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ABM- Accounting Business Management TEPT- Test of English Proficiency for Teacher

ADD- Activity Design Documents TESTF- Tertiary Education Sector Transition Fund
ADM- Alternative Delivery Mode TIP- Teacher Induction Program
ALS- Alternative Learning System TLE- Technology and Livelihood Education
APAT- Assessment Process And Tool TLS- Temporary Learning Space
BEST- Basic Education Sector Transformation Program TSNA- Teacher Strength & Needs Assessment
BOSY- Beginning Of the School Year VIP- Very Important Person
BSP- Boy Scout of the Philippines WPCD- Women & Children's Protection Desk
CCA- Climate Change Adaptation YES-O- Youth for Environment in Schools Organization
CO- Capital Outlay
CPC- Child Protection Committee
DFTA- Division Field Technical Assisstance
DLC- District Learning Center
DRRM- Disaster Risk Reduction Mitigation
EBEIS- Enchanced Basic Education Information System
ELARP- Every Child A Reader Program
EPS- Education Program Supervisor
FLO- Flexible Learning Option
GA- General Academic
GAD- Gender & Development
GAS- General Academic Stand
HELE- Home Economic and Livelihood Education
HRMO- Human Resources Management Officer
IEC- Information, Education & Communication
IP- Indigenous People
IRR- Implementing Rules & Regulation
ISM- Instructional Support Materials
KSA- Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes
LIS- Learner Information System
LRN- Learner's Reference Number
MOOE- Maintenance & Other Operating Expenses
NCBTS- National Competency Based Teachers Standard
OHSP- Open High School Program
PAHRODF- Philippines- Australia Human Resource and Organizational Development Facility
PARC- Performance Appaisal Review Committee
PFC- Physical Facilities Committee
Project BEST- Barangay Education Strategic Team
PS- Personal Services
PST- Process Skills Test
PTAs- Parents- Teacher Associations
RPMS- Results- based Performance Management System
RSP- Rationalized Staffing Pattern
RSPC- Regoinal School Press Conference
SARO- Sub-allocation Release Order
SBM eIMPACT- enhanced Instructional Management by Parents, Community & Teachers
SBM- School- Based Management
SBM SOBE- Support Options to Basic Education
SBM WASH- Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
SGC- School Governing Council
SHS- Senior High School
SMEA- School Monitoring, Evaluate and Adjustment
SOGI- Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity
SPT- School Planning Team
SYL- SACEDA Youth Lead
SyNORA- Synchronized Noontime Reading Activity
TA- Technical Assistance
TEC- Teacher Induction Council

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