Application of Nursing Standards Is A Must in Community Health Nursing. To Whom of The Following Do These Standards Apply?

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1. Application of nursing standards is a must in Community Health Nursing.

whom of the following do these standards apply?*

A. Families in the community

B. Individuals, families and communities

C. Individuals in the community
D. Clients and community

2. Which best demonstrates the concept that community health nursing is

A. Identifying community health needs through community diagnosis

B. Providing services at an affordable cost

C. Providing nursing care in the natural environment of people
D. Coordinating services of different members of the health team

3. The Nurse knows that the goal of Community Health Nursing is to?*

A. Spread information about facilities of rural health units or centers

B. Lessen caseload of public health Nurse
C. Assist families to be self-reliant and be able to identify and solve own problem

D. Provide clinic-nursing services to the populace

4. Which of the following action of the community health Nurse constitutes a health
promotion and disease prevention activity?*

A. Teaching pregnant mothers about the benefits of breastfeeding

B. Referral of severely dehydrated child in the hospital

C. Assessment of school age children for malnutrition through “Operation Timbang”
D. Administration of Streptomycin to a Tuberculosis patient

5. Local Health boards were established at the provincial, city and municipal levels.
At the provincial level, the chairman of the Provincial health board is the:*

A. Public Health Nurse

B. Governor

C. Rural Health Physician

D. Municipal Mayor

6. PHC aims to strengthen the health care delivery system by increasing

opportunities and supporting the conditions wherein people will manage their own
health care. As a strategy, what is its main focus?*
A. Support for frontline health workers
B. Assurance of increasing investment for health care services
C. Creating multi-sectoral linkages

D. Responsibility for health rests on the individual, his family and the community

7. In the conceptual framework of Primary Health Care in the Philippine Health Care
Delivery System, its goal is embodied in which of the following statements?*

A. Health for all Filipinos and Health in the hands of the People

B. A Longer Disability-Free life

C. Health for all Filipinos
D. Community-based, accessible, acceptable and cost-effective health care services

8. The following are cornerstones or pillars in Primary Health Care:

1. Active community participation
2. Intra- and inter-sectoral linkages
3. Use of appropriate technology
4. Support mechanism made available
5. Health Education

A. 1, 2, 3, 4
B. 1, 3, 4, 5
C. 2, 3, 4, 5
D. 1, 2, 4, 5

9. The strategies being employed in PHC are the following, except;*

A. Organization of communities arising from their expressed needs
B. Development of intra-sectoral linkages with other government and private agencies
C. Development and utilization of appropriate technology
D. Granting of incentives and supports for community leaders in the implementation of services

10. Which of the following pillars or cornerstones in primary health care advocate the
use of locally available medicinal plants due to the increasing cost of drugs?*

A. Intra and Intersectoral linkages

B. Support mechanism made available
C. Use of appropriate technology

D. Active community participation

11. Under the National Immunization Program, the following have been identified as
“high risk” groups*

A. Children in the urban poor/slum areas

B. Children in remote areas
C. Children in areas with vitamin A deficiency
D. All

12. Which of the following contains a live, attenuated microorganisms?*



B. DPT/Penta
C. Hepatitis B
D. All
13. Maintenance of cold chain is an important practice to keep the biologicals for
immunization potent. This means observing proper temperature for storage. Which of
the following should be kept in the freezer?*

A. Measles containing vaccine

C. Both

D. None

14. Which biological is destroyed by freezing and therefore should be stored in the
refrigerator compartment only?*
A. DPT/Penta
C. Both

D. None

15. Which of the following vaccines is given hypodermically?*

A. Hepatitis B vaccine
B. DPT/Penta
C. Measles vaccine

16. All but one are considered true statements about community public health nursing

A. The family is the unit of service

B. Health promotion and disease prevention is the core of CPHN practice
C. Care is episodic and limited only to well individuals

D. Multidisciplinary approach is emphasized to address community health problems

17. Due to the rising number of cases of animal bites among children in the community.
Nurse Nina spearheads a campaign for responsible pet ownership with the assistance
of Barangay officials and volunteers. The municipal veterinary office was also tapped to
conduct rabies immunization among domestic animals. This scenario reflects which of
the following?
1. Multisectoral approach in addressing community problems
2. One Health framework as a guide in developing public health interventions
3. Health promotion is a combination of educational and environmental supports
4. Coordination is a key element to ensure successful implementation of community
health programs

A. 1, 2, 3, 4
B. 1, 2, and 3
C. 2, 3, and 4
D. 1 and 4 only

18. Which of the following determinants of health refer to values, traditions, and
practices of the community?*

A. Political
B. Behavioral

C. Environmental
D. Genetics

19. The application of the nursing process in providing health services to population
groups refer to which of the following roles of the CPH Nurse?*

A. Researcher
B. Manager-Leader
C. Healthcare Provider

D. Community Organizer
20. Conducting regular fieldwork is uniquely CPHN practice. Nurse Teresa leads a
group of community volunteers in a clean up drive in the barangay to improve sanitation
and reduce transmission of infection. This is an illustration of what level of prevention?*

A. Primary

B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. Emergency

21. The nurse working in a correctional facility ensures that people deprived of liberty
are treated with respect and attended to for their healthcare needs. This clearly depicts
which of the following?*
A. CPHN has four levels of clientele namely: individuals, families, groups, and communities
B. CPHN is developmental and puts premium on health education activities
C. CPHN provides care in the natural environment of the people

D. CPHN is aimed at promoting and upholding worth and dignity of all patients

22. Which core function of public health provides structure, direction, and order to
communities that encourages people to adapt healthier options in life?*

A. Education

B. Assessment
C. Policy
D. Assurance

23. Placing the country in community quarantine due to the looming pandemic is aimed
at which of the following purposes?*

A. Risk reduction

B. Early detection
C. Prompt treatment
D. Supportive care
24. Health promotion is an enabling process to aid population groups increase their
control over their health. Various strategies are taken to achieve its goal. Select all that
1. Build healthy public policy
2. Strengthen community action
3. Reorient health services
4. Create supportive environments

A. 1, 2, 3, 4

B. 1, 2, and 3
C. 2, 3, and 4
D. 1 and 4 only

25. Which of the following actions can be pursued by the CPH Nurse in order to
promote better health outcomes in a community with a high prevalence of
cardiovascular diseases?
1. Initiate a weekly exercise program to promote physical fitness in the community
2. Conduct a monthly lay forum on the nature of cardiovascular problems and measures
how to prevent it
3. Coordinate with LGU to open public spaces to encourage people to walk around the
4. Perform regular BP screening among adults with known risk factors for CVD

A. 1, 2, 3, 4

B. 1, 2, and 3
C. 2, 3, and 4
D. 1 and 4 only

26. Healthcare systems are critical to national development. Over the years, various
reform initiatives have been undertaken by the Department of Health (DOH) to ensure
responsiveness to the changing times. Which of the following are currently included in
the priority areas for reform by the DOH?
1. Financing
2. Service delivery
3. Governance
4. Regulation and policy
5. Performance accountability

A. 1, 2, 3, 4
B. 1, 2, and 3
C. 2, 3, and 4
D. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

27. All but one are true statements about the current Department of Health vision and
mission statement:*
A. Achieve better health outcomes making Filipinos healthiest in southeast Asia by 2040

B. Promote equitable healthcare for all Filipinos

C. Lead in the development of people centered healthcare system
D. Aim to improve health of the nation thereby making Filipinos the healthiest in Asia by 2040

28. Which of the following is/are included in the roles expected of the Department of

A. leadership in health
B. enabler and capacity builder
C. administrator of specific services
D. regulator of local government units

29. Which of the following are correct about the National Objectives for Health (NOH)
2022? Select all that apply.
1. It specifies the objectives, strategies and targets of the Department of Health (DOH)
FOURmula One Plus for Health (F1 Plus for Health)
2. It aims to achieve better health outcomes with no major disparity among population
3. It seeks to ensure financial risk protection for all especially the poor, marginalized and
vulnerable; and
4. It aspires for a responsive health system which makes Filipinos feel respected,
valued and empowered.

A. 1, 2, 3, 4

B. 1, 2, and 3
C. 2, 3, and 4
D. 1 and 4 only

30. Local government units (LGUs) through RA 7160 enjoys the autonomy of managing
their own healthcare systems. Which of the following best describes the relationship of
the DOH with LGUs in terms of healthcare service delivery?*

A. Collaborative

B. Participatory
C. Mandatory
D. Authoritarian

31. The family is considered as the unit of service in CPHN because of which
1. It exerts a crucial environmental force
2. It is an effective channel of the PHN’s efforts
3. It generates, tolerates or corrects health problems
4. It is the most frequent locus of decision making
A. 1, 2, 3, 4
B. 1, 2, 3
C. 1, 2, 4

D. 1, 3, 4

32. WHO defines CHN as a special field of nursing more concerned with the care
A. Well families and non-hospitalized sick persons and families

B. Sick families in their homes

C. Hospitalized sick people and their families
D. Both sick and well hospitalized and non-hospitalized families

33. In CHN practice, the principle of autonomy is applied through consideration of the
following EXCEPT:*

A. Respect for a person’s protection

B. Freedom of choice of treatment; except for the elderly patient
C. Protection of a person’s privacy
D. Provision of informed consent by the patient for any treatment

34. Nurses in CHN practice, making use of general nursing knowledge, skills, &
attitudes with additional social & applied fields’ directs services to:*

A. Care of families

B. Individual patients
C. Nursing care in the community
D. Community health education

35. Which of the following principles is applied in CHN?*


A. “What I cannot give to one I cannot give to all and vice versa”
B. “Greatest good for the greatest number”
C. Geared toward self-reliance
D. All

36. Primary Health Care was developed as a strategy to achieve which of the
following goals in 1978:*

A. Health is wealth for all the hand of the people

B. Health is a right and a responsibility
C. Health for All by the year 2000

D. Health in the hands of the people by the year 2020

37. As a strategy implemented in the Philippine Health Care Delivery System,

Primary Health Care emphasizes on enabling individuals, families, and communities
make decisions for their own health. This particular concept is best reflected in which of
the following activities that encourages family initiative?*
A. Urgent hospital referral
B. Clinic visit

C. Home visit
D. Telephone contact

38. Alternative treatment options such as the use of herbal medicines are considered
as a vehicle of ensuring that the community has access to available and acceptable
health resources and is anchored on which of the following pillars/cornerstones of
Primary Health Care?*

A. Support mechanism made available

B. Active community participation
C. Inter and Intra-sectoral linkages
D. Use of appropriate technology

39. Which of the following is considered as a major milestone in Philippine legislation

that seeks to enhance the access of people to cheaper and quality medicines?*
A. RA 9502
B. LOI 949
C. RA 9288
D. RA 6675

40. COPAR as a strategy requires a partnership approach. Hence, to facilitate the

entry of the Nurse in the community the following can be done by the Nurse EXCEPT:*

A. Formalize partnership with local government units

B. Establish rapport with the members of the community
C. Ask the endorsement of the local leaders of the community through courtesy call
D. Identify a contact person in the community

41. The purpose of integrating with the community during actual entry of the Nurse is

A. Imbibe the community way of life

B. Understand the cultural practices of the people

C. Obtain subjective information about the community
D. Establish rapport with some members of the community

42. To determine the local health situation of the community the Nurse should
employ which of the following?*

A. Vital Statistics
B. Community Organizing
C. Survey and Interview

D. Community Diagnosis

43. Which is the most recent statement of the mission of the Department of Health?*

A. Lead in the development of a people centered healthcare system for UHC

B. The leader of health for all in the Philippines
C. Accessible and quality health services for all Filipinos

D. Health for all and health in the hands of the people by the year 2020

44. The Department of Health has expressed its aim to realize critical health sector
reforms in the country with speed, precision and effective coordination. Which of the
following are the priority areas?
1. Better health outcomes
2. Community participation in health projects
3. More responsive health system
4. More equitable healthcare financing

A. 1, 2, 3
B. 1, 2, 4
C. 1, 3, 4

D. 2, 3, 4

45. Which of the following practices best promotes provision of competent and
efficient health services?*

A. Primary health care

B. Two-way referral system
C. Epidemiologic approach
D. Health care delivery system

46. Among the personnel of the Rural Health Unit, who has been designated to be
the first professional to deal with the people’s health needs and problems?*

A. Barangay Health Worker

B. Public Health Nurse

C. Municipal Health Officer

D. Rural Health Midwife
47. As a public health Nurse, you are responsible for ensuring that you have enough
vaccines and toxoids for immunization in your municipality. Computing for the estimated
number of infants and pregnant women who will be vaccinated in the municipality is one
of your functions as a/an*

A. Community organizer
B. Manager

C. Epidemiologist
D. Health care provider

48. Guided by the principles of PAR, which of the following should NOT be
considered in gathering data about the community?*
A. Formulation of objectives
B. Appropriateness of the tools
C. Setting the target population
D. Feasibility of programs to be implemented

49. Conducting community diagnosis requires the use of various methods in

collecting data. Which of the following obtains both qualitative & quantitative data?*

A. Participant observation
B. Records review
C. Surveys
D. Interviews

50. Primary prevention focuses on risk reduction. The following are key strategies
under this level. Select all that apply.
1. Manage stress and engage in recreational activities or sports
2. Aim for ideal body weight
3. Choose foods wisely by reading nutritional labels
4. Exercise at least 30 times a day
5. Cut down on smoking and alcohol consumption

A. 1, 2, 3, 5

B. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
C. 1, 2, 3, 4
D. 1, 2, 4, 5

51. Early detection and prompt treatment are keys to curing cancer. Which of the
following is not considered an early sign of cancer?*
A. Hoarseness of voice
B. Difficulty in urination

C. Unusual bleeding or discharge

D. Sudden weight loss

52. You went to San Rafael Elementary School to immunize Grade I pupils with
hepatitis B vaccine. You are aware that parental consent for the immunization is not
needed. This is based on which legal document?*

A. Presidential Proclamation No. 1066

B. R.A. 10152

C. Presidential Proclamation No. 46

D. P.D. 996

53. To maintain the cold chain, which vaccines/toxoids should be stored in the
refrigerator compartment
1. Measles vaccine
2. BCG
3. OPV
4. DPT
A. 1, 2
B. 1, 3
C. 2, 3
D. 2, 4

54. One of your functions in the EPI is to educate mothers regarding the expected
and adverse reactions to specific vaccines. Before giving BCG, you will inform the
mother of the following expected reactions EXCEPT*

A. The infant will have fever lasting for about 24 hours

B. The wheal will disappear within an hour

C. The vaccine will create a permanent scar
D. A small red nodule will appear within two weeks

55. After 2 months, a mother brought back her child and showed the site of BCG
injection. You noted the presence of a superficial abscess. Which of the following
actions is most appropriate?*

A. Refer the patient to the health center physician for a possible incision and drainage of the site
B. Instruct the mother to treat the site by applying INH
C. Allay the mother’s anxiety because this is a normal reaction

D. Explain to the mother that this indicates the child had a previous exposure to TB

56. After giving DPT/Penta vaccine to an infant, you will tell the mother the following

A. The injection site may become tender and sensitive

B. Watch out for rashes and fever
C. Report convulsions as soon as possible
D. Give the child an antipyretic medication

57. What is the fundamental belief that guides all actions of the Community Health
Nurse in performing her duties and responsibilities?*
A. Population based care
B. Health for all Filipinos
C. Health in the Hands of the People
D. Primacy of the Worth and Dignity of Man

58. Provision of services to the population is the major approach of the Community
Health Nurse. Which of the following clients should the Nurse prioritize?*

A. Elderly
B. School-aged children
C. Pregnant Mothers

D. None

59. One important tool that aids the community health Nurse in the conduct of his/her
activities is the CHN Bag. The community/Public Health bag is:*

A. A tool used by the community health Nurse is rendering effective nursing procedures during a
home visit
B. A requirement for home visits
C. As essential and indispensable equipment of the community Nurse
D. Contains basic medications and articles used by the community health Nurse

60. Client welfare is the utmost concern of the Community Health Nurse. Considering
that the use of the Public Health Bag may serve as a vehicle for disease transmission,
we must minimize contaminating the bag by touching only what surface of the paper
lining considered as clean?*

A. Inner surface
B. Outer surface

C. Neither
D. Either
61. In the two largest and best documented outbreaks of the AH1N1 virus, in Mexico
and the United States of America the World Health Organization identified that which of
the following population groups are the one’s easily affected by the disease?*

A. Children

B. Middle adults
C. Late adults
D. Women of reproductive age

62. Which of the following is known as the “Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act
of 1997”?*
A. RA 8749
B. R.A. 9288

C. RA 8423
D. RA 6675

63. All of the following are considerations in the use of herbal medicines, EXCEPT:*

A. Use only one kind of herbal plant for each type of sickness
B. Use only the part of the plant being advocated
C. Avoid the use of insecticides
D. In the preparation of herbal medicine, use a clay pot and cover while boiling in low heat

64. The leaves of this plant can be boiled and taken 3x a day as anti-edema:*

A. Sambong
B. Pansit-pansitan
C. Bayabas
D. Tsaang Gubat

65. Lagundi, a wild shrub, is being advocated for the following, EXCEPT:*
A. Eczema, ulcer and insect bites
B. Aromatic bath for post partum client
C. Asthma, cough and colds
D. Dysmenorrhea and gas pain

66. Seeds of this vine are taken two hours after supper to expel roundworms: *

A. Ulasimang bato

B. Niyug-niyogan
C. Bayabas
D. Lagundi

67. Type of herbal preparation that makes use of the hard part of the plant then
boiled to release its active components:*

A. Tea

B. Infusion
C. Decoction
D. Poultice

68. State policy that prohibits improper waste disposal:*


A. PD 651
B. PD 996
C. PD 856
D. PD 825

69. The Sanitation Code of the Philippines is embodied in which of the following state

A. RA 9211
B. PD 996
C. PD 825
D. PD 856
70. Sta. Maria District Hospital is administered by the Local Health Board headed by

A. Congressman
B. City Mayor
C. Municipal Mayor

D. Governor

71. Which of the following foods are recommended during lactation?*

A. Cakes and pastries
B. Eggs and cheese
C. Fruits and vegetables

D. Dairy products and seafood

72. After delivery, mothers are advised to receive drops of vitamin A. What is the
recommended dose?*

A. 200, 000 IU
B. 100, 000 IU
C. 20, 000 IU

D. 10, 000 IU

73. Kwashiorkor can be distinguished from marasmus because of its manifestations.

Which of the following is not included?*

A. Edema
B. Flag sign
C. Moon facies
D. Old man’s face
74. Which of the following can be considered as a bio-chemical profile for a client
with nutritional disorder?*

A. Creatinine, BUN and urinalysis

B. BUN, creatinine and sputum culture
C. CBC, BUN and creatinine

D. CBC, BUN and urinalysis

75. To prevent deficiencies from micronutrients basic foods such as sugar, flour and
rice must be fortified as mandated by what law?*
A. RA 8976
B. RA 7160
C. RA 8172

D. RA 9275

76. Which of the following is known as the “Asin Law” of the Philippines?*

A. RA 7160

B. RA 8976
C. RA 8172
D. RA 6365

77. Mrs. Sheila Quezon, 9 weeks pregnant with her first baby, came to the center for
her first prenatal visit. Assessment during this visit will include which of the following?
1. Simple laboratory exams, like urinalysis
2. Personal, menstrual and OB history taking
3. Vital signs, weight and height measurement
4. Abdominal examination and measurement of fundic height
A. 1, 2, 3
B. 1, 2, 4
C. 1, 3, 4
D. 1, 2, 3, 4

78. Which of the following supplements is CONTRAINDICATED during pregnancy

and therefore should not be given to Mrs. Quezon?*

A. Vitamin C 50 mg.
B. Retinol 200,000 IU

C. Potassium iodate 200 mg.

D. Ferrous sulfate 100 mg.

79. On her second visit, you were able to give Mrs. Quezon her second dose of
tetanus toxoid. She asked you when she is supposed to receive her third dose. You will
say after ____.*

A. 1 year
B. 4 weeks
C. 6 weeks
D. 6 months

80. When buying cereals fortified with vitamin B and iron, you should instruct the
mother to also purchase:*

A. Oatmeal in different flavors

B. Orange juice

C. Milk formula with vitamin B and iron

D. Mineral water

81. Which of the following reflects a healthy growth when interpreting a growth

A. A sudden increase and decrease on the chart

B. A gradual increase below the line of reference
C. A curve above the line of reference

D. A declining line below the line of reference

82. Which of the following instructions should be given to a client using pills?*

A. Pills should be taken with DMPA to be effective

B. Pills are taken 5 takes prior to the 1st day of menstruation and taken thereafter
C. Pills should be taken daily following the direction from the pill mat

D. Pills should be stopped on the day of menstruation to avoid complications

83. What should a trained birth attendant do in the case of a G1P0 at labor in breech

A. Prepare for home delivery

B. Continue to monitor the patient's situation
C. Call the Public Health Nurse

D. Refer to the Municipal Health Officer

84. As a CHN, you should immediately be concerned about a pregnant woman's

condition when she reports,*

A. "I often have the urge of urinating"

B. "I have difficulty breathing, especially when I lay flat on bed"

C. "I feel like vomiting, especially in the morning

D. "I cannot remove my wedding ring"

85. During pregnancy, which vitamin supplement should be given starting at the 5th
month of pregnancy until 2 months post-partum?*

A. Iodine
B. Vitamin A
C. Ferrous sulfate
D. Calcium

86. Bianca, a primi, enters the clinic for her first prenatal check up. Her history
reveals she has goiter. The nurse should know that Bianca is considered at risk

A. Goiter is a sign of PIH

B. Goiter will interfere with glucose metabolism leading to Gestational diabetes
C. The thyroid gland further enlarges during pregnancy making the mother more susceptible to
D. The body will not b able to produce iodine leading to iodine deficiency complications

87. The mother asks if goiter will affect her baby. The appropriate response is:*

A. The goiter will not affect the child, only the mother

B. Having goiter may lead to a very large baby

C. The infant may suffer from cretinism
D. The infant may also have goiter

88. Bianca, a primi, has a history of goiter. The nurse shall encourage the mother to
include which of the following:*

A. Sinigang na baka
B. Sinigang na bangus
C. Sinigang na hipon

D. Sinigang na baboy

89. Which law enforces that all babies born in private and government hospitals
should be roomed in with their mothers?*

A. R.A. 6700
B. R.A.7650
C. R.A.7160
D. R.A. 7600

90. During the visit, the mother asks when she could stop breastfeeding her child
because she is planning to go back to work. Nurse Mary Ann's appropriate response

A. Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for at least 4 to 6 months.

B. Breastfeeding could be stopped as soon as she decides to go back to work

C. She may substitute with formula feeding
D. It depends on her decision

91. Marilee, a breastfeeding mommy inquires if there are any foods she could not
consume. The nurse will respond:*
A. No food is forbidden

B. Seafood, it may cause allergies

C. High carbohydrates, too much energy and possible weight gain
D. Iron supplements, to prevent constipation

92. The nurse will instruct Mrs. Guevarra on how to properly position her infant for
proper breastfeeding. Which is:*

A. Nipple pain is normal

B. Mouth of the baby is partially open
C. Infant's body must be close to her body

D. The infant is held only at the neck and shoulders

93. Which of the following may the mother give her infant as substitute to breast

A. Plain water
B. Sugared water
C. Chewed sticky rice
D. Infant formula

94. Breastfeeding by demand means:*


A. Breastfeed anytime the mother feels her breast engorge

B. Breastfeed as often as the child wants
C. Breastfeed every 2 hours

D. Breastfeed when the baby cries

95. A breastfeeding mom asked which foods would promote milk production. The
nurse will suggest:*
A. Meat organs
B. Malunggay

C. Citrus fruits
D. Dairy products

96. Every woman has to visit the nearest health facility to avail prenatal services. At
which time of pregnancy should the mother go for her 1st prenatal visit?*

A. As early as possible

B. 2nd trimester
C. 3rd trimester
D. 8th month

97. How many Tetanus Toxoids should a mother receive to be called a "fully
immunized mother"?*
A. 2
B. 3

C. 4
D. 5
98. After delivery, when should the mother come back for her first postpartum care

A. 1-2 days

B. 3-5 days
C. 1-2 weeks
D. 3-5 weeks

99. Immunization given to infants is an example of which type of immunity?*


A. Natural - passive
B. Passive - artificial

C. Artificial -active
D. Natural - Active

100. BCG is not given to infants who?*


A. Vomiting
B. Are malnourished
C. Have fever of 38o
D. Are under steroids

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