United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit

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417 F.

3d 898


Missouri non-profit corporation; Housing Comes First, a
Missouri non-profit corporation; Peabody Tenant Association,
a Missouri non-profit corporation, Plaintiffs-Appellants,
corporation; Cheryl A. Lovell, in her official capacity as
Director of the St. Louis Housing Authority; United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development; Mel
Martinez, in his official capacity as Secretary of United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development, DefendantsAppellees.
No. 04-1614.

United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit.

Submitted: December 16, 2004.
Filed: August 8, 2005.

Ann B. Lever, argued, St. Louis, MO (Daniel K. Glazier, St. Louis, MO,
on the brief), for appellant Darst-Webbe.
John J. Ammann, St. Louis University Legal Clinic, on the brief, for
appellant Peabody Tenant.
Robert A. Graham, argued, Washington, D.C., for appellees St. Louis
Housing Authority and Cheryl A. Lovell.
Barbara C. Biddle and August E. Flentje, U.S. Dept. of Justice, Civil
Division, Washington, D.C., on the brief, for appellees U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development, et al.
Before MELLOY, BOWMAN, and BENTON, Circuit Judges.
MELLOY, Circuit Judge.

On remand following partial summary judgment, a bench trial, and a prior

appeal, the district court 1 found in favor of the defendants on six claims that
relate to alleged discrimination in housing. We affirm.
I. Background

Plaintiffs-Appellants Darst-Webbe Tenant Association Board, Peabody Tenant

Association, and Housing Comes First, Inc., brought this action against
Defendant-Appellees the United States Department of Housing and Urban
Development ("HUD") and the St. Louis Housing Authority (the "Housing
Authority"). The plaintiffs' grievances arose from the defendants' funding,
approval, and implementation of revitalization plans for the Darst-Webbe and
Clinton Peabody public housing complexes in the Near South Side of St. Louis,
Missouri. The revitalization plans employed federal HOPE VI program funds
and called for the demolition of older housing projects that contained a high
density of low-income, public housing rental units. The plans also called for the
construction of mixed-income housing.

The proposed mix of housing for the revitalization area included: low-income,
public housing rental units in which rent was a percentage of the occupants'
income; low-income tax credit units in which rent was a percentage of the area
median income; market rate rental units; and units built for sale at market and
below-market rates. The revitalization plans called for a reduction in the total
number of low-income, public housing rental units and also a reduction in the
number of large, multi-bedroom units capable of comfortably housing large

To aid in the redevelopment, the City of St. Louis applied for and received
Section 108 loan guarantees for improvements to the streets and other
infrastructure around the reconstructed area. The infrastructure improvements
were designed to eliminate the "superblock" model of the old projects, allow
improved access for law enforcement and emergency services, reconnect the
neighborhood to the street grid and the surrounding historic districts, and
restore normal pedestrian and vehicle flows.

We set forth the history of this matter in Darst-Webbe Tenant Ass'n Bd. v. St.
Louis Housing Auth., 339 F.3d 702 (8th Cir.2003) ("Darst-Webbe I").2 There
we explained that the Darst-Webbe buildings, built in the 1950s, originally
contained 758 low-income, public housing rental units for families and 242
units designated for use by elderly residents. By 1995, when the Housing
Authority formulated its initial revitalization plan, many of the units were

dilapidated and only 220 of the family public housing rental units remained
occupied. Those units were occupied almost entirely by African-American
residents, resulting in a segregated development. Households with children and
female-headed households were disproportionately represented among the
residents. These disproportions also existed to a substantial extent among
households on the waiting list for public housing and households eligible for
public housing.

The Housing Authority did not proceed with demolition and reconstruction
under the initial, 1995 plan. As a result, HUD placed the Housing Authority in
default under the terms of the HOPE VI program. HUD then assisted the
Housing Authority in the development of a new revitalization plan. The product
of this collaboration was a modified, 1998 revitalization plan. Under the 1998
plan, which is currently being implemented, the existing 758 total units/220
occupied units were to be replaced with a mix of housing that included eighty
low-income, public housing rental units. Of the eighty replacement lowincome, public housing rental units, twelve contained four bedrooms and none
contained more than four bedrooms.

The plaintiffs brought the present action against the Housing Authority
requesting that an additional 120 low-income, public housing rental units be
built on-or off-site and that the unit mix include a greater number of units with
four or more bedrooms to accommodate large families. The plaintiffs also
brought claims against HUD, alleging various infirmities with HUD's process
of approving, and HUD's decision to approve and fund, the Housing Authority's

The district court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants on one
count and held a bench trial to address the other counts. Following the bench
trial, the district court returned a mixed verdict, ruling in favor of the plaintiffs
on counts that involved the separate, Clinton Peabody housing complex, but
ruling in favor of the defendants on counts related to the Darst-Webbe complex.
The defendants did not appeal the adverse rulings regarding the Clinton
Peabody housing complex.

In the prior appeal, Darst-Webbe I, the plaintiffs appealed the summary

judgment ruling and eight of the counts related to Darst-Webbe. We affirmed
the district court's grant of summary judgment in favor of the defendants. We
also affirmed the district court's trial judgment in favor of the defendants on
two of the eight appealed counts. On the remaining six counts, we remanded
for further findings of fact and law.


The first three remanded counts were original Counts I-III against the Housing
Authority. In these counts, the plaintiffs alleged disparate impact discrimination
under the Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. 3604(a) & (b) ("FHA") based on race,
sex, and familial status, respectively. No parties sought to augment the record
on remand, and the district court considered no new evidence. The district court
applied the burden shifting analysis for FHA disparate impact claims, found
that the plaintiffs had failed to demonstrate a disparate impact upon a protected
class, and found in the alternative that even if the plaintiffs had demonstrated a
disparate impact, the Housing Authority had met its burden to prove that any
disparate impact was justifiable as necessary to achieve legitimate policy
objectives. See, e.g., Oti Kaga, Inc. v. South Dakota Housing Dev. Auth., 342
F.3d 871, 883 (8th Cir.2003) (applying a burden-shifting analysis to an FHA
disparate impact claim and finding a public housing fund allocation decision
"justifiable on the ground it is necessary to [the defendant's] exercise of its
funding responsibilities."). The district court found in the further alternative
that the plaintiffs had failed to offer an alternative policy that could meet the
many and varied policy goals set out for the HOPE VI program and
revitalization of the Near South Side without discriminatory effects. See, e.g.,
id. at 883 (noting that a plaintiff "may nonetheless prevail by showing another
policy would accomplish [the proffered policy] objectives without the
discriminatory effects"); Huntington Branch, N.A.A.C.P. v. Town of
Huntington, 844 F.2d 926, 936 (2d Cir.1988) (stating that if defendants set out
a legitimate, non-discriminatory justification, the burden shifts back to plaintiffs
to show alternative means to achieve the legitimate goals with a less
discriminatory effect).


The second three remanded counts were original Counts XIII, XVII, and XVIII
against HUD. In these counts, the plaintiffs alleged that HUD did not
adequately consider the impact of the Housing Authority's revitalization plan
on protected classes. The plaintiffs also alleged that the revitalization plan
discriminated against African-Americans, women, and children and consigned
displaced Darst-Webbe family households to live in racially segregated public
housing developments.3 As a result, the plaintiffs argued, HUD violated the
Administrative Procedures Act, 5 U.S.C. 701 et seq. ("APA") and the Fair
Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. 3608(e), by failing to consider impact on protected
classes and failing to satisfy HUD's general statutory mandate to affirmatively
further fair housing.


Count XIII focused specifically on HUD's approval of the Section 108 loan
guarantee to the City of St. Louis as an objectionable action that failed to
affirmatively further fair housing. In Count XVII, the plaintiffs alleged that
HUD violated the APA by approving the Section 108 loan guarantee. Finally,

in Count XVIII, the plaintiffs alleged that HUD violated the APA by approving
the Darst-Webbe HOPE VI plan.

As to these latter three Counts, the district court found against the plaintiffs.
The district court discussed the history of the specific HOPE VI plan for the
Near South Side and the relationship between the HOPE VI plan and the
Section 108 loan program to help the city improve infrastructure around the
project. The district court also discussed the HOPE VI program in general,
identified many of the numerous goals that HUD is required by statute to
satisfy and noted that the plan in this case was supported by detailed studies
regarding the unique needs on the Near South Side. Ultimately, the district
court found that HUD considered the impact of the proposed actions on
protected classes and acted in an effort to affirmatively further fair housing.
Accordingly, the district court found that HUD did not abuse its broad
discretion by acting arbitrarily or capriciously when it decided to approve and
fund the projects.
II. FHA Claims Against the Housing Authority


To establish a prima facie FHA claim under Oti Kaga, the plaintiffs must
demonstrate that the objected-to action results in, or can be predicted to result
in, a disparate impact upon protected classes compared to a relevant population.
We assume for the sake of our analysis that the plaintiffs' statistical proof
established a prima facie case. Accordingly, we turn our attention to the
subsequent steps of the burden shifting analysis.


Under the second step, the Housing Authority must demonstrate that the
proposed action has a "manifest relationship" to the legitimate, nondiscriminatory policy objectives and "is justifiable on the ground it is necessary
to" the attainment of these objectives. Oti Kaga, 342 F.3d at 883. If the
Housing Authority makes this showing, the burden shifts back to the plaintiffs
to show that a viable alternative means is available to achieve those legitimate
policy objectives without discriminatory effects. Id.


The district court's findings under the second and third steps of the disparate
impact burden-shifting analysis are factual findings. See Chambers v. Omaha
Girls Club, Inc., 834 F.2d 697, 702 (8th Cir.1987) (stating in the context of a
disparate impact employment discrimination claim that determinations under
the burden shifting analysis "are reviewed under the clearly erroneous standard
of review applied to factual findings"). Following a bench trial, "we review the
trial court's findings of fact for clear error." Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. v. St.

Paul Fire & Marine Insur. Co., 48 F.3d 365, 369 (8th Cir.1995); see also Fed.
R. Civ. Pro. 52(a).

The Housing Authority identified numerous legitimate policy objectives to

support its revitalization plan, some of which are expressly set forth in federal
legislation. These include the overarching statutory goals of reducing the
concentration of low-income housing and developing sustainable, mixed
income communities. See, e.g., 42 U.S.C. 1437p(d) (implementing the goal of
reducing the concentration of low-income public housing by providing that
replacement housing is permitted on-site following the demolition of obsolete
housing "if the number of replacement public housing units is significantly
fewer than the number of units demolished") (emphasis added); Id. at
1437v(a)(3) (calling for "housing that will avoid or decrease the concentration
of very low-income families"). The Housing Authority also identified that the
concentration of low-income housing was not merely an abstract issue, but at
Darst-Webbe, an acute problem in need of a remedy.


Above and beyond the general statutory mandate of de-concentration, the

Housing Authority set forth more specific objectives as follows: (1) providing
for the marketability of a new mixed income community to families from a
range of incomes by providing a balanced mix of housing types; (2) providing a
strong home ownership component to ensure the presence of residents with
vested, ownership-related incentives to improve and maintain the
neighborhood; (3) providing for partnership with the City of St. Louis to
provide social services to existing and new residents; (4) providing for
partnership with the Missouri Department of Family Services to provide on-site
services to eligible residents of the community; and (5) providing for
partnership with the St. Louis Agency on Training and Employment to provide
assessment and services to eligible area residents. Finally, as already noted, the
Housing Authority developed its revitalization plan to be implemented in
concert with infrastructure investments by the City of St. Louis. In general, the
overall plan was an effort, consistent with the statutory goal of deconcentration,
to shift the model of public housing in the Near South Side from that of densely
clustered low income housing to a model of economic integration, with social
services available to residents, with attendant public services restored, and
without isolation of the development from the rest of the city.


These general and specific objectives are legitimate and facially neutral. The
plaintiffs' contentions that these objectives are illegitimate are without merit.
The plaintiffs focus their primary efforts on proving that the proffered
objectives are pretextual and/or insufficient to justify the action taken by the
Housing Authority. We, however, find no evidence of pretext. Also, the district

court did not err when it concluded as a factual determination that the Housing
Authority's comprehensive plan for redevelopment of the Darst-Webbe site and
the surrounding area bears the requisite manifest relationship to the legitimate
policy objectives. Oti Kaga, 342 F.3d at 883.

To achieve the objectives of creating a sustainable, mixed-income community,

it was necessary to employ a marketable housing mix so that the postredevelopment population would include actively employed residents to serve
as role models and homeowners with a vested interest in the upkeep of the
neighborhood. Determination of an appropriate housing mix necessarily relied
upon imprecise predictive judgments regarding the likely marketability of
various housing mixes. Accordingly, there was no one piece of evidence that
stated with certainty how many low-income rental units should have been
included or what the optimal housing mix may have been. The plaintiffs make
much of this fact and urge us to find that the lack of conclusive evidence
prevents any successful showing that the specific housing mix was "necessary"
to achieve the policy objectives. As a result, the plaintiffs argue, the plan may
be amended to accommodate their request for more replacement, low-income
public housing rental units.


We, however, do not sit as a secondary legislative body to amend or rework

funding and planning decisions based on our own, alternative predictive
judgments about the likely success of alternative proposed actions. As a result,
our review under the burden shifting analysis is not an exercise in balancing the
need for low-income housing units against the need for less-heavily subsidized
units or market rate units. In other words, our review is not to determine if one,
ten, or one hundred additional, replacement, low-income rental units should
have been included in the amended plan. Rather, our review is to ensure that "a
demonstrated disparate impact in housing be justified by a legitimate and
substantial goal of the measure in question." Langlois v. Abington Housing
Auth., 207 F.3d 43, 51 (1st Cir.2000). The plaintiffs ask for more, seeking to
have the court hold that the Housing Authority's policy decisions and predictive
judgments regarding marketability can be incrementally improved. "But to have
federal judges make such policy choices is essentially to impose on them the
job of making decisions that are properly made by Congress or its executive
branch delegates." Id.


Here, the Housing Authority relied upon an extensive housing market study
performed by a consulting firm, Zimmerman Volk and Associates, to predict a
marketable housing mix. The Housing Authority did not rely exclusively on
this study, as acknowledged by the plaintiffs, but rather, considered other
sources and incorporated a greater number of tax-credit units than

recommended under the study. The Housing Authority determined that,

consistent with the general statutory mandate to achieve a deconcentration of
low-income public housing, eighty low-income rental units mixed with a
balance of market and below market for-sale and rental units would be
marketable to residents from a variety of income levels. Marketability of the
unsubsidized units and tax credit units was a critical component of the planned

The plaintiffs argue that the project could have a strong home ownership
component, enjoy the desired partnerships with city and state social service
providers, and remain marketable even if the number of replacement, lowincome rental units were increased to 200. The plaintiffs also argue that the
requested, additional 120 low-income public housing units could be built offsite with HOPE VI funds by diverting funding from certain aspects of the
current Darst-Webbe revitalization plan but leaving the actual, on-site,
proposed housing mix unchanged. The plaintiffs point to expert testimony in
which various professionals opined that marketability and other goals could be
met even if HOPE VI funds were used to provide more low-income public
housing on or off-site. These experts, in turn, relied on representative housing
mixes in another St. Louis area redevelopment site as well as redevelopment
sites in other communities.


One expert the plaintiffs relied upon was Dr. Paul Fischer, a political science
professor, who in turn relied on a literature review, a March 2000 appraisal
report by a company named Design Solutions, and the original plan submitted
by the Housing Authority to HUD in 1995. Plaintiffs claim that these items of
evidence demonstrate that a housing mix with 120 additional low income units
would meet the Housing Authority's stated objectives as effectively as the
Housing Authority's plan while reducing the discriminatory effect. Dr. Fischer
does opine that such a housing mix would be marketable. His opinion,
however, relies in part on the appraisal report, and the appraisal report does not
support his view. To the contrary, the appraisal assesses the marketability of
the housing mix contained in Phase I of the redevelopment (a phase that
included 36 of the 80 replacement public housing units) against the backdrop of
the overall plan to build eighty replacement units. Dr. Fischer draws from the
appraisal that the housing mix contained wholly within Phase I would be
marketable in the Near South Side if applied to the revitalization area as a
whole. This conclusion, however, relied on the Phase I mix when taken out of
context and viewed in isolation as a model housing mix. Taken out of context,
as done by Dr. Fischer, this evidence falls far short of demonstrating that the
Housing Authority's plan is unjustified in light of the legitimate policy


Also, we believe the district court properly declined to rely upon the original,
1995 redevelopment proposal as evidence that the Housing Authority could
have included a greater number of low-income rental units and maintained
marketability. Redevelopment stalled under that proposal, and HUD declared
the Housing Authority to be in default. With HUD's assistance, the Housing
Authority revised the plan and arrived at the housing mix that the plaintiffs
now challenge. While the 1995 redevelopment proposal demonstrates that, at
an earlier date, the Housing Authority believed that a different housing mix
would be marketable, we do not find it appropriate to declare the district court's
findings infirm on the basis of an abandoned plan that was never implemented.


Also, we do not believe that the plaintiffs arguments related to the viability of
housing mixes at other revitalization locations demonstrate error in the Housing
Authority's plan. The plaintiffs argued that the Murphy Park neighborhood in
St. Louis and revitalization housing developments in other cities contained a
substantially higher percentage of low-income public housing rental units and
achieved marketability. As noted by the district court, these comparison
neighborhoods each carried unique circumstances given their settings, which
differed considerably from the Near South Side. A different planning body may
have elected to give these comparison sites more weight when developing a
housing mix for the Near South Side. However, the role of the court is not to
balance interests or second guess the minutia of a comprehensive
redevelopment plan. Simply put, we do not believe that these other sites'
alternative housing mixes demonstrate that the Housing Authority in this case
erred when it reached different conclusions about a marketable housing mixes.


Overall, our review reveals that the plaintiffs' evidence fails to show that the
district court committed error when it found that any discriminatory impact of
the Housing Authority's plan was justified by the need to achieve the stated
objectives Importantly, we note that even if the plaintiffs had provided
sufficiently strong and clear evidence to prove error in the district court's
determination as to necessity (i.e., marketability), it is not sufficient for the
plaintiffs merely to prove the viability of an alternative housing plan or housing
mix. Rather, the plaintiffs must offer a viable alternative that satisfies the
Housing Authority's legitimate policy objectives while reducing the
revitalization plan's discriminatory impact. This the plaintiffs did not do.


No party offered evidence to show that a plan which diverts funds for 120
additional low-income housing units from other functions would actually result
in a different post-development concentration of protected class members.
During trial, defense counsel questioned Dr. Fischer and the following
exchange took place:


Q. You don't have a prediction in your report as to the number of ClintonPeabody and Darst-Webbe residents that would be displaced from the Near
South Side revitalization area as a result of the [Hope VI plan]?


A. That's correct.


Q. And, Professor Fischer, you did not make a prediction in your report as to
the likely demographic characteristics as to the families that will occupy any
newly constructed units developed as part of the [Hope VI plan], for instance
the market rate rental units, the low-income housing tax credit units, the
affordable home ownership and the market rate home ownership units, is that


A. Explain what you mean by population mix If you are talking about
racially or talking about in terms of income?


Q. Any demographics [sic] characteristics, aside from income, any

demographic characteristics?


A. Correct.


Without evidence to demonstrate a reliable prediction as to the composition of

the post-redevelopment population, the plaintiffs cannot prove that their
proposed plan achieves a lesser impact than the plan as implemented. Further,
under the clear error standard, it is not sufficient for the plaintiffs merely to
offer some evidence regarding the alternative policy's ability to satisfy the
Housing Authority's legitimate policy objectives and reduce disparate impact.
Rather, we must affirm unless the plaintiffs' evidence in this regard is so
compelling that we are "left with the definite and firm conviction that a mistake
has been committed." Anderson v. City of Bessemer City, 470 U.S. 564, 573,
105 S.Ct. 1504, 84 L.Ed.2d 518 (1985) (quoting United States v. United States
Gypsum Co., 333 U.S. 364, 395, 68 S.Ct. 525, 92 L.Ed. 746 (1948)). By this
measure, the plaintiffs fail. The plaintiffs have not presented evidence to
demonstrate by this standard that their proposed housing mix would allow the
Housing Authority to achieve its numerous goals with a less discriminatory

III. Claims Against HUD


Regarding the claims against HUD, Count XIII alleges that HUD failed to
affirmatively further fair housing in violation of the general mandate in 42

U.S.C. 3608(e). Count XVII and XVIII are claims under the APA that HUD
failed to adequately consider impact on protected class members and
affirmatively further fair housing when it approved the City's Section 108 loan
guarantee and approved the Housing Authority's Hope VI plan. We review
HUD's actions for compliance with the APA and a general statutory mandate
under a highly deferential standard, reversing only if we find an abuse of
HUD's broad discretion. Norton v. Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, 542
U.S. 55, ___, 124 S.Ct. 2373, 2381, 159 L.Ed.2d 137 (2004); NAACP v.
Secretary of Hous. & Urban Dev., 817 F.2d 149, 157 (1st. Cir. 1987). Our
review is deferential because it is not the role of the courts to micro-manage
agency actions for compliance with broad, general statutory mandates. In
Norton, the Supreme Court clearly articulated the problems attendant to such an
invasive form of judicial review over agency action. There the court stated:

The principal purpose of the APA limitations we have discussedand of the

traditional limitations upon mandamus from which they were derivedis to
protect agencies from undue judicial interference with their lawful discretion,
and to avoid judicial entanglement in abstract policy disagreements which
courts lack both expertise and information to resolve. If courts were
empowered to enter general orders compelling compliance with broad statutory
mandates, they would necessarily be empowered, as well, to determine whether
compliance was achievedwhich would mean that it would ultimately become
the task of the supervising court, rather than the agency, to work out
compliance with the broad statutory mandate, injecting the judge into day-today agency management.




The prospect of pervasive oversight by federal courts over the manner and pace
of agency compliance with such congressional directives is not contemplated by
the APA.


Id. at 2381.


This case, like Norton, involves a broad, general statutory mandate, HUD's
"duty to affirmatively further fair housing." See 42 U.S.C. 3608(e)(5)
(providing HUD's duty to "administer activities relating to housing and urban
development in a manner affirmatively to further the policies of this
subchapter"). Darst-Webbe I, 339 F.3d at 713. Norton makes clear that our
review of HUD's action is not a review to determine whether HUD has, in fact
achieved tangible results in the form of furthering opportunities for fair

housing. Rather, our review is to assess whether HUD exercised its broad
authority in a manner that demonstrates consideration of, and an effort to
achieve, such results. Norton, 124 S.Ct. at 2380-81.

We instructed the district court, on remand, to determine whether HUD had

"`assess[ed] negatively those aspects of [the] proposed course of action that
would further limit the supply of genuinely open housing and . . . assess[ed]
positively those aspects of [the] proposed course of action that would increase
that supply.'" Darst-Webbe I, 339 F.3d at 713 (quoting NAACP, 817 F.2d at
156). We also asked the district court to explain "its conclusion that HUD
appropriately considered its duty to affirmatively further fair housing." Id. On
remand, the district court found that the lengthy history of the revitalization
efforts had created a large volume of documentary evidence. In reviewing
HUD's action, the district court reviewed all of this evidence, rather than
merely reviewing the final documents issued by HUD regarding approval of the
loans and revitalization plans. The district court noted the unique, drawn-out
nature of the agency action below starting with the initial revitalization plan,
the Housing Authority's default under that plan, and the collaborative effort to
revise the plan. In this evidence, the district court found a record of HUD's
consideration of the project's impact on protected class members.


Plaintiffs argue that the district court should have ignored this larger body of
evidence and focused only on HUD's failure to explicitly discuss impact upon
protected class members in the final communication of approval to the Housing
Authority and the City. We believe the district court properly found that the
evidence to be considered was the evidence spanning the entire time frame for
the project and not merely HUD's final communication of approval to the
Housing Authority. Review for compliance with a general statutory mandate
a deferential review only for abuse of discretionshould not focus myopically
only on an agency's end product. The plaintiffs are correct to criticize HUD's
failure to discuss the issue of impact on protected class members. The plaintiffs
also correctly note that we must not invent justifications for the agency's
actions, but must view what the agency actually considered. However, in the
end, the issue is not whether HUD adequately discussed the impact on
protected class members in one document. The issue is whether HUD
adequately considered the impact on protected class members. We are
convinced HUD did so in a manner sufficient to satisfy the general mandate.


The district court cited evidence that showed how HUD assessed negatively the
impact of the Housing Authority's proposed action. For example, HUD
considered an analysis of impediments report prepared by the University of
Missouri-St. Louis Public Policy Research Centers with Community

Development Block Grant funds and support from the St. Louis City and
County housing agencies. As described by the district court, this report
included information gathered from lenders, real estate professionals, owners
and renters. It also included analyses of fair housing actions and census data.
The conclusions in this report were that better information about housing
opportunities needed to be provided to minority tenants, realistic opportunities
for home ownership needed to be provided, and ancillary services were needed
to aid minority tenants in obtaining jobs to empower home ownership. As
discussed above, the revitalized plan incorporated these ancillary services to
provide truly open housing and opportunities to integrate the Darst-Webbe
neighborhood and its residents into the city. The plan as adopted was an
explicit rejection of the former model of public housing: attempts at integration
and opportunities for residents rather than publicly funded, high density, high
rise apartments. In short, as found by the district court, the record demonstrates
consideration of impact and pursuit of a course of action that, on its face,
demonstrates responsiveness to the perceived impact.

Also, HUD's initial approval of the 1995 plan demonstrates consideration of

alternative plans in fact, consideration of elements of the plaintiffs' desired
plan. HUD placed the Housing Authority in default when the Housing
Authority failed to move forward with that plan. It cannot reasonably be said
that the Housing Authority failed to consider alternatives when, in fact, HUD
initially approved the plan offered by the plaintiffs.


The plaintiffs rely heavily on the testimony of one HUD employee, Jo Anne
Garrison, who did not recall reviewing specific data regarding impact on
African-Americans. The plaintiffs infer that this testimony demonstrates HUD
personnel were unaware that Darst-Webbe was overwhelming segregated and
that its residents were predominantly African-American. The position that such
an inference can be made is simply incredible as it ignores the welldocumented reality of the situation that existed at Darst-Webbe before the
Housing Authority began relocating residents. While we would hope that future
actions of this type would involve a more explicit discussion from the agency
regarding impact on protected classes, we agree with the district court in this
case and find the agency satisfied the requirements of the FHA and the APA.


The judgment of the district court is affirmed.


The Honorable Stephen N. Limbaugh, United States District Judge for the
Eastern District of Missouri

Like the first appeal in this litigation, the present appeal does not involve the
Clinton-Peabody complex or its residents

By the time of the prior appeal, all residents of the former Darst-Webbe project
had been relocated, mostly through the use of Section 8 vouchers

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