Selamlarjsodmelsmd 9 Eme 31

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1 ... this week? - No, he is on holiday.

a) Is Mike working c) Does work Mike

b) Does Mike work d) Is working Mike

2 The train ... at eight in the evening.

a) leaves c) left
b) will leaving d) has left

3 I have a headache and I ... ill lately.

a) had felt c) have a feeling
b) have been feeling d) was feeling

4 I disagree with your decision and I think that you should ... me about it last week.
a) have told c) told
b) tell d) telling

5 Look! Somebody ... milk on the carpet.

a) spills c) had spilt
b) spill d) has spilt

6 Nobody knew why he ... to leave the country.

a) has decided c) decide
b) had decided d) decides

7 While I was watering the flowers, they ... in the kitchen.

a) had been working c) have been working
b) were working d) had worked

8 While I was skiing, I ... and broke my wrist.

a) fell c) fallen
b) felt d) have fallen

9 Travel agent: 'Now, how do you want to go to Rome, sir? By air or by train?' Traveller: 'The
trains are too slow. I ... .'
a) fly c) will fly
b) I’m flying d) have flown

10 ‘Will you be free at 11:30?’ - ‘Yes, the meeting ... by then.’

a) have finished c) would finish
b) will have finished d) be finishing

11 I ... an umbrella, the weather will be fine.

a) needn’t have taken c) need
b) mustn’t d) don’t need

12 The phone is ringing. It … Tom.

a) might been c) might have been
b) might be d) might had been

13 You ... ring the bell; I have the key.

a) must not c) needn’t
b) cannot d) may not

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14 I'll tell you when I ... home from work.
a) will come c) came
b) come d) will be coming

15 When I ... in Egypt for three years, I’ll write a book about it.
a) have been c) will have been
b) will be d) was

16 I will go with you if I … tired.

a) will be not c) am not
b) will not be d) am not to be

17 If I … what you wanted, I would help you.

a) would know c) know
b) knew d) will know

18 If I ... you, I would have said hello.

a) have seen c) see
b) had seen d) would see

19 Mary would have bought new shoes if she ... enough money.
a) has c) had had
b) has had d) would have

20 She wishes she ... a better singer.

a) is c) has been
b) will be d) was

21 Oh, I'm tired. I wish I … to bed earlier last night.

a) went c) have gone
b) had gone d) would go

22 Hamlet's mother, ... husband has died, marries her husband's brother.
a) whose c) whom
b) who d) who's

23 The computer ... right now, you can’t use it.

a) is being fixed c) been fixed
b) is fixing d) fix

24 Columbus discovered America. - America ... by Columbus.

a) discovered c) would be discovered
b) discovers d) was discovered

25 The music was very loud and could ... from far away.
a) be hear c) be hearing
b) be heard d) hear

26 You used to live in Prague, …?

a) weren't you c) didn’t you
b) wasn’t you d) did you

27 Can you please tell me … ?

a) where‘s the nearest post office c) where does the nearest post office
b) where the nearest post office is d) the nearest post office is where

28 ... French is her hobby.

a) Being learning c) To learn
b) To be learning d) Learning

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29 The sign in the cinema asks people ... smoke.
a) to not c) don’t
b) not to d) to stop

30 ... to the party, he had to buy a tie.

a) Having been invited c) Invited
b) Inviting d) Has been invited

31 The dinner with ... was great.

a) the Novak’s c) the Novaks
b) Novak’s d) Novaks

32 Things aren't going so well for her. She has … problems.

a) a few c) much
b) a little d) little

33 He gave me … .
a) an excellent advice c) excellent advices
b) some excellent advice d) many excellent advices

34 What is ...?
a) those c) these
b) they d) this

35 Tom knows nobody there. - ... .

a) Neither know we c) We neither don’t
b) Neither do we d) We do neither

36 I get ... well with my mother.

a) on c) off
b) up d) down

37 My older brother has a taste ... red wine.

a) towards c) about
b) for d) on

38 The two countries used to be … war.

a) in c) for
b) at d) within

39 It’s essential ... us all to eat healthy food.

a) in c) on
b) by d) for

40 When the manager went to Canada on business, his deputy ... all his duties.
a) takes over c) took over
b) takes up d) overtake

41 They told us they ... earn some extra money so that they could buy a car.
a) did have c) have had to
b) had to d) had

42 Bill asked what country I ... .

a) came from c) am coming
b) has come d) will come from

43 He had a crash because his ... is not as good as it used to be.

a) appearance c) concentration
b) luck d) satisfaction

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44 They had a nice ... while drinking coffee.
a) cheque c) chat
b) chap d) check

45 How … ! I couldn't remember her first name.

a) embrarassed c) exhausting
b) exhausted d) embarassing

46 Could you recommend me a … hotel?

a) chop c) cheep
b) cheap d) chip

47 He ... us a story about his wife.

a) said c) talked
b) spoke d) told

48 ... wait.
a) Not let’s c) Let not
b) Don’t let d) Let’s not

49 I am sorry, I ... a mistake.

a) will do c) will make
b) did d) made

50 It … at the meeting next Wednesday.

a) will announce c) will be announcing
b) will be announced d) will announcement

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