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Student News Quiz

Weekly Student News Quiz: Super Tuesday, Oscars, SAT

Amir Hamja/The New York Times

Above is an image related to one of the news stories we followed this past week. Do you know what it shows? At the bottom of this quiz, you’ll find the answer.

Have you been paying attention to current events recently? See how many of these 10 questions you can get right.

1 of 10

Kenny Holston/The New York Times

President Biden delivered his third State of the Union address on March 7 before a joint session of Congress. Which of the following was NOT a takeaway from the speech:

2 of 10

Amir Hamja/The New York Times

Which film won seven Oscars, including best picture, best actor, best supporting actor and best director, at the 2024 Academy Awards this week?

3 of 10

Gang violence has plunged Haiti, a Caribbean nation with a long history of upheaval, into one of its worst periods of chaos.

What nation on the map above is Haiti?

4 of 10

Alex Brandon/Associated Press

After 98 years, what change was made to the SAT this week?

5 of 10

Source: CoinMarketCap

The graph above comes from a recent New York Times article. What was the headline?

6 of 10

Sarah Yenesel/EPA, via Shutterstock

Gov. Kathy Hochul of New York announced that the National Guard and State Police would patrol which of the following New York City locations?

7 of 10

Bobby Doherty for The New York Times

The cover story of a recent New York Times Magazine issue highlighted trends in pants. What was the headline?

8 of 10

Haiyun Jiang for The New York Times

Super Tuesday took place last week. What is Super Tuesday?

9 of 10

Courtesy of the Worcester Public Library

Why are people bringing photographs, drawings or magazine clippings of cats, like the one pictured above, to the Worcester Public Library in Worcester, Mass., this month?

10 of 10

After a debate that has spanned nearly 15 years, a panel of experts voted down a proposal to officially declare the start of a new interval of geologic time.

What was the proposed new chapter of history called?