow Brite. I'm telling you, after a few years of watching that show ANYONE would feel that unicorns were devil spawn.

message 42: by Charles (new)

Charles Hash | 1054 comments but mlp fim :( :( :(

message 43: by Riley, Viking Extraordinaire (new)

Riley Amos Westbrook (sonshinegreene) | 1510 comments Mod
Charles wrote: "but mlp fim :( :( :("

This also proves my point. When a show full of child like ponies is more popular with adult men than with it's intended audience....there's something wrong.

message 44: by Charles (new)

Charles Hash | 1054 comments Because 'murica.

message 45: by Christina (new)

Christina McMullen (cmcmullen) Oh my, you went there, didn't you?

I have a dog who is very old and makes a weird clucking noise that my husband and I call 'clopping.' I was informed that word has an utterly different meaning in the bronie world and if you don't know what it means, for goodness sake, DO NOT LOOK IT UP!!!

message 46: by Alex (new)

Alex Parker | 8 comments G.G. wrote: "Alex wrote: "People will probably think that I enjoy breaking people's hands. It's not my fault that it's happened to my main characters in two different stories, is it? They just shouldn't have be..."

I actually only ever dropped a heavy sofa on my foot while taking it down the stairs in an attempt to move house on my own. I've actually never broken a bone in my life, very fortunate. I don't think I'd be able to handle the pain, judging from the way I carry on when I stub a toe or jam my fingernail in a door.

But I'm nice to some of my characters. Or at least, not all that mean.

message 47: by Charles (new)

Charles Hash | 1054 comments Christina wrote: "Oh my, you went there, didn't you?

I have a dog who is very old and makes a weird clucking noise that my husband and I call 'clopping.' I was informed that word has an utterly different meaning i..."


message 48: by Dwayne, Head of Lettuce (new)

Dwayne Fry | 4418 comments Mod
Christina wrote: "I was informed that word has an utterly different meaning in the bronie world and if you don't know what it means, for goodness sake, DO NOT LOOK IT UP!!! "

I looked it up. I was feeling lost by this conversation. I looked up "bronie", "clopping", "'Murica"... I want to go back to being lost.

message 49: by Riley, Viking Extraordinaire (new)

Riley Amos Westbrook (sonshinegreene) | 1510 comments Mod
V.M. wrote: "Oh Dwayne... he was a good soul. A kind and fortunate man.

Then, like the original Adam, he sought knowledge and paid the ultimate price with his... googling.

Let us pray his wits return. Let us..."

Don't listen to him Dwayne, don't leave the Darkside, we have cookies and pie!

message 50: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Jensen (kdragon) | 468 comments That I enjoy the pain and suffering of others. Which, of course, I don't. I'm a sucker for characters comforting other characters after a major ordeal, which means having to put those characters through much pain and suffering.

I also sometimes worry, and I mean legitimately worry, that people will assume that I had terrible parents because I often have characters who were, or are, being abused in some way. My life was awesome, I swear! Blame Charles Dickens, he was a bad influence on me.

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