The Optimized Doctor

The Optimized Doctor

The Rise of the Scribes

AI scribes will be ubiquitous soon; I’m fast and even for me they save time.

The Optimized Doctor

How to Make Life Decisions

Maybe try reading more novels. They allow us to experience multiple lifetimes in a short time, which is what we need to learn what matters.

The Optimized Doctor

Rethinking the Rebels

The idea that I or my colleagues are unwilling to do whatever is necessary to meet our patients' needs was maddening. We dedicate our lives to it...

The Optimized Doctor

How to Play Like a Masters Champ

The ability to compartmentalize is useful not only to become Masters champion, but also to become master of your day.

The Optimized Doctor

Meditating in the Mundane

Much as I'd like to think I'm on trend, I don't believe self-improvement in the mundane will catch fire like taking magnesium or Wim Hof breathing...

The Optimized Doctor

Healing From Trauma

Having crossed the midpoint of life, I see with the benefit of perspective how suffering has afforded me wisdom: I am more sensitive and attuned...

The Optimized Doctor

How much would you bet on a diagnosis?

For much of the work we do, precise likelihoods aren't critical. Yet, it can be important in decision making and in discussing probabilities, such...

The Optimized Doctor

Is It Time to Air Grievances?

Ostensibly, we complain to effect change: Something is wrong and we expect it to be different. But that’s not the whole story.

The Optimized Doctor

Life in the woods

There were no commutes or late patients here. But there was work to be done.

The Optimized Doctor

Suits or joggers? A doctor’s dress code

As a new doc out of residency, I used to wear a tie and shoes that could hold a shine. Now I wear jogger scrubs and sneakers.

The Optimized Doctor

The differential diagnosis you’re missing

An itchy 73-year-old woman came to see me. She had seen several competent dermatologists, had comprehensive workups, and had reasonable, even...
