The Most Ruthless 'Harry Potter' Characters, Ranked

Saim Cheeda
Updated June 21, 2024 20.5K views 24 items
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9.1K votes
967 voters
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Vote up the 'Harry Potter' characters who will NOT hesitate to do what they have to do.

The Harry Potter series is notable for characters who are neither fully good nor evil. They live in a gray moral world instead of a black-and-white one. Sometimes, fairly obvious villains in the series show a softer side, and the heroes commit actions that can be seen as villainous. No character in the series is a saint, and Harry Potter heroes and villains can be ruthless at times.

These characters who qualify as the most ruthless demonstrate how the worst can come out of them if they are pushed a certain way.

Most divisive: Albus Dumbledore
Over 900 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Most Ruthless 'Harry Potter' Characters, Ranked
  • Dolores Umbridge

    Who She Is: Undersecretary to the Minster for Magic and briefly the Headmistress of Hogwarts. Dolores Umbridge has a deep hatred for anyone who isn't human or doesn't have magical lineage, even though she's a Half-blood with a Muggle mother. Umbridge makes Harry's life unlivable during her stay due to her constant antagonism of him as part of the Ministry's smear campaign.

    Why She's So Ruthless: Umbridge has no qualms about placing children in harm's way, threatening Harry's life with Dementors, and hoping Centaurs take his life when they're in the forest. She also has a sadistic taste for holding power over other people and aligns herself with whatever regime offers her such power.

    Her Most Ruthless Act: Umbridge sends innocent Muggle-borns and Half-bloods to Azkaban. Many people she sentences perish in prison under the Dementors. 

    Is She Secretly A Softie? No. Umbridge has zero care for anything other than establishing herself above others.

  • Bellatrix Lestrange

    Who She Is: Voldemort's greatest lieutenant, who is endlessly loyal to the Dark Lord. Bellatrix hails from the Black family and grows up with views of pure-blood supremacy that she isn't afraid to violently defend.

    Why She's So Ruthless: Bellatrix's stay in Azkaban prison turns her into a maniacal person who derives pleasure from the suffering of Muggle-borns and Half-bloods. Her go-to maneuver is the Cruciatus Curse, bolstered by the fact that she enjoys causing pain.

    Her Most Ruthless Act: The torture of Alice and Frank Longbottom. The couple is mercilessly tormented, so much so that their brains are permanently addled with no hope of recovery. Bellatrix considers this one of her crowning achievements.

    Is She Secretly A Softie? Surprisingly, yes. Bellatrix is truly in love with Voldemort and shows her tender side whenever in his presence. 

  • Lord Voldemort
    700 VOTES

    Who He Is: The darkest of Dark Lords. Voldemort takes countless lives in his quest for immortality, including innocent people so he can create multiple Horcruxes. Voldemort's goal is to end all Muggles and Muggle-borns, and he ushers in two of the deadliest Wizarding Wars.

    Why He's So Ruthless: Voldemort is incapable of understanding love and takes the lives of his own followers if it suits him. He finds it amusing to cause harm simply because he considers it a form of entertainment. His fear of death is such that he's known to curse cadavers to use as his undead army.

    His Most Ruthless Act: His attempt to take the life of a baby. Voldemort commits many atrocious acts, yet his total willingness to look an infant in the eye with the intention of taking his life is unforgivable. In fact, Voldemort considers his failure to end baby Harry to be his biggest regret.

    Is He Secretly A Softie? No. Voldemort sneers at the idea of love and manipulates his followers' loyalties to use them as his pawns.

  • Antonin Dolohov
    496 VOTES

    Who He Is: Feared Death Eater who is implicitly loyal to Voldemort's cause of pure-blood supremacy. Dolohov is a specialist in the ranks, assigned to complete tasks that involve inflicting pain and torment to Voldemort's targets.

    Why He's So Ruthless: Dolohov is without any comprehension of mercy. He rains down extreme suffering to those in his way and racks up a long list of targets.

    His Most Ruthless Act: He nearly causes the demise of Hermione Granger. Dolohov uses a spell of his own creation that slashes across Hermione's chest, which results in internal hemorrhaging. Dolohov could have slain her painlessly, but chooses a painful alternative instead.

    Is He Secretly A Softie? No. Even Dolohov's facial features are described as "twisted."

    496 votes
  • Barty Crouch Jr.

    Who He Is: One of Voldemort's most loyal followers. He sees the Dark Lord as a replacement father figure when his real father doesn't pay attention to him. Crouch is willing to do whatever he's told to fulfill Voldemort's wishes to become close to him like a son.

    Why He's So Ruthless: Crouch has no qualms about hurting anyone if it pleases Voldemort or aids him in his mission. A short list of people he harms includes Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory, the Longbottoms, Mad-Eye Moody, and Viktor Krum.

    His Most Ruthless Act: Taking the life of his own father. He holds no love for Crouch Sr. once he accepts Voldemort as his surrogate father. He finds his father in a weak state near the Forbidden Forest and proceeds to end his life, which he claims to be the greatest achievement he's ever accomplished.

    Is He Secretly A Softie? No. Crouch's actions are misguided attempts to gain notice of fatherly figures.

  • Carrow Twins
    464 VOTES

    Carrow Twins

    Who They Are: Pair of twin siblings who are part of Voldemort's followers. The Carrows are notable for their cruelty and the pleasure they derive from engaging in gruesome activities.

    Why They're So Ruthless: The Carrow twins seek to impart their taste for cruelty to others, particularly children, to mold them in their twisted ways.

    Their Most Ruthless Act: Encouraging students to cast the Cruciatus Curse on their classmates. The Carrows are installed at Hogwarts as teachers under Voldemort's regime and gather evil students like Vincent Crabbe to torment children who rebel against them.

    Are They Secretly A Softie? No. The Carrows' primary role in the story is to portray the evilness of Voldemort's followers.

    464 votes
  • Gellert Grindelwald

    Who He Is: Arguably the greatest wizarding conqueror. Grindelwald manages to take over all of Europe, barring England, in his prime. He seeks to unite the Wizarding World through the elimination of Muggles, but uses dastardly means to get what he wants.

    Why He's So Ruthless: Grindelwald freely exterminates large groups of people who oppose him and manipulates innocent people. He ultimately cares only about his own goals, and is such a master manipulator that people fall under his thrall.

    His Most Ruthless Act: The use of the Cruciatius Curse on Aberforth Dumbledore and the termination of Ariana Dumbledore. Grindelwald torments Aberforth right in front of Albus when they get into an argument, which leads to a three-way duel where Grindelwald is implied to be the one to claim Ariana's life in the crossfire.

    Is He Secretly A Softie? Not really. He truly believes the world will be better if wizards are brought together, but his cruel methods speak otherwise.

  • Peter Pettigrew
    409 VOTES

    Peter Pettigrew

    Who He Is: Former member of the Marauders at Hogwarts and the Order of the Phoenix. Pettigrew snitches on his best friend, James Potter, to get him eliminated by Voldemort, and accuses his other best friend, Sirius, of being the traitor. He becomes Voldemort's servant and is responsible for the Dark Lord's return.

    Why He's So Ruthless: Pettigrew savagely betrays his friends' trust to sell them out. Moreover, he doesn't repay Harry's act of sparing his life and offers him up to Voldemort.

    His Most Ruthless Act: His explosion spell destroys an entire street, claiming dozens of lives. The only reason Pettigrew does so is to have a distraction long enough to fake his own demise and frame Sirius, who is carted off to Azkaban for over a decade while Pettigrew is lauded as a tragic hero.

    Is He Secretly A Softie? No. Pettigrew has zero scruples and cares only about self-preservation.

  • Vernon Dursley
    457 VOTES

    Who He Is: Harry's Muggle uncle and legal guardian. Vernon raises Harry in an abusive household for the first 11 years of his life. He hates having Harry around and encourages his son and wife to treat him terribly at all times.

    Why He's So Ruthless: Vernon is without remorse over the way he behaves with Harry. He has no issue with verbally and physically harassing his nephew, even locking him up and threatening to make his life worse if Harry doesn't obey him, which doesn't change even when Harry follows his rules.

    His Most Ruthless Act: Vernon seals Harry in the cupboard under the stairs for weeks when he blames Harry for Dudley's fall into a snake's cage at the zoo. Harry is forced to remain in the dark cupboard with minimal food, which leaves him on the verge of extreme hunger.

    Is He Secretly A Softie? No. Vernon would like to believe he's a loving father to Dudley, but his son just turns into a heartless jerk until Harry's influence seems to change him a little in the end.

    457 votes
  • Rita Skeeter
    449 VOTES

    Who She Is: Reporter for the Daily Prophet and source of the Wizarding World's sensational news material. Rita twists every story to ludicrous lengths to rope in readers, including her libelous streak against Harry and his friends.

    Why She's So Ruthless: Rita doesn't care about the massive fallout from her printed lies, with Rubeus Hagrid, Viktor Krum, Hermione, Harry, and Dumbledore among those suffering from a negative public opinion.

    Her Most Ruthless Act: By outing Hagrid, Rita stokes the Wizarding World's fear and prejudice of giants.

    Is She Secretly A Softie? No. Rita doesn't benefit from her libelous writing but continues her journalistic lies because she seems to enjoy the response she gets.

  • Salazar Slytherin

    Who He Is: Co-founder of Hogwarts; considered among the most powerful wizards to have ever lived.

    Why He's So Ruthless: Slytherin became obsessed with preserving pure-bloods and lobbied to have Muggle-borns removed from Hogwarts. He fashioned a sentient wand that did his bidding and could be used to create terrifyingly powerful spells.

    His Most Ruthless Act: Slytherin created the Chamber of Secrets with a Basilisk hidden within. His intention was for the Basilisk to be summoned by his future heirs to eliminate Muggle-born children at Hogwarts.

    Is He Secretly A Softie? No. Slytherin was incapable of sympathy toward Muggle-borns and ended up leaving the school rather than warm up toward progressive ideals.

    441 votes
  • Lucius Malfoy
    421 VOTES

    Who He Is: Voldemort's second-in-command. Lucius is a rich man and uses his influence to spread pure-blood ideologies. He greatly despises Muggles and Muggle-borns, and hopes to eradicate them.

    Why He's So Ruthless: Lucius is perfectly willing to let innocents perish in the name of the Dark Lord. He spearheads attacks on Harry and his friends, hoping he can eliminate them in service of Voldemort.

    His Most Ruthless Act: Opening the Chamber of Secrets. Lucius plants Voldemort's diary Horcrux on young Ginny Weasley in hopes the Basilisk will slay all the Muggle-born children at Hogwarts. He does so because he wants to get back at his archnemesis, Ginny's father, Arthur.

    Is He Secretly A Softie? Sort of. His love extends only toward his wife and son.

  • Vincent Crabbe
    360 VOTES

    Who He Is: One of Draco Malfoy's lackeys at school. He serves as Malfoy's brute for much of the series and backs up his boss whenever Malfoy tries to antagonize Harry and his friends.

    Why He's So Ruthless: Crabbe becomes the star protege of the Carrows during Voldemort's regime at Hogwarts. He gladly torments his classmates out of the satisfaction he gets from the position of power he's in. 

    His Most Ruthless Act: His attempt to eliminate Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Crabbe instantly uses the killing curse on the trio during the final conflict at Hogwarts despite no one actually provoking him. He casts the Fiendfyre curse, ultimately destroying the Room of Requirement that claims his own life.

    Is He Secretly A Softie? No. Crabbe enjoys making others suffer.

    360 votes
  • Cornelius Fudge
    369 VOTES

    Who He Is: Minister for Magic after Voldemort's disappearance. Fudge is a horrible leader and goes into denial when Voldemort returns, which eventually leads to his being removed from office.

    Why He's So Ruthless: Fudge, in his paranoia, believes Albus Dumbledore is using Harry to claim his position as Minister, so he goes to great lengths to rain down misery on the duo. Fudge ignores all the obvious signs of Voldemort's return and instead sullies the reputation of others and misuses his powers.

    His Most Ruthless Act: His smear campaign against Harry and Dumbledore. Fudge uses the Daily Prophet to print lies about the duo's sanity, and the Wizarding World ends up convinced that Harry and Dumbledore are deranged. Fudge installs Dolores Umbridge at Hogwarts to push Dumbledore out as Headmaster and to cause Harry great problems at school in hopes he'll drop out or be expelled.

    Is He Secretly A Softie? No. Fudge puts on a fatherly demeanor toward Harry in earlier years, but becomes cold and ruthless when he refuses to believe Harry's claims of Voldemort's return. He pretty much only cares about his seat as Minister.

    369 votes
  • Barty Crouch Sr.
    365 VOTES

    Who He Is: Former Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Crouch is on the side against Voldemort at first, but his obsession with becoming Minister for Magic blinds him toward everything, including the morality of law.

    Why He's So Ruthless: Crouch legalizes the use of Unforgivable Curses, which leads to Aurors apprehending or outright eliminating innocents they wrongly believe to be Voldemort's followers. Crouch also sends wizards like Sirius Black to Azkaban without trials based on circumstantial or no evidence.

    His Most Ruthless Act: Crouch sends his son to Azkaban to convince the public of his stringent views on justice. 

    Is He Secretly A Softie? Partly. Crouch's biggest failing is that he never shows any care or affection for his son, but he truly loves his wife and breaks his son out of Azkaban to fulfill her last wish.

    365 votes
  • Albus Dumbledore
    477 VOTES

    Who He Is: Headmaster of Hogwarts and considered the greatest wizard of modern times. Albus Dumbledore is the leader of the Order of the Phoenix and defeats Gellert Grindelwald.

    Why He's So Ruthless: Dumbledore notoriously manipulates others as part of his plans. The collateral damage includes the demise of Sirius Black, Severus Snape, James and Lily Potter, and the intended elimination of Harry until a loophole allows him to survive. Dumbledore is also obsessed with power, originally planning in his youth to rule over Muggles.

    His Most Ruthless Act: Raising Harry with the endgame of guiding him toward Voldemort at the proper moment as a way to ensure the Horcrux inside him is destroyed. Harry sees Dumbledore as a father figure, but Dumbledore knows from the beginning of their relationship that he will mold Harry into becoming a person who will walk to his demise.

    Is He Secretly A Softie? Yes. He is unwavering in his bid to achieve harmony for the Wizarding World, and truly loves Harry.

  • James Potter
    430 VOTES

    Who He Is: Part of the Marauders at Hogwarts and a member of the Order of the Phoenix. James defies Voldemort at least three times and is eliminated because he attempts to protect his son from the Dark Lord.

    Why He's So Ruthless: James's early days in school are filled with incidents where he takes his prankster attitude too far. He employs dangerous spells to pick on Severus Snape and other students. James's behavior is such that he's noted to hex just about anyone if he's bored.

    His Most Ruthless Act: A public bullying of Snape at Hogwarts. James dangles his rival in midair in front of all their classmates to pass the time. He knows Snape has feelings for Lily, much like he does, so he humiliates Snape by removing his clothing to mock him. 

    Is He Secretly A Softie? Yes. James genuinely values his friends and trusts them with his life.

  • Severus Snape
    442 VOTES

    Who He Is: Member of the Order of the Phoenix working undercover for Voldemort. Snape is also a teacher at Hogwarts who is an expert in Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and the Dark Arts themselves. His loyalties are a mystery throughout the series until the climax, where it turns out he was aligned with the heroes all along.

    Why He's So Ruthless: Snape has an intense loathing for James Potter and the Marauders for bullying him when they were at school together. This extends to anyone linked with the Marauders, and as a result he is frequently cruel toward Harry and his friends, constantly antagonizing them.

    His Most Ruthless Act: He reveals the prophecy he overheard to Voldemort. Snape listens to only half of it and assumes Voldemort will eliminate James and Harry, and hopes he can claim Lily afterward.

    Is He Secretly A Softie? Yes. He is in love with Lily Potter and spends his entire adult life looking after Harry for Lily, even though he still despises Harry because he's James's son, as well.

  • Draco Malfoy
    394 VOTES

    Who He Is: Youngest wizard to be inducted as a follower of Voldemort. Heir to the Malfoy family estate, he grows up prejudiced by copying his father's ideals. He's a rival of Harry and his friends at Hogwarts and leads the successful attempt to take Albus Dumbledore's life.

    Why He's So Ruthless: Malfoy is a bully at school, targeting Neville, Ron, Harry, and Hermione. In particular, he espouses pure-blood supremacy and despises Muggle-borns.

    His Most Ruthless Act: His set-up of Buckbeak's execution. Malfoy fakes that his arm hurts so his father can influence the Ministry to get Buckbeak sentenced. Moreover, Malfoy plans on claiming the Hippogriff's head after execution to mail to the Gryffindor common room out of a twisted sense of pleasure.

    Is He Secretly A Softie? Debatable. He realizes he's not a killer when he's forced into Voldemort's group of followers, but it's out of cowardice and self-preservation.

  • Harry Potter
    387 VOTES

    Who He Is: The Chosen One. Harry's early life is riddled with tragedies caused by Voldemort due to a prophecy that ensures only one of them can live. He defeats Lord Voldemort to usher in a golden age for the Wizarding World where dark magic never resurfaces to such great lengths again.

    Why He's So Ruthless: Harry's greatest flaw is his anger and bias toward those he loves. He will unleash his wrath on the people who antagonize him, so much so that he has committed misdeeds against humanity like putting people under his thrall, intending to take lives, and causing extreme torment.

    His Most Ruthless Act: His Cruciatus Curse on Amycus Carrow. Harry is angered when his mentor Minerva McGonagall is insulted and spat on by Carrow, and proceeds to torment him in the Ravenclaw common room in front of others. Harry enjoys it so much that the curse becomes powerful enough to knock Carrow out indefinitely through sheer pain.

    Is He Secretly A Softie? Yes. Harry's main power is his ability to love truly and deeply. He defeats Voldemort because he can love and the Dark Lord cannot.

  • Sirius Black
    402 VOTES

    Who He Is: Part of the Order of the Phoenix and the Marauders at Hogwarts. Sirius is wrongfully convicted and sent to Azkaban, where he develops a grudge against former best friend Peter Pettigrew for framing him. Sirius is a born rebel who goes against the Black family's pure-blood mentality.

    Why He's So Ruthless: Sirius treats those he doesn't like with utter contempt. Like his best friend James, Sirius has a prankster mentality that can become dangerous, to the point where lives are at risk. He's also gleeful at the prospect of terminating Pettigrew when he has the chance.

    His Most Ruthless Act: His attempt to send Severus Snape to the Shrieking Shack where the werewolf form of Remus Lupin awaits. Sirius is fully aware that Snape is likely walking to his demise, but has no regrets - he considers James's act of stopping Snape to be a mistake by his friend.

    Is He Secretly A Softie? Yes. Sirius's love for his godson, Harry, brings out a fatherly side of him and he goes to extreme lengths to keep Harry safe.

  • Molly Weasley
    387 VOTES

    Who She Is: The matriarch of the Weasley family. Molly is a fierce witch in dangerous situations. She can also be very possessive of her family, who all fear possibly getting on her bad side.

    Why She's So Ruthless: Molly is merciless to those who threaten her family and is the Weasley family member who aims to take lives. 

    Her Most Ruthless Act: Her elimination of Bellatrix Lestrange. Molly is beside herself with grief over the demise of her son, Fred, and is filled with bloodlust when Bellatrix attempts to claim the life of Molly's daughter, Ginny. Molly uses a secret spell that causes Bellatrix's heart to stop beating, which leads to a highly painful demise.

    Is She Secretly A Softie? Yes. Molly is very motherly toward others. She sees Harry as her own son and becomes the closest thing he has to a mother.

  • Fred Weasley
    352 VOTES

    Who He Is: Co-owner of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, part of the Weasley clan, and elder twin of George. Fred is a notorious prankster in school who hones his skills to open a joke shop with George. He becomes part of the Order of the Phoenix in the fight against Voldemort and is slain during the square-off at Hogwarts.

    Why He's So Ruthless: Unlike his twin brother, Fred can be very cruel. He goads George to join him in participating in blackmail, causing bodily harm, and undertaking pranks that are more mean-spirited than funny.

    His Most Ruthless Act: Fred nearly claims lives twice: He causes Dudley Dursley to choke on his own tongue by "accidentally" dropping a toffee that causes such a reaction, and doesn't reverse the spell; instead, his father does. Fred later stuffs his rival, Montague, into a vanishing cabinet and leaves him there - Montague survives only when he apparates out and is hospitalized.

    Is He Secretly A Softie? Yes. Fred is a source of comfort for the Wizarding World along with his brother, bringing much-needed laughter to people via the twins' joke shop.

  • Hermione Granger
    375 VOTES

    Who She Is: Muggle-born witch who is the most gifted student in her school year. Hermione is the brains of the Golden Trio and comes up with plans and strategies for the three to execute in their fight against dark forces. 

    Why She's So Ruthless: Hermione almost obnoxiously follows rules, but will bend them to get an important job done, including causing physical harm to those in the way. Hermione also tends to go after her own friends when she's angry, to the point where they're scared of getting on her bad side. Hermione kidnaps Rita Skeeter to blackmail her, curses objects to ensure she doesn't get betrayed, and has her friends assault their enemies to assume their identities to get into restricted places.

    Her Most Ruthless Act: Her curse on Marietta Edgecombe. Hermione places a jinx on the parchment containing the names of the members of Dumbledore's Army that activates when someone snitches on them. Marietta is left with boils on her face that read "SNEAK" for the rest of her life because Hermione refuses to undo the spell.

    Is She Secretly A Softie? Yes. She cares deeply about her parents, friends, and helpless wizards in harm's way, and is the only person who understands the plight of the house-elves' servitude, going to great lengths to win them rights.