How Virgo Season Will Spice Up Your Relationships, According to an Astrologer

Welcome to Virgo season, the time in which the sun moves through grounded, analytical Virgo. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, transportation, and technology, this mutable earth sign is all about achieving balance in your day-to-day schedule, finding magic in the details, and gathering information and sharing it in an intentional, service-oriented way.

Associated with the sixth house of wellness and daily routine, Virgo season can help you reimagine your regular hustle in a way that'll have you feeling more centered. The earth sign is all about self-improvement, and you could be inspired to use the sultry tail end of summer to push forward on your dreams by mapping out a game plan and then tackling it step by step. As such, it makes perfect sense that Virgo season encompasses the end of summer and the start of a new school year.

While it's Virgo season, you could be more enthusiastic about everyday tasks, whether that's organizing your space or refreshing your wardrobe ahead of cooler weather. And no matter what your love language is, you could find yourself inspired to offer acts of service and thoughtful gestures during Virgo season. Bottom line: Virgo season is a time of year that makes you feel grateful for simple pleasures, like watching the sunset to grilling with family on Labor Day.

Here's everything you need to know about Virgo season in 2024.

When Is Virgo Season?

In 2024, Virgo season (in U.S. time zones) begins on Aug. 22 and ends on Sept. 22.

The Overall Mood and Vibe of Virgo Season

For a sense of how Virgo functions in astrology, consider the sign's ruler, Mercury, the planet of communication, transportation, and technology. In astrology, the planet, which is the zippiest in the solar system, oversees not only how you express yourself but how you take in and process information. In turn, Virgo is highly analytical, rational, pragmatic, and can suffer from overthinking.

Virgo is innately invested in pursuing intellectually-stimulating conversation and interactions, reading and consuming just about anything and everything within reach, and exploring language and self-expression through speech and the written word. Perfectionistic, whip smart, and sensitive, anyone who has their sun or one of their big three (or even big six) in Virgo is brimming with cerebral energy.

Associated with the sixth house of wellness and daily routine, Virgo can't help but prioritize self-improvement, has a love of organizing (not in terms of always being neat and tidy around the home, but maybe by creating a thorough list or spreadsheet), and finds comfort in keeping up with their day-to-day to-dos.

That said, while the sun moves through Virgo each year, you may be a bit more prone to analyzing and streamlining your schedule, experimenting with new routines to care for your health and well-being, and doing any end-of-season cleaning or sorting that will have you feeling more prepared going into fall.

Important Takeaways for Virgo Season 2024

Although the sun moves through Virgo every year, the moon and other planets each have their own distinct patterns through the sky, making for a unique astrological picture that differs from one year to the next. Here's the main highlights of what's going on astrologically during Virgo season 2024.

For starters, when the sun moves into Virgo on Aug. 22, Mercury will be retrograde in Virgo. This astronomical event will encourage you to look back and tie up loose ends on your everyday hustle, your overall wellness, or how you're gathering information and sharing it with others. Heads-up: because Mercury retrograde is in Virgo, a sign ruled by the planet of communication itself, it could lead to even more miscommunications, transportation delays, and technology glitches. Thankfully, Mercury's backspin comes to an end on Aug. 28.

On Sept. 1, Uranus retrograde kicks off in fixed earth sign Taurus, lasting until Jan. 30, 2025. When game-changer Uranus is retrograde, you could be inspired to think differently about a particular area of your life in a more internal, psychological way. The same day, Pluto, which has been retrograde since May 2, will leave fixed air sign Aquarius and slip into cardinal earth sign Capricorn. In Capricorn, Pluto retrograde will bring its inwardly transformative powers toward your professional advancement, relationships with authority, and the practical game plans you've been working on for a while now.

Making Virgo season 2024 even more of a wild ride, a lunar eclipse falls on Sept. 17 in Pisces, the mutable water sign.

Zodiac Signs Who Might Be Affected Most During Virgo Season 2024

Virgos are not the only zodiac signs impacted during Virgo season. Anyone born with their sun or major planetary placements in any of the mutable signs — Gemini (mutable air), Virgo (mutable earth), Sagittarius (mutable fire), and Pisces (mutable water) — will feel impacted by the vibes of Virgo season 2024.

How Virgo Season Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Although Virgo season is a good time for gathering information that'll help you launch a new endeavor, you may also find yourself looking backward to tie up loose ends and to embrace major, emotionally-charged changes, given Mercury retrograde and eclipse season coinciding during this period. Here's what every sign can expect this Virgo season. (Be sure to read your rising sign, too!)

Aries (March 20-April 19)

Virgo season usually brings your focus to everyday tasks and your wellness routine, thanks to the sun's trip through your sixth house, Aries. While it might not sound super exciting, this moment was made for getting caught up on doctor's appointments or researching gyms or yoga studios. Carving out time to care for yourself in this way can feel really productive and centering.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

For you, Taurus, Virgo season is all about letting go of plans and preconceived ideas about how things should go. You could be especially artistic and drawn to lighthearted, fun-loving activities, thanks to the confident sun's journey through your fifth house of romance and self-expression. No matter what's in your heart right now, you'll be inspired to share it in a carefree, playful way. (Cue lots of flirtation.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Virgo season brings your focus to your inner life and closest relationships, with the sun moving through your fourth house of home life, Gemini. Spending quality time with your loved ones on an end-of-summer vacation, tending to your garden, or nesting in some other grounding way could be a top priority. This could be a bit out of the norm for you, because you're usually zipping from one trip, event, or hangout to the next. But slowing down now can benefit your heart and mind.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Get ready for a super-social few weeks, Cancer. While the confident sun moves through Virgo, it lights up your third house of communication, nudging you out of your shell. Although you tend to be quite the homebody, you'll be urged to spend more time with friends, colleagues, and family thanks to invitations galore to everything from happy hours to weekend trips. You might also be craving more intellectual stimulation than usual, so make a point to dive into books and films you've been wanting to check out and then trade notes with your inner circle.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Leo, Virgo season brings your attention to money matters and your values, with your ruler, the confident sun, taking a trip through your second house of income. You commanded the spotlight and prioritized pitching passion projects over the past four weeks, and now's your chance to take whatever you learned and transform it into cash flow. It could be time to negotiate for a better rate on a project you're fired up about but worried you've been lowballed on. Or maybe you want to request a meeting with a higher-up to talk about a more senior role with better pay. Either way, knowing your worth can go far in getting you more of what you deserve.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Welcome to your season, Virgo! With the sun moving through your first house of self, your focus is on how you're showing up in the world and going after the big-picture aspirations that are close to your heart. You're always thinking about how you can step up your personal brand, but this time of year is particularly conducive to making moves in that realm. You'll also be compelled to work on nurturing your self-image, confidence, and how you see yourself, all of which can make it possible for you to step away from Virgo season 2024 feeling more empowered and centered in your sense of self.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct 22)

Virgo season can be a bit sleepier for you than others, Libra, because the confident sun is moving through your 12th house of spirituality and dreams. You're inclined to get lost in daydreams, pour your energy into meditation and mindfulness pursuits, and carve out more solo time than usual. You could also find that simply carving out more solo time is beneficial for your emotional and mental well-being. Sure, this isn't the super social season you tend to thrive during, but it's all for the greater good of gaining clarity on what you want to achieve when your season hits.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpio, while you might have been zeroed in on doing what's necessary to receive professional recognition during Leo season, Virgo season brings your focus to team projects. During this time, you can more readily join forces with others in order to make a shared vision a reality. Collaborative endeavors will not only come to you more readily, but they could feel as though they're satiating a specific craving you have right now to feel more connected to like minded colleagues and friends. In turn, your platonic bonds may soar.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Although Leo season inspires you to get out of your comfort zone even more than usual, Virgo season could see you putting your nose to the grindstone to get ahead professionally, Sagittarius. That's because the confident sun will be moving through your 10th house of career and public image, cranking up your desire to put in the work to be recognized. You can get exceptionally clear on what you want to achieve and start taking thrilling steps in that direction. Maybe you'll want to brush up your resume or give a presentation that ensures all eyes are on you. Make a point to reflect on big picture goals in order to set yourself up for even more success moving forward.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Virgo season throws the spotlight on your desire to get out of your usual grind, Capricorn. The confident sun will be moving through your ninth house of adventure and higher learning, so any opportunity to spread your wings will feel particularly fulfilling. This could look like diving into new learning experiences or eye-opening, thrilling opportunities, in which your comfort zone is challenged, but you're setting the stage for personal growth. You may find you can also more easily make friends outside of your usual social circle.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Leo season turned your attention to your one-on-one relationships and required you to consider just how much reciprocity there is between you and your significant other, your best friend, or even a close colleague, Aquarius. Now, you're going to be considering what you need to feel more comfortable and nurture intimacy within your tightest bonds, thanks to the confident sun moving through your eighth house of intimacy. You could be ready to commit to a whole new chapter in this area of your life, whether that's kicking off a financial project with a business partner or getting more emotionally vulnerable with someone you care about deeply.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Virgo season hosts the confident sun's move through your seventh house of partnership, highlighting your one-on-one relationships, Pisces. Whether you and your partner are about to embark on a new journey together or you're designing a business proposal with a friend or colleague, you'll feel more prepared and self-assured to make your own success as part of a pair. Consider this time of year a chance to finally address an ongoing issue with a significant other, friend, or colleague. There really hasn't been a better time all year for you to talk it out and pave a healing new path.

Maressa Brown is a journalist, author, and astrologer. Her areas of expertise include writing, reporting, and editing lifestyle, pop culture, and parenting content that's both conversational and substantive. In addition to contributing to POPSUGAR, she writes for a variety of consumer-facing publications including InStyle, Parents, and Shape, and was previously an editor at Cosmopolitan and CafeMom.