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Form No. 4
Transfer by Trustees to Benefciary
DEED OF TRANSFER is made at ... this ... day of ... between (1) ...
(2) ... . . and (3) ... (being the Trustees of a Deed of Trust hereinafter re-
cited) hereinafter referred to as the Transferors of the One Part and Mr.
... hereinafter referred to as the Transferee of the other Part.
1. By a Deed of Trust dated the ... day of ... made by and between Mr.
... therein called the Settlor of the One Part and the Transferors herein,
and therein referred to as the Trustees of the Other Part, the said Settlor
granted and transferred unto the Transferors the said land and premises
described in the Schedule thereunder written being the same as described
in the Schedule hereunder written TO HOLD THE SAME unto the Transfer-
ors as Trustees upon the trusts namely to pay the net income of the said
trust property to A for her lifetime and on her death to B for his life time
and on his death or if B died before A then on the death of A to transfer
the said trust property to the Transferee absolutely.
2. Both the said A & B have died and the Transferee has requested
the Transferors to transfer the said property to him which the Transferors
have agreed to do.
NOW THIS DEED WITNESSETH that in pursuance of the premises
they the Transferors do and each of them doth hereby transfer unto the
Transferee the said land and premises described in the Schedule here-
under written TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto and to the use of
the Transferee absolutely but subject to the rates, taxes, dues and duties
now payable and hereafter to become payable in respect of the said land
and premises to the Municipal Corporation or any other local authority
or the Govt.
AND the Transferors do hereby covenant with the Transferees that they
the Transferors have not done any act, deed or thing whereby they are
prevented from transferring the said land and premises to the Transferee
in the manner aforesaid.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Transferees have put their hands the day
and year first hereinabove written.
x x x
Signed and delivered by the )
withinnamed Transferors )
(1) ... (2) ... and (3) ... )
in the presence of ... ... )
Note : For Stamp Duty & Registration see Preliminary Notes.
Stamp Duty, eStamping & Registration : See the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (2 of
1899), Rates of Stamp Duty in various States, eStamping and Compulsorily & Option-
ally Registrable Documents under the Registration Act, 1908 (16 of 1908), with offcial
websites, in respective later Part/Chapters on Stamp Duty, eStamping & Registration of
Deeds & Documents.

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