Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams Quotes

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Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams by Fatima Mohammed
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Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams Quotes Showing 1-13 of 13
“If a woman is harassed, it is because she asked for it? She dressed for it? She walked for it? She spoke for it? I would like to challenge that.”
Fatima Mohammed, Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams
“… he (the husband) would stand over her head and tell her there was no place else for her to go, no one wanted her and no one was coming for her rescue.
Do you have any idea how bleak, how hopeless and terminal it sounds and feels to be at that point? I got chills just writing about it…”
Fatima Mohammed, Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams
“We each have one life, and we are entitled to living it on our own terms.”
Fatima Mohammed, Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams
“Sex education is essential to create healthy self-knowledge and reconciliation, healthy conversation and understanding, healthy mind-sets and lifestyles.”
Fatima Mohammed, Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams
“You would think that honour has been reconciled to its lexical origins or bravery, glory and honesty. Yet, a special entry in the social glossary has reserved it exclusively to an organ that is safely nestled between a woman’s legs, and upon its compromise, which is a common male practice, hell and damnation befall the legs and their owner, never the invader.”
Fatima Mohammed, Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams
“Domestic violence has often gone unnamed and unblamed in my society. It is the norm for men to teach their wives a lesson, and for the women to bear that beating and teaching with no complaints.”
Fatima Mohammed, Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams
“…If getting a man is entirely dependent on the digits showing on your tags, or your scale, then he is certainly not the right one for YOU, not the other way around.”
Fatima Mohammed, Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams
“Thin, thick, tall, small, slender, curvy, curly, straight, dark, light, that body, with every detail is YOURS alone, look at it with compassion.”
Fatima Mohammed, Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams
“… a woman that has a career is looked at as self-sufficient and her own man; she may not need one in her life. She is seen as lacking femininity, household un-savvy, and not a wife material.”
Fatima Mohammed, Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams
“I walk out to that fearsome world ever more determined and ready for the next challenge and say: “Hit with your best shot, baby!” I may stumble, I may fall, but I will land high on these heels of mine and I would still be standing higher above all trouble, above all the ones who try to bring me down. I will march on towards my dreams and chase them to the extremes of earth.”
Fatima Mohammed, Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams
“Imagine spending your entire life protecting your girl from the beasts that lie beyond the walls of your fortress only to find out one day that she has been molested at the hands of those monsters within.”
Fatima Mohammed, Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams
“I have come to this world, an Arab Algerian, with a heavy load that only became heavier as I grew older and I had to carry all my life. To be born a girl in a country and a society like mine is a mistake in the first place; why? People want boys! How do I know? I was born on the 7th of September, and up to this day my birth certificate says 11th.”
Fatima Mohammed, Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams
“That is how my mom taught me that nothing comes before dreams; they are the priority. I have lived on until today to know, believe and preach that tough times do not last, tough people do!”
Fatima Mohammed, Higher Heels, Bigger Dreams