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A cryptocurrency, crypto-currency, or crypto is a digital asset designed to work as a medium

of exchange wherein individual coin ownership records are stored in a ledger existing in a form of
a computerized database using strong cryptography to secure transaction records, to control the
creation of additional coins, and to verify the transfer of coin ownership. Cryptocurrency does not
exist in physical form (like paper money) and is typically not issued by a central authority.
Cryptocurrencies typically use decentralized control as opposed to a central bank digital
currency (CBDC). When a cryptocurrency is minted or created prior to issuance or issued by a
single issuer, it is generally considered centralized. When implemented with decentralized control,
each cryptocurrency works through distributed ledger technology, typically a blockchain, that
serves as a public financial transaction database.


Acknowledgement i

Certificate ii

Abstract iii

Contents iv

List of Figures viii

Chapter 1: About the Organization
1.1 Overview of the Company 1

1.2 Mission of the Company 2

1.3 Vision of the Company 2

1.4 Strength of the Company 2

1.5 Major Milestone of the Company 2

1.5.1 Profitable Business Model 2

1.5.2 Realistic, Scalable Marketing Strategy 2

1.5.3 A solid team was hired and trained 3

1.5.4 Gaining Authority in the Industry 3

1.5.5 Reaching Significant number of seats 3

1.6 Organization Structure 3

Chapter 2: About the Department
2.1 Management/Administration 5

2.2 Marketing 5

2.3 Finance 6

2.4 Accounting 6

2.5 Human Resources 6

2.6 Information Technology 6

2.7 Sales 7

2.8 Development 7

2.9 Quality Assurance 7

2.10 UI Team 8

2.11 Research and Development 8

Chapter 3: Tasks Performed 9 - 25

3.1 Technical Activities 9

3.1.1 Creating basic Blockchain. 9

3.1.2 Adding a mining Algorithm. 10

3.1.3 Crypto-currency 11

3.1.4 Create a Crypto-currency. 12

3.2 Non Technical Activities 15

3.3 Tasks Assigned 15

3.4 Technical Skills 15

3.5 Non Technical Skills 16

3.5.1 Communication 16

3.5.2 Creativity 16

3.5.3 Flexibility 16

3.5.4 Emotional Intelligence and Collaboration 16

3.6 Materials Referred 17

3.6.1 Text Books Referred 17

3.6.2 Journal Papers Referred 17

3.6.3 Meetings Participated 17

3.7 Time Management 18

3.8 Resource Utilization 18

3.9 Inter Personal Skills 19

3.9.1 Self Confidence 19

3.9.2 Work Ethic 19

3.9.3 Relationship Management 19

3.9.4 Body Language 19

3.9.5 Listening 19

3.9.6 Positive Attitude 20

21- 26
Chapter 4: Specific Outcomes
4.1 Work Experience 21

4.2 Benefits of Internship 23

4.3 Challenges Faced 24

4.4 Technical Outcomes 24

4.5 Non Technical Outcomes 24

4.6 Skills Gained 25

4.6.1 Acquire and Evaluate Information 25

4.6.2 Organize and Maintain Information 25

4.6.3 Interpret and Communicate Information 25

4.6.4 Exercise Leadership 25

4.6.5 Work with cultural diversity 25

4.7 Personality Development 26


References 28

List of Figures


1 Mining a Block 12

2 Connecting a nodes 13

3 Transaction detail block 13

4 Adding a transaction block 14

5 Blockchain 14

Chapter 1


This chapter gives brief introduction about company its vision, mission values and inspirer of the
company. This also highlights the services offered, products developed by the company.

1.1 Overview of the Company

EXITO INFYNITES WEBSOLUTIONS has expanded from being a Technology company to a

full-fledged technology venture dealing with AR/VR, IoT, AI, Blockchain and other emerging
technologies. Our team includes some of the top game developers, AR/VR specialists, designers,
artists, animators and technology experts in the industry. We believe that constant innovation is
the key to building successful products.
As a leading software development company, we’re passionate and enthusiastic about
experimenting with latest emerging technologies and strive to integrate creative vision, technical
expertise and project management capabilities to ensure customer satisfaction.

Core Values:
1. Our cross-functional team structure and collaborative approach ensures that all reviews and
client feedback are incorporated in the development process. This is done in order to obtain
satisfactory outcomes on time, without compromising on cost or quality.
2. We provide services to cover all aspects of game and app creation, ranging from concept
art and prototyping to coding and testing. This saves our partners the trouble of managing
multiple teams and allows them to focus on core business objectives.
3. We understand the vital importance of getting your product to market at the earliest to stay
ahead of the competition. Our team will coordinate with you every
step of the way to make sure that your product is released well within defined time frames.
Exito infynites websolutions offer end-to-end solutions in both native and cross-platform for those
looking to hire App, game development companies experienced in Unity3D, Cocos2d-X, Pla

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Canvas, Unreal, Xamarin, hybrids app development frameworks and well specialized in AR, VR
& IoT solutions.

1.2 Mission of the Company

Company mission is to reach the goals by accelerating the momentum of every individual working
together on day to day basis, be one step ahead and deliver the best.

1.3 Vision of the Company

Company is to earn the epitaph of being an exemplary innovative software development company
by delivering top-notch products & solutions using emerging technologies and making our
customers contented.

1.4 Strength of the Company

▪ Mutually beneficial and long lasting relationships with customers.
▪ Integrity and diligence in all actions.
▪ Company believes that people are greatest assets.
▪ Being creative and innovative to achieve superior quality in all their undertakings.

1.5 Major Milestones of the Company

1.5.1 Profitable Business Model

Initially, Business Model, a global standard was created. Canvas was used to describe, design,
challenge and pivot business model in conjunction with strategic management, execution tools and
1.5.2 Realistic, Scalable Marketing Strategy

Marketing is the lifeblood of the business. Businesses owners sitting around waiting for clients to
call are destined to fail. Smart marketing can actively bring in new business instead of simply
reacting. Delegation and determination are two of key “talents” of entrepreneurs strengthened by
taking an active role in marketing campaign. The new tools used made it all possible, scalable

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marketing strategy was created using those tools. Taking advantage of internet marketing
techniques and working with the right people helped the company to create a marketing strategy.
1.5.3 A solid team was hired and trained

Starting off as a one-man operation is great. However, with the exception of a few lucky business
models, it will only get you so far. A strong team was hired and trained. This exciting milestone
grew the business by leaps and bounds.
1.5.4 Gaining Authority in the Industry

The type of content that industry needs and will appreciate was created. Company involved in local
events that allowed them to share their expertise. Coupling speaking engagements with stellar
online content turned the company into a sought-after authority.
1.5.5 Reaching significant number of seats

Specific goal for sales was set, without which the business will stagnate. Having a goal will help
to continue moving towards target growth. An ambitious, yet achievable, dollar figure for the
business was determined.
1.6 Products and Services offered by the Company

Exito infynites websolutions has created a range of cross platform games and applications for
mobile, web and desktop. We offer end-to-end solutions for those looking to hire game
development companies experienced in Unity3D, Cocos2d-x and Unreal, as well as technologies
like WebGL and AngularJS. We specialize in AR/VR experiences, IoT solutions as well as
desktop, console, PC and mobile game development.

The different services offered by Exito infynites websolutions are as follows:


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Exito infynites websolutions worked on various products such as:
▪ GAME DEVELOPMENT - Mobile Game Development, IOS Game Development,
Android Game Development, Augmented Reality Development, Unity Game
Development, Desktop Game Development.
▪ ENTERPRISE APP & SOLUTIONS - App Development, Gamified Applications,
IOT, BigData, Simulation & Visualization, AI & Machine Learning.
▪ VR & AR SOLUTIONS - AR App Development, VR App Development, WebXR
▪ ART & DESIGN - UI/UX Design, Pre Production, Asset Production, Animation.
▪ WEB DEVELOPMENT - PHP Developers,, Node.JS, Angular, React.

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Chapter 2
This chapter highlights the importance of various departments in the company. Business
organizations typically consist of a number of departments or functions and it is important to have
an appreciation of the purpose and activities of these departments/functions in order to understand
the role of management accounting in the organization.

2.1 Management / Administration

The chief executive officer, also called the company president, and any other managers involved
in making decisions for the company are a part of the administration department. Businesses need
managers to oversee employees and implement company directives created by the president.
Managers also typically interview and hire new employees for the company.
An organization unit includes top management personnel and organization headquarters
which is directly linked with head office. The basic function of this department is to provide the
require material to their staff and working labor, this department gives the report to head office
time to time.

2.2 Marketing
The marketing and advertising department for a business is responsible for developing products
and creative materials for informing potential customers about the company's benefits.
Additionally, the department may conduct research to discover the needs of customers.
Its main function is to create strong relations with their customers; it involves a wide range
of processes concerned with finding out what consumer wants and providing it to them. This is
considered as the focused department in the organization as it is related with strengthening the
relationship with the customer.

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2.3 Finance
Finance is the money raising, record and control system in any organization. It plays a specific
role in any organization, because every department is directly linked with this.

2.4 Accounting
The accounting department handles the bookkeeping for a business during the fiscal year. All
revenue, expenses and company equity are tracked by the accounting department and reported to
the Internal Revenue Service at the end of the company's fiscal year. The accounting department
also tracks accounts payable so that all clients are paid for services or products. Accountants
typically prepare income statements, cash flow statements, general ledgers and balance sheets for
the company.

2.5 Human Resources

The main function of this department is to make relations between high management and working
labor. It’s a motivated department and it creates a co-operate climate between departments and
give the chance to show the skills.

2.6 Information Technology

Information technology operations or IT operations are the set of all processes and services that
are both provisioned by an IT staff to their internal or external clients and used by themselves. IT
Operations is responsible for the smooth functioning of the infrastructure and operational
environments that support application deployment to internal and external customers, including
the network infrastructure; server and device management; computer operations; IT Infrastructure
Library (ITIL) management; and help desk services for an organization.
IT team is responsible for the following functions:
▪ Vendor and contract management
▪ Outside contractor management
▪ Break/fix and repairing problems that occur.
▪ Project management and deployment

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2.7 Sales
Sales departments are needed in companies that sell retail or wholesale items to other businesses
or consumers. Sales departments coordinate their sales force to build customer relationships, meet
particular revenue goals and pitch new products. The sales force may use a "push" or a "pull"
method for attracting customers. The pull method typically involves placing a salesman in a
physical store to sell products. Sales departments using the push method usually instruct their sales
force to call, email or visit prospective customers.
It is an important business function as net sales through the sale of products and services
and resulting profit drive most commercial business. These are also typically the goals and
performance indicators of sales management.

2.8 Development
The function of production/development department is to convert input to output. In production
department the production manager has some responsible for making sure that raw material is
provided and made in finished goods effectively, and make sure that work is carried out smoothly
it is closely related to other departments like HRM, Finance etc.

2.9 Quality Assurance

Quality assurance (QA) is a way of preventing mistakes or defects in manufactured products and
avoiding problems when delivering solutions or services to customers. Quality assurance
comprises administrative and procedural activities implemented in a quality system so that
requirements and goals for a product, service or activity will be fulfilled.
It is the systematic measurement, comparison with a standard, monitoring of processes and
an associated feedback loop that confers error prevention. This can be contrasted with quality
control, which is focused on process output. Testers prepare test scripts and macros, and analyze
results, which are fed back to the project leader so that fixes can be made. Testers can also be
involved at the early stages of projects in order to anticipate pitfalls before work begins. This defect
prevention in quality assurance differs subtly from defect detection and rejection in quality control.

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2.10 UI Team
User Interface (UI) design is to produce a user interface which makes it easy (self-explanatory),
efficient, and enjoyable (user-friendly) to operate a machine in the way which produces the desired
result. This generally means that the operator needs to provide minimal input to achieve the desired
output, and also that the machine minimizes undesired outputs to the human.

2.11 Research and Development

Research and Development (R&D) plays an important role in the innovation process. Its result in
technology that brings new product and services to the market place for this department, we can
offer a new product in market and this department has closely co-ordination with marketing. R&D
is a general term for activities in connection with corporate or governmental innovation. Research
and development is a component of Innovation and is situated at the front end of the Innovation
life cycle.

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Chapter 3
This chapter highlights detailed facts about various tasks performed in the company during the
internship period. Description of each task performed is as follows:
3.1 Technical Activities
The internship was focused on making the students aware of the current trends in the field of Web
development & web design and provide practical experience in web development using
WordPress. Different aspects of web development & design was analyzed over 4 weeks and
tasks were allotted to be worked out.

3.1.1 Creating basic Blockchain.

Step 1:
What is Blockchain?
◦ A blockchain is a growing list of records, called blocks, that are linked together
using cryptography, each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block,
a timestamp, and transaction data.
Step 2:

What is Block?
◦ Blocks hold batches of valid transactions that are hashed and encoded into a Merkle
tree. Each block includes the cryptographic hash of the prior block in the blockchain,
linking the two. The linked blocks form a chain. This iterative process confirms the
integrity of the previous block, all the way back to the initial block, which is known as
the genesis block
Step 3:
The structure of blockchain.
◦ A blockchain is a decentralized, distributed, and oftentimes public, digital ledger
consisting of records called blocks that is used to record transactions across many
computers so that any involved block cannot be altered retroactively, without the
alteration of all subsequent blocks. This allows the participants to verify and audit

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transactions independently and relatively inexpensively. A blockchain database is
managed autonomously using a peer-to-peer network and a distributed timestamping

◦ By storing data across its peer-to-peer network, the blockchain eliminates a number of
risks that come with data being held centrally. The decentralized blockchain may use ad
hoc message passing and distributed networking. One risk of a lack of a
decentralization is a so-called "51% attack" where a central entity can gain control of
more than half of a network and can manipulate that specific blockchain record at-will,
allowing double-spending.

3.1.2 Adding a mining Algorithm.

Step 1:
What is cryptographic hash function?
◦ A cryptographic hash function (CHF)is a mathematical algorithm that maps data of
arbitrary size (often called the "message") to a bit array of a fixed size (the "hash value",
"hash", or "message digest"). It is a one-way function, that is, a function which is
practically infeasible to invert or reverse the computation

Step 2:
Why is SHA2(Secure hash Algorithm 2)?
◦ SHA-2 (Secure Hash Algorithm 2) is a set of cryptographic hash functions designed
by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) and first published in
2001. They are built using the Merkle–Damgård construction, from a one-way
compression function itself built using the Davies–Meyer structure from a
specialized block cipher.

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3.1.3 Crypto-currency. .
Step 1:
What is Crypto-currency?
◦ A cryptocurrency, crypto-currency, or crypto is a digital asset designed to work as
a medium of exchange wherein individual coin ownership records are stored in
a ledger existing in a form of a computerized database using strong cryptography to
secure transaction records, to control the creation of additional coins, and to verify the
transfer of coin ownership.
◦ Bitcoin, first released as open-source software in 2009, is the first decentralized
cryptocurrency. Since the release of bitcoin, many other cryptocurrencies have been
Step 2:
History of crypto-currency?
◦ In 1983, the American cryptographer David Chaum conceived an anonymous
cryptographic electronic money called e-cash. Later, in 1995, he implemented it
through Digi-cash, an early form of cryptographic electronic payments which required
user software in order to withdraw notes from a bank and designate specific encrypted
keys before it can be sent to a recipient. This allowed the digital currency to be
untraceable by the issuing bank, the government, or any third party.
◦ In 2009, the first decentralized cryptocurrency, bitcoin, was created by presumably
pseudonymous developer Satoshi Nakamoto. It used SHA-256, a cryptographic hash
function, in its proof-of-work scheme. In April 2011, Namecoin was created as an
attempt at forming a decentralized DNS, which would make internet censorship very
difficult. Soon after, in October 2011, Litecoin was released. It used scrypt as its hash
function instead of SHA-256. Another notable cryptocurrency, Peercoin used a proof-
of-work/proof-of-stake hybrid

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3.1.4 Create a Crypto-currency.
Step 1:
System compatibility
◦ Brower’s:
▪ Explorer (version 9 and higher)
▪ Anaconda navigator
◦ Operating System :
▪ Windows
Step 2:
Creating Crypto-currency
◦ Adding a transaction block into a blockchain.
◦ Adding a replace block into a blockchain.
◦ Adding a mine block into a blockchain.
◦ Adding a connect node into a blockchain.
◦ Adding a get chain node into a block chain.

Some glimpses of the project are as below:

Fig 1: Mining a block

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Fig 2: Connecting a node

Fig 3: Transaction detail block

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Fig 4: Add Transaction block

Fig 5: blockchain

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3.2 Non Technical Activities

▪ Participated in various competitions held during the celebration of various events in the
▪ Coordinated various occasional events held in the company.
▪ Holi was conducted in the office during internship period which was very helpful in
bonding with the team mates.

3.3 Tasks Assigned

I was mainly assigned to build Crypto-currency like bitcoin.

3.4 Technical Skills

A technical skill is the ability to carry out a task associated with technical roles such as IT,
engineering, mechanics, science or finance. Typical technical skills are programming, the analysis
of complex figures or the use of specific tools. The majority of technical skills require experience
and sometimes extensive training to master.
Various technical skills used during the internship to carry out the assigned task are as
▪ Using profession specific terminology appropriately.
▪ Effectively utilized the tools and resources to complete a task.
▪ Maintaining and troubleshooting technology.
▪ Analyzing or visualizing data to create information.
▪ Selecting appropriate technologies.
▪ Acquiring and evaluating information.
▪ Performing effective and informative user testing.
▪ Identifying and creating appropriate test cases for the application developed.
▪ Creating training materials.
▪ Developing a technical art fact.

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3.5 Non Technical Skills
Non-technical skills are social, cognitive and personal skills that can enhance the way of carrying
out technical skills, tasks and procedures. By developing these skills, people in safety-critical roles
can learn to deal with a range of different situations.
An internship is learning experience of its own kind. The importance it has got over the years in
building one’s career is very important in one’s professional life. It makes us learn not only the
basics of work life but also some of the non-technical activities that is very important in making
the professional life better.

Problem Solving Skills

An internship introduces you to real-life work problems and hence develops your problem-solving
skills. Whatever problem statement you may encounter it builds a potential within you to solve the
given problem within the specific time.

Work Ethics
An internship provides us an opportunity to work in a tangible working environment. As a result,
we can develop a professional culture and working ethics within us rather than providing excuses
in college life.

Adaptability Skills
Everyone won’t be adaptable in the beginning. Being adaptive to your surroundings easily is one
of the most useful soft skills not only desirable to employers but also important to your self-growth.
So, make the most of your internship experiences and learn some adaptability skills while you are

Communication Skills
It’s one of the top listed skills that recruiters look for in a resume and something that can get you
from bottom to top. Communicating well is a gem of a skill which you can learn during your

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internship experiences. Internship provides you opportunities were you can exhibit your
communication skills in delivering your knowledge to the people.

Being responsible is an integral skill required in the job arena. Your internship experience makes
you more responsible and accountable for what decisions you make and how you execute what’s
been allocated to you.

The internship provides a quality of flexibility in which you will be ready to adjust in different
complex situation and also in providing solution to the problem in a given specified time.

3.6 Materials Referred

3.6.1 Courses referred
During the period of Internship we were given with the Udemy courses which have to be
completed. There was mainly two course
• Blockchain A-Z.
• Ethereum and solidity.

3.6.2 Meetings Participated

During the period of Internship various meetings were conducted and are as follows:

▪ Status Update Meetings

▪ Information Sharing Meetings

▪ Decision Making Meetings

▪ Innovation Meetings

▪ Problem Solving and Team Building Meetings

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3.7 Time Management
Time Management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the
amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or
productivity. Time Management may be aided by a range of skills, tools and techniques used to
manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects and goals complying with a due date.
Initially, Time Management referred to just business or work activities, but eventually the
term broadened to include personal activities as well. A Time Management System is a designed
combination of processes, tools, techniques and methods. Time Management is usually a necessity
in any project development as it determines the project completion time and scope. Time
Management can be considered to be a project management subset and is more commonly known
as project planning and project scheduling. Time Management has also been identified as one of
the core functions identified in project management. Time Management is the important thing
when it comes to any company.
We were allocated some task to be performed within the time allocated. All allocated works
are done within the allocated time. Every project management without time management will not
be finished at the specific time. We were maintaining the time for both work assigned and personal
work. We learnt to put time for each work based on the priorities. Work with higher priorities was
finished first.

3.8 Resource Utilization

Effective management of resources is an essential task for companies that are managing different
projects. It is important for to efficiently organize and allocate personal as well as equipment for
different projects, same time avoiding idle resources. Having the information about the
availability of the resource and have those available at the right time for the activities play a vital
role in managing the costs and smoothly executing the project activities.
Various resources are available in the company to carry out the allotted task. Resources
like text books, journal papers; net connection etc was utilized in order to carry out the task
assigned to us within the given span of time.

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3.9 Inter Personal Skills
3.9.1 Self-Confidence
The right level of self-confidence in the workplace can open doors and help in gaining recognition.
It can also demonstrate how we approach various situations and deal with them both positively
and effectively. To be successful, it is important to demonstrate self-confidence at every
stage. Self-confidence at work will improve the way people see us and our views, ideas and
opinions will be taken more seriously. Confidence also enables us to deal with challenging
situations more effectively and allows us to set and reach new goals.

3.9.2 Work Ethic

If we are always on time, well prepared and deliver work when we say we will, this demonstrates
our strong work ethic and commitment to the business. In an uncertain business environment,
colleagues, customers and management will certainly appreciate the stability that we can bring.

3.9.3 Relationship Management

Building effective relationships is one thing but managing them is something entirely different.
This is an important skill in many roles, from junior posts through to management. At every level
in a business we will be expected to manage relationships with colleagues, partners and clients to
some extent. The ability to manage relationships based on respect for each other and mutual trust
is very important within any business environment.

3.9.4 Body Language

Non-verbal communication is often overlooked, but when we are at work. Facial expressions can
determine how we are feeling and eye contact, posture, tone of voice and gestures all reveal our
attitude and approach to the situation.

3.9.5 Listening
If we fail to listen, we cannot interpret what has been said and respond appropriately.

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3.9.6 Positive Attitude
Showing positivity, even in difficult situations, is important. Employees with a positive attitude
are more likely to treat others positively, which creates a more harmonious working environment.

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Chapter 4
This chapter gives a brief introduction about the work experience and assessment in the
company during the period of internship. It also gives the details about the technical and non
technical outcomes after working in the company such as improvement in verbal and written
communication, personality development, time management, resource and utilization skills.

4.1 Work Experience

Students in common have educational qualification but what makes a student more qualified is
the work experience that he/she posses by the time of graduation. The biggest advantage of
undergoing an internship program is that students become more confident because of their work
experience they have gained and also they require less training and can handle more
responsibilities. As a student I entered college with an idea of a major career path. Exploring
is a very important part of the academic process, and gaining a work experience is a great way
for me to acquaint myself with a field I was looking to learn about, so that by the time of
graduation, I will have confidence that the degree I am receiving is the right one for me.
The internship program that I have undergone at Exito infynites websolutions, gave a
great opportunity to improve my skills and knowledge and also helped me to get a clear picture
about the job in industries. Being an intern I was able to gain insight about how an organization
is organized and how it operates and also more importantly what are the challenges the
organization faces and how it is solved. This internship also provided an opportunity for me to
get grips with working, meeting deadlines and working in a team. In addition to acquiring
specialized skills in the domain of data mining, transferable skills that are generally required
at any job, like communication skills, writing skills and team work is also the gain from the
internship. The best part of internship is gaining practical experience by applying the methods
and theories that I had learnt in classes. Many people learn best by hands on.

But in internship each one can benefit from seeing the things that we have been learning
in classes, is put into action. Internship gave me a chance to test the specific techniques that I
had learnt in the classroom in a real world setting so that I will be much more equipped with
the technique. It was a chance to prove the worth of my qualification and to show that I can
perform in the role that I had been given. This was a valuable opportunity to learn my strengths

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and weaknesses. The feedback given by my senior colleagues made me understand that
mistakes I had committed and helped in refining my skills much more. This is a unique learning
opportunity where I can observe, ask questions and take risks. Finding work can be a real
challenge, especially if we don’t have any experience. It’s a nasty catch that can be difficult to
get around but internship is a good way to do it.
An internship provides the opportunity to gain hands on work experience that you just
can’t get in the classroom. The benefits of doing internship go far beyond the pay cheques. It’s
more than just about getting a grade, earning credit or making money. This was an opportunity
to learn from everyone around me, ask questions.
The internship I have undergone at Exito infynites websolutions has provided the
following benefits:
▪ Got job holding skills and as a result I have gained maturity, professionalism and self
confidence. Initially topics were assigned and were asked to present power point
presentation which boosted my confidence and also my presentation skills.
▪ Arriving at a quick decision at any critical situation which will help in solving a
▪ Working with diverse population that is learnt how to work under pressure and also
learnt how to co-ordinate with different people in the company with different
▪ Identifying, understanding and working with professional standards.
▪ Improving problem solving and critical thinking by handling a problem in a good
manner with occurrence of negative consequences.
▪ Monitoring and correcting performance, exercising leadership by taking the
responsibilities voluntarily and making sure that it goes in a right path without any
▪ Learnt to behave professionally and ethically.
▪ Learnt to address higher authorities with a specified manner.
▪ Allocating time effectively that is to complete the task with in a deadline without any
problem and with the successful output.
▪ Adapting effectively to changing conditions in a short period of time so that it won’t
affect the work.
▪ Developing appropriate workplace attitudes, understanding and managing personal

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▪ Developing individual responsibility by completing the work within the assigned time.
▪ Gained knowledge on project development life cycle.
▪ Improved communication skills.
▪ Improved presentation skills.
▪ Gained management skills.

4.2 Benefits of Internship

Working as an intern in the company provided various benefits and they are as follows:
▪ Gained valuable experience
An internship provides the opportunity to gain hands on work experience that is not
possible to get in the classroom and also companies train interns and help in gaining
the experience required to get a job.
▪ Got an edge in the job market
Employers are usually more concerned with the work experience than the
qualifications and internships are often the only way to get the work experience that is
required to secure a job, so pursuing internship have a vital role in the resume. Many
employers prefer or require applicants pursuing internship or relevant work
▪ Transition into a job
Employers see interns as prospective employees, so by performing well one can finish
internships and continue working with the company.
▪ Apply classroom knowledge
It’s a chance for interns to prove the worth of the qualifications and to show the ability
to perform a role that has been assigned.
▪ Developing new skills
Our strengths and weaknesses can be learnt by creating learning objectives and
receiving feedback from our supervisor.

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4.3 Challenges faced
Many challenges were faced in the company during the internship period and they are as
▪ The internship was much different from college academics and it takes little time to
adjust to the environment and schedule.
▪ Initially it is difficult to understand the works assigned to us

4.4 Technical Outcomes

Various technical outcomes are as follows:
▪ Using profession specific terminology appropriately.
▪ Effectively utilized the tools and resources to complete a task.
▪ Maintaining and troubleshooting technology.
▪ Analyzing or visualizing data to create information.
▪ Selecting appropriate technologies.
▪ Acquiring and evaluating information.
▪ Performing effective and informative user testing.
▪ Identifying and creating appropriate test cases for the application developed.
▪ Creating training materials.
▪ Developing a technical arte fact.

4.5 Non Technical Outcomes

Various non technical outcomes are as follows:
▪ Arriving at a decision.
▪ Working with diverse population.
▪ Identifying, understanding and working with professional standards.
▪ Organizing and maintaining information.
▪ Working in cross-cultural or demonstrating understanding of professional customs and
▪ Improving problem solving and critical thinking skills.
▪ Monitoring and correcting performance.
▪ Exercising leadership.
▪ Behaving professionally, ethically.

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▪ Listening effectively.
▪ Dressing appropriately.
▪ Addressing colleagues and superiors appropriately.
▪ Allocating time effectively.
▪ Adapting effectively to changing conditions.
▪ Developing appropriate workplace attitudes.
▪ Understanding and managing personal behavior and attitudes.
▪ Developing individual responsibility.

4.6 Skills Gained

Skills describe the improvement in the individual personality by working in the new
environment. Skills differ from people to people.
Skills gained in the company are as follows:

4.6.1 Acquire and evaluate information

Identifying need for the data and can evaluate its relevance, accuracy.

4.6.2 Organize and maintain information

Can organize process and maintain written or computerized records and other forms of
information in a systematic fashion.

4.6.3 Interpret and communicate information

Can select and analyze information and communicate the results to others.

4.6.4 Exercise leadership

Can communicate thoughts, feelings and ideas to justify a position, can encourage, persuade,
convince or otherwise motivate an individual or group, including responsibly challenging
existing procedures, policies or authority
4.6.5 Work with cultural diversity
Learnt to work in diverse population with different kind of people, environment etc.

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4.7 Personality Development

Personality development is the relatively enduring pattern of the thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors that distinguish individuals from one another. It covers activities
that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and
facilitate employability, enhance the quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams
and aspirations. Personal development takes place over the course of a person's entire life. Not
limited to self-help, the concept involves formal and informal activities for developing others
in roles such as teacher, guide, counselor, manager, life coach or mentor.
Some of the personality development skills that I learnt during the internship period are
as follows:
▪ To create our own personal style.
▪ To be an active listener.
▪ To be polite and gentle with words.
▪ To be executive in dress.
▪ To be more passionate about work
▪ To be optimistic.
▪ To accept and recognize our weak points.
▪ Learnt to appreciate others.
▪ To think positively.

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It was a great exposure given to me for working in the company as an intern at Exito infynites
websolutions, my internship duration was One month (1st May 2021 to 1st June 2021), this
period was very helpful to me. I also worked in fields which were new to me. Being a beginner
in web development, I got hands on Blockchain learning. Apart from coding in Solidity, the
one main thing I got to learn is how to work with both front and backend of an application.

First week it was more of learning about Blockchain an mining algorithm and later the hand
on sessions were started where we had to build crypto-currency of an application from the
scratch. It was challenging and there was a lot to learn in the process. Tasks were assigned
often and once when it was completed, I had to report it with all the standard details. It was an
excellent experience to work in a real company. I was given the responsibility of leading the
team that was made for the project purpose which was quite challenging and also there was a
lot to learn in the process.

The internship at Exito infynites websolutions or me has been a forward step towards
technology and my career. I sincerely thank team of infynites for giving me an opportunity to
work with them, giving me a chance to get hands on experience with the industry. Under the
guidance of Mr. tejeswar singh G, I got to learn new fields and improve myself.

Over all I am glad that I grabbed the opportunity and it resulted in a good way for my future.

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[6] E-mail:[email protected]

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