Wij (2018) Poster


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Nice sequences without a full general idea
timvandenbranden962 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film the other day in the movie theater mainly out of interest in the theme; 8 bored teenagers passingen through summer with sex and mischief. And others I've heared of watched it mainly because of the sensation and explicit scenes, also to be found in the book this film was based on. The film sure delivers this situation, but nothing more. A general idea and direction misses a bit.

The film is divided in 4 main parts that focus each time on one of the 8 teenagers. It takes the 4 parts to fully reconstruct the thruth behind the summer of their lives. But at the end, knowing the whole story didn't gave a real feeling of satisfaction. So the film doesn't really succeed in digging deeper that the sensation it delivers.

Nevertheless the film still amuses you enough to finish it with pleasure thanks to some amuseable scenes.
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Dark and intriguing, but also a touch disappointing
grantss3 November 2019
Eight teens - four guys and four girls - are the best of friends. One summer, out of boredom they experiment with all manner of new means to entertain themselves. This degenerates into some extreme behaviour and will lead to tragedy.

Intriguing movie, told in a way that keeps you engaged and wondering what happened. By telling the story from the perspective of several of the teens, one at a time, you get fed enough information to get a piece of the picture, but not enough for the whole picture. This creates a great sense of mystery and makes you stick around for more.

However, when everything comes together and the secret is revealed, it is a bit disappointing. The revelation is rather flat and what develops from there feels a touch implausible. Is quite topical and thought-provoking though.
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Misguided, Twisted, Criminal Youth with a Dutch twist....it's ok.
dwremy18 August 2019
Kids, A Better Tomorrow, Alpha Dog...we've seen it before...a group of teenagers who are living lives outside of their parents' knowledge, discovering themselves, indulging in sexual behavior and criminal activity. This Belgian/Dutch spin on it wasn't bad.

The cast was very talented-although I didn't find any character likeable-but, they did their job. Still these teens are insensitive jerks, with barely no remorse for their actions, and how the "big dilemma" was handled at the end didn't make me like them any more. The ending is...interesting(in its open-ended glory). I'm assuming the controversial novel this film is based on is spectacular though.

(I will say without giving anything away: one of the main characters may have had childhood trauma that caused some of his actions in the end-but I'll say no more.)

Basically this movie is fine; if it's on Netflix check it out, but definitely don't break your neck looking for it. You've probably seen stuff like this before-this is just the Dutch version.
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A Wonderful Young Ensemble Cast are Cut Adrift in This Messy Vice-produced Drama
Marc_Horrickan6 October 2018
Rene Eller's adaptation of a shocking novel by Elvis Peeters has all the hallmarks of its Vice co-producers sub-Mondo, faux docudrama approach. This makes for a queasy mix of wrong-headed moralising and vapid sensationalism that seems cribbed from REQUIEM FOR A DREAM.

The film has a slightly Rashomon-structure, as four of the film's gang of privileged delinquents tell their differing versions of events. The latter version is from the ringleader Thomas (played with real sleazy noxiousness by Aime Claeys), and pulls in the film's most difficult narrative strand, namely that of the perverted mayor's sex scandal. This whole section is problematically rendered, as the film seems to hint at the idea that child-sex scandals may not be about the exploitation of innocents. There is a damaging disconnect in the film between what is being shown, the way it is being shown and the wider context within which these things could be said to operate. None of this would have really been so much of an issue if Eller didn't so devotedly follow the Vice handbook and attempt to blur boundaries between factual and fictional forms of narrative address.

What is undeniable is that Eller has been able to extract strong performances from his young cast, made up mainly of non-professionals. It is a shame then, that the material to which their great efforts have been put to the service of, is so trivially worked out. A little less fake meta-textuality and this may have been something more like Stephen Frears' BLOODY KIDS (1980).
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Kirpianuscus29 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The basic problem is the purpose of this film. A portrait of youth in its dark aspects ? An image of the clash between adults and young people ? A revenge ? Terribilism ? Only certitude - no answers. Only a great improvisation, without coherence, a sadistic joke and a so ambiguous end than it has no importance. An experimental movie ? Maybe not ! Only, something. Naked bodies, sex scenes, a terrible death as result of crazy joke, boredom and a trial. Manipulation and a summer. So, just somethig.
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A reminder of just how wide this world is
killercharm18 February 2020
Very satisfying movie to watch. A reminder of just how wide this world is we live in, aside from how deep it is. A strange story of eight teenagers getting up to no good in a foreign version of rebelling. The story is told and retold by different members of the 8. With each retelling the absurd becomes believable, and this even though each version is different. These kids use sex to hurt, but they don't realize it at first. A marvelous story and direction.
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Watching this was a drag, unfortunately
jeroenalandt30 March 2021
The film tries to portray a story of young adolescent people discovering life while engaging in all kinds of debauchery. The vile acts that are shown are partly based on events that have happend in real life at some point. Dissapointingly this is merly used to create shock value for the audience and as the story progresses none of the disturbing acts have a carthartic element to them. When you take all these disturbing acts and assign them to one group of people that act like its all a big joke, they just become shallow and not interesting at all. Their motives just seem dumb and futile. I couldn't wait for it to be over.

I find the film's only redeming quality to be how a kind of psychadelic form of cinematography was used, where you as the viewer feel confused as if you delve into the psychotic minds of these kids and how incoherent their story's about the events that took place are from each other. At least that is how I interpreted it.
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Intriguing story told in a unique manner
Floated24 December 2022
Having no knowledge of this film and seemingly stumbling upon it, "Wij" was quite different in comparison's to the typical Hollywood films we see today.

The story is quite depressing and the characters for the most part are unlikeable (mainly the lead male along with the two lead females). What made very little sense is how there were 8 of them yet none of them had any sense to stop doing what they were doing. Of course something tragic was bound to occur.

The storytelling dealing with four of the main eight characters retelling their version of what occurred was quite well done. These four stories seemingly range from tamest to most disturbing in order- Part 1 relatively tame, while Part 4 is the most disturbing and vile.

This isn't a film for the faint hearted. The director definitely goes out all, pushing boundaries, such as more excessive nudity than needed (including brief unsimulated sex scenes). The acting was surprisingly convincing and good.

Without revealing anything, the end revelation or twist told by one of the characters in the finale was quite disappointing (Part 4). We watched the film up to that point only to find out, that was what really occurred. As some of the other top reviews has stated, this end payoff isn't exactly satisfactory.
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Cringy and self-serving, good actors though
barbiiiebaba5 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Self-serving movie without any real message to tell besides the really obvious purpose to make you cringe more and more. Acting work and setting were superb though but so much cringe without direct purpose (eg. We get it, Thomas is an aggressive psycho bully, we got it from his several acts where he tortured his 'friends' in many ways, forced them, disgraced them, even kills one of them at some point, but lets also torture an animal as an addition to emphasize how - one-sided - bully character he is). Hard to watch, not in a good way.
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a terrible Dutch Belgian film
camielreal7 May 2020
This is a terrible film, depending mostly on shock value. I thought this would be a nice movie watch while drinking, but I was surely disappointed
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Very entertaining movie
pieterluxman30 September 2019
I enjoyed watching the movie. Nice to see a movie that does not follow the cliches or take itself to seriously. I can't believe I never heard of this movie before. Way better then the over hyped "De Premier" movie.

The movie starts great, loses momentum after 1/4, but picks up halfway to the end. The scenes were well done, but the way they combine was a bit messy, that is my only complaint.

Very good acting, the 8 kids were played very convincingly.

Overall great and entertaining movie, not the best, but a breath of fresh air in times were lots of mediocre movies come out all the time.
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The decay of morality
m-vanpuyenbroeck11 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
An explicit film that tells the same story from the perspective of different characters. The story of 8 teenagers somewhere in the countryside trying to get through two months of summer vacation. Simon starts out shy and innocent but as the film progresses the narrators get rougher and rawer and the film evolves along with it. The viewer is plagued with curiosity as more details are revealed along the way leading to the climax of a deadly prank and ensuing court case.

At the same time, the film reminds the viewer what it is like to grow up as a teenager in the society of the past and the same viewer is eerily accurately confronted with the fact that today's society is still the same.

It shows the daily struggles of teenagers hiding from their parents' sight and trying to find their own way. You are taken into the typical teenage behavior of swagger to cover up insecurities and what it's like to deal with the consequences of peer pressure. In this group resulting in the lack and blurring of norms and morals as they discover the power of their and each other's bodies and sexuality. The feeling of that power, the money it brings and the idea of being untouchable removes their boundaries and transcends violence and death.

If anyone wonders how and why young people go off the rails, watch this and you'll get the idea, although the movie won't answer the question.
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Rather watch a Porn movie
pietclausen29 December 2019
Difficult to understand even if you are Dutch speaking, as a certain quantity of spoken Dutch is in a local dialect. The script and directing are also way below standard.

Safe to say that this film is not worth seeing, even if it is based on fact. The only thing that stands out is male and female genitalia and sex. But this cannot save this rubbish, rather, if you like that sort of thing, watch a porn movie.
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Abhorrent story
middendorffi30 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The story shows in a subtle way how 7 friends were involved in a murder and trial of their 8th friend. In the last 30 minutes we know the truth: one psychopath/sociopath teenager manipulated his 7 friends to turn them into thieves, extortionists, etc. And then, he killed the 8th friend "by mistake". So he devised a way to blame the best client of his wealthy family. And he get away with it.
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Looks like a mentally challenged director wanted to show how you can cringe. Gave 1 for achieving that.
rohitreviews15 March 2021
It doesn't really have a story and it's not trying it either. It's basically wanting to show how one can make audience feel disgusted and act like it's so intellectually thought provoking, while it truly isn't. It even won awards for that which proves how low IQ the reviewers were. Anyone can make these kind of movies and weave a philosophical, psychological turn of events it can be claiming it as art.

It's a smart way of filmmaking to make you feel disgusting, self question but it's pretentious, deliberate, and false filmmaking. Award committee fell for it treating it as great film as such. It's not. Anyone can do these kind of movies. Just be incoherent, pointless, conflicting your nihilistic realistic ideas and tada. It's like after you went for a party and puked the next day, that puke is given to you claiming it's a new drink. That's what this movie is and trying to present it like look we found something unique, new form of art. That's the whole thing of this movie goal was.
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Forgettable shocker with a lot of vaginal insertion
Groverdox16 April 2023
I didn't really get the point of "Wij". Was it just to pruriently show the sex lives of its teenage protagonists? Perhaps. But the movie makes no attempt at eroticism, and the full frontal nudity takes us by surprise because there's no build up to it. It appears to be trying to show us how everyday this behaviour is for its characters, and at that I guess it makes its point. But what is the wider point?

Eight teenagers - four boys and four girls - engage in increasingly depraved sexual behaviour during a hot summer in Belgium. The girls, particularly, seem to have no regard to their rights to their own bodies, flashing their bushes at oncoming cars (and causing a pile-up in the process) and playing games in which foreign items are inserted you-know-where. At one stage, somebody pretends to listen to earbuds that have their cord inserted into someone else's vagina.

The movie also features a death-by-insertion that may have to be seen to be believed.

So, that's the movie. The characters remain totally undifferentiated throughout. They never emerge with personalities or motivations. You don't even know who you're looking at half the time.

This material is the kind of thing US director Larry Clarke makes, and comparing it to his material reveals its limitations ever more. Clarke would have chosen a gritty photographic approach to the material, and may also have based the movie off a true story, to give it much needed weight.

As is, "Wij" is pretty forgettable.
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Captivating story and deep ideas beneath
Emily_Baines11 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To begin with, this is one of those movies that feels like unforgettable experience. 'Bijzonder' movie, as a Dutch would say. Yes, it is not for everyone. There are a lot of porn scenes and the overall topic is quite unsettling. However, if you can handle this, you are left with a long-lasting inner discussion about the mind of a young person.

It is often talked about the cruelty of youth. Many think that bad upbringing, education may be the cause, others talk about brutal video games, TV shows and films. This story, however, proposes a whole new suggestion. Perhaps it is not really a cruelty? Maybe this destructable behaviour might arise from the emptiness inside of a soul, maybe the person doesn't even understand that his actions may have detrimental consequences?

There were a few scenes in 'Wij' which were strongly connected to this statement of mine. For instance, the one with the dog. The girls were shouting that it is wrong to leave a dog on the railway, that it is cruel and unhuman, however, when the guys started going away, the girls simply shrugged and followed. They knew the idea of cruelty, but... just... you know. That feeling. When you say 'however'. It is not your life, right?

Another example could be the moment on the bridge. When the simple joke truned into a massive catastrophe with a few fatalities. But in the minds of youth that caused all of this it became nothing more than a headline. 'We are on the front page'. Just like this. And all of those broken families and holidays exist only as a narrative, not as a part of the real world. Even the last minutes, when two of those 8 teenagers were reminiscencing their lucky escape from their deep trouble, spoke quite a lot. The teenagers understood that they were doing something really wrong, but saving their asses seemed more important thant their morality, thus they preferred destroying the life and family of (not so pure, but not so damned) the local politician. And after a couple of months they talked about this as something distant and unimportant.

Before summarising, I would also like to point out the beautiful atmosphere. The soundtrack kept the tense just perfectly, and the colours of Dutch-Belgian summer were immersive and realistic. It felt so good - as a comeback to The Netherlands. I admire that the cinematography managed to be so idyllic without becoming naive and 'kitsch'.

And now let's come to the conclusion. This movie is heavy. If you have weak nerves and you tolerate only traditional movies, do not choose this one. Because the IMDb rating, in my opinion, is already too low, and the poor ratings by the viewers who did not really understood the deepnes of this film will not do any good. On the other hand, you can experience something untraditional, moving and long-lasting. It is a real gem, a penny for your thoughts. Enjoy.
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Are there consequences?
okpilak4 December 2022
The movie is in four parts, each one focusing on one of the characters. Three of the women, and one for a man. So one gets a better insight into some of the roles. In the beginning, there is a court trial that clearly is of some importance. We meet eight teenagers, four males and four females, who simply want to have fun, make money, and not care about anyone else. Their hormones are raging, and it is clear what is on their minds. They are bored, and decide porn is a way to make money. They do some very nasty things which causes serious harm, even death, but laugh it off. Things start taking a very dark turn without consequences, except for a tragedy and what they then do has the biggest impact.
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