EDI Licensing

In 2011, the IAIABC implemented a licensing program to protect the IAIABC’s copyrighted standards, provide ongoing and sustainable support for the program, spread the costs more equitably among users of the standards, and encourage IAIABC EDI and Jurisdictional membership.

Upon payment of annual licensing fees, the licensee enters into the EDI Member and Data Reporter License agreement with the IAIABC. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is subject to EDI license fees?

There are two types of EDI licensees. 

1. A non-member organization that uses an IAIABC EDI standard to send workers' compensation data to a jurisdictional regulatory agency. This will typically include organizations that are listed on a jurisdictional trading partner list that fall into any of the following categories: insurer, vendor, self-insured employer, service provider, and third party administrator.

2. A non-member jurisdiction that uses an IAIABC EDI standard to receive workers' compensation data.

View the Licensee Flowchart to help determine if your organization is a licensee.

What EDI standards are being licensed?

The IAIABC is licensing First and Subsequent Reports of Injury (Releases 1.0, 3.0, and 3.1); Proof of Coverage (Releases 2.0, 2.1, and 3.0); and Medical Bill Payment Reporting EDI standards (Release 1.0 and 2.0).

Do IAIABC EDI members have to pay license fees?

License fees are included in the cost of Jurisdictional and EDI membership. However, IAIABC Associate members will be subject to license fees.

Does the license grant access to the Implementation Guides and supporting documents? 

No, the license only grants the Data Reporter a non-exclusive annual license to use the Trading Partner Tables (as modified with jurisdictional data) exclusively to process data, and submit and receive reports. Access to Implementation Guides may be purchased by the licensee, or is otherwise included with a Jurisdictional or EDI membership. 

How are the license fees determined?

Industry non-member reporters: License fees are determined on a per-jurisdiction, per standard basis. For each jurisdiction a licensee reports to, there is an annual $290 licensee fee for each standard the licensee uses.

Jurisdictions: License fees are a flat fee of $5,750 per standard used by the jurisdiction.

When will the IAIABC send invoices/bills for license fees?

Invoices for industry non-member licensees will be sent in July each year. Licenses will be in effect for July 1 through June 30.

Invoices for jurisdictional non-member licensees will be sent in October each year. Licenses will be in effect January 1 through December 31.

If my organization elects to become a member, what benefits would my organization receive?

Learn more about the many benefits of membership.