The Greatest 'Harry Potter' Characters

Ranker Community
Updated June 7, 2024 205.4K views 117 items
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616.9K votes
33.7K voters
95 reranks
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Only characters from the 'Harry Potter' books and films.
Latest additions: Dobby the House Elf
Most divisive: James Potter
Over 33.7K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Greatest 'Harry Potter' Characters

The top Harry Potter characters come from a rich fictional universe crafted on the page and adapted to the screen, giving us some of the best and most famous movie adaptations from books of all time. Since the Harry Potter universe weaves an immense saga, with 75 (75!) main characters in the Harry Potter movies and books, there's little surprise that they comprise many of the most beloved (and hated) characters of all time we've treasured through the years since the series concluded. The continued relevance of the series shows us why Harry Potter took off to begin with and what a profound impact it continues to carry in pop culture.

That said, the question in front of us is "who are the best Harry Potter characters?" and it is a tough one to answer, with a long list of important people from the wizarding world with an array of eclectic magical characteristics to pick from. Ranking the highest rated Harry Potter characters is a major task — are you up for it?

Do you go for the obvious and choose one of the major roles, like Harry the titular hero and arguably the most important in the series, or pay respect to Voldemort, one of the best movie villains of all time? Do you go for one of HP's iconic friends, the brains of Hermione or charm of two of the funniest characters George and Fred? Perhaps some of the interesting, more unknown characters and students throughout the series are those you liked the most. These are the questions we're confronted with when attempting to name the greatest Harry Potter characters ever. 

Since both the Harry Potter books and movies can be taken into account, almost every Harry Potter character is here, so it's up to you to decide if you want to vote for the popular Harry Potter characters as you imagined them or as they were portrayed on screen. Since the books are among the best selling series of all time, there's a good chance you've read them and can compare notes with the movies. 

Your choice is yours, though; nobody's breaking out the Imperius curse so cast your vote for your favorite characters and make vote down the ones you don't like. If there's a supporting Harry Potter character you feel belongs on the list, make sure to add them to this list of the top Harry Potter characters. If you scroll to the bottom, you'll also catch some of the worst, most unpopular characters we love to hate. 

Of course, if you're forgetting some of the names, curious about which Hogwarts houses they were sorted in, or need pictures to jog your memory, you can use the list of full names, descriptions, and images as a reference.

  • Minerva McGonagall
    Maggie Smith
    16,865 votes

    A fiercely loyal and supremely talented witch, Minerva McGonagall doesn't take any nonsense, but her heart's always in the right place. As Head of Gryffindor House and an esteemed Transfiguration professor, she commands respect from students and colleagues alike - even if she occasionally clashes with authority. With a stern visage that can quickly soften into warmth, McGonagall's unwavering courage and wit make her an essential ally in the fight against darkness.

  • Hermione Granger
    Emma Watson
    18,720 votes

    Brains, beauty, and bravery - Hermione Granger's got it all in spades. The brightest witch of her age wears her intellect like armor but never hesitates to charge headlong into danger alongside her friends. From solving mysteries to standing up for justice, Hermione remains true to herself while proving that knowledge truly is power.

  • Rubeus Hagrid
    Robbie Coltrane
    15,266 votes

    Half-giant, half-human, and wholly lovable, Rubeus Hagrid is the gentle caretaker of magical creatures who's always there when you need him most. His profound love for all living beings - even those others might find terrifying - shines through his every action and reveals a heart bigger than his immense frame. Though he may not always follow the rules to a tee, you can count on Hagrid for unwavering loyalty and support in tough times.

  • Sirius Black
    Gary Oldman
    16,982 votes

    Once imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit, Sirius Black emerges as a dynamic figure haunted by tragedy but determined to protect those he loves. Clever, reckless, and fiercely devoted to his godson Harry, Sirius defies expectations at every turn. The complex relationship between darkness and light defines this enigmatic character whose legacy lives on long after his untimely demise.

  • Remus Lupin
    David Thewlis
    15,460 votes

    As the consummate embodiment of wisdom tempered by humility, Remus Lupin navigates the difficult path of a werewolf with grace and resilience. A caring mentor and masterful Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Lupin teaches invaluable lessons while struggling against his own inner demons. Despite battling prejudice and fear, Lupin remains loyal to his friends and the cause even in the face of great personal sacrifice.

  • Severus Snape
    Alan Rickman
    18,971 votes

    Complex does not gild the lily enough when trying to describe Severus Snape, a man who appears as cold-hearted as he is secretly devoted to Harry Potter’s protection. His love for Lily Evans drives every decision he makes, for better or worse, creating a character equal parts tragic and heroic. It’s from these depths that Snape evolves into one of the most pivotal figures whose true loyalties remain shrouded until you-know-who draws his last breath. 

  • Luna Lovegood
    Evanna Lynch
    15,464 votes

    Eccentric though she may be, Luna Lovegood's unique perspective often reveals hidden truths overlooked by others. With her serene demeanor and unwavering belief in the mystical, Luna possesses an innate wisdom that is both enchanting and illuminating. Whether offering comfort amidst despair or finding joy in life's peculiarities, this dreamy young Ravenclaw proves that there's power in embracing one's authentic self.

  • Harry Potter
    Daniel Radcliffe
    15,893 votes

    The Boy Who Lived bears a weight few could endure - but beneath the lightning bolt scar beats the heart of a hero. Though marred by tragedy from an early age, Harry Potter rises above it all with strength, courage, and a little help from his friends. As he unravels the mysteries surrounding him and faces off against unspeakable evil, we learn what it truly means to be The Chosen One.

  • Albus Dumbledore
    Michael Gambon, Richard Harris
    14,451 votes

    A legendary leader and brilliant strategist, Albus Dumbledore remains enigmatic even under the weight of immense scrutiny. Possessing an extraordinary depth of wisdom and foresight tempered by a tragic past, he serves as a guiding beacon for those who champion the forces of good. As both mentor and protector, Dumbledore's mysterious plans ultimately lead to one reality - that love truly conquers all.

  • Neville Longbottom
    Matthew David Lewis
    13,137 votes

    From bumbling student to courageous hero, Neville Longbottom's transformation offers hope for everyone who's ever felt inadequate or underestimated. Initially seen as clumsy and forgetful, Neville demonstrates true Gryffindor bravery when it counts. By standing up to injustice and becoming a leader in his own right, Neville proves that even the most unlikely people can change the world.

  • Dobby
    Toby Jones
    13,229 votes

    This courageous little creature offers an unassuming but powerful reminder of what it means to fight for freedom and loyalty, no matter one’s rank or position. With a devotion that knows no bounds, Dobby the House Elf flaunts his cunning in every way he can - from locating horcruxes to saving lives. He may be small, but his spirit looms larger than life as a symbol of hope for all those fighting against oppression.

  • Fred Weasley
    James Phelps
    12,629 votes

    Witty and mischievous by nature, Fred Weasley draws smiles from friends and keeps foes on their toes with his ever-present bag of tricks. One half of the dynamic duo that is the Weasley Twins, Fred's creative genius shines through in everything from breathtaking pranks to daring battle tactics. A master of mischief with a heart full of laughter, Fred leaves an indelible mark on all who cross his path.

  • George Weasley
    Oliver Phelps
    12,255 votes

    The other half of the infamous Weasley duo, George is similarly known for his quick wit and penchant for troublemaking. Constantly developing new gags and magical inventions with his brother Fred, George stands out as a bright spot in dark times. His unwavering spirit and loyalty make him not only a great source of comic relief but also a vital member of Dumbledore's Army.

  • Molly Weasley
    Julie Walters
    11,392 votes

    Fierce protector and loving mother hen to her brood (and others), Molly Weasley never shies away from putting someone - or something - in its place when it comes to defending her family. No task is too small or overwhelming for this woman whose nurturing love mends broken hearts and readies her children for life’s challenges ahead. Molly reminds us that true bravery and strength often shines brightest in the simple act of motherly love.

  • Ronald Weasley
    Rupert Grint
    13,348 votes

    Beset by self-doubt but never lacking in courage, Ron Weasley stands tall as a fiercely loyal friend to Harry and Hermione throughout their tumultuous journey. Though often overshadowed by his more accomplished companions, Ron's unwavering determination ultimately secures him a place in the annals of wizarding history. Blessed with an unmistakable zest for life and boundless capacity for love, this quintessential sidekick steals our hearts time and time again.

  • Hedwig
    8,030 votes

    An unwavering symbol of loyalty and friendship, Hedwig's dedication to her master knows no bounds - much like her ability to locate anyone through the night sky’s vast expanse. More than just a messenger, she becomes an integral part of Harry Potter's life from the moment they first lock eyes. In times of loneliness or danger, Hedwig serves as a comforting presence that reminds us all what it means to have someone we can trust without question.

  • Nymphadora Tonks
    Natalia Tena
    10,176 votes

    A Metamorphmagus with an irrepressible spirit, Nymphadora Tonks brings color and vibrancy to even the darkest circumstances. Skilled in combat yet surprisingly gentle at heart, Tonks finds solace in her loved ones while battling against evil forces beyond comprehension. Her unwavering tenacity and vivacious nature add flair to every adventure she undertakes.

  • Arthur Weasley
    Mark Williams
    9,093 votes

    As an eccentric tinkerer and loving father, Arthur Weasley stands as a testament to the power of curiosity and kindness. Never afraid to question conventional wisdom or pursue his own offbeat interests, Arthur's unyielding optimism in the face of adversity demonstrates the importance of staying true to oneself. His gentle nature, fierce loyalty, and unwavering support for his family make him a true pillar of the magical world.

  • Ginny Weasley
    Bonnie Wright
    10,847 votes

    The youngest Weasley comes out swinging with fiery red hair and an equally fiery spirit that refuses to be ignored. From standing up to bullies in her own house to fighting alongside Harry when all hope seems lost, Ginny Weasley embodies courage while remaining steadfastly true to herself. With each passing moment, this once-peripheral character blossoms into a force to be reckoned with.

  • Draco Malfoy
    Tom Felton
    11,365 votes

    Arrogant and cunning, Draco Malfoy is undeniably a worthy adversary whose very name sparks instant controversy. Though born into privilege and groomed for greatness, he harbors deeply-rooted insecurities that manifest in dramatic displays of cruelty. As the saga unfolds, however, we glimpse moments of humanity beneath the sneer - revealing that even those deemed irredeemable may harbor complex emotions and hidden depths.

  • Fawkes


    2,660 votes

    More than just a simple pet bird, Fawkes is a symbol of rebirth and renewal as Dumbledore’s loyal phoenix companion. With immortal resilience and unmatched grace, this enchanting creature offers guidance when least expected - often saving our heroes from certain doom. It's Fawkes' unwavering devotion that reminds us of the profound magic found in friendship.

  • Bellatrix Lestrange
    Helena Bonham Carter
    10,323 votes

    Pureblood fanaticism personified: Bellatrix Lestrange strikes fear into the hearts of witches and wizards everywhere with her ruthless pursuit of power and unbridled fervor for dark magic. As one of Voldemort's most trusted Death Eaters, her unwavering loyalty knows no bounds - and neither does her capacity for cruelty. Yet beneath this twisted exterior lies a tragic tale of love and obsession that reminds us even the darkest souls have their own stories to tell.

  • Alastor Moody
    Brendan Gleeson
    8,690 votes

    Mad-Eye Moody is a fiercely dedicated Auror who valiantly battled dark forces throughout his storied career, earning every battle scar he proudly displays. Relentless in his pursuit of justice, this grizzled veteran may seem paranoid to some - but sometimes it's the justifiably paranoid who see things most clearly. His indomitable spirit leaves an undeniable mark on those he trains, cementing his legacy as a true champion of the light.

  • Buckbeak


    5,155 votes

    Majestic and fierce, Buckbeak the Hippogriff commands respect from all who encounter him with his razor-sharp beak and talons. Though initially intimidating, this loyal creature demonstrates immense gratitude and loyalty to those who treat him with kindness. A testament to the power of trust and friendship, Buckbeak's adventures alongside our heroes add a thrilling dimension to their story.

  • Sorting Hat
    Leslie Phillips
    5,169 votes

    Wise beyond its tattered brim, the Sorting Hat holds the unique responsibility of determining where each young witch or wizard belongs within Hogwarts' storied halls. With an uncanny ability to see into one's soul, this ancient sentient artifact plays a pivotal role in shaping students' lives for years to come. Despite its impartiality, the Sorting Hat possesses a dedicated heart that champions unity among all four houses.

  • Newt Scamander

    Newt Scamander

    Eddie Redmayne
    6,021 votes

    A compassionate advocate for misunderstood magical creatures, Newt Scamander brings both passion and expertise to his life's work as a magizoologist. With an unyielding curiosity and genuine love for the magical world, Newt transcends prejudice and fear through his extraordinary adventures. As he proves time and again, even the most seemingly insignificant creatures can make all the difference in the face of insurmountable challenges.

  • Cedric Diggory

    Cedric Diggory

    Robert Pattinson
    7,594 votes

    The epitome of Hufflepuff values - fair play, loyalty, and hard work - Cedric Diggory serves as a reminder of the best and brightest the magical world has to offer. Despite his tragic end, Cedric's lasting impact on those who knew him is a testament to the power of standing tall in the face of adversity. A true role model in every sense, he remains an inspiration long after leaving us far too soon.

  • Professor Filius Flitwick

    Professor Filius Flitwick

    Warwick Davis
    6,339 votes

    As an astute professor and skilled charms master, Professor Flitwick demonstrates again and again how a diminutive stature doesn't dictate one's ability or influence. With an unwavering dedication to his students and a heartfelt passion for teaching, Flitwick's good-natured personality betrays a steely determination when faced with danger. This lovable Ravenclaw showcases there's more than one way to make a big impact.

  • Kingsley Shacklebolt

    Kingsley Shacklebolt

    George Harris
    6,462 votes

    An unwavering force for good amidst turbulent times, Kingsley Shacklebolt's calm demeanor belies his fierce commitment to justice. As a skilled Auror and powerful ally to our heroes, Kingsley's keen mind brings order amidst chaos in ways few others could manage. His rise to prominence highlights the importance of unshakable courage in leadership.

  • Oliver Wood
    Sean Biggerstaff
    6,424 votes

    A Gryffindor through and through, Oliver Wood's unparalleled dedication to Quidditch reflects his unyielding commitment to achieving greatness both on and off the field. As a captain and mentor, Wood demonstrates unwavering loyalty and passion for his team, no matter the odds or obstacles they face. His competitive spirit and tenacity remain an inspiration to future generations of aspiring Quidditch players.

  • Lily Evans Potter
    Geraldine Somerville
    7,240 votes

    Lily Evans Potter shines brightly as an enduring symbol of love in its purest form, casting an indelible mark on everyone who crosses her path - particularly Snape and Harry. As an extraordinary witch unafraid to stand up against injustice or lend support to those in need, she leaves behind a legacy defined by courage, selflessness, and sacrifice. Her spirit continues to resonate across generations as motherly love proves stronger than even the darkest magic.

  • Narcissa Malfoy
    Helen McCrory
    6,513 votes

    Often overshadowed by her more notorious family members, Narcissa Malfoy conceals hidden depths beneath her icy facade. Though born into privilege and prejudice, she ultimately chooses love over loyalty when it matters most - a powerful reminder that even those ensnared by darkness can find redemption. Her actions serve as a stark reminder that no one is beyond hope or change.

  • Garrick Ollivander
    3,800 votes

    The enigmatic Garrick Ollivander holds the unique distinction of being responsible for arming our heroes with their most trusted tools - wands. His vast knowledge of wandlore and unmatched craftsmanship have made him renowned in the wizarding world. Possessing a deep respect for the power within these magical instruments, Ollivander reminds us all that it's more than just the wand - it's who wields it that truly matters.

  • Aberforth Dumbledore
    5,573 votes

    Living in his brother's shadow, Aberforth Dumbledore carries a burdened past that shapes his worldview and actions throughout the series. Though initially prickly and withdrawn, he ultimately proves himself as not only a valuable ally but also a devoted family man at heart. His unwavering commitment to protecting those he loves reveals a side not often seen - one that serves as a powerful reminder that sometimes, even unsung heroes make all the difference.

  • Fleur Delacour
    Clémence Poésy
    6,213 votes

    Equal parts beauty and brawn, Fleur Delacour defies misconceptions about her abilities time and time again. A skilled witch with unwavering determination, she competes with vigor in the Triwizard Tournament before joining forces with our heroes against formidable foes. Fleur showcases grace under pressure while proving that stereotypes don't define one's true potential.

  • Lord Voldemort
    Richard Bremner, Ralph Fiennes
    8,058 votes

    The embodiment of pure evil, Lord Voldemort casts a dark shadow over our heroes' journey as they battle against his tyrannical reign. As one of the most formidable dark wizards in history, he instills terror in all who cross his path - but ultimately falls victim to his greatest weakness: the inability to understand love. A chilling reminder that power can corrupt absolutely, Voldemort's haunting presence lingers long after he meets his end.

  • William Weasley
    Domhnall Gleeson
    5,470 votes

    As one of the eldest Weasley siblings, Bill displays an enviable mix of intelligence, charisma, and nerve despite his staid occupation at Gringotts Wizarding Bank. His experiences as a curse-breaker inform his practical approach to life and give him a unique perspective on the challenges ahead. Through thick and thin, Bill remains an unwavering pillar of strength for his family and friends.

  • Nearly Headless Nick
    5,809 votes

    Despite his gruesome appearance, Nearly Headless Nick charms everyone he encounters with his wit, good humor, and genuine concern for Hogwarts' inhabitants. As Gryffindor's house ghost, he offers invaluable advice at crucial moments while providing much-needed levity during dark times. Through empathy and understanding, this spirited specter teaches us all that even our seemingly insurmountable flaws don't detract from what makes us truly extraordinary.

  • Crookshanks
    4,325 votes

    Hermione's mysterious, half-Kneazle pet offers more than just comfort and companionship - he proves himself invaluable on numerous occasions with his uncanny instincts and sharp intellect. Crookshanks showcases the importance of trusting our gut feelings while reminding us that sometimes the most unlikely creatures can change our lives for the better.

  • Professor Horace Slughorn
    5,465 votes

    A skilled potions master with a penchant for indulgence, Horace Slughorn reveals both the best and worst traits that come with ambition. His eagerness to surround himself with powerful allies initially clouds his judgment, but eventually gives way to profound regret and redemption. Despite his past missteps, Slughorn proves wise enough to learn from them - a testament to the resilience of character.

  • Poppy Pomfrey
    Gemma Jones
    3,781 votes

    Unquestionably dedicated to her work at Hogwarts' medical wing, Poppy Pomfrey serves as a steadfast pillar of support for students as they brave both physical and emotional challenges. Her tender care not only mends countless injuries but also offers solace and encouragement in their darkest moments. Madam Pomfrey's quiet heroism reminds us all that even behind-the-scenes roles hold immeasurable importance.

  • Lee Jordan
    Luke Youngblood
    4,945 votes

    A spirited announcer with a penchant for mischief, Lee Jordan adds excitement and levity to each Quidditch match he covers alongside his fellow pranksters, Fred and George Weasley. Through thick and thin, he remains committed to providing entertainment despite any risks or challenges ahead. Lee's infectious energy serves as a reminder that sometimes, laughter truly is the best medicine.

  • Seamus Finnigan
    Devon Murray
    5,041 votes

    Always ready with a quip or mischievous grin, Seamus Finnigan brings levity to an otherwise serious world. His resourcefulness on the battlefield and unwavering loyalty to his friends demonstrate his true depths beneath a seemingly lighthearted exterior. Seamus serves as living proof that genuine friendships can withstand even the most explosive of circumstances.

  • Dean Thomas
    Alfred Enoch
    4,727 votes

    As one of Harry's closest allies in Gryffindor, Dean Thomas showcases the power of friendship and teamwork throughout their collective trials. Undeterred by uncertainty and fear, he rises to face adversity head-on - proving time and again that courage comes in many forms. A steadfast friend willing to fight for what's right, Dean remains a powerful reminder of the importance of unity in the face of darkness.

  • Charlie Weasley
    Alex Crockford
    4,702 votes

    As a dragon expert and adventurer extraordinaire, Charlie Weasley captures our imaginations with his unwavering passion for dangerous creatures and heart-pounding action. Although often absent from the larger narrative, his family's tales of his exploits offer both inspiration and intrigue. Like the dragons he studies, Charlie exudes an air of mystery, reminding us of the vast possibilities and unexplored corners within the magical world.

  • Rolanda Hooch
    Zoe Wanamaker
    3,256 votes

    With her stern demeanor and tough-love approach, Rolanda Hooch serves as the backbone of Hogwarts' Quidditch program. As both referee and coach, she ensures fair play on the field while fostering an environment where young witches and wizards can thrive under her watchful eye. Though formidable at first glance, Hooch's unwavering dedication to her role exemplifies the importance of strong mentorship.

  • Fluffy


    2,710 votes

    Despite his fearsome appearance and monstrous size, Fluffy's role in guarding the Sorcerer's Stone reveals an unexpected vulnerability beneath his savage exterior. This three-headed canine demonstrates that even the most intimidating creatures can have a soft spot, as long as you know how to reach it. Fluffy adds thrilling tension to Harry's first adventure while also teaching a valuable lesson about confronting our fears and finding hidden strengths.

  • James Potter
    Adrian Rawlins, Robbie Jarvis
    5,521 votes

    Though tragically absent from Harry's life, James Potter's legacy remains palpable in every step of his son's journey. As a talented wizard and devoted friend, he made great sacrifices to protect those he loved - even facing the darkest of foes. James' actions serve as a powerful reminder that the choices we make in life forge our own enduring legacies.

  • Kreacher
    Simon McBurney, Timothy Bateson
    4,135 votes

    At first glance, Kreacher appears as nothing more than a bitter and resentful house elf - but his character unfolds into something much more complex and poignant. Haunted by past loyalties and losses, Kreacher ultimately finds redemption through newfound friendships and purpose. His transformation offers hope for all who struggle with pain and regret, proving that even the coldest of hearts can find warmth once more.

  • Regulus Black
    Tom Moorcroft
    3,135 votes

    Though his tenure was brief within the magical world's annals, Regulus Black's courage in defying Voldemort offers hope to all who grapple with darkness and temptation. As Sirius' enigmatic younger brother, he serves as a contrast between ideals and realities within their tumultuous family dynamic. In death, Regulus emerges as an unlikely hero whose brave actions remind us of the power in standing up against evil - no matter the cost.

  • Moaning Myrtle
    Shirley Henderson
    3,687 votes

    Moaning Myrtle is a ghost of a former Hogwarts student who haunts the first-floor girls' bathroom. She's known for her depression and frequent crying, hence her nickname. Myrtle has a pale, translucent appearance and wears thick, round glasses. She died as a student when she encountered the Basilisk and now enjoys lamenting her fate and the circumstances of her death. Despite her mournful demeanor, Myrtle occasionally provides valuable assistance to Harry and his friends.

  • Godric Gryffindor

    Godric Gryffindor

    2,211 votes

    Godric Gryffindor, one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, hails from medieval England. Renowned for his bravery, valor, and chivalry, Gryffindor epitomizes the qualities he sought in his house members. He is depicted as a tall, muscular man with flowing red hair and beard. A skilled duelist, Gryffindor wielded a goblin-made sword, adorned with rubies. He famously valued courage and determination, shaping the ethos of Gryffindor House for centuries.

  • Helena Ravenclaw

    Helena Ravenclaw

    Kelly Macdonald
    2,569 votes

    Helena Ravenclaw, also known as the Grey Lady, is the ghost of Ravenclaw House at Hogwarts. She is the daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw, one of Hogwarts' founders. Helena is characterized by her ethereal beauty, long flowing robes, and solemn, silent demeanor. She stole her mother's diadem, leading to her tragic demise. In the series, she reveals crucial information to Harry Potter about the diadem, which is a Horcrux. Helena's story is one of remorse and redemption.

  • Viktor Krum
    Stanislav Ianevski
    4,369 votes

    Victor Krum is a talented Bulgarian Quidditch player, famed for his role as Seeker for the Bulgarian national team and for his attendance at the Durmstrang Institute. With a lean, muscular build and a sharp, hawk-like profile, Krum is known for his prowess on the Quidditch field and his stoic demeanor. Despite his international fame, he is surprisingly modest. He becomes a notable character in The Goblet of Fire, where he competes in the Triwizard Tournament and briefly romances Hermione Granger.

  • Sybill Trelawney
    Emma Thompson
    5,007 votes

    Sybill Trelawney is the eccentric Divination professor at Hogwarts, known for her dramatic flair and vague prophecies. With large, thick glasses that magnify her eyes to an almost comical degree, and draped in shawls and scarves, she embodies the stereotype of a seer. Despite her often questionable accuracy, Trelawney delivers crucial prophecies that significantly impact the series. Her quirky mannerisms and deep belief in the Inner Eye add a unique charm to the Hogwarts faculty.

  • Firenze
    Ray Fearon
    1,096 votes

    Firenze is a centaur with a striking appearance, blending both human and equine qualities. He has a unique pale, white-blond coat and piercing blue eyes, distinguishing him from his darker Forest brethren. Known for his wisdom and bravery, Firenze breaks traditional centaur customs by aiding humans, eventually becoming a Divination professor at Hogwarts. His gentle demeanor and insightful teachings on the stars contrast with his fierce loyalty in battle, making him a revered ally to Harry and his friends.

  • Albus Severus Potter
    2,004 votes

    Albus Severus Potter, the second son of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley, is named after two Hogwarts headmasters, Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape. With his father’s green eyes and his mother’s jet-black hair, Albus carries the weight of his namesakes' legacies. He struggles with family expectations and his place in them, distinguishing himself from his famous father. Albus's journey through Hogwarts, detailed in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, explores themes of friendship, courage, and identity.

  • Winky


    2,723 votes

    Winky is a female house-elf initially serving the Crouch family in the Harry Potter series. She is small and timid, with large, brown, droopy eyes and a penchant for wearing a skirt and blouse made from a patchwork of scraps. Winky's loyalty to her master, Barty Crouch Sr., defines her character, and she struggles with her freedom after being dismissed. Despite battling a Butterbeer addiction, she finds a new purpose working at Hogwarts, though she never fully recovers from her dismissal.

  • Alice Longbottom

    Alice Longbottom

    935 votes

    Alice Longbottom, a former Auror, is known for her tragic fate within the Harry Potter series. She, alongside her husband Frank, was tortured into insanity by Death Eaters for information about Voldemort’s whereabouts after his first downfall. Alice resides in St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies, unable to recognize her own son, Neville, though she shows an instinctive affection towards him. Her story symbolizes the cost of war and the enduring power of love amidst despair.

  • Ariana Dumbledore
    Hebe Beardsall
    3,657 votes

    Ariana Dumbledore was a young witch whose life took a tragic turn after suffering a traumatic attack by Muggle boys, leading to her magical abilities becoming dangerously uncontrollable. As a result, her family kept her hidden, contributing to the isolation and instability that marked her short life. Ariana died accidentally during a three-way duel between her brothers, Albus and Aberforth, and Gellert Grindelwald, deeply impacting Albus's life and decisions. Her story is a poignant element of the Dumbledore family history.