destiny ♡ howling libraries
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destiny ♡ howling libraries

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You Like It Darker
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Jul 17, 2024 10:25PM

The Shadow of Wha...
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Jul 08, 2024 06:14AM

How to Make a Hor...
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Jul 04, 2024 08:46AM

See all 14 books that destiny ♡ is reading…
Kelly Barnhill
“She said it was a sin to butcher an animal that you didn’t love first. And it was true. She loved the sheep. And they loved her back. “It’s a sad fact about true love,” my mother told me once. “The sheep love me without ceasing, and that is why I am able to cause them pain—love is the path of least resistance, you see? It’s a lot more work to cause harm to someone who mistrusts you, or fears you. Or hates you. Love opens the city gates wide, and allows all manner of horrors right inside. This is why they don’t flinch when I come at them with something unpleasant.” She paused for a moment. She took my hand between both of hers and her face became grave. “It’s the same thing with us. You’ll understand this when you’re older. You’ll learn that you’re safest around the people you mistrust and dislike. Your guard is up, you see? The more you love someone, the more dangerous to you they become. The more you love someone, the more willing you are to show them your throat.” At the time, I thought this was wise. I think differently now.”
Kelly Barnhill, The Crane Husband

Holly Black
“And you think it was sunrise I was waiting for and not my queen. Do you not hear her footfalls? She has never quite managed the trick of hiding them as well as one of the Folk. Surely you've heard of her, Jude Duarte, who defeated the redcap Grima Mog, who brought the Court of Teeth to their knees? She's forever getting me out of scrapes. Truly, I don't know what I would do without her.”
Holly Black, How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories

Holly Black
“...if his cruelty had the sharp edge of despair, if slights and taunts were all that fell from his tongue now, what did it matter? He had always been awful. Now he was just worse.”
Holly Black, How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories

Jenna Levine
When I think about Cassie
never returning to me it makes me sad
Waking up in the evening isn't exciting
anymore now that I know I won't
be seeing her face.

So you're into her, is what I'm hearing.

Absolutely not. I am NOT "into her."
I just like her drawings.
And her everything.

Oh, this is gonna be good.

Jenna Levine, My Roommate Is a Vampire

Harley Laroux
“I’ll rip Heaven and Hell and this goddamn Earth apart before I let them steal you from me.”
Harley Laroux, Her Soul to Take

893093 Unexpected Readathon Time / Books Out of the Blue — 676 members — last activity Jul 15, 2024 02:07PM
OFFICIAL GOODREADS GROUP OF THE "BOOKS OUT OF THE BLUE" DISCORD SERVER! I love doing impromptu readathons, but they're not as much fun without buddie ...more
789565 Devour Your TBR — 1059 members — last activity Jul 11, 2024 05:49AM
A group where we participate in monthly reading challenges in an effort to devour those ever-expanding TBR lists!
180652 Vampires, Weres and Fae! — 2310 members — last activity 1 hour, 16 min ago
We love reading Urban Fantasy (kick-ass chicks and fearless heroes) and Paranormal Romance (all the things that go bump and grind in the night). We al ...more
108 Horror Aficionados — 26236 members — last activity 4 hours, 25 min ago
If you love horror literature, movies, and culture, you're in the right place. Whether it's vampires, werewolves, zombies, serial killers, plagues, or ...more
739396 Worlds Beyond the Margins — 1795 members — last activity Jul 17, 2024 02:06PM
Celebrating Adult Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror books that promote diversity and inclusion. In all its styles and formats: genre, literary, short stori ...more
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