Shadows of Self Quotes

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Shadows of Self (Mistborn, #5) Shadows of Self by Brandon Sanderson
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Shadows of Self Quotes Showing 1-30 of 160
“She had a way of pouring everything of herself into what she did. When she fought, she was the blade. When she loved, she was the kiss. In that regard, she was far more … human than any I have known.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“The law is not something holy, son. It’s just a reflection of the ideals of those lucky enough to be in charge.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“Cleaning the wound is often more painful
than the cut itself.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“I ain’t drunk,” Wayne said, sniffling. “I’m investigatin’ alternative states of sobriety.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“Every man had to die. He’d always found it odd that so many died when they were old, as logic said that was the point in their lives when they’d had the most practice not dying.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“Owning things of value is secondary to creating things of value where none once existed.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“Proper loafing requires company.One man lying about is being idle; two men lying about is a lunch break.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“No, freedom was not lack of responsibilities—it was being able to do what was right, without having to worry if it was also wrong.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“Spectacles. They were kind of like a hat for smart people.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“Money is meaningless.” Waxillium perked up. “What?” “Only expectation has value as currency, Waxillium,” Uncle Edwarn said. “This coin is worth more than the others because people think it is. They expect it to be. The most important things in the world are worth only what people will pay for them. If you can raise someone’s expectation … if you can make them need something … that is the source of wealth. Owning things of value is secondary to creating things of value where none once existed.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“Of course not. I’d have shot you right in the head, Wayne.”
“You’re a good friend,” Wayne said. “Thanks, Wax.”
“You’re the only person I know that I can cheer up by promising to kill him.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“Don’t make trouble at the pub tonight, Wayne,” the man intoned in response. “My temper is really short.” “Temper?” Wayne said, passing him. “That’s a funny name for it, mate, but if the ladies like you givin’ silly names to your body parts, I ain’t gonna say nothin’.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“Greet every morning with a smile. That way it won’t know what you’re planning to do to it?”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“Your grasp of the language is startling,” Wax said, “considering how you so frequently brutalize it.” “Ain’t nobody what knows the cow better than the butcher, Wax.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“You had to adapt. Move. Change. That was good, but it could also threaten identity, connection, and sense of purpose.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“I need you to stay behind as we go into those slums,” Wayne said, determined to impress solemnity into his voice. “It’s not that I don’t want your help. I do. It’s just going to be too dangerous for you. You need to stay where I know you’re safe. No arguments. I’m sorry.”
“Wayne,” Wax said, walking past. “Stop talking to your hat and get over here.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“She wore trousers, because skirts were stupid, and boots, 'cuz stuff needed to be kicked.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“I have known you for an entire year now, Lord Waxillium,” Steris said. “I can accept you for who you are, but I am under no illusions. Something will happen at our wedding. A villain will burst in, guns firing. Or we’ll discover explosives in the altar. Or Father Bin will inexplicably turn out to be an old enemy and attempt to murder you instead of performing the ceremony. It will happen. I’m merely trying to prepare for it.” “You’re serious, aren’t you?” Wax asked, smiling. “You’re actually thinking of inviting one of my enemies so you can plan for a disruption.” “I’ve sorted them by threat level and ease of access,” Steris said, shuffling through her papers.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“It made sense. But rich folk, they had a different word for the crapper. They’d call it a “commode” or a “washroom.” That way, when someone asked for the crapper, they knew it was a person they needed to oppress.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“The immortal demigod took a throaty slurp of her beer, then slammed the mug down onto the table, grinning like a four-year-old who had been paid in cookies to rat out her sister.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“To believe in a God was to accept that He or She wasn’t going to deliver you from every problem.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“Well, you know,” Wayne said. “It’s like I often say…”

“Greet every morning with a smile. That way it won’t know what you’re planning to do to it?”

“No, not that one.”

“Until you know it ain’t true, treat every woman like she has an older brother what is stronger than you are?”

“No, not … Wait, I said that?”

“Yes,” Wax said, turning back to his notes. “It was a very chivalrous moment for you.”

“Rusts. I should really write these things down.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“A river is easier to channel than to stop.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“If you want to know a man, dig in his firepit...Basically, it meant that you could judge a lot about a man's life by what he thew away - or by what he was willing to burn in order to stay warm.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“Looks like we’re going to need a new prime suspect, Wax,” Wayne said. “This one downright refuses to not be dead already.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“The law is not something holy, son. It's just a reflection of the ideals of those lucky enough to be in charge.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“Proper loafing requires company. One man lying about is being idle; two men lying about is a lunch break.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“What I need to do,” Wayne said, “is get the whole city drunk.” “Or, you know, advocate workers’ rights to bring down working hours, improve conditions, and meet a base minimum of pay.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“You,” she said, spearing Wayne in the chest with a finger. “I thought I told you not to come back.” “I thought I ignored you.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self
“Wayne…” Wax said. “You know she doesn’t actually like you.” “You always say that, but you’re just not seein’ the truth, Wax.” “She tries to kill you.” “To keep me alive,” Wayne said. “She knows I live a dangerous life. So, keepin’ me on my toes is the best way to make sure I stick around.”
Brandon Sanderson, Shadows of Self

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