Jeanene Fridal

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Behcet Kaya
“Ludicrous? Seems like wherever you go, trouble follows you.”
“Look, Deputy Lawson. I had nothing to do with all this. I was just have a beer and minding my own business until this woman sat down next to me and said, ‘Can you help me, Mr. Ludef…’ She didn’t even finish the sentence. The next thing I know she’s laying on the deck. I don’t know who she is or why she sought me out.”
“Seems like I’ve heard this story before. You have a nasty reputation of people dying around you.”
“You know better. That comes with the occupation.”
“And you know the drill. Don’t leave town until we get to the bottom of this.”
Behcet Kaya, Treacherous Estate

Mark M. Bello
“But did guys like Dylan care about her people? Or did he believe, like many others, the victims had it coming? Arya compared the situation to a rape accusation by someone who was sexually promiscuous. She was asking for it, wasn’t she? In this case, Muslims were asking for it, weren’t they? ”
Mark M. Bello, Betrayal of Justice

Marie Montine
“Never say that you’re useless! I’ve seen more courage tonight from you than I have ever seen in someone in my entire life; you were ready to fight those Kins to certain death! Now get up!”
Marie Montine, Mourning Grey: Part One: The Guardians Of The Temple Saga

Spencer C Demetros
“Peter’s Diary Entry: But my eyes were opened when I saw a mother who loved her child so much that she would grovel at the feet of a man she had never met [who] … compared her to a common dog. She was willing to do all that just to save her little girl. In her selfless humility, in her willingness to swallow every ounce of pride for the sake of love, I saw a strength and power like I had never seen before. Light poured from her as she looked up at Jesus while slumping on the ground, and her face shone like the sun …”
Spencer C Demetros, The Bible: Enter Here: Bringing God's Word to Life for Today's Teens

Anne  Michaud
“Eleanor was an orphan at the age of 10. She went to live with her maternal Grandma Hall, a bitter and biblically strict woman who nonetheless struggled to control her children. Eleanor had to endure some uncles who drank to excess and possibly abused her. For protection, her grandmother or an aunt installed three heavy locks on Eleanor’s bedroom door. A girlfriend who slept over asked Eleanor about the locks. She said they were “to keep my uncles out.”
Anne Michaud, Why They Stay: Sex Scandals, Deals, and Hidden Agendas of Eight Political Wives

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