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The Forum for INTOSAI Professional Pronouncements is seeking new members

Standard setting is one of INTOSAI’s most strategically important and visible activities, and the Forum for INTOSAI Professional Pronouncements (FIPP) plays a key role in the process of ensuring the quality of this key output. FIPP comprises 16 volunteer members with an interest in ensuring clear, relevant, and robust standards. This presents a unique opportunity for your SAI to contribute to the development of international standards and methodology for public audit, and through this, impact the quality and effectiveness of public audit globally.

Please find below a letter from the Chair of the INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee (PSC) inviting applicants to become a member of the FIPP. You will also find background guidance and an application form.

The deadline to apply is 26 July 2024, and provisionally there will be three vacant posts.

Standards & Professionalization

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