The Sword and Laser discussion

Need a SF recommendation

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message 1: by Vance (new)

Vance | 362 comments Its not as if I don't have enough to read, but . . .

I am looking for a fast-paced, space-based, action SF book. Maybe dark, good writing, no need for extensive world-building or a big "concept". Think "Jason Bourne" in pacing and action and intrigue, but space stations, ships and colonies instead of European cities. :0)

message 3: by Paul (new)

Paul  Perry (pezski) | 493 comments i second Sean's recommendations (except Swann who i don't know) and would also add:

Richard Morgan
Iain M Banks
and i've just picked up a load of Dan Abnett Warhammer books, which i've been told are good, dark military SF

message 4: by Mark (last edited Feb 08, 2011 01:55PM) (new)

Mark (honkingwalrus) | 2 comments If you want some quick reads involving space, telepathic powers and a flying mini dragon I can recommend the Alan Dean Foster Pip & Flinx series.

message 5: by Kevin (new)

Kevin Xu (kxu65) | 1081 comments Mark wrote: "If you want some quick reads involving space, telepathic powers and a flying mini dragon I can recommend the Alan Dean Foster Pip & Flinx series."

He did a lot novelization for movies like the first two Star Wars book, even though the first one says George Lucas, he actual did. He also did all three Ailens along with Clash of the Titans, the remake fo the Thing, and The Chronicles of Riddick to name a few.

message 6: by Tamahome (new)

Tamahome | 7023 comments I enjoyed the 1st 2 books in s andrew swann's apotheosis trilogy. In the 2nd book (my favorite), there's a lot of colorful characters, like a tiger-man, a nanotech man, a guy with a woman's memory inside, 2 of the same girl from different times, etc. I'm starting the 3rd book now, but it's been a while, and I have to jog my memory of all the characters.

message 7: by Eric (new)

Eric (eknapp49) | 11 comments I'm currently reading Elizabeth Moon's Vatta's War Series. (Trading in Danger,Marque and Reprisal,Engaging the Enemy,Command Decision and Victory Conditions. I am enjoying them. The story moves well, the characters are believeable and and not perfect, and she doesn't insist on explaining how everything works. Fun Space Opera.

message 8: by Tamahome (last edited Feb 08, 2011 06:23PM) (new)

Tamahome | 7023 comments Eric wrote: "I'm currently reading Elizabeth Moon's Vatta's War Series. (Trading in Danger,Marque and Reprisal,Engaging the Enemy,[book:Command Decisi..."

Graphicaudio has fully dramatized versions of those.

message 9: by Michael (last edited Feb 08, 2011 06:07PM) (new)

Michael Minutillo (wolfbyte) The Prodigal Sun was good from memory although it peters out a bit at the end of the trilogy. Peter F. Hamilton writes good action but the books are soooooo long. Altered Carbon was pretty fast-paced and plenty of action.

I've wanted to read for a while On Basilisk Station which seems like it might fit the ticket as well.

message 10: by Morten (last edited Feb 08, 2011 11:20PM) (new)

Morten Nygaard Åsnes (mortenaa) Do check out A Fire upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge, It's my absolute favorite Science Fiction book of all time. Now, it does a wonderful job of world building, and is quite epic in scope, but still incredibly fast paced and exciting.

message 11: by Vance (new)

Vance | 362 comments Very cool, seems like some excellent suggestions! I am looking this over now!

In the course of doing my own searching, I came across this great list of the 100 best SF books of all time. It is fun to see how many of the group's selections are on here.

message 12: by Tom (last edited Feb 09, 2011 09:36AM) (new)

message 13: by Ed (new)

Ed (edwardjsabol) | 172 comments Vance wrote: "Its not as if I don't have enough to read, but . . .

I am looking for a fast-paced, space-based, action SF book. Maybe dark, good writing, no need for extensive world-building or a big "concept..."

I recommend Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan Saga. Start with Cordelia's Honor. I think it's exactly what you're looking for.

message 14: by Vance (new)

Vance | 362 comments Ed, yes I have read the first few of those and they were great! I can never stick with a longer series for some reason, but I really liked Bujold. And now, rather than a military setting, I am looking for intrigue, action, conspiracy, etc, very much like a Jason Bourne in space type. If I can find a few as well-written as Bujold I will be happy!

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