Nowshin Ali

Honoree Profile

August 24, 2021

Nowshin Ali

Nowshin Ali is the proprietor of Jalsa Grill & Gravy, a halal restaurant beloved by neighbors and patrons. An essential business, it remained open during the COVID-19 pandemic and quickly grew to include a food pantry as well.

In 2014, Ms. Ali emigrated from India, with her son, to live in the United States. Since settling in Brooklyn, she has created an affordable after-school program, a free women’s center, opened a local restaurant, and most recently, a bustling food pantry.

While working full-time as a manager of a local restaurant, she sent her son to daycare. However, when the daycare shut down, she was unable to find an affordable place to send him for care and homework help. She met another P.S. 217 mom who shared her concerns, and together they started their own after-school program. In 2016, Ms. Ali’s non-profit organization, People In Need (PIN), was founded as an after-school support group for elementary school children, providing educational, social and emotional support to children of predominantly immigrant families.

Ms. Ali earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, a Master’s Degree in Mathematics and studied English in India. Even though she was educated, she still felt unprepared for life in New York. Once she was able, Ms. Ali took it upon herself to help newly immigrated women with vital information and provide assistance navigating the system. Armed with her own experience and the drive to make a difference, she expanded her organization to house a free women’s center in the heart of the Pakistani community.

During the pandemic, PIN started its emergency supply drive by buying groceries in bulk and enlisting an army of local volunteers. Ms. Ali temporarily closed her after-school center and devoted herself 100% to providing and delivering food packages and groceries to people in need. Working tirelessly, Ms. Ali
often devotes 12 hours a day to managing PIN and her restaurant.

Ms. Ali is grateful for the hundreds of volunteers she regularly coordinates with, and those who have donated to keep the operation running since the start of the pandemic. She appreciates the kindness and generosity exhibited in her community. The seeds of hope she planted, and the community spirit she nourished, have flourished through her extraordinary dedication to make life better for those in need.

Honoree Video

All Women of Distinction Honored by Senator Simcha Felder