2014 Reading Challenge
Participants 650,600
Books Pledged 33,719,517
Avg. Books Pledged 51
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Alejandro has read 111 of 100 books in 2014.
  • Forever Evil by Geoff Johns
  • Justice League, Vol. 5 by Geoff Johns
  • X-Men by Chris Claremont
  • The Greatest Gift by Philip van Doren Stern
  • Guardians of the Galaxy by Dan Abnett
  • Spider-Man by J.M. DeMatteis
  • Batman, Volume 2 by Scott Snyder
  • Batman by Scott Snyder
  • Batman, Volume 1 by Scott Snyder
  • Guardians of the Galaxy by Abnett & Lanning by Dan Abnett
  • View More ▾
Comments Showing 1-42 of 42 (42 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Deb (new)

Deb Wowzers! Good luck. You can do it! ;o)

message 2: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Debbie wrote: "Wowzers! Good luck. You can do it! ;o)"

Thank you so much! :D

message 3: by Sharon (new)

Sharon Good luck and enjoy :)

message 4: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Sharon wrote: "Good luck and enjoy :)"

Thank you! :) That's the idea ;)

message 5: by Lynda (new)

Lynda Good luck with your challenge. Look forward to continuing our shared experiences throughout 2014. :-)

message 6: by Angie (new)

Angie Good luck Alejandro:-)

message 7: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Lynda wrote: "Good luck with your challenge. Look forward to continuing our shared experiences throughout 2014. :-)"

Thanks, Lynda. Indeed I look forward too for sharing our reading experiences in this 2014 ;)

message 8: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Angie wrote: "Good luck Alejandro:-)"

Thanks a lot, Angie! :D

message 9: by Helle (new)

Helle Best of luck with your reading challenge!

message 10: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Helle wrote: "Best of luck with your reading challenge!"

Thanks a lot, Helle ;)

message 11: by Tatiana (new)

Tatiana Yay for finishing!

message 12: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Tatiana wrote: "Yay for finishing!"

Thank you, Tatiana! ;)

message 13: by Kandice (new)

Kandice Awesome Possum!

message 14: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Congrats :D

message 15: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Kandice wrote: "Awesome Possum!"

Hahaha ;) Thanks!

message 16: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Kristen wrote: "Congrats :D"

Thank you, Kristen!

message 17: by Zoeytron (new)

Zoeytron Woo hoo! Well done, Alejandro!

message 18: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Zoeytron wrote: "Woo hoo! Well done, Alejandro!"

Thank you so much, Zoeytron! ;)

message 19: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Roksana wrote: "well...a good finish of the year 2014!"

Thanks a lot, Roksana!

message 20: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Danae wrote: "Congrats, Alejandro!!"

Thank you so much, Danae ;)

message 21: by Denise (new)

Denise Impressive!

message 22: by Carmen (new)

Carmen Great job!

message 23: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Denise wrote: "Impressive!"

Thank you, Denise ;) It helped to balance the prose novels along with some comic book TPBs and some short stories ;)

message 24: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Carmen wrote: "Great job!"

Thank you, Carmen!

message 25: by Sharon (new)

Sharon Congratulations, Alejandro. So what will your goal be for next year?

message 26: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Sharon wrote: "Congratulations, Alejandro. So what will your goal be for next year?"

Oh, I think that I will set the same quantity. I think 100 is pretty much enough, taking in account that it was possible thanks to balancing it between prose novels with comic book TPBs and short stories. So, I don't want to push to some limit and later realizing that it was unnecesary to set it so high. ;)

message 27: by Sharon (new)

Sharon I totally understand, Alejandro. But remember it's all about challenging yourself ;)

message 28: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Sharon wrote: "I totally understand, Alejandro. But remember it's all about challenging yourself ;)"

Oh, yes, and I will challenging me to repeat to read 100 books in a year ;) Hehehe.

message 29: by Sharon (new)

Sharon Haha :)

message 30: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro :P

message 31: by [deleted user] (new)


message 32: by Jonetta (new)

Jonetta Congratulations on completing your goal!

message 33: by Carolyn (new)

Carolyn Yay Alejandro, great result! Lots of great reviews too :)

message 34: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Carolyn wrote: "Yay Alejandro, great result! Lots of great reviews too :)"

Thank you, Carolyn! ;) Much appreciated your very kind appraisals!

message 35: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Evgeny wrote: "Congratulations!!!"

Thank you, Evgeny!

message 36: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Jonetta wrote: "Congratulations on completing your goal!"

Thank you so much, Jonetta :)

message 37: by Jeanette (new)

Jeanette Outstanding! And your leads have helped me tremendously, Alejandro. THANK YOU.

message 38: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Jeanette wrote: "Outstanding! And your leads have helped me tremendously, Alejandro. THANK YOU."

Truly honored to know it, Jeanette! :D

I did enjoy a lot your reviews too and appreciate your recommendations! :)

message 39: by Mikayla (new)

Mikayla Well done. Can't believe you managed 110 books !

message 40: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Mikayla wrote: "Well done. Can't believe you managed 110 books !"

Thanks Mikayla! Oh, there is a little secret... ;) Not all are thick novels ;) There are some short stories and comic book TPBs that evidently they can be read in less time! ;)

But reading is reading and I could reach the goal! :D

message 41: by Mikayla (new)

Mikayla Alejandro wrote: "Mikayla wrote: "Well done. Can't believe you managed 110 books !"

Thanks Mikayla! Oh, there is a little secret... ;) Not all are thick novels ;) There are some short stories and comic book TPBs th..."

I was thinking about reading more comics/graphic novels, as I've never read any before. People do say they fly through them, so hopefully if I read some, It'll make up my challenge if necessary.

message 42: by Alejandro (new)

Alejandro Mikayla wrote: "Alejandro wrote: "Mikayla wrote: "Well done. Can't believe you managed 110 books !"

Thanks Mikayla! Oh, there is a little secret... ;) Not all are thick novels ;) There are some short stories and ..."

Cool! ;)

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  • Angel & Faith: Death and Consequences
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer: On Your Own
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