Spokane Veterans Crew


Develop and maintain a cohesive, highly skilled module focused on safety, hard work, and building leaders in fire.  Continually train and evolve to meet and exceed the past, present, and future needs of the agency; improvise, adapt, and overcome challenges brought forth. Create an atmosphere that fosters personal growth, team growth, and continually overcoming physical and mental challenges.


The Spokane Veteran's IA crew aims to provide an excellent introductory platform for new firefighters into wildland fire, building in them a solid base of skills and experience with emphasis on teamwork, respect and integrity. The crew is dedicated to professional grade firefighting on our Nation's public lands, safely responding to hazards with speed, professionalism, dedication and a service mindset.

Crew Duties

The crew maintains a state of initial attack readiness from beginning of May to end of October, responding to BLM wildfires across the entire state of Washington. Working well with cooperators is critical to the module, often times crewmembers act as a "force multiplier," fitting in to existing firefighting response efforts already on scene. Module duties sit heavily in creating order from chaos, performing burnouts, and late-stage mopup. Fuel types across the BLM WA response area vary from grass/sage to timber. When not on incident crewmembers engage in a variety of district project work and various fuels reduction projects, always maintaining a state of initial attack (IA) readiness.

Crew Station

The Spokane Veteran's Module facilities are located at the BLM Border Field Office inside the city of Spokane proper. Currently the crew does not offer government housing, however the office is in close proximity to a variety of private options. The fire cache and gym are modern facilities in excellent condition and include office, saw shop, classroom, laundry, kitchen and showers.


Beginning each season the crew engages in 80 hours of critical training including a variety of intro-level suppression courses dependent upon the needs of the work force. Courses include chainsaw training, safety trainings, driver training and district orientation. In tandem with this the crew works hard at a rigorous physical training (PT) program. Throughout the season emphasis is given to training in strategy, tactics, hazards, radios, medical scenarios, and orienteering as time allows. The PT program is prioritized daily, crew members are encouraged to push one another to improve as a team. Crew culture highly values training both in the classroom and in the field with the goal of creating safe, well-informed and competent firefighters. Daily Operations

We are a wildland fire IA module. As such we spend most of our days digging line, burning out, holding and mopping up. The large nature of our district ensures that we are kept busy, in the smoke and sleeping in the dirt. The nature of a hand crew ensures that we hike the rugged terrain.

Job announcements

This is an excellent resource for BLM fire jobs with tutorials on how to apply, resume tips and cover letter advice as well as links to tailored USAJOBS searches.


Crew Specific Hiring

Seasonal positions usually fly in November. Contact us either by phone or e-mail to inquire about open positions. Be sure to check USAJOBS for seasonal announcements. Use the key word "fire" and the locations "Wenatchee, WA" and "Spokane, WA."

Ian Schlake - Module Leader
[email protected]

At this time BLM Spokane District does not have any outreach events scheduled.

Physical Requirements

Each member of the Spokane Veteran's IA Module is committed to maintaining a high level of physical fitness. Physical fitness is the most important way to prepare for the fire season. It is known to be one of the most effective defenses against heat-related illness and injuries commonly encountered on the job. The higher the level of physical fitness crewmembers attain individually during the off-season the safer and more capable the crew will be during fire season. It is an integral part of our culture and paramount to ensuring our safety while on the fire line. Our PT program consists of running, metabolic conditioning, HIIT workouts, circuit workouts, hill runs, weight training, mobility exercises, and hiking. Expect to PT as a team one to two hours a day when not on the fire line.

Crew History

Spokane Veteran's IA Module was formed in 2012 as a ten-person quick reaction resource for BLM Washington. The crew has created an excellent reputation for professionalism, safety and effectiveness. We are recognized and welcomed by our state and local cooperators, depended upon to do good and thorough work without oversight, and delight in taking on the difficult and uncomfortable tasks. Over the last 11 years the module has built a sterling reputation in the region for hard work, integrity, competence and expertise. It is the duty and expectation of every individual employed on the mod to uphold and enhance that reputation.


Shawn Rambo - crew superintendent - (509)953-4586

Ian Schlake - assistant crew superintendent (509) 423-2742

Crew office - (509) 699-3273