Which Zombie Apocalypse Do You Think You Could Survive?

Which Zombie Apocalypse Do You Think You Could Survive?

Jacob Shelton
Updated November 9, 2023 51.5K views 13 items
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Vote up the zombie apocalypses you think you could survive.

Everyone thinks they know how to survive a zombie outbreak, but there are some epidemics of the undead that are just too much for one person to weather. It’s possible you could endure a Zombieland scenario as long you kept your wits about you and didn’t run out of food. But what about if you’re faced with the amped-up zombies from 28 Days Later, or the sneaky and charming creatures from Pride and Prejudice and Zombies? That’s when things get complicated. 

Zombies only want one thing: your brains. They’ll stop at nothing to make sure you end up digesting in what’s left of their stomachs, and that isn’t great for an average person's life expectancy. Regardless of what kind of zombie apocalypse you’re dealing with, the only way to get through it alive is by being prepared. If you study up on the different types of zombie apocalypses, you might increase your chances of seeing another day. 

  • 1
    1,340 VOTES

    Zombie Type: These zombies are very slow and very English. They also have a keen sense of when there's a member of the living hanging around, so you've got to stay quiet. 

    Setting: "Z-Day," as it's referred to in the movie, hits England hard, but it does its worst in the metropolitan areas of London. 

    Tools At Your Disposal: Whatever you've got handy: a cricket bat, your stepdad's car, or - if you're lucky - the boomstick hanging above the bar at your local pub. 

    How Survivors Survive: Staying quiet and hiding out until the cavalry shows up and saves the day.  

    1,340 votes
  • 2
    1,247 VOTES
    The Walking Dead

    Zombie Type: The walkers on this show are as slow as slow can be. They're prone to falling apart, so the longer they're around, the less of an issue they pose. But new walkers spring up whenever people perish. 

    Setting: This takes place everywhere, but the show essentially covers the American South. There are swamps, woodland areas, and a ton of human-made obstacles. 

    Tools At Your Disposal: You can dispatch walkers with anything you can get your hands on: a shovel, an archery kit, or even a car. Mostly, it depends whether you can scrounge up enough resources to keep the hordes at bay. 

    How Survivors Survive: Most everyone who makes it on TWD bands together to form a new society. It's a lot of hard work, but it's worth it to have someone watching your back.

    1,247 votes
  • 3
    849 VOTES

    Pride And Prejudice And Zombies

    Zombie Type: These zombies are more or less like ordinary people. They can walk and talk and discuss societal matters, but they also want to eat your brains. After their first taste of frontal lobe, their transformation speeds up every time they feed.

    Setting: Victorian England, where it's always foggy and cold. 

    Tools At Your Disposal: In this scenario, those most adept at fighting zombies have been trained to use a sword, as well as in the arts of karate and kung fu. If you don't know how to neutralize a zombie via hand-to-hand engagement, you can rely on the wall around London and the moat that surrounds the outer areas of England - known as "The In-Between." 

    How Survivors Survive: To survive this very polite zombie outbreak, the English stay vigilant and learn how to fight like a character from an action movie. Also - and this can't be stressed enough - they dig giant holes that no one can cross. 

    849 votes
  • Zombie Type: Slow walkers, but this time there's a lot of them - so many that eventually, they'll overwhelm you and whatever stronghold you've discovered. 

    Setting: This global world apocalypse hits the hardest in urban areas with a dense population, but the movie takes place in and around Pittsburgh.  

    Tools At Your Disposal: Whatever you can use. If you know how to clean and maintain an AK-47, then you're good to go. If all you can do is swing a baseball bat, though, that's what you're stuck with against the hordes. 

    How Survivors Survive: After locking themselves in a mall, they live a reasonabl normal life - until a bunch of bikers and zombies get inside. From there, they take a helicopter to safety... but are they ever really safe?

    895 votes
  • 5
    947 VOTES

    Zombie Type: These bad boys are fast. Like, Olympic runner fast. They'll do anything they can to rip you apart, but they're easy to trick. It doesn't take much for Bill Murray to fool them by pretending to be a zombie himself. 

    Setting: In this scenario, the whole world is beset with zombies, and the best you can do is move from place to place and hope they don't follow you.  

    Tools At Your Disposal: Whatever you can handle is at your disposal. Baseball bats are good, swords are great, but even toilet lids work. Regardless of what you're using, you've always got to remember to double tap

    How Survivors Survive: Everyone who's still living in Zombieland stays on the move, and they drive something sturdy that can mow down members of the formerly alive. But even when they find a place to stay, they've got to keep moving so they don't meet their end.

    947 votes
  • 6
    618 VOTES

    Zombie Type: Essentially, these are mad people who go on the offensive en masse. The "zombies" in this film technically have a virus that lives inside certain words in the English language. They aren't especially fast and they don't have super-strength, but they do want to infect you before they off themselves. 

    Setting: Pontypool, Ontario. The film is told from the perspective of a group of people holed up in a radio station. It's never made clear exactly how many places have been affected, though. 

    Tools At Your Disposal: You have to use your words carefully and keep to yourself. 

    How Survivors Survive: To stay alive, people attempt to change the words they used, hoping this will confuse the horde. The end of the film makes it seem like the military drops a nuke on everyone, though, so it's unlikely anyone makes it out.

    618 votes
  • 7
    783 VOTES

    Zombie Type: The zombies of 28 Days Later have a virus that causes rage. You know those stories where a mother picks up a car because she's filled with adrenaline? Well, the infected in this movie are on a constant adrenaline rush, and they're very upset about it. That means they're quick enough to chase you down and strong enough to tear you apart faster than you can say "Cillian Murphy." 

    Setting: This outbreak hits the most populated areas the hardest, with London getting the brunt of the rage malady. It spreads to the countryside, but only because people start heading that way. 

    Tools At Your Disposal: Your best bet in this scenario is to keep your wits about you and stay out of the way. That means avoiding both the affected and the living - in some cases, they're just as bad. 

    How Survivors Survive: This movie's survivors find their way to a remote cottage to ride out the zombie menace. Their new home is far enough away from other people that they don't have to worry about accidentally bumping into either a member of the infected or a creep who wants to disrupt their idyllic harmony. 

    783 votes
  • 8
    853 VOTES

    Zombie Type: You've seen slow zombies, you've seen fast zombies, but have you seen parkour zombies? Not only can these creatures run like the wind, but they can jump, tumble, and climb on top of each other. They're not unstoppable, but they're hard to escape. 

    Setting: These zombies are everywhere, especially in highly populated areas. If there's an airport in your city, then you're going to have an outbreak. 

    Tools At Your Disposal: First of all, there's a "vaccine" available that camouflages survivors from the zombies, so that's a big plus. Other than that, you've got the standard items to keep you alive. 

    How Survivors Survive: In this outbreak, the military successfully sets up safe zones where people can hide from the parkour creatures. Meanwhile, the UN is desperately trying to come up with solutions for getting rid of the growing zombie problem.

    853 votes
  • 9
    537 VOTES

    Zombie Type: These are toxic-waste-infused beavers - it doesn't get more terrifying than that. The zombeavers are essentially fast zombies, except they know to build dams, tunnel, and even cut phone lines. If they scratch you or their saliva gets into your body, then your front teeth fall out and you grow a giant pair of beaver teeth. Chilling. 

    Setting: A cabin in the woods that's just off a lake. It's far enough from civilization that there's not a ton of infected people to deal with, but it's still not a cake walk. 

    Tools At Your Disposal: You've got a knife, an ax, and fire. That's it. 

    How Survivors Survive: No one makes it out of this zombeaver apocalypse. The creatures prove adept at tracking their prey, and the twenty-somethings on spring break are ill-prepared for this kind of situation. 

    537 votes
  • Zombie Type: The original fast zombies. These creatures were made by getting doused with military-grade toxins, so they're incredibly strong, incredibly fast, and they're hungry for brains. 

    Setting: Louisville, Kentucky. The whole town becomes a wasteland of punk rock zombies from which there's no escape. 

    Tools At Your Disposal: You can use whatever you have around you to keep them at bay, but if you're going to eliminate one of these zombies, you have to turn them to ash. 

    How Survivors Survive: No one makes it through the zombie outbreak in Return of the Living Dead. Even after some of the humans manage to hide from the creatures, the military nukes the whole town to end the outbreak. 

    572 votes
  • 11
    629 VOTES

    Zombie Type: These zombies move with the lumbering posture of George Romero's undead, but they can run like the creatures from 28 Days Later. Their one weakness is they can't see in the dark, so if you've got a set of black-out curtains, you'll want to use them. 

    Setting: Train to Busan is set on a commuter train, but it also takes hold of Korea as a whole. Like a lot of zombie features, areas with the most people are the worst because you can get trampled or caught in the crossfire. 

    Tools At Your Disposal: Not much. People rarely ride the train with suitable tools, meaning you can't rely on the odd baseball bat or ax. You've got to keep running if you want to survive. 

    How Survivors Survive: The few people who survive this outbreak outrun the zombies until they get to a safe zone. Even though they make it, there's no telling how far the infection has spread or if safety is even possible. 

    629 votes
  • 12
    571 VOTES

    Zombie Type: Ancient Kandarian demons, otherwise known as Deadites, take over the forms of everyone they eliminate. These creatures are bad news. They can fly, they have superhuman strength, and they can change their appearance to lull you into a false sense of security. Worst of all, they're hard to stop. The only way you can finish them off is by chopping them up into tiny pieces. But to really rid yourself of one, you've got to perform an ancient ritual. 

    Setting: A cabin in the woods. 

    Tools At Your Disposal: A chainsaw, a shotgun, and whatever else you have to defend yourself. 

    How Survivors Survive: In this instance, the only person to survive is Ash, and "survive" may be an overstatement since he loses a hand and gets thrown back in time in the process. Maybe the best advice here is to roll with the punches and be ready to improvise.

    571 votes
  • 13
    530 VOTES

    Zombie Type: People, dogs, and whatever else gets bitten. These creatures are basically rabid monsters that are very strong, but also sick. 

    Setting: The outbreaks in the Quarantine franchise tend to happen on a location by location basis. The first Quarantine film takes place in an apartment building that's isolated by the CDC. 

    Tools At Your Disposal: The only things you have to defend yourself with are the things you've got in your immediate vicinity because the CDC is not going to help you. 

    How Survivors Survive: The bad news is no one makes it out of Quarantine, but not for lack of trying. If you want to make it through, you've got to protect yourself and keep an eye out for both the infected and the government. 

    530 votes