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Student News Quiz

Weekly Student News Quiz: Prime Minister Shot, Westminster Dog Show, Gen Z Trend

Above is an image related to one of the news stories we followed this past week. Do you know what it shows? At the bottom of this quiz, you’ll find the answer.

Have you been paying attention to current events recently? See how many of these 10 questions you can get right.

1 of 10

What recent news from the Russia-Ukraine war does the map above illustrate?

2 of 10

Erin Schaff/The New York Times

What did President Biden and Donald J. Trump agree to this week?

3 of 10

Maansi Srivastava/The New York Times

Ebrahim Raisi, the president of his country and a top contender to succeed its supreme leader, was killed on May 19 in a helicopter crash. Which country was he the president of?

4 of 10

Why were these people dancing at the Louvre last week?

5 of 10

Prime Minister Robert Fico of Slovakia, an ally of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, was shot multiple times on May 15, stoking fears that Europe’s polarized politics were tipping into violence.

Which country is Slovakia on the map above?

6 of 10

Amir Hamja/The New York Times

Sage, pictured above, won Best in Show at this year’s Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on May 14. What breed is she?

7 of 10

The U.S. military has constructed a temporary pier and floating platform (pictured above) in the Mediterranean Sea. Why?

8 of 10

Ian Willms for The New York Times

Alice Munro, who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2013, died at her home in Port Hope, Ontario, at age 92 last week. She was considered the master of what literary form?

9 of 10

Pool Photo by Aaron Chown

What’s going on in this picture?

10 of 10

Evan Jenkins for The New York Times

The New York Times’s Style section recently reported on the Gen Z trend of teenage boys buying expensive cologne. What is the trend called?