EDI Medical Standards

IAIABC EDI Medical Standards are used by claims administrators to report workers' compensation medical bill data to U.S. jurisdictions. EDI Medical Release 2.0 is the current release and is maintained on an ongoing basis. Revised documentation for EDI Medical Release 2.0 is published on February 1 of each year.

Medical State Implementation

Download the EDI Jurisdictional Profiles (Members) and EDI Jurisdictional Summary (Public) for implementation insights on all IAIABC EDI Standards.

EDI Medical Implementation Map

EDI Medical Bill Data Reporting Release 2.0

Publication Date: February 1, 2023

Prior publications are available upon request. Please contact the IAIABC.

Standards documents include:

  • Implementation Guide
  • Edit Matrix 
  • Element Requirement Table
  • Event Table 

Access (IAIABC Jurisdictional and EDI Members) or Purchase Access (Associate Members and Non-Members) 

Note: If you need a prior edition of the EDI Medical Bill Data Reporting Release 2.0 Implementation Guide, please e-mail [email protected].

EDI Medical Bill Payment Records Release 1.0

Final Publication Date: July 4, 2002

Standards documents include:

  •  Implementation Guide

Access (IAIABC Jurisdictional and EDI Members) or Purchase Access (Associate Members and Non-Members) 

IRR Changes and Appeals