Leesburg Police

On Aug. 23, he was sworn in as the newest Loudoun County judge. On Saturday, Leesburg police charged him with public intoxication.

Charles F. Koehler Jr., 54, was arrested about 1:30 a.m. Saturday after officers responded to a report of an individual walking down the Leesburg Bypass near South King Street, Leesburg police said in a news release. After making contact with the individual, he was arrested on suspicion of public intoxication.

Kohler was taken into custody without incident and transported to the Loudoun County Adult Detention Center where he was released on his own recognizance, the release said.

Koehler was sworn in Aug. 23 as a judge for Loudoun County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court.

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(19) comments

Karen Wilson

[yawn] Anything can and does occur when one encounters the police in Small Town Virginia (Vienna, Herndon, Falls Church, Leesburg, Manassas Park...).

Trumpy Bear

Can bots develop CFS?

You're always yawning...

Karen Wilson

You bore us.

Trumpy Bear


Karen Wilson

Nothing like what occurs when encountering the local police in small towns along Rt 301 between Delaware and Florida.

Allison Harris

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society has for many issued ID cards to persons afflicted with balance and coordination disabilities related to MS, so they wouldn't / won't be arrested for "suspicion of public intoxication".

Dan Floyd

I wonder if he pulled the ever popular and effective "do you know who I am?" comment to the officer.

John Dutko

These judges think they're better than everyone else.

John Talbott

Suspicion? Sounds phony. Was he walking home from a bar after having a couple beers? Oh wait. This afternoon PW Animal Control broke up a fight between a grey squirrel and a black squirrel over an acorn. How did that miss the I.N. Evening News?

Trumpy Bear

There's walking, then there's stumbling/disorientation.

Dale Dobacki

Democrats just doing what Democrats do...break the law. Gave $1000 to Russett "Potato" Perry's campaign.

Tom Manson

R or D - nobody is above the law.

Dale Dobacki

Unless you're Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton and several other "D's". We have a 2-tiered justice system, and unless rectified, the US will start seeing states secede. When laws no longer matter, neither does the federal compact with the states.

Tom Manson

You changed my mind. I am definitely not voting for Hunter again.

Mike Paulson

No. This is just silly.

Mike Paulson

Better than driving drunk.

Paul Benedict

You are right this time. He could have been like then high school teacher and football coach Tampon Tim Walz, who was arrested for going 96 mph in a 55 mph zone while heavily intoxicated. Since he was a pillar of the community he got off with a $200 fine, probably about $600 in today's money. Walz lied to arresting officers telling them he was deaf. I'm not sure how that is supposed to get you off the hook for speeding and drunk driving but as his wife says he speaks like a country bumpkin and probably doesn't know what deaf means.

Tom Manson

Yes, 30 years ago this did happen. You have to go back 30 years for this, while president bone spurs is a convicted felon facing (how many now?) criminal trials. Amazing hypocrisy.

Trumpy Bear

"Clap for that, Ya Stupid Bastards!"

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