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Winner of the 2022 Pulitzer Prize for Local Reporting

Questions? Call 1-800-Tribune Friday, July 14, 2023 Breaking news at

Another coach ousted at Northwestern

University dismisses to players on a video call Thurs-
day afternoon with Northwest-
Gragg saying Foster had been
“relieved of his duties effective
As the Director of Athletics, I take
ownership of our head coaching
a hazing scandal that Schill said
caused significant damage to
Foster from baseball ern University President Michael immediately.” hires and we will share our next students and the university.
team amid controversy Schill and athletic director Derrick
Gragg, sources told the Tribune.
“Nothing will ever be more
important to Northwestern than
steps as they unfold.”
In a message to parents,
Current and former players,
alumni and people close to the
Assistant coach Brian Anderson, providing its students a place that obtained by the Tribune, Gragg baseball program previously told
By Jonathan Bullington a former player for the White Sox allows them to develop in the class- said the decision was “weighted the Tribune that they alerted
Chicago Tribune who was part of the 2005 World room, in the community, and in on multiple factors, including university administration —
Series winning team, will lead competition at the absolute high- but not limited to, the authentic including Schill and Gragg — of
Northwestern University has the program “during this time of est level, and building a culture feedback we received from your problematic behavior from Foster
removed Jim Foster as head base- transition,” the university said in which allows our staff to thrive,” student-athletes in postseason starting last fall before the team
ball coach days after news surfaced a statement. Gragg said in the statement. “This surveys.” kicked off its 2023 season. At least
of controversy surrounding him. Foster could not be immediately has been an ongoing situation and Foster’s departure comes days some of those complaints spurred
Foster’s dismissal as coach one reached for comment. University many factors were considered after the university let head foot-
year into the job was announced officials sent a statement from before reaching this resolution. ball coach Pat Fitzgerald go amid Turn to Foster, Page 7

US breaks
barrier on
FDA approves 1st
birth control pill
By Matthew Perrone
Associated Press

regulators on Thursday
approved the nation’s first over-
the-counter birth control pill in
a landmark decision that will
soon allow American women
and girls to obtain contracep-
tive medication as easily as they
buy aspirin and eyedrops.
The Food and Drug Adminis-
tration cleared once-a-day Opill
to be sold without a prescrip-
tion, making it the first such
medication to be moved out
from behind the pharmacy
counter. The manufacturer,
Ireland-based Perrigo, won’t
ship the pill until early next
ANTONIO PEREZ/CHICAGO TRIBUNE year, and there will be no age

Tornadoes leave destructive

restrictions on sales.
Hormone-based pills have
long been the most common
form of birth control in the
U.S., used by tens of millions of

path in northeast Illinois

women since the 1960s. Until
now, all of them required a
Medical societies and
women’s health groups have
pushed for wider access for
Brian Patel, owner of the Skyline Motel in the suburban town of McCook for the past 30 years, surveys storm damage in one of the motel rooms decades, noting that an esti-
on Thursday. National Weather Service officials said seven tornadoes were confirmed in northeast Illinois. Chicagoland, Page 3 mated 45% of the 6 million
annual pregnancies in the U.S.
are unintended. Teens and girls,
women of color and those with
low incomes report greater
Feds probe hurdles in getting prescriptions
and picking them up.

The challenges can include
paying for a doctor’s visit,
getting time off from work and

contracts finding child care.

“This is really a transfor-

for fraud Turn to Contraception, Page 11

Firms under scrutiny

had variety of city
deals worth millions Kraft Heinz plans
distribution center
By Gregory Royal Pratt,
A.D. Quig and The $400 million facility is
Jason Meisner expected to bring 150 jobs to
Chicago Tribune DeKalb in 2025. Business

Federal prosecutors are

investigating possible minori-
ty-contracting fraud involving
Cubs, White Sox
a series of Chicago government open second half
contracts worth hundreds of
millions of dollars, includ- Will they be buyers or sellers
ing many with ties to a clout- before the Aug. 1 trade deadline?
heavy trucking and recycling Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability member Remel Terry announces the three Paul Sullivan reviews the first
company owner, according finalists for the Chicago Police Department superintendent job Thursday at Kennedy-King College. half of the season and sets
to sources and documents CHRIS SWEDA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE up what to expect down the
obtained by the Tribune. stretch. Chicago Sports
The U.S. attorney’s office last
month issued federal grand
jury subpoenas to several
List of 3 finalists for Chicago’s Up next on
top cop submitted to Johnson
city agencies seeking copies
of contracts, bid packages,
payment and payroll records as
‘Project Greenlight’
well as compliance documents The show’s fifth season is out
for the city’s set-aside program Snelling, Novalez, ment as it works through high high crime while being criti- now on Max, with Issa Rae and
for women and minority busi- crime, endemic street violence, cized as out of his league. Who
nesses. Barnes are the picks low morale and court-ordered leads the Police Department,
friends taking over from Matt
Damon and Ben Affleck. Read
The ongoing investigation of civilian-led panel reforms. and whether they’re successful, Nina Metz’s review. A+E
is targeting possible fraud in The three finalists selected will have major implications
the minority-owned business By Sam Charles by the commission are Chicago for the city, which is still reel-
programs in the city of Chicago and Gregory Royal Pratt Police Department Chief Larry ing from 2020’s civil unrest and
and other municipalities,
sources with knowledge of the
Chicago Tribune Snelling, CPD Chief Angel Nova-
lez and Shon Barnes, the chief of
subsequent crime spikes, even
as shooting and homicide totals
Story from
probe told the Tribune. Chicago’s community-led police in Madison, Wisconsin. have fallen from highs not seen the South Side
No criminal charges have public safety commission sent Johnson’s permanent super- in two decades.
been filed, but the investigation its three top picks for police intendent will succeed former While reducing street violence Toya Wolfe’s new novel is the
has been active in recent weeks, superintendent late Thursday Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s hand- and arresting criminals will be Chicago-set “Last Summer on
with several people being to Mayor Brandon Johnson, picked top cop, David Brown, front and center, the next police State Street.” She’s the winner
who must now decide who will who came to Chicago from of a major Chicago book award.
Turn to Fraud, Page 5 lead the long-troubled depart- Dallas and oversaw a period of Turn to Finalists, Page 7 A+E

TODAY’S $4.00 city and suburbs and elsewhere

WEATHER High 86 Low 70 Complete Chicagoland forecast on Page 14
176th year No. 195 © Chicago Tribune
2 Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, July 14, 2023

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Judge scolds former Ald. Thompson,
Already getting the Tribune in print? Your subscription
comes with Unlimited Digital Access. Read new stories
then grants stay, with appeal pending
throughout the day on and page By Jason Meisner vised release, and that the Valderrama. son of Richard J. Daley
through the eNewspaper, a digital replica of the Tribune Chicago Tribune issues were largely due to a “He decided not to pay it and nephew of Rich-
emailed to you daily. Here are two easy ways to activate series of “miscommunica- because he thinks it’s going ard M. Daley, Chica-
your account: A federal judge Thurs- tions and misunderstand- to be reversed on appeal,” go’s two longest-serving
day scolded former Chicago ings.” Petersen said. mayors, was convicted by
Call 312-442-0013 Ald. Patrick Daley Thomp-
son for failing to comply
“If there was a mistake,
the person who should be
“Maybe it will be and
maybe it won’t be, but the
a federal jury in Febru-
ary 2022 of two counts
We’ll quickly set up your Unlimited Digital Access. with the terms of his super- admonished is me, not Mr. appropriate thing to do at of lying to federal regu-
vised release, but in the end Thompson,” Gair said. that point was to come to lators about loans he had agreed to stay an order that Gair said Thompson the court.” with the now-shuttered
Thompson pay $50,000 in has now paid his $8,300 Valderrama scolded Washington Federal Bank
restitution to federal bank- obligation to the IRS plus Thompson on that point, for Savings in his family’s
ing regulators pending the another $1,500 in costs and said he was inclined Bridgeport neighborhood.
outcome of his appeal. of prosecution, leaving to deny the “tardy” request He was sentenced to four
The hearing before U.S. only the restitution to the for a stay, which was finally months in prison and was
District Judge Franklin Federal Deposit and Insur- made last week. But since released five days before
Find Your Home Valderrama was called ance Corporation, which the government did not Christmas, records show.
Delivery Subscription after court probation offi- Thompson is appealing oppose it, the judge granted Under state law, Thomp-
cials accused the former before the 7th Circuit U.S. the motion. son was forced to resign his
As a valued Chicago Tribune 11th Ward alderman of fail- Court of Appeals. “The conditions of super- seat on the Chicago City
subscriber, you can activate your ing to pay restitution for his Thompson is now earn- vised release, sir, isn’t a Council immediately after
Unlimited Digital Access to Chicago tax-related conviction once ing about $4,000 a month as request. It is not a sugges- the conviction on felony
Tribune by simply identifying your he was released from prison a self-employed consultant, tion. It is an order that charges. His license to prac-
subscription. on a one-year term of super- Gair said, though further you must comply with,” tice law also was suspended
vised release in December. details on his clients or the Valderrama said directly to by the Illinois Supreme
Look up your newspaper account Thompson also allegedly nature of the work were not Thompson near the end of Court following his convic-
using your ZIP code and house failed to notify his proba- revealed in court. the hearing. tion — a decision he is still
number or phone number. Then tion officer that he was Meanwhile, Assistant U.S. After the judge asked trying to reverse.
enter your email address and create earning money as a consul- Attorney Michelle Petersen Thompson if he understood Thompson’s appeal of
a password for your digital access. tant. said Thompson had been his obligations, the former his conviction is pending
Thompson’s attorney, notified by his probation alderman said, “Yes, your before the 7th U.S. Circuit
Chris Gair, told the judge officer that if he wanted a honor. And if I could just Court of Appeals.
Thursday that Thompson stay on the order for restitu- add —” before Gair leaned
Tribune books in no way tried to skirt the tion to the FDIC, he should over and whispered, “No.” jmeisner@chicagotribune.
obligations of his super- have filed a motion before Thompson, 54, grand- com
“Dinner at Home” Cooking at home doesn’t have to be
difficult, but it should always be delicious. Since 2007,

Vice President Harris set to visit

JeanMarie Brownson, culinary director for Rick Bayless’
Frontera Foods, has been helping readers put inventive, yet
simple, dishes on the table through her Dinner at Home
column for the Tribune. Her book includes everything you

Chicago three times in next month

need to create spectacular food any day of the week,
including sample menus and recipes for everything from
prosciutto Parmesan puffs to roasted chicken with toma-
to-olive relish. Dinner at home has never been better.
By Rick Pearson versary of his 1988 presiden- first trips to Chicago since voices heard, but that they
“Capone: A Photographic Portrait of America’s Most Chicago Tribune tial run. January, when she appeared have a seat at the table in the
Notorious Gangster.” Using many never-before-published The vice president is at an outdoor event on the Biden-Harris administra-
photographs and newspaper clippings from the Tribune’s Vice President Kamala scheduled to return eight Southeast Side to promote tion.”
archives, this coffee-table book chronicles the rise and fall Harris plans three visits to days later for the UnidosUS Calumet River bridge Harris’ extensive travel
of Al Capone. Chicago over the next month annual conference, one of the upgrades as part of the bipar- this summer also is expected
for appearances with “key nation’s largest gatherings of tisan infrastructure law. to include fundraising for
“Ask Amy: Advice for Better Living” For over a decade, constituencies,” including Latino leaders. That event Chicago is scheduled to the presidential reelection
Amy Dickinson has been the Tribune’s signature general audiences of Black, Latino, is being held at McCormick play host next year to Harris ticket.
advice columnist, helping readers with questions both women and young voters, the Place. and President Joe Biden for Biden late last month
personal and pressing. This book, which collects columns White House said Thursday. Harris is also set for a third their renomination at the was in Chicago boosting
from 2011 to 2013, is a testament to the empathetic Harris, the first woman, visit to Chicago on Aug. 11 2024 Democratic National his reelection campaign as
counsel and practical common-sense tips that Dickinson Black and South Asian to where she is scheduled to Convention. he promoted his economic
has been distilling for years. be elected vice president, attend Everytown for Gun The White House said initiatives as president to
is scheduled to kick off her Safety Gun Sense Univer- Harris is embarking on an build up America’s middle-
“Culture Worrier: Reflections on Race, Politics travel schedule on Sunday sity, an annual national gath- increased travel schedule class and branded the efforts
and Social Change.” Clarence Page’s newest book with a visit to the annual ering of the gun control and with visits to Indiana, Flor- “Bidenomics.” He also raised
commemorates the 30th anniversary of his column’s first Rainbow-PUSH conven- anti-gun violence group that ida and Massachusetts as funds in Chicago for his
appearance in the Tribune. It is the first such collection of tion, which this year is paying includes Moms Demand part of an effort at “ensuring reelection campaign.
the Pulitzer Prize winner’s columns, covering topics such as homage to founder Rev. Jesse Action. communities and constitu-
politics, social issues, pop culture, race, family, new media Jackson and the 35th anni- The visits mark Harris’ encies not only have their [email protected]
and prominent figures, as well as his personal life.

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Storm damage is evident near Wolf Road and 72nd Street in the village of Indian Head Park on Thursday. ANTONIO PEREZ/CHICAGO TRIBUNE PHOTOS

Weather officials confirm multiple tornadoes

on Wed. in northeast Ill., still surveying damage
By Deanese Williams-Harris were on the ground.”
Chicago Tribune Louis said the neighborhood
and George Wiebe faced losses, including a play area
and Gloria Casas for kids and a rock climbing wall.
For Courier-News “People who have lived here for
20 years said they’ve never seen
National Weather Service offi- anything like this, I mean I’ve been
cials said Thursday multiple torna- here four years, I’ve never seen
does were confirmed in northeast anything like this. I used to live in
Illinois but they still had survey Burbank and we’ve never had this
teams out exploring twister touch- happen,” Louis said.
downs. Gov. J.B. Pritzker issued a disas-
Multiple tornadoes tracked ter proclamation Tuesday for
across parts of northeast Illinois several Illinois counties, includ-
between 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, ing Cook County, due to recent
some in proximity to one another, weather events.
spawned by rotating thunder- Business owners in the line of
storms known as “supercells,” offi- the tornadoes gathered Thurs-
cials said. day to access the damage caused
“There were two in Elgin, and by the storms. Rajan Patel, son
another in the Burr Ridge/Cicero of the owner of Skyline Motel in
area,” said meteorologist Zachary McCook, said six people were at
Yack. the motel at the time of the storm.
Weather service officials also “None of the family were at the
reported tornadoes in Huntley, motel at the time of the storm,” said
Barrington, Long Grove, Oswego Patel, adding his family arrived at
and Boulder Hill. the scene about 6:30 p.m.
Officials said Thursday it will Storm damage is seen near Wolf Road and 72nd Street in the village of Indian Head Park on Thursday. When they arrived, they saw the
take a few days to confirm how motel’s garage was destroyed, the
many tornadoes touched down as rescinded the confirmation, saying system. In Burr Ridge, the public works power lines around the building
officials were working to access the survey crews were still analyzing “You won’t have to wait for department was busy conducting were down with bushes torn up
damage to determine the strength damage in the area to confirm permits and inspections,” Kaptain clean up operations to restore its and half the roof of the motel was
and number of twisters. Survey whether a tornado had indeed said. “Let’s get things cleaned up southern community. blown off, he said. The Patel family
teams were assessing damage struck the area. as quickly as we can and get people Cleanup operations focused has owned and operated the motel
from Wednesday’s storms across The severe weather briefly back into their homes and back to on the hardest hit areas between for 30 years.
southern McHenry, Lake, northern grounded all flights at O’Hare and their lives.” County Line and Wolf roads from “We weren’t here when it actu-
DuPage and parts of Cook coun- Midway airports, according to the Director of Community Devel- 71st to 79th streets. Limb and ally hit. We’re just waiting to assess
ties, officials said. Federal Aviation Administration. opment Marc Mylott said the city branch collections in the area the damage now,” Patel said. “This
The tornadoes formed from a Damage in Elgin also was will also waive permit and inspec- were to continue into Friday, offi- is the first time anything like this
squall line of thunderstorms in the reported. In Kane County, officials tion fees for tornado victims. cials said. has happened here.”
atmosphere, creating supercells confirmed a tornado in Elgin with Anyone with tornado damage can A final brush pickup will be Officials said there was a chance
rotating, Yack said. Air gets pushed a maximum intensity EF-1 and email the city at tornadodamage@ conducted Monday at 8 a.m. Offi- of continued thunderstorms
out ahead of the squall line creating maximum wind speed of 100 mph. for information cials ask residents to place all brush Friday and Saturday for portions
supercells, he explained. The track roughly started east of and guidance on what to do next. on the parkway parallel to the curb. of north-central and northeast Illi-
“We have been very busy with Route 47 and ended near the rail- Earlier this week, residents were Residents should stack branches nois and northwest Indiana.
teams surveilling damage,” he said. road tracks west of Villa Olivia Golf bracing for possible flooding in the neatly, keeping a 3-foot distance Severe weather also rocked the
In the coming days, officials Course, officials said. area from heavy rains. Some west- from trees and fire hydrants, offi- Chicago area in 1995. The tempera-
expect a gusty wind threat in In Elgin, 20 homes in the Edge- ern suburbs like the town of Cicero cials asked. ture hit 106 degrees and would
portions of the area, but tornadoes water subdivision and 25 in the experienced flooding at homes and In Indian Head Park, Robert hover between the high 90s and
were not expected to continue. neighboring area were damaged, businesses, as well as other places Louis, a resident of Flagg Creek low triple digits for the next five
Conditions were to be monitored said Elgin Fire Department Deputy in Chicago. Condominiums, was helping to days. On a single day — July 15 —
for the next 24 hours, Yack said. Chief Mike Rothecker. The powerful storm system clear tree debris around his condo. the number of heat-related deaths
On Wednesday, the National At a meeting for Edgewater eventually moved over Lake Mich- “We heard a lot of noise, my reached its highest daily tally
Weather Service initially residents on Thursday afternoon igan, and Thursday morning a daughter walked over to her of 215; refrigerated trucks were
confirmed a tornado on the ground with city officials, Elgin Mayor beach hazard was called warning window and she just said, ‘Dad’ summoned to handle the overflow
near O’Hare International Airport Dave Kaptain said homeowners swimmers of high waves up to 6 and I ran over,” he said. “It was of corpses.
based on radar signatures that whose houses were left uninhab- feet and dangerous currents along literally a split second, all these
suggested a funnel. But by Thurs- itable or need repairs will be able the shoreline. The beach hazards trees were perfectly fine and then Chicago Tribune’s Will Lee
day afternoon, the weather service to use Elgin’s fast-track permitting expired around 10 a.m. Thursday. we heard a lot of noise and they contributed.

Lake Bluff denies leaf-blower exemption for prominent local couple

‘We take great pride ered leaf blowers — which runs from experience that battery-pow- June 20 meeting. The committee Dick Uihlein is the founder, were
from May 15 to Sept. 30 — at their ered leaf blowers simply can not get members recommended denying unsuccessful.
in the appearance home in Lake Bluff. the job done as well and are basi- the exemption, believing it would The Uihleins have contrib-
of this property’ Following a regional examina- cally just as noisy as gas-powered not work well with the goals of the uted almost $91 million to largely
tion of the issue with participation ones,” they wrote in a letter dated seasonal ban. Republican candidates through-
By Daniel I. Dorfman from many North Shore communi- June 2 to Village Administrator “There are tools out there that out Illinois since 1998, according to
For Pioneer Press ties, the Lake Bluff board instituted Drew Irvin. can be used,” Trustee Marietta data supplied by the Illinois State
the seasonal ban earlier this year as The couple said they were Hance said. “This is a private family Board of Elections. In 2022, Richard
The Lake Bluff Village Board the use of gas-powered leaf blow- requesting the two-year exemp- asking the community to make an Uihlein was a strong supporter of
has denied a request by a prom- ers have generated environmental tion, as they want to work with their exemption for them. It doesn’t fit Darren Bailey’s failed gubernatorial
inent local couple, known for concerns and the noise they make landscape contractors as they adapt with what we have decided.” bid, making just over $12 million in
making large financial donations to is considered an irritant by some. to the new regulations inside Lake Without taking a formal vote, individual contributions.
conservative political candidates, Upon creating the gas-powered Bluff. the Village Board agreed with the Irvin said after the June 27 meet-
for a two-year exemption from leaf blower ban, the village insti- “We take great pride in the Sustainability Committee recom- ing most residents appear happy
the village’s new seasonal ban on tuted a two-year exemption for appearance of this property and mendation at its June 27 meeting. with the change in the leaf blower
gas-powered leaf blowers. public properties of more than 20 would like to continue to maintain “The SEC is a trusted, intelligent, policy.
At their June 27 meeting, village acres, such as public parks, school its highest standards,” the letter thoughtful committee and we have “It’s generally been very positive,”
board trustees unanimously playgrounds and athletic fields. from the Uihleins read. them to advise us, and I think we he said. “We’ve had residents say I
supported the recommendation to The Uihleins, who also own Village President Regis Char- should listen to them,” Trustee can completely hear the difference,
deny a request from Liz and Dick property in Lake Forest, requested a lot referred the Uihleins’ request Taryn Fisher said. thank you.”
Uihlein for a two-year exemption similar exemption for their 22-acre to the village’s Sustainability and Attempts to reach the Uihleins He added the village is set to do
on the village’s newly instituted private property on Sheridan Road. Community Enhancement Ad Hoc for comment at the Uline office a formal re-evaluation of the policy
seasonal prohibition of gas-pow- “We have already come to learn Committee, which discussed it at a supply and packaging firm, which in 2025.
4 Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, July 14, 2023



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Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, July 14, 2023 5

Study: Long COVID lingers as city hospital admissions drop

By Jake Sheridan levels of COVID that we accommodate people with
Chicago Tribune have seen here in Chicago. long COVID and how we try
So your risk is the lowest to stop it from happening in
Chicago is seeing its that it has been,” Arwady the first place.”
lowest COVID-19 hospi- said. “But … it’s not zero.” Northwestern patient
tal admission rates for the However, even as hospi- Imani-Alima Ibrahim, 33,
entire pandemic. But it’s tal admissions go down, the lost her taste and smell
not all good news about the leaders of Northwestern when she contracted
illness that once shut down Medicine’s Comprehensive COVID in March 2020.
the world. COVID-19 Center said their Three years later, and now
Even as the city’s top practice is expanding. with three apparent COVID-
doctor shared optimism “We are actually ramping 19 infections under her
about the state of the up, because nowadays, even belt, she hasn’t gotten back
pandemic, Northwestern if it’s not filling up hospi- those senses. She’s never
Medicine clinicians warned tals with sick patients with fully smelled the boyfriend
the public to be wary of the pneumonia, COVID-19 is she began dating after her
disease’s lingering effects. still affecting thousands of illness, she said.
The directors of the people,” said Dr. Igor Koral- Extreme fatigue, memory
hospital system’s Compre- nik, the center’s co-director. issues and bad migraines
hensive COVID-19 Center The study the center began to set in six months
released a study Thursday released analyzing the long after her first infection,
on “long COVID” symp- COVID treatment of over Ibrahim told the Tribune.
toms. It showed thousands 1,800 patients across eight It became hard to find the
of patients have suffered years reported a mix of right word at times — a
from a wide array of serious medical issues, including cumbersome issue for her
medical issues that highlight lasting brain fog, shortness Giancarlo Jusino Sánchez, shown on Chicago’s West Van Buren Street on Thursday had a at work in her private ther-
the illness’s lasting harm and of breath and chest pain. relatively mild case of COVID-19 but then suffered with long COVID. apy practice, she said.
the importance of a treating Over half the patients TERRENCE ANTONIO JAMES/CHICAGO TRIBUNE Ibrahim, who also works
long COVID with a multidis- the Northwestern center as a school social worker,
ciplinary approach, they said. treated showed cognitive experiences with COVID- worse. Jusino Sánchez began had accepted and adapted
Tuesday marked two impairment. Nearly half 19 when they were initially As he worked, the North- to recover on leave with to what seemed like her new
months since the federal had altered lung function. ill, Sala said. Some were western doctoral student, increasingly intense phys- life. But with the support
and state governments’ An elevated heart rate was hospitalized and intubated, who’s studying particle ical therapy and careful of family and friends, she
pandemic public health detected in 12% of patients, while others never even physics, noticed it was very attention to rest and ener- reached out to the North-
emergency was declared while 83% had abnor- tested positive, he said. Now, difficult to concentrate. gy-consuming tasks. He western clinic last year.
over, Chicago Department mal chest scans and 85% they exhibit a broad mix of “I would have to spend returned to school and She began comprehensive
of Public Health director reported a decreased qual- unique symptoms, he added. like 20 minutes to an hour successfully defended his testing in April and is start-
Dr. Allison Arwady noted ity of life, the study showed. “There is not a one-size- trying to get into the space thesis in May to receive his ing speech and occupational
in a livestream earlier in the Long COVID affects fits-all long COVID,” Sala to be able to write, to be able doctoral degree. He feels therapy next month. She’s
week. approximately one third of said. to solve problems,” Jusino more normal and can do also on new medication to
“And we continue to do people who survive COVID- The unique challenges the Sánchez said. many basic activities, like combat fatigue and is doing
very well,” she said. 19, according to Northwest- patients face means medical People started to notice. A shopping for groceries, he smell training at home, she
The city is seeing just over ern Medicine. systems need to respond to manager encouraged him to said. Doctors told him that added.
three COVID-19 patients Center co-director Dr. long COVID with clinics rest. He couldn’t tackle tour- he recovered fast for a long “I’m really hopeful that
admitted to hospitals each Marc Sala said he doesn’t where multiple clinicians ist activities when his mom COVID patient. there will be continued
day, Arwady said. think the public and policy- from different specialties visited Chicago. Moving “And even then, I can still progress,” Ibrahim said.
“So, not over,” she said. makers are paying enough are working together to around was difficult. He felt do the things that I need Life likely won’t return
“But that is down. It contin- attention to long COVID. quickly evaluate and care feverish in sudden bursts to do on a daily basis, but to what it looked like before
ues, really week after week. Interest in the disease’s for patients, Sala said. The and had headaches and it sucks. It’s very hard,” he she got sick, she said. But a
We are breaking records for lingering effects has faded Northwestern clinic offers muscle soreness all the time. said. healthier “new normal” is
the lowest number of hospi- amid the declared “end” of 13 different specialties, he For months, he couldn’t As Jusino Sánchez strug- possible, she added. She’s
talizations.” the pandemic, he said. added. sleep through the night, gled through long COVID, feeling more energy, and
Both Illinois and Chicago “You will have many One Northwestern and his anxiety exploded, he often wondered if he was even gained a bit of scent
are below the similarly patients come to us still in patient, Giancarlo Jusino he said. “just being a baby.” But he and taste back, she said.
declining national aver- good numbers to fill up our Sánchez, contacted COVID- “A lot of malaise, on a knows what he experienced Ibrahim said even she
age in hospital admissions, clinics,” Sala said, “with 19 for the first time in June day-to-day basis,” Jusino and is experiencing is real. is still surprised when
Arwady said. The percent- symptoms that are enough 2022 after being careful to Sánchez said. He knows, too, that there she meets people strug-
ages of Chicago hospital to be disabling to their lives avoid the illness for years. Six months after first are millions of people like gling with long-term issues
beds and emergency room as previously known.” “It was incredibly mild. becoming ill, he took medi- him suffering from the from COVID. Many people
visits being used to treat People might only develop The mildest COVID you cal leave from his graduate lingering effects of COVID, feel like they are out of the
COVID-19 patients are also long COVID on their third or could imagine,” Jusino program and began to visit he said. The possibility of pandemic, she said, but
at or near their lowest levels, fourth time contracting the Sánchez told the Tribune. the Northwestern Medicine long COVID is something there are people like her
she added. virus, he said. They might The 30-year-old was back Comprehensive COVID- that sticks out to him even who aren’t done with the
The city is now seeing even not need to go to the to normal life two weeks 19 Center. There, testing as the pandemic is declared disease’s lingering effects.
below one death per day, hospital when they initially later. But when he tried a showed basic exercises were over. Talking about that invisi-
another pandemic low, she contract the disease, but high-intensity workout, making his blood oxygen “You might end up having ble illness is the first step to
said. Over 8,000 Chicagoans develop the troubling linger- he noticed his quads were levels drop to concerning a version of it,” he said. “So getting help, she said.
have died from COVID-19, ing issues later, he noted. killing him. Later, he could levels. His cardiovascular I think it’s very important
city data shows. The long COVID patients barely walk up the stairs. condition had deteriorated as a society that we start jsheridan@chicagotribune.
“We are at the lowest the center sees had diverse Things got progressively too, stress tests showed. thinking more about how we com

Fraud were named in a separate

subpoena sent to officials in
from Page 1 Riverdale last May.
The Tribune previously
approached by law enforce- reported that suburban
ment, the sources said. Riverdale’s mayor is under
The subpoenas, obtained federal investigation for
by the Tribune through allegedly receiving secret
an open records request, payments from a landscap-
sought several contracts ing materials and recy-
awarded to companies tied cling firm that was granted
to Markham-based busi- approval to open in the
nessman James Bracken, a south suburb several years
politically connected owner ago despite the protests of a
of a series of construc- rival company.
tion-related businesses who A federal grand jury
the Tribune has previously subpoena sent to the village
reported is under federal by the U.S. attorney’s office
investigation for activities in 2022 demanded contracts,
in south suburban Riverdale. payments, communications
Bracken and his wife, and other records pertain-
Kelly, own several construc- ing to the company, River-
tion and contracting-related dale Materials LLC, and its
companies, including for owners, James and Kelly
excavation, renting dump- Bracken, according to a copy
sters and trailers, hauling of that subpoena.
garbage, providing trans- State EPA officials cited
port support and aggregate Brackenbox in 2011 as a
materials, as well as topsoil “chronic” violator of envi-
and pulverized soil. City Hall in downtown Chicago is seen June 14. Prosecutors are investigating possible minority-contracting fraud involving a ronmental regulations,
The subpoenas — deliv- series of Chicago government contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars. ANTONIO PEREZ/CHICAGO TRIBUNE with infractions including
ered June 20 to the city illegally dumping crushed
departments of Procure- or fudge the percentages of shy of $19 million for that nas sought documents tied and where Synowiecki drywall in an open field
ment Services, Streets and work that actually went to contract. to a Phoenix, Arizona-based “advised members of the and improperly accepting
Sanitation, Water Manage- minority subcontractors. Brackenbox was awarded company that won two City Council on ethical household hazardous waste,
ment, Transportation, and A spokeswoman for the four other city contracts, contracts worth up to $185 compliance, legislation, and garbage and landscaping
Assets, Information and city of Chicago’s law depart- including with Streets million from the city’s water policy.” The bio also lists an debris at the company’s
Services — sought records ment said the city “intends and Sanitation for similar department. The firm, NPL “externship with Supreme Markham transfer station.
for nine contracts with to comply with the subpoe- services, starting in 2009. Construction, was awarded Court Justice Anne Burke,” Bracken previously told
those departments. At least nas and has no further Two were awarded just the contracts in 2016 for the former alderman’s wife. the Tribune he felt unfairly
six of those contracts were comment.” The subpoenas last month. The company work related to water main Synowiecki did not return singled out for “minor”
awarded to companies had a return date of Wednes- also was awarded an emer- replacements. Procurement messages seeking comment. issues but said he would
owned by Bracken. Two day. gency sewer debris haul- records show the company All but one of the address the problems.
were awarded to a second One of the companies ing contract with the city’s was paid $120 million for contracts listed in the Historically, among the
company, NPL Construc- that federal authorities are Department of Water that work. subpoena and obtained by investigations involving
tion, headquartered in seeking documents about is Management in 2011. Officials with NPL did the Tribune had bid goals Chicago’s minority-con-
Arizona. One contract was Utility Transport Services, State campaign records not return calls seeking for 25% minority business tract program, the high-
not publicly available. which is a Bracken-owned show Brackenbox contrib- comment. enterprise participation est-profile probe was the
Bracken could not be firm that received three uted to several aldermen this Records show attor- and 5% women business politically connected Duff
reached for comment. contracts in 2018 with the past election cycle. ney Michael Synowiecki, enterprise participation. family and its janitorial and
While it remains unclear city’s water department Also listed in the a former City Hall lawyer The subpoena sought MBE recycling companies. With
what the precise nature of worth up to $144 million, subpoena: two contracts with long-standing ties to and WBE certification files businessman James Duff
the federal probe entails, the city records show. The worth up to $9.7 million indicted former Chicago for seven companies. Of at the helm of the scheme,
investigation has once again company offers hauling that were awarded to KLF Ald. Edward Burke, 14th, the seven, four served as family matriarch Patricia
brought scrutiny to Chica- services and access to mate- Trucking, where Bracken is is the registered agent and subcontractors on Brack- Duff and a trusted Black
go’s minority-owned busi- rials and aggregates. listed as president. city lobbyist for several of en-related projects, helping associate posed as leaders of
ness program. The subpoenas also One was with the Chicago the businesses that won him reach the city’s set-aside phony minority and women-
Begun in 1990 with the sought documents for Department of Transporta- contracts or were named in requirements — Cadil- owned businesses for more
goal of awarding at least Brackenbox Inc., which tion for topsoil delivery; the the subpoena. lac Transportation, HCR than a decade, winning more
25% of the total value of all is owned by the Brackens other was with the Depart- Synowiecki is law part- Carriers, M. Mendoza Inc. than $100 million in city
city contracts to minority and won a city of Chicago ment of Assets and Infor- ners with Mara Georges, and Trim’s Trucking. Trim’s contracts. James Duff later
businesses and 5% to contract starting in 2016 mation Services for the who was the city of Chica- and M. Mendoza also were pleaded guilty to 33 counts
women-owned operations, worth up to roughly $62 rental of heavy equipment go’s longtime corpora- listed as minority subcon- of fraud, racketeering and
the program has been the million to provide dump- and operators during natu- tion counsel under Mayor tractors on both of the NPL other charges.
subject of fraud allegations sters to the city’s Depart- ral disasters. The company Richard M. Daley. Accord- contracts.
almost since its inception. ment of Streets and secured six other contracts ing to his company biog- All three of Brack- [email protected]
Company owners, hungry Sanitation. That contract with various city depart- raphy, Synowiecki “began en’s companies that won
for multimillion-dollar has been extended and was ments between 2011 and his career in government contracts listed in the June [email protected]
contracts, have put up phony scheduled to end in Febru- 2017, Chicago procurement at the Chicago City Coun- 20 subpoenas — Brack-
fronts to get certified as ary 2023. City records show records show. cil Committee on Finance,” enbox, KLF and Utility jmeisner@chicagotribune.
minority or women-owned Brackenbox was paid just In addition, the subpoe- which Burke led for decades Transport Services — also com
6 Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, July 14, 2023

Security guard at Farragut High charged with sexually assaulting student

By Sarah Macaraeg quently found two of the “Please know that we are taking this
Chicago Tribune student’s press-on nails in
Campoverde’s RV, prosecu- situation seriously, and we remain
Accused of grooming and
raping a Chicago Public
tors said.
Campoverde remained
committed to providing your children
Schools student, a senior in custody as of Thursday with a safe, positive learning environment
security officer at Farra- evening, according to the
gut Career Academy High Cook County sheriff’s office where they can reach their full potential.”
School was arrested and website. His lawyer could
charged with criminal sexual not immediately be reached — Tonya Hammaker, Farragut principal
assault this week. for comment. Judge Ankur
During the 2022-23 school Srivastava set Campov-
year, the security guard, erde’s bond at $100,000 and federal monitoring tor General Amber Nesbitt,
Romel Campoverde, 43, and ordered him to have no through the end of the 2021- head of the Sexual Allega-
allegedly began Snapchatting contact with the student, Chicago Public Schools headquarters is seen in 2021. 22 school year. tions Unit, said adult-to-stu-
with the 15-year-old student her family members or any BRIAN CASSELLA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE Amid the scandal, the dent sexual misconduct was
and meeting her outside of juveniles and to undergo OIG’s office formed its now the most common complaint
school, buying the student electronic monitoring if he tor General had begun inves- full potential.” 30-member Sexual Allega- received by the agency in the
alcohol and shoes and giving is released on bond while tigating the incident. The new accusations tions Unit, after a Chicago prior year. The more than
her money, prosecutors awaiting trial. “Based on the informa- come after years of reckon- Tribune report exposed 300 complaints substan-
said in bond court Wednes- Chicago Public Schools tion learned during the OIG’s ing over what federal offi- conflicts of interest in inves- tiated by the Sexual Alle-
day. According to the Cook provided a copy of a letter investigation, a final determi- cials deemed in 2019 to be tigations formerly helmed gations Unit since its 2018
County state’s attorney’s that Farragut Principal nation will be made regard- “appalling,” district-wide by the CPS Law Depart- inception include a finding
office, Campoverde met the Tonya Hammaker recently ing whether it is appropriate “failures” in CPS’ handling ment. The OIG’s office now of “systemic sexual miscon-
student again in late June sent parents. The letter didn’t for this individual to return of sexual abuse allegations. investigates all adult-to- duct” at Marine Leader-
and, after giving her multi- identify Campoverde by to Farragut,” Hammaker After investigating more than student sexual misconduct ship Academy, involving 12
ple tequila drinks, brought name, but Hammaker wrote wrote. “Please know that 3,000 complaints filed over complaints, referring cases employees and one volun-
the girl to an RV where he that a non-teaching staff we are taking this situation four years, involving 400 CPS involving other forms of teer; and four other cases
sexually assaulted her. member had been accused seriously, and we remain schools, the U.S. Department student harassment to CPS’s that have resulted in criminal
The student told an after- of engaging inappropriately committed to providing your of Education’s Office of Civil Office of Student Protections. charges, involving two high
school program employee with a student and removed children with a safe, posi- Rights entered the district In a presentation before school teachers, a JROTC
the day after the alleged from the school, adding that tive learning environment into a legally binding agree- the Board of Education in instructor and an elemen-
assault, and police subse- the CPS Office of the Inspec- where they can reach their ment, mandating reforms January, Deputy Inspec- tary school teacher.

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Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, July 14, 2023 7

Employee shot, killed at Mariano’s in ‘domestic situation,’ police say

By Jenna Smith Authorities arrived at the offender,” Saunders said. but was found by police said the shooting was a are deeply saddened by
Chicago Tribune scene on the 2500 block During the search, and brought into custody “domestic situation” and the incident that occurred
and George Wiebe of West 95th Street and they located the 21-year- within the hour, authori- there is no active threat at our Mariano’s Evergreen
“cautiously approached old victim, a Mariano’s ties said. to the public. The area Park store.”
A person was shot and and entered immediately,” employee, with several Surveillance videos remains an active crime Puck said the store will
killed Thursday morning said Evergreen Park police gunshot wounds in the showed the victim walking scene and they asked the remain closed while the
inside a Mariano’s store Chief Michael Saunders. back of the store. away from a male subject public to avoid the site. investigation continues,
in Evergreen Park in what Police evacuated custom- The suspected shooter before the shooting, Saun- In an emailed statement, and said they initiated
police are calling a “domes- ers and “continued inward reportedly left in his vehi- ders said. Amanda Puck, a Mariano’s counseling services for the
tic situation.” to attempt to locate an cle after the shooting Evergreen Park police spokesperson, said, “We store’s associates.

Foster broadcaster Glenn Geffner

emailed Gragg.
entering the transfer portal
because of Jim Foster is
from Page 1 In that email, which Geff- simultaneously frighten-
ner later shared with the ing, embarrassing and sad.
a human resources investi- Tribune, he wrote: “Eight This is unprecedented in
gation. months after Jim Foster the history of our university.
The university’s inves- arrived in Evanston, the Northwestern has let these
tigation found “sufficient Northwestern baseball student-athletes down.”
evidence” that Foster program is in shambles, both Foster’s previous coach-
“engaged in bullying and on — and more urgently — ing stints included six years
abusive behavior,” according off the field.” as head coach at Army West
to an internal HR document The email went on to Point, two seasons as asso-
obtained by the Tribune. summarize issues Geff- ciate head coach at Boston
The probe went on to ner wrote were relayed to College, and nine seasons as
conclude that Foster “made him by “current and former head coach with the Univer-
an inappropriate comment members of the Northwest- sity of Rhode Island.
regarding a female staff ern baseball family spanning Former Rhode Island
member, and spoke nega- decades.” players who spoke to the
tively about his staff to other “If the truth about what is Tribune called Foster a
staff members.” happening at Northwestern great leader and a mentor
The HR document says under Jim Foster becomes — a teacher, tough, but fair,
that the results of the inves- widely known, the black who cared deeply about his
tigation were shared with eye on the program and the teams.
leaders in the Department of university will be severe,” he “He was by far the best
Athletics and Recreation “to wrote. coach I’ve ever had,” said
take appropriate remedial After the team’s 10-40 Josh Nestor, 39, who played
action.” It’s unclear what Northwestern baseball head coach Jim Foster pauseas ahead of a game against Notre Dame at season concluded, 16 players for Foster in 2005 and 2006.
action the university took Wrigley Field on May 16. JOHN J. KIM/CHICAGO TRIBUNE entered the transfer portal, In 2011, during Foster’s
against Foster, who joined sources told the Tribune, time at Rhode Island,
Northwestern after six years be cold at times, and at other injury in fear they’d lose from that opening road trip, and at least a half-dozen 20-year-old pitcher Joseph
at Army West Point. times, combative. their spot on the team. pitching coach Jon Strauss players individually met Ciancola collapsed while
The HR document does There were incidents, While these allegations and operations director with Gragg or other athletic running during an outdoor
not go into great detail they said, when Foster were not made public, signs Chris Beacom had also left department leaders to voice strength and conditioning
about the complaints against would launch into exple- of trouble were visible. In the team. their concerns over Foster. session with the team and
Foster. But current and tive-laced tirades directed February, hitting coach A month later, grow- “The season was a disas- died three days later at a
former players and people at staff. Other times, they and recruiting coordina- ing concerns over Foster’s ter in every way. And the fall- hospital.
close to the program who claim, he discouraged play- tor Dusty Napoleon, who leadership began to spread out is even worse,” Geffner Ciancola’s family sued
spoke to the Tribune anony- ers from seeing the team had been with the team outside the team’s inner wrote to Gragg in another the university, eventually
mously for fear of retaliation trainer, or pressured injured since 2015, left before the circle. In March, North- email, sent in June and settling for $1.45 million,
said Foster’s interactions players to speed up their first game of the season. By western graduate and long- shared with the Tribune. according to The Provi-
with players and staff could timeline for returning from the time the team returned time professional sports “The number of young men dence Journal.

Finalists across the country follow-

ing George Floyd’s murder
zara said. “It is much more
fair and inclusive and I
death due to the coronavi-
from Page 1 by a Minneapolis police want to just say ‘Thank Brown’s tenure was hall-
officer. Considered one of you’ on behalf of the 17,000 marked by a spike in violent
superintendent will also the department’s use of members I represent in the crime, especially carjack-
need to rebuild trust with force experts, Snelling was FOP for giving our members ings, as well as widespread
community members who previously assigned to CPD’s a voice in this process and civil unrest and low officer
have experienced uncon- training academy. He also explaining to you what is morale. Brown announced
stitutional policing and are testified about the impor- important to them in the his resignation one day after
eager to see a more respect- tance of accuracy in offi- boss who’s going to lead Lightfoot failed to qualify for
ful approach to residents. cers’ incident reports; that them forward.” the runoff election.
The selection process itself was part of Chicago Police Madison police Chief Shon Barnes, from left, Chicago police The process for selecting After he was sworn in as
is a nod in that direction, as Board proceedings against Cmdr. Angel Novalez and Chicago police Deputy Chief Larry a permanent superinten- mayor, Brandon Johnson
Lightfoot joined activists in four officers accused of Snelling are the finalists for the post. dent was previously spear- selected Fred Waller, CPD’s
2021 to create the Commu- exaggerating the circum- headed by the Chicago Police chief of patrol under Eddie
nity Commission for Public stances that led up to the three finalists, who’d then rience working within the Board, the nine-person body Johnson, to serve as interim
Safety and Accountability fatal police shooting of need approval from the CPD. that doles out punishments superintendent. Waller, who
to oversee the recommen- Laquan McDonald in 2014. City Council, or order the The commission’s pres- in the most severe cases of remained popular with offi-
dation process in hopes of „ Angel Novalez was born commission to start the ident, Anthony Driver police misconduct. In previ- cers and department super-
building public trust and in Puerto Rico and moved application process over Jr., repeatedly told meet- ous searches, members of the visors after his retirement in
community relationships. to Chicago with his family again. ing attendees that their board — all of whom were 2020, did not apply for the
This is the commission’s in the 1970s. He joined the The new mayor called comments and questions appointed by the mayor — permanent job.
first time leading the selec- Police Department in 2001 Thursday’s announcement would be posed to the candi- would submit three finalists The superintendent
tion process, which began and was previously assigned “an important milestone” dates who advanced to the for the mayor to choose from. search process changed
in March after Brown to the Near West District, in the search. In a writ- interview stage. In early 2016, as the drastically two years ago
announced one day after the training academy, Area ten statement, Johnson As the interview process city was still reeling from when a new city ordi-
Lightfoot lost her reelec- 4 and the Grand Central thanked the applicants and continued in late June, 19 the release of the Laquan nance wrested authority
tion bid that he was step- District on the Northwest the commission and said members of the City Coun- McDonald shooting video, from the police board and
ping down. Side. After he was shot in he’s “confident that Chica- cil released a letter declar- then-Mayor Rahm Emanuel handed it to the Commu-
A l t h o u g h Jo h n s o n the line of duty, Novalez go’s next superintendent ing their “disappointment disregarded the three final- nity Commission for Public
campaigned on the need to quickly rose through the will inspire trust, foster and dismay” at the commis- ists compiled by the police Safety and Accountabil-
address root causes of crime, ranks to oversee much of collaboration, and lead with sion’s decision to not offer a board, which was led at the ity. What’s more, the new
the police superintendent CPD’s community-build- integrity.” follow-up interview to Brian time by future mayor Lori law also created 66 new
will be responsible for ing efforts, including the Like so many of his prede- McDermott, CPD’s chief of Lightfoot. Emanuel ulti- district councilor posi-
addressing violence in the CAPS program. He now cessors, the next CPD super- patrol and a 28-year depart- mately selected Eddie John- tions — three for each of the
near term, and the mayor’s serves as chief of the Office intendent will be faced with ment veteran. son, CPD’s chief of patrol, CPD’s 22 patrol districts.
political success will depend of Constitutional Policing, entrenched violent crime, “The consequences even though Johnson never Those district councilors
greatly on his administra- which works to develop and largely concentrated in the are the old ‘Chicago Way,’ applied for the job. Murders serve as liaisons between the
tion’s handling of public implement internal depart- city’s most underserved where we’ve seen time and and nonfatal shootings district’s officers and resi-
safety. All three finalists have ment policies that adhere neighborhoods; poor officer time again where you have steadily declined over the dents, but they will also play
ties to Chicago, a departure to the city’s consent decree, morale; and a host of consent a very clout-heavy city, next few years, but Lightfoot a larger role in future CPD
from Brown, whose status though the CPD’s compli- decree obligations that, to where people do favors for fired Johnson in late 2019 superintendent searches.
as an out-of-towner rankled ance has been slow. this point, the department folks and people get posi- following an embarrassing “This is a great moment
the rank and file as well as „ Of the three finalists, Shon has largely failed to meet. tions through political influ- incident in which he was because now the people —
some residents and stake- Barnes has the fewest direct Throughout April and ence, and it hasn’t worked,” found asleep in his car near the people — have a demo-
holders. connections to Chicago and May, the community public Driver later said of the letter. his home in Bridgeport. cratic option to say who
Here’s a look the candi- the CPD. Before he was safety commission hosted “Our city has done this, has After the start of the polices their communities
dates: hired as the chief of police seven public meetings operated in the same way COVID-19 pandemic, in and how their communities
„ A lifelong South Sider, in Madison in 2021, Barnes across the city to solicit feed- for decades, and we have not April 2020, the police board are policed,” Frank Chap-
Larry Snelling joined was the director of training back from residents about had good results.” presented Lightfoot with man, a longtime police
the CPD in 1992. He was and professional develop- what qualities they want in Before the finalists were three finalists for the perma- reform activist and direc-
promoted last October ment for the Civilian Office the next leader of the CPD. announced, John Catan- nent job: Brown, the retired tor of the Chicago Alliance
to chief of the Bureau of of Police Accountability, the The tenor of each meet- zara, the local president Dallas police chief; Kristen Against Racist and Political
Counterterrorism, which body that investigates use ing varied by location, but of the Fraternal Order of Ziman, the chief of police in Oppression, said after the
oversees the narcotics and of force incidents by CPD one characteristic received Police who was a frequent Aurora; and Ernest Cato III, first class of district coun-
gang divisions, as well as officers. Prior to his time near-universal support: The critic of former Superinten- a CPD veteran who at the cilors was sworn in earlier
SWAT teams. Before that, at COPA, Barnes was the next superintendent should dent Brown, thanked the time was a deputy chief. this summer. “That’s the
he was a tactical officer, lieu- deputy chief of police in come from within the CPD commission for including Lightfoot selected Brown first time in the history of
tenant and then commander Salisbury, North Carolina, and have strong ties to rank-and-file officers in the for the job a day after the this country that this has
of the Englewood District. and a captain in the Chicago. search process. police board named its happened, here in Chicago.
Snelling oversaw the Greensboro, North Carolina, There were 54 applicants “This process is 100 finalists. His introductory And the reason why it
district during the fraught police department. for the job. Thirty-two of times better than what it news conference was held happened here in Chicago
summer of 2020, when Johnson now has 30 days them — including Snelling was when the police board a few hours after the CPD is because we have so many
civil unrest gripped cities either to choose one of the and Novalez — had expe- was conducting it,” Catan- announced its first officer great challenges.”

Lake County Forest Preserves mulling potential $154M referendum

By Steve Sadin leading to what he hopes $85 million. He has also would protect wildlife habi- and the creation of a regional forest preserve. We’re going
For News-Sun will be a ballot initiative in earmarked $65 million to tat, preserve native wetlands, trail from Green Bay Road to to open the forest to the high-
November of 2024. buy land, and $5 million for woodlands and prairies. Wadsworth Road. est level.”
As Lake County Forest “We are starting the deferred maintenance. It would also help provide “This is a very high prior- Several projects are
Preserves District Exec- conversation of how we’re Should the referendum trails and greenways, as well ity, and has a good chance to projected for the Lake-
utive Director Ty Kovach going to look at the next 10 be placed before voters and as river and lake access. get a federal grant” Kovach wood Forest Preserve in
considers the needs of the years,” Kovach said. “This approved, Kovach said it Already the largest land said. “We’ve been waiting Wauconda — the county’s
area’s natural settings over is for habitat restoration would help with an equi- owner in Lake County with a long time, so let’s get this largest. Kovach suggested
the next 10 years — as well and land acquisition. This is table distribution of forest 30,000 acres, Kovach said he underway.” spending $11.275 million for
as land the district may want something we can do with preserves resources across hopes the referendum will Both completing master ravine restoration, complet-
to acquire — he is examining the resources we have now. the county, reduce oper- help the district restore 2,000 plan public access improve- ing Phase II of the Broberg
ways to fund improvements We’re looking at our goals ating costs, finish already acres and acquire 2,000 ments and habitat resto- Marsh, work on the Wauco-
and acquisitions. and strategic plan.” started projects, preserve more. There are already ration is planned for the nda Bog and more.
Kovach opened a discus- Going through a list of existing resources and more than 200 miles of trails. Greenbelt Forest Preserve Independence Grove is the
sion with the Board of the district’s 64 properties improve ecosystem services Among projects on the list in North Chicago for most used forest preserve in
Commissioners for a poten- — including forests, savan- to support the quality of life is the Waukegan Savannah $10 million, according to the system. It already has a
tial referendum of just over nas, prairie and wetlands in the county. located near the Waukegan Kovach’s presentation. beach with a beer garden.
$154 million at a Commit- — Kovach mentioned 22 With an approximate National Airport, where $15.4 “This is a major initia- Kovach said he suggests
tee of the Whole meeting which he believes need cost of $8,000 per restored million is proposed. There tive,” he said. “We’re going spending $2.8 million to
Wednesday in Riverwoods, work that would cost nearly acre, Kovach said the effort will be both a full restoration, to make it easier to enter the repurpose the beach area.
8 Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, July 14, 2023

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President Joe Biden speaks about his economic policies on June 28 at the old main post office in Chicago. BRIAN CASSELLA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE

Was it ‘Bidenomics’ that

brought down inflation?
n a major economic policy speech in the lobby of Chicago’s old main post office inflation, rises in the cost of living, closely. Even with growing attention
in June, President Joe Biden enthusiastically branded his economic growth slumps in real wages and rises in interest to presidential contests in both parties,
rates in response to inflation, the moder- it’s too early to expect a lot of change in
strategy as “Bidenomics,” a term that was basically created by The Wall Street ate and independent voters sought by support for the top offices; in July, many
Journal and the Financial Times but, like “Obamacare,” has been embraced by both parties are not easily impressed by Americans are off enjoying the outdoors.
Democrats as if it were Biden’s idea all along. “Bidenomics” sounds a lot like slogans, if they ever were. Still, we’ve long pointed out the perni-
Biden’s traditional liberalism, an updated version of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal or And, of course, those paying attention cious dangers of high inflation, a curse
know that the runaway inflation rate that eats up the savings of older Amer-
Lyndon B. Johnson’s Great Society. was caused by government giveaways icans, negates the purchasing power of
Despite Biden presiding over a generally improving economic picture, his reelection during the pandemic: Biden’s shod- hard-won wage gains and can serve as
bid has needed all the help it can get. His approval ratings have been stubbornly tepid, dily managed relief packages, espe- a cover for the kind of price increases
cially toward the end of the COVID-19 that have been emptying consumers’
particularly on the economy, recently sinking close to the lowest level of his presidency crisis, were much too generous, upset- pockets.
after the Supreme Court killed his $400 billion student loan forgiveness plan. And the ting economic equilibrium. What we’re It looks to us like the Fed can at least
political temperature is rising: July 1 marked a time on the calendar that falls halfway really seeing now is the economy finally pause the further rate increases widely
working the Biden spending, and that predicted for later this year and wait to
between last year’s midterm elections and next year’s far more consequential presiden- of the prior Trump administration, see whether those June numbers hold
tial election with an astonishingly unbloodied Donald Trump on the attack, his federal out of the system. Some semblance of on a longer-term basis. Politics are all
indictments notwithstanding. normalcy finally appears to be return- about dodging responsibility for bad
ing. news and claiming credit for the good,
Wednesday bought good news for the Even though most of this decrease Still, Biden has been talking like a and that’s what you can see going on
White House, though. The U.S. infla- was attributable to the easing of supply president with plenty to boast about. here. If Bidenomics has now brought
tion rate fell to 3% in June, thanks to problems, which were a consequence of “Today, the U.S. has had the highest inflation down, Biden also has to admit
improvements in the prices of gasoline, the war in Ukraine and the pandemic, economic growth among the world’s it helped to push inflation higher in the
airline fares, used cars and groceries, not to mention the actions of the Federal leading economies since the pandemic,” first place.
Associated Press reported. That might Reserve, the White House still moved he said in Chicago. “We’ve added over 13 But Wednesday’s news was very good
not be the 2% the Federal Reserve says fast to attribute this to “Bidenomics,” million jobs, more jobs in two years than indeed: Not many months ago, a 3%
it ultimately wants, and interest rates also touting record job growth and any president has added in a four-year inflation rate seemed like a pipe dream.
still are expected to rise yet further this billions of dollars in new infrastructure term.” Americans of all political stripes should
month. But it’s a big difference from the investments on top of an uncommonly And he added, 800,000 of those jobs be glad that the Fed has seen some
4% rate reported in May and, of course, fast comeback in manufacturing. were in the manufacturing sector, which summer success and that supply chains
the much steeper inflation rates in One month’s decrease in inflation, matters very much to voters here in the now appear less overwhelmed.
previous months that have given Amer- though, is hardly a roaring endorsement industrial heartland. However you want to call it, what
icans sticker shock everywhere from for Bidenomics, whatever it means, nor At this point in the political cycle, we’re really seeing is the latest chapter
their local fast-food outlet to the bill for is it likely to turn around those approval Biden’s biggest risk may be that the in the market-driven story of American
the plumber. ratings. After dealing with record-high voters aren’t paying attention all that recovery.


Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine last year, NATO has
been more relevant than ever. Now, it must be more united than
In some respects, it’s already heading that way. Especially after
Turkey ended its hold on Sweden’s bid to join the 31-member alli-
ance on Monday, the eve of a crucial two-day NATO summit in
Vilnius, Lithuania. Sweden was supposed to join at the same time
Finland did this year in a welcome development for the West but a
worrying one for Moscow. But its bid had been held up by Turkish
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s demands regarding the extra-
dition of some members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, whom
the Turkish government considers terrorists, as well as revulsion
over Sweden allowing Qur’an burning at some protests. ...
Ankara’s objections weren’t just with Stockholm, however,
but with Washington as well. A deal to buy advanced U.S. fighter
jets has been held up by Congress because of Turkey’s previous
purchase of a Russian defense system — just one of the many
manifestations of what recently has been a too-close Turkey-Rus-
sia relationship. Reports of the accord suggest that Sweden and
Turkey will work together on terrorism, that NATO will insti-
tute a new “special coordinator for counterterrorism” and that
Sweden will help renew Turkey’s bid to enter the European
However, there’s still a key membership question for NATO
nations: responding to Ukraine’s bid to eventually join the defense
alliance. While Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy seems
to understand the reluctance to allow Ukraine to join while
combat is raging — lest NATO find itself at war with Russia — he’s
justifiably looking for a process and a timeline instead of vague
Ukraine has proven to be more than a worthy Western partner,
with an incredibly intrepid and motivated military and citizenry.
As Ukrainians face even more sacrifices in their existential strug-
gle against a ruthless Russian invasion, they deserve clarity on the
process for eventual NATO membership.
Minneapolis Star Tribune Editorial Board
Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, July 14, 2023 9


NATO shouldn’t give Putin

an excuse to prolong the war

Elizabeth Shackelford
hen NATO
leaders met
this week in
the capital
of Lithuania, Russia’s war in
Ukraine loomed large. With
Sweden’s membership all but
settled, Ukraine’s future with
the alliance was the biggest
question on everyone’s mind.
Ukraine wants an invita-
tion to join. NATO leaders had
been split on whether to offer
one. They ultimately agreed
that they would “extend an
invitation to Ukraine to join the
alliance” but without specify-
ing when or how, per a summit
The debate over Ukraine’s
potential NATO membership
centers on whether it would
deter Russia from invading
Ukraine again or would instead
President Joe Biden, from left, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau walk from the stage after an event
provoke Russia and drag the with G-7 leaders on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, on Wednesday to announce a joint declaration of support for Ukraine.
entire alliance into war. The SUSAN WALSH/AP
bigger question for NATO
members should be whether a specific and accelerated The biggest benefit to top benefit of Russia’s military it was the promise of future
timetable for Ukraine to join Ukraine’s cause, and NATO’s action in Ukraine, according membership that pushed
the risk of the latter is worth once the war is concluded. corresponding interest, would to a new survey by the Chicago Russia over the edge.
the benefit to NATO. They believe that a clear path be a boost of confidence to the Council on Global Affairs and Unlike in 2008, however,
for bringing Ukraine into the Ukrainian government, mili- the Levada Center in Moscow, Russia is already at war
I believe that question can alliance is the best way to tary and people, who could one of Russia’s last remaining with Ukraine today, dug in
only be answered with any prevent future Russian aggres- likely use some good news as independent polling firms. If across significant portions of
certainty once the war is sion, against Ukraine or NATO the long-awaited counterof- ending the war means Ukraine Ukrainian territory. Ending
done. An offer of membership countries directly. fensive grinds on in fits and joins NATO, a lot of Russians war, not preventing it, is the
won’t hasten that conclusion, Others disagree. The U.S. starts. might feel differently about immediate focus.
so the question of Ukraine’s is the most vocal but not the This is not an inconse- their commitment to the fight. While I do not buy the
membership is premature, only NATO country that views quential factor. Morale has The debate within NATO is “NATO made Putin do it”
serving neither the interests of such assurances as unneces- played a strong role in helping reminiscent of a similar one argument, I do believe a prom-
NATO nor peace. sary provocations to Russia. Ukraine’s far smaller mili- at NATO’s summit 15 years ise to admit Ukraine after the
Even Ukrainian President Germany has also been reluc- tary outplay the Kremlin’s at ago, when the United States war ends would be an obstacle
Volodymyr Zelenskyy under- tant to make that commit- various points in this war. War wanted to offer both Ukraine to Russia accepting peace and
stands that NATO cannot ment. These allies advocate fatigue could multiply Kyiv’s and Georgia action plans for that NATO allies today can’t
admit Ukraine while the war a strong show of support to challenges. The cost of that membership, while Germany know if Ukraine’s membership
is raging. That would auto- Ukraine, including more mate- morale boost, though, would thought it would be unneces- will be a benefit or burden
matically put NATO in direct rial commitments, but ensur- be a strong disincentive for sarily confrontational. With no when that peace finally comes.
conflict with Russia. Despite ing that NATO is not dragged Putin to accept an end to the uniform position, Ukraine and It might be unsatisfying to
a strong commitment to into the war remains the top war. The failed mutiny in June Georgia got the worst of both Ukraine today to leave Vilnius
Ukraine’s security, backed by priority. For them, commit- revealed that Putin’s grip on worlds: enough to provoke with no clear path, but it’s the
billions of dollars in military ting to a specific timeline for Russia, which once looked Russia but no added protec- best decision for the possibil-
assistance, the United States Ukraine’s future member- firm, could be slipping. But the tion. Russia invaded Georgia ity of peace and the interests
and other allies have made ship would provide little real impending threat of Ukraine within months and Ukraine a of NATO’s existing members
clear they have no interest benefit to outweigh the risk of joining NATO could be the few years later. in the future.
in starting World War III by further goading Russian Presi- rallying cry Putin needs to Reasonable people can
taking the fight directly to a dent Vladimir Putin. solidify support for this war in draw opposite conclusions Elizabeth Shackelford is a senior
nuclear-armed Russia. Such a commitment would the Russian public and politi- from this outcome. Propo- fellow on U.S. foreign policy with
NATO allies who strongly be largely symbolic. It would cal class. nents of Ukraine’s member- the Chicago Council on Global
favor Ukraine’s ultimate not change Ukraine’s status Seven in 10 Russians said ship say that a path to NATO Affairs. She was previously a U.S.
accession, particularly those today, nor would it change that NATO membership membership then would have diplomat and is the author of
that border Russia, such as NATO’s already robust provi- for Ukraine would threaten prevented any Russian aggres- “The Dissent Channel: American
Poland, want NATO to provide sion of assistance. Russia, and preventing it is a sion. Opponents argue that Diplomacy in a Dishonest Age.”

By giving Ukraine cluster bombs, US admits that civilians are expendable

By Stephen J. Lyons U.N. attributed 14 deaths during the highest level of our govern-
the conflict.” Israel’s use of the ment that more innocents will
In 2008, more than 100 nations bombs “supposedly affected 26% die because of the use of these
signed the Convention on Cluster of southern Lebanon’s arable land evil weapons of war. Addition-
Munitions, a treaty that “prohibits and contaminated about 13 square ally, large areas of arable land will
the use, production, stockpiling miles with unexploded submuni- no longer be able to be farmed
and transfer of cluster munitions.” tions. One report states that there because of these de facto mine
The United States did not was a failure rate of upward of fields.
accede to the convention. Neither 70% of Israel’s cluster weapons,” In September 2016, Textron
did Ukraine nor Russia, both of the agency said. Systems, the last U.S. company
whom are using these weapons in Last week, the international to manufacture cluster bombs,
their seemingly forever war. nongovernmental organization ceased production of those muni-
A cluster munition is a weapon Human Rights Watch released a tions. For humanitarian reasons?
that keeps on killing long after its report from Kyiv that found that Nope.
72 submunitions, or bomblets, “Ukrainian forces have used clus- “Historically, sensor-fuzed
are shot in a shell from a 155 mm ter munitions that caused numer- weapon sales have relied on
artillery weapon. Upon explo- ous deaths and serious injuries to foreign military and direct
sion in the air, they can litter an civilians.” The report also noted commercial international
area the size of several football that Russians have used cluster customers for which both exec-
fields. If that wasn’t horrible munitions, “killing many civilians utive branch and congressional
enough, these submunitions have, A man riding a bicycle on July 8 pulls along the bike of his wife, who was and causing other serious civilian approval is required. The current
according to various government killed by a cluster bomb in Lyman in Ukraine’s Donetsk region. GETTY-AFP harm.” political environment has made
estimates, a “dud,” or unexploded Human Rights Watch also it difficult to obtain these approv-
rate, of 2.35% to 6%. That means ance specialists have frequently tions in its military excursion in “found that Ukrainian clus- als,” the company complained.
that every time a cluster bomb is reported failure rates of 10% to Afghanistan. Trouble was that the ter munition rocket attacks on The company was most upset
employed, two to four of those 72 30%. A number of factors influ- little bombs resembled in color Russian-controlled areas in and that its proposed sale of cluster
bomblets do not explode upon ence submunition reliability. and shape the humanitarian aid around the city of Izium in east- bombs to Saudi Arabia to use in
impact. These include delivery tech- packets that the U.S. dropped from ern Ukraine during 2022 caused that country’s scorched earth
But “dud” doesn’t mean these nique, age of the submunition, air planes. This confusion, which many casualties among Ukrainian campaign in Yemen was blocked
submunitions stay inactive. They temperature, landing in soft or obviously left many civilians civilians.” by the White House.
can have the same dangerous muddy ground, getting caught in maimed or dead, led to the curtail- Yes, Ukrainian civilians. But that was about seven years
lingering effect as a land mine. trees and vegetation, and submu- ment of cluster bombs for our next Friendly fire. Price of war. Collat- ago, an eternity for a country that
They stay active for decades. Chil- nitions being damaged after military adventure. eral damage. routinely ignores history’s lessons.
dren are often attracted to the dispersal, or landing in such a This did not stop Israel from In announcing the U.S.’ decision With Biden’s decision to supply
colorful objects with disastrous manner that their impact fuzes fail using cluster bombs in its 2006 to send these horrific weapons of these long-lasting instruments of
outcomes. to initiate.” campaign against Hezbollah war to Ukraine, Biden’s national destruction to Ukraine, that politi-
The estimated dud rate is The United States has a huge forces in Lebanon. According security mouthpiece, Jake Sulli- cal environment has now changed
disputable. According to the stockpile of cluster munitions — to a March 2022 Congressional van, admitted, “We recognize that for the worse.
Congressional Research Service, 4.7 million containing hundreds Research Service report, Israel cluster munitions create a risk of
“There appear to be significant of millions of bomblets — that it is used them in the “last 3 days of the civilian harm from unexploded Stephen J. Lyons is the author of
discrepancies among failure rate dusting off to deliver to Ukraine 34-day war after a U.N. cease-fire ordnance. This is why we deferred five books of essays and journalism.
estimates. Some manufacturers after a “difficult decision” by Pres- deal had been agreed to — result- the decision for as long as we His new book ”Searching for Home,
claim a submunition failure rate ident Joe Biden. ing in almost 1 million unexploded could.” Adventures with Misanthropes”
of 2% to 5%, whereas mine clear- The U.S. last used these muni- cluster bomblets to which the So there it is, an admission at will be published in July.
10 Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, July 14, 2023


A pitch clock counts down while the White Sox and Guardians play on May 18 at Guaranteed Rate Field. BRIAN CASSELLA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE

Baseball is losing its essence to the pitch clock

By Jeffery Vacante fans, this would mark a significant depar- has a timeless feel to it,” another writer, perhaps explains why this sport, for all
ture in how the game has been imagined. George Vecsey, pointed out, “because each the enormous changes it has undergone
MLB executives must be feeling very Historically, baseball has never really game is unfettered by the tyranny of a stop- in the past decade or two, remains some-
pleased with themselves these days. reflected the lives of the players or the fans watch.” how rustic, unviolent, and introspective.
Following a number of rule changes, as much as it served as a form of escape Of course, much of this is an idealized Baseball’s time is seamless and invisible,
including the introduction of a pitch clock, from their increasingly structured lives. portrait of the game, as much the product a bubble within which players move at
the consensus around the league appears An urban game, baseball was born in of writers’ imaginations as the reflection exactly the same pace and rhythms as all
to be that these new rules have been a the industrial cities of the Northeast and of how most fans thought about it. And their predecessors.”
resounding success. would serve as a welcome diversion to yet, all of this has become central to the With the introduction of the pitch clock,
Games are significantly shorter, they say, those who worked in the nation’s indus- mythology of the game and central to how the league is attempting to make the game
there are more hits per game and there is trial factories. An outdoor game played it has been understood by generations of a closer reflection of society. From its earli-
less “dead time” between plays. Baseball, in a pastoral setting under natural light, fans. It has also been what sets the game est days, however, the game has served as a
everyone seems to agree, has become a it offered a stark counterpoint to the apart from other sports. This is hardly the refuge from the accelerated pace of a world
much more exciting game and has redis- stifling air of the indoor factories of an first time that the rules of the game have reshaped by the dictates of a clock that was
covered its joy after years of embracing industrializing America. It was a game of been adjusted. The mound was lowered in exercising increasing control over people’s
analytics and relying on the infield shift statistics, diligently recorded so that fans the 1960s to give hitters a better chance of work lives, as well as their leisure time.
and pitching matchups. The players have could celebrate and follow the individual hitting off pitchers, and a designated hitter Baseball has always served as an escape
been freed to play the game as it was meant accomplishments of their favorite play- was introduced in the ‘70s to spare pitch- from the relentlessness of the modern
to be played. ers at a time when individualism was said ers the indignity of striking out whenever world, not a reflection of it. And so, as it
The fans, too, have seemingly embraced to be threatened by the dehumanized and it was their turn at the plate. But for all the becomes a little less beholden to the inter-
the rule changes and shown their enthusi- increasingly mechanized world of indus- changes made over the years, one thing has nal logic of the game and more reflective of
asm by becoming reengaged with a game trial capitalism. always remained the same: the game was the harried lives of its fans, baseball loses
that they had drifted away from because And most significantly, it was a game to be played without a clock. some of its distinctiveness and takes one
they felt that it no longer reflected the pace without a clock, offering a respite from a Writing in the New Yorker in 1971, not more step toward becoming just like every
of their own hectic and distracted lives. world transformed by the introduction of long after a number of tweaks were made other sport. It also loses touch with more
The fans seem to appreciate that the league standard time and the drudgery of a work- to the rules to enhance the excitement of than a century’s worth of baseball writing.
is at least trying to meet them where they day measured by the punch clock. “The the game, Roger Angell, perhaps the most
are and is changing the game in ways that game’s movements were independent of celebrated observer of the game, put it this Jeffery Vacante is an assistant professor of
would make it more in line with their own time restrictions,” two early chroniclers way: “Within the ballpark, time moves history at the University of Western Ontario
lives. of baseball history, Harold Seymour and differently, marked by no clock except in London, Ontario. He is the author of the
If, in fact, the MLB is attempting to make Dorothy Seymour Mills, observed, captur- the events of the game. This is the unique, book “National Manhood and the Creation of
the game more reflective of the lives of its ing the early appeal of the sport. “The sport unchangeable feature of baseball, and Modern Quebec.”


Issues with Alzheimer’s treatment whether they will be next? Leadership at Northwestern
It was in this sympathetic light that I enthusiastically
Dr. Raymond Scott Turner in his op-ed (“Medicare read “Alzheimer’s drug Leqembi wins full approval from I’m a Northwestern alumnus and lifelong fan, and we
agency is limiting access to new Alzheimer’s treatment,” FDA” (July 7). First medicine on the market to slow the have entered our darkest days. These issues are serious,
July 6) neglected to disclose upfront that the lecanemab disease’s ravages, certified safe, Medicare-supported? Yes, and we all have our opinion on the firing of head football
treatment is a product of Eisai, one of the companies yes and yes. But the qualifiers here undercut that happy coach Pat Fitzgerald. But after Tribune columnist Paul
that provides support for clinical research at George- news considerably. Chief among these are the heavy cost Sullivan spent most of Tuesday’s column criticizing Fitz-
town University, where Turner is a vice chair of clinical of even the deductible, use restricted to moderate cases (a gerald for not speaking out (“Coach couldn’t outlast alle-
research. Yes, Eisai is noted as providing support for clin- number further reduced by cautions against concurrent gations”), I must bring up the real stain on this clownish
ical trials; however, it should have been disclosed at the use with blood thinners) and only moderate improve- process — the absolute void of leadership at my univer-
beginning of the op-ed that lecanemab is an Eisai product. ments exhibited, according to limited study data to date. sity.
Turner also failed to note is there are very specific After the first rush associated with the pluses fades, University President Michael Schill unilaterally made
criteria to determine who is eligible for the lecanemab therefore, the story’s overall effect can disappoint. But his decision to suspend Fitzgerald presumably after
treatment. The effectiveness of the treatment varies here we have to remind ourselves: Leqembi (lecanemab) seeing all the evidence from a monthslong investiga-
among individuals. is another significant step, a milestone telling us not how tion. Then in the next 24 hours, he was scooped by his
The treatment is not a one-and-done. It is an infu- far we have to go but how far we have come. And having university’s own student newspaper. Instead of using the
sion given every two weeks, and Eisai proposes a yearly my own near future to contemplate, I for one am heart- two-week suspension to learn more and then act deci-
cost of $26,500. The treatment slows the progression of ened by the ongoing commitment to advances. sively, Schill panicked and issued a laughably weak “Gee,
Alzheimer’s disease but does not stop it. It is not a cure. It — Tom Gregg, Niles maybe I was wrong” email that served no purpose, save to
addresses the amyloid plaque buildup, but there is ongo- inflame the situation and dangle Fitzgerald in the breeze.
ing debate as to whether the plaque buildup is the cause Let Fitzgerald speak for himself Seeing what a mess he created, Schill then panicked
of Alzheimer’s or a symptom. again and fired the coach. (And Fitzgerald is the problem
Turner implies a bias against the elderly, ageism, may In Thursday’s “Voice of the People,” I read six letters by remaining stoic?) Meanwhile, where is athletic direc-
be one of the reasons that Medicare may limit the treat- all strongly in favor of head football coach Pat Fitzgerald’s tor Derrick Gragg? Completely absent, he addressed his
ment. This seems to be a red herring meant to divert firing at Northwestern University in Evanston, which I team through Zoom. He has not spoken to the media. And
attention from other aspects of the treatment such as cost, attended in the late 1960s and early ’70s. as a 30-year season ticket holder, I have yet to hear a word
risk and level of effectiveness that call for more scrutiny. Two similar instances come to mind: Joe Paterno and from Gragg or anyone connected with Northwestern.
Unless I am mistaken, Medicare is for the elderly, so Sen. Al Franken. Regardless of relevancy or compari- The alleged hazing episodes described were horrific.
claiming an ageism bias from Medicare is off-base. son, I, along with Jarett Payton of WGN-TV, want to hear Fitzgerald was wrong not to have known. We can argue
— Gerry Gosewehr, Warrenville from Fitzgerald. Why, when a man’s career and reputa- about the appropriate punishment. But the complete void
tion have been so castigated and abridged, can’t we hear of leadership is what the NU community is talking about
Advancing dementia research directly from the accused and shamed? now. Fitzgerald will be gone, but these jokers remain.
I want to hear Fitzgerald’s side of the story before Disgusting.
Much of the news today prompts heated debate, but making my judgment. He deserves at least that — a — Mike Hayes, Chicago
is there anyone who doesn’t favor dementia research? chance to defend himself and bring clarity to this situa-
After all, an estimated 6 million Americans suffer from tion.
dementia conditions, with untold millions of friends I feel the coach loves this university and his football
and relations indirectly affected. Given an aging popula- program. He bleeds purple. For online-exclusive letters, go to www.chicagotribune.
tion, the numbers will certainly rise with the condition Everyone should step back and hear what the man has com/letters. Email your letter submissions, 400 words or
unchecked. And given a personal family history of it, has to say. less, to [email protected]. Include your full name,
any mentally healthy senior like me ever not wondered — R.J. Artabasy, Glencoe address and phone number.
Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, July 14, 2023 11

Irvine, Alexander
Cemeteries/Crematories/ Alexander Irvine, 90, passed away on July 10. 2023
of natural causes. Known by friends and family as
Mausoleum Lex, he went to Beloit College where he met his wife
Rarely available Ridgelawn Cemetery After Lex retired, he spent most of his time putter-
ing around the Book Bin, a bookstore he owned with
plots for sale
Four rarely available plots for sale in Ridgelawn Janis, and pursuing lost golf balls at Skokie Country
Cemetery. Plots 4-7F.SW1/2. Willing to sell as a group Club. He is survived by his wife Janis, children
or groups of two. Currently, plots are selling for over Nancy Usiak (Mike) and Alex (Mary), and grandsons
$1,700 each but we are selling ours for $1,250 each Alexander and Theodore. A memorial will be held
and will cover the transfer fee of $200. For more in the fall. In lieu of flowers, the family requests do-
information and pictures please get in touch with nations be made to St. Jude’s Children’s Research
Matt at [email protected] Hospital, an organization he felt strongly about.
Sign Guestbook at

Death Notices Lundy, Maria “Mary”

Maria “Mary” Lundy, 87, passed away on Fri. July
7, 2023 in Libertyville, IL. To view full obituary and
The FDA, headquartered in Silver Spring, Maryland, cleared Ireland-based Perrigo’s once- Cazolas, Myra J. service information, please visit funeral home web-
a-day Opill to be sold without a prescription. The move was hailed as a “transformation in Myra J. Cazolas of Lincolnshire passed away July 10,
site. Arrangements by Burnett-Dane Funeral Home
contraceptive care” by one advocate. ANDREW HARNIK/AP 2015 2023. Loving and cherished
in Libertyville. For info: 847-362-3009 or share a
wife of a lifetime to Anthony
memory at

Contraception over reproductive health, history of breast cancer R. Cazolas; beautifully giv-
Sign Guestbook at
ing mother of Casandra
including last year’s rever- should not take the pill (Edmund) Zarek, Carrie
from Page 1 sal of Roe v. Wade, which because it could spur tumor (Sarah) Crawford-Cazolas, Lynn, Susan Dvorak
has upended abortion access growth. Colleen (Scott) Brueggeman Lynn Susan Dvorak, of Darien, 77, passed away
mation in access to contra- across the U.S. The FDA’s action applies and the late Catherine peacefully on July 11th, 2023.
ceptive care,” said Kelly That said, Opill’s approval only to Opill. It’s in an older Cazolas; cherished Nana of A visitation will be held on
Blanchard, president of is unrelated to the ongoing class of contraceptives, Jessica, Lauren, Alexandra, Sunday, July 16, 2023 from
Ibis Reproductive Health, court battles over the abor- sometimes called mini- Haley, Connor, Mattie, Christina, and Catherine. Her 11:00 am until 4:00 pm with a
service at 3:00 pm at Modell
a nonprofit group that tion pill mifepristone. And pills, that contain a single life was a celebration of love, family, and God. In
Funeral Home, 7710 S. Cass
supported the approval. anti-abortion groups have synthetic hormone and lieu of flowers please donate to Misericordia Home,
Ave, Darien. In lieu of flowers
6300 N Ridge Ave, Chicago, IL 60660.
“Hopefully this will help generally emphasized they generally carry fewer side memorial contributions in
people overcome those do not oppose contracep- effects than more popular Lynn’s name may be made to
barriers that exist now.” tives, which are used to combination hormone pills. the American Cancer Society,
Perrigo says Opill could prevent pregnancies, not But women’s health advo- Interment will be held privately. Additional informa-
Sign Guestbook at
be an important new option end them. cates hope the decision tion can be found at
for the estimated 15 million However, that has done paves the way for more over- Sign Guestbook at
U.S. women who currently little to ease fears that the-counter birth control Crane, William A. ‘Bill’
William Adams Crane died peacefully on July 6,
use no birth control or less contraception could some- options and, eventually, for 2023. Born November 23rd, 1925 to C. Joseph Crane Moran, Howard F.
effective methods, such as day become a target. When abortion pills to do the same. and Irene nee Adams, Bill grew up in Chicago and at- Howard Francis Moran, 96 years old of Grayslake
condoms. They are a fifth of the Supreme Court over- An outside panel of FDA tended Mt. Carmel High School. After graduation in Illinois passed away Tuesday July 11th, 2023. He
women who are child-bear- turned Roe, Justice Clarence advisers unanimously voted 1943 he joined the army and was stationed at Fort was born September 7, 1926 in Chicago to James
and Mabel Moran. Growing up near Wrigley Field,
ing age. Thomas wrote a separate in favor of the switch at a Sheridan and was honorably discharged in 1946.
as a child Howard enjoyed attending Cubs games
But how many women opinion in which he called hearing in May. He attended the University of Chicago graduating
outside the stadium hoping to catch a homerun
will actually gain access on his colleagues to put the Advocates were partic- with an MBA in 1951. For nearly 40 years, Bill was
ball on Waveland Ave. Howard graduated from Lane
in the Trust department of Harris Bank in Chicago. In
depends on the medication’s court’s same-sex marriage, ularly interested in Opill Tech High School where he excelled in his studies.
1960, he married Margaret nee Kerwin, and for their
price, which Perrigo plans to gay sex and contraception because it raised fewer nearly 63-year marriage were never apart. After his From there he enlisted in the Army Air Force. He
announce later this year. cases on the table. safety concerns. The pill was retirement, the two travelled the world touching proudly served during World War Il and trained as
“The reason why so many In the last year, the FDA first approved in the U.S. five down on every continent, spent many happy years an Aviation Cadet, Bombardier in a B-25 Mitchell. In
of us worked tirelessly has faced pressure from decades ago. with their daughters visiting the Mill Reef Club in addition, he served in the Korean War where he was
for years to get over-the- Democratic politicians, Newer birth control Antigua and at their home in Boca Grande, Florida. promoted to Sergeant. After his service, Howard
graduated from the University of Illinois with a
counter birth control pills health advocates and medi- pills typically combine two Bill taught Sunday School at Woodlands Academy of
degree in Mechanical Engineering. Upon gradua-
is to improve access ... cost cal professionals to improve hormones, estrogen and the Sacred Heart, was a lector at The Church of St.
tion, Howard worked at Fairchild Aircraft and Vern
shouldn’t be one of those access to birth control. The progestin, which can help Mary in Lake Forest for many years, and was a past
E. Alden where he met his wife Mary. From there
President and Life Director of Thresholds in Chicago.
barriers,” said Dr. Pratima American Medical Associa- make periods lighter and he was employed at Kraft Foods for over 40 years
He is survived and will be deeply missed by his wife
Gupta of the American tion and other leading medi- more regular. But their use Margaret, daughters Sarah and Helen and son-in- where he was awarded the J. L Kraft Jade Ring for
College of Obstetricians and cal groups backed Opill’s carries a heightened risk law Michiel. The funeral is for family only, and dona- outstanding service. Howard married the love of his
Gynecologists. application for over-the- of blood clots, and they tions can be made in his honor to Thresholds or The life. Mary Stanton and enjoyed over 69 loving years
Most older birth control counter status. shouldn’t be used by women Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago. and shared 9 children. Thomas Moran, Michael
pills cost $15 to $30 for a Birth control pills are at risk for heart problems, Sign Guestbook at (Donna) Moran, Daniel Moran, Patty (Steve) Heinze,
Peggy Bar (Steve), Katy (Roger) Wall, Kevin Moran,
month’s supply without available without a prescrip- such as those who smoke Molly (Sean) Ferrell, Tim Moran. His 12 loving grand-
insurance coverage. tion across much of South and are over 35. Hayes, Richard Grant children, Kyle (April), Shannon, Ryan, Connor, Daniel,
Over-the-counter medi- America, Asia and Africa. Opill has only progestin, Rick Hayes died on July 6, 2023 at age 52.
Griffin, Dillon, Kayla, McKenzie, Jack, Nolan, Braeden.
cines are generally much Perrigo submitted years which prevents pregnancy Howard was preceded in death by his parents James
cheaper than prescriptions, of research to the FDA to by blocking sperm from He was himself to the very
and Mabel, his brother James, and his sons Thomas
end, sometimes shaking his
but they typically aren’t show that women could reaching the cervix. It must and Daniel. A visitation is scheduled for Saturday
fist at the world and other
covered by insurance. understand and follow be taken around the same times admiring its beauty in
July 15th, 2023 from 10:30-11:00 AM, with the Mass
Forcing insurers to cover instructions for using the time daily to be most effec- the way only a true artist can.
commencing 11:00 AM, , St. Gilbert’s Church 301
over-the-counter birth pill. Thursday’s approval tive. In all of its messiness. In all
E. Belvidere Rd. Grayslake IL. Burial immediately
following mass, All Saints Cemetery, Des Plaines IL.
control would require a came despite some Common side effects of its complexity. In all of its
All funeral arrangements were entrusted to Strang
regulatory change by the concerns by FDA scien- include irregular vaginal raving color and madness.
Funeral Chapel & Crematorium 410 E. Belvidere Rd.
federal government, which tists about the company’s bleeding, headaches, dizzi- Grayslake, IL 60030. In lieu of flowers, please donate
women’s advocates are results, including whether ness and cramps, according He had big loves. And if you were lucky, you were
to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. For more
urging the Biden adminis- women with certain under- to the FDA. The label also one of them.
information log onto
tration to implement. lying medical conditions cautions that certain drugs
He was modern and old school all at the same time.
The FDA approval gives would understand that they can interfere with Opill’s
U.S. women another birth shouldn’t take the drug. In effectiveness, including His moodiness was its own art form; his vices were
control option amid the particular, the instructions medications for seizures, his charm. Sign Guestbook at
legal and political battles warn that women with a HIV and hypertension.
He inhaled the world, even though its fragrance Piet, Marcy Lynn
sometimes overwhelmed him. Marcy Lynn Piet, nee Meyers, age 72, of Buffalo
Grove, loving mother of
His spirit infused his food, his music, and his art. And Dana Ferdman and David
all of us who loved him. (AJ Balsamo) Piet; adored
grandmother of Dylan
So, sit back with a cocktail and raise your glass to Ferdman; devoted daughter
ON JULY 14 ... later.) from Congress, FBI Direc- Rick Hayes. of the late David and the
tor Louis Freeh removed late Dena Meyers; cherished
In 1789, igniting the French In 1933 Germany banned all his friend Larry Potts as the Oh god, how we will miss him. sister of the late Dr. Stuart
Revolution, the citizens of political parties except the bureau’s deputy director Sign Guestbook at Meyers and the late Andrea
Paris stormed the Bastille Nazi Party. because of controversy over (late Ted) Kohl; beloved aunt
prison and released seven Potts’ role in a deadly 1992 Hemmann, Oliver R. of Scott (Diane) Kohl and
inmates. In 1958 Iraq’s King Faisal II, FBI siege in Idaho. Oliver R. Hemmann, beloved husband of Beth Steve (Michelle) Kohl; treasured great
his entire household and his Holstein; Loving father of aunt of Jon (Amy) Kohl, Jordan (Josh)
In 1798 Congress passed prime minister were killed In 1997 the U.N. war crimes Amanda Ziupsnys, Michael Bauer, Jessica (Josh) Mark, Max, Abby,
and Rachel Kohl and great great aunt
the Sedition Act, making it in a coup by army officers. tribunal sentenced Bosnian Hemmann, and Katherine
(James) Cunningham. Fond to their children; dear friend to many.
a federal crime to publish Serb Dusan Tadic to 20 grandfather of Isabella and Marcy ALWAYS put family first before anything and
false, scandalous or mali- In 1965the American space years in prison for his part Charlotte; brother of Joann would do anything for Dana, David, AJ, and Dylan
cious writings about the U.S. probe Mariner 4 flew by in an “ethnic cleansing” (George) Juilly, Eugene whether it was right or completely insane. She
government. Mars, sending back photo- campaign against Muslim (Sylvia) Hemmann, Marilynn always told Dylan (her only grandson) that he was
graphs of the planet. civilians in 1992. (John) Neuenburg. A visita- her “Booey, angel and heartbeat” and he knows it
In 1853 C o m m o d o re tion will be held on Monday, forever and always. To say we are grateful for her,
Matthew Perry relayed to In 1966 eight student In 1999 Argentina and the July 17 at 10:30 AM until time of funeral service at is an understatement. Service Monday 10:00 a.m.
Japanese officials a letter nurses were killed in their British Falkland Islands 11:30 AM at Saint John Lutheran Church, 305 Circle, CT at The Chapel, 195 N. Buffalo Grove Rd., Buffalo
Grove (1 Blk N. of Lake Cook Rd.). The service will
from President Millard Fill- Southeast Side dormitory. ended a 17-year-old standoff, Forest Park, IL 60130. Memorials appreciated to
Saint John Lutheran Church (www.stjohnforestpark. be livestreamed on Marcy’s webpage at www.
more requesting trade rela- (Richard Speck would be resuming air links severed org) or Walther Christian Academy, 900 Chicago Ave. The interment will be
tions. convicted of murder and after the 1982 war. Also in Melrose Park, IL 60160. Arrangements by Brian private. In lieu of flowers, contributions to St. Jude
sent to prison, where he 1999 Major League Base- Powell Funeral Directors of Hinsdale. For informa- Children’s Research Hospital, or
In 1862 painter Gustav Klimt died in 1991, a day short of ball umpires voted to resign tion 630-703-9131 or www.powellfuneraldirectors. PAWS Chicago, Info: The
was born in Vienna. his 50th birthday.) Sept. 2 of that year and not com. Goldman Funeral Group (847) 478-1600.
work the final month of
In 1881 outlaw William In 1976 Jimmy Carter won the season. (The strategy
Bonney Jr., alias Billy the the Democratic presiden- collapsed, with baseball
Kid, was shot and killed by tial nomination on the first owners accepting the resig- Sign Guestbook at Sign Guestbook at
Sheriff Pat Garrett in Fort ballot in New York’s Madi- nations of 22 umpires.)
Sumner, N.M. son Square Garden.
In 2000 a Miami jury
Nicola Sacco and Soviet dissident ordered America’s biggest
In 1921
Bartolomeo Vanzetti were
In 1978
Anatoly Shcharansky was cigarette makers to pay Honor a Loved One with a
convicted in Dedham, convicted of treasonous nearly $145 billion in puni-
Mass., of killing a shoe
company paymaster and his
espionage and anti-Soviet
agitation, and sentenced
tive damages to ill Florida
smokers. (However, in 2003,
Death Notice in Chicago Tribune
guard. (Sacco and Vanzetti to 13 years’ hard labor. (He a state appeals court reversed It’s a final farewell; a sign of love and respect; an homage to a loved one’s life. Placing a
would be executed six years was released in 1986 and not only the award but also Death Notice shows you care, and is now more efficient than ever before with our NEW
later emigrated to Israel and the class action unifying Self Service tool.
changed his name to Natan hundreds of thousands of
Sharansky.) sick Florida smokers under Features of Self-Service
a single lawsuit; the Flor- • Instant notice creation and review • Enhance your notice by uploading
In 1980 the Republi- ida Supreme Court agreed • Real-time pricing photos and graphics
can national convention in May 2004 to review that • Pre-designed templates • Immediate, printable proof of notice
opened in Detroit, where decision.) Also in 2000
nominee-apparent Ronald actress Meredith MacRae of
Includes print listing in the Death Notice section of the Chicago Tribune, an online
Reagan told a welcoming television’s “Petticoat Junc-
notice with guestbook on
rally he and his supporters tion” died in Manhattan
were determined to “make Beach, Calif.; she was 56.
America great again.”
In 2001 Katharine Graham,
Lottery numbers In 1994 a wave of Hutu refu- the 84-year-old chair-
gees from Rwanda’s civil woman of the executive
For yesterday’s numbers war flooded across the committee of The Washing-
and recent drawings, go to border into Zaire, swamp- ton Post Co., suffered a head Visit: ing relief organizations. injury in a fall in Sun Valley,
or use your mobile device to Idaho. (She died three days
scan the code above. In 1995, under pressure later.)
12 Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, July 14, 2023

Powell, Norma Ann Tridimas, Sophia Margarita

Norma Ann Powell (nee Clarke), 85, of Naperville, IL,
passed away peacefully on July 11, 2023. Visitation
will be held on Sunday, July 16th from 12:00 pm
Sophia Margarita Tridimas, 41, passed away tragi-
cally on July 6, 2023. She
leaves behind a wonderful
to 2:00 pm at the Friedrich-Jones Funeral Home & son, Haralambos G. Tridimas,
Cremation Services, 44 S. Mill Street in Naperville, IL. age three. She is preceded
The visitation will be followed by a brief service at in death by her husband
2:00 pm. Interment will be private. In lieu of flowers, Theodore (Ted) Tridimas, fa-
donations can be made to the American Kidney ther in law George Tridimas,
Fund - For information and is survived by her par-
please call 630/355-0213 or visit wwww.friedrich- ents Haralambos (Bobby) for a complete obituary. Pafralides, Martha Pafralides
(Babcock), sister Despina, brother Philip, her in-
laws Maria Tridimas, Dan and Nicole (Tridimas)
Armstrong, and numerous loving aunts, uncles and
cousins both here in the U.S. and in Greece.
Sign Guestbook at
Sophia grew up in Palatine, IL. As a child she en-
Rothschild, Jan S joyed making jewelry at her parent’s bead shop and
Jan S. Rothschild, Age 75. riding horses with her mother and sister. She loved
Beloved wife of Edward M. Rothschild music, butterflies, and the color purple. Her impact
for 47 years. Loving mother of Michael on our lives will never be forgotten. Sophia married
(Caryn) Rothschild and Daniel (Bridget) her husband, Ted, in 2005. They lived in Cary, IL and
Rothschild. Proud Bubba of Olivia, Logan, were well liked by friends and neighbors.
and Henry. Cherished cousin and friend Interment will be private. In lieu of flowers, please
of many. Services Monday, 2PM at Chicago Jewish donate to the Ignite Center (,
Funerals, 195 N. Buffalo Grove Road (One block or to a similar non-profit charity of your choice.
north of Lake Cook Road) Buffalo Grove. Interment “Fare you well, fare you well
Shalom. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions I love you more than words can tell
may be made to Congregation Or Shalom, 21 Listen to the river sing sweet songs
Hawthorn Pkwy, Vernon Hills, IL 60061, www.orsha- To rock my soul” To attend the funeral live stream, please Robert Hunter
visit our website. Arrangements by Chicago Jewish Sign Guestbook at
Funerals – Buffalo Grove Chapel, 847.229.8822,
Weinberg, Jr., Michael
Michael Weinberg, Jr., 98, Chicago na-
tive and long-time resident of Highland
Park, Illinois, peacefully passed away at
Sign Guestbook at his Palm Desert, California residence on
July 10, 2023. He had an exceptional
Schramm, Charles career, including serving two terms as
We regret
g to announce the passing of Charles
Chairman of the Board of the Chicago
(Chuck) Schramm, 89, of
Highland Park. Chuck passed
Mercantile Exchange in the 1970s, during which By Jacqueline E. Mathews. © 2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. All rights reserved.
time he was instrumental in the creation of the
away early Wednesday morn-
International Monetary Market; owning, publish- ACROSS 51 Moral wrong Solutions
ing, surrounded by family.
ing and editing the Hyde Park Herald newspaper 1 Funny fellow 54 Marrying man
Chuck is preceded in death
in the 1950s; holding the position of Executive 4 __ over; read 56 Blaze
by his parents Mary (Pouba)
Director of the Lincoln Park Zoological Society in carefully 57 Gofer
and Maynard Schramm, and 9 Con man’s 58 Walkway
the 1960s, in which capacity he helped initiate the
his brother Thomas. He is sur- racket 59 Cowboy’s shoe
first Zoo Ball, and plan and build the Farm in the
vived by his loving wife of 68
Zoo; serving as Vice-President of Weinberg Bros. & 13 “__ with the 60 On your __; alert
years, Marcia (Orr), his four
Co. commodity futures brokerage firm for several Wind” 61 Make a smudge
children, Charles Jr. (Jaci), Robert (Terri), Susan (Jeff)
Kenyon, and Margie (Marc) Imyak, 11 grandchildren,
decades starting in the 1970s, and President of 14 Prize 62 Lodge
Rikki, Katie, Jake, Michala, Madeleine, Nicholas, Ryan,
American Futures Corporation in the 1980s and 15 Hollow cylinder
Jackson, Amanda, Ashley, Melanie, great-grandchild
early 1990s; trading as a floor broker on the Chi- 16 __ Scotia DOWN
Leah, and many cousins, nieces, and nephews. An
cago Mercantile Exchange for 37 years; and the 17 Hard to believe 1 Courts
informal visitation will be held on Monday, July 17,
first floor broker representative to the Commodity 19 Patriotic shout 2 Not changing
2023 from 10-12 p.m. at Briarwood Country Club,
Futures Trading Commission. A proud veteran of 20 Turns loose 3 British custom
WW II, as a sergeant in Patton’s Third Army, he 21 Beginning 4 __ up; matched
355 Deerfield Rd, Deerfield, IL, immediately followed
earned a Bronze Star for his actions in combat, 22 Angered socks
by a memorial service. For more information, please
and participated in the liberation of a Nazi con-
visit 24 Taipan fry pan 5 __ up;
centration camp. He was a proud alumnus of both
25 Spoke up confessed
the University of Chicago Laboratory School and
the University of Chicago, and was acknowledged
27 European capital 6 TV’s “The
by the University as its longest continuing donor,
city Amazing __”
30 Up in arms 7 Blunders
Sign Guestbook at having made contributions to it for 83 consecutive
31 Day, for one 8 Presidential 25 Like unwashed 43 Nail pounder
years. He was a founding member of Congrega- hair 45 Money, slangily
Telcser, Dorothy L. tion Solel in Highland Park (now Congregation 33 Ford’s party, for monogram
Dorothy L. Telcser, nee Harlib, 90, passed peacefully short 9 Smells awful 26 __ as a peacock 46 Blind as __
Makom Solel Lakeside), and his faith was impor-
at her New Buffalo, MI residence with 35 Timber wolf 10 National League 27 Envelop 47 The Bee Gees,
tant to him. Cherished son of the late Michael
her loving family at her side. Beloved
and Leila Weinberg; beloved husband of the late 36 End-of-term test team 28 Hostility e.g.
wife of the late State Representative
Joan Rusnak Weinberg for 68 wonderful years; 37 Beast 11 Suffix for honor 29 Lyrics 48 Ocean’s rise &
Arthur Telcser; adoring mother of Dr.
devoted brother to the late William Weinberg and 38 Mr. Brynner or reason 31 Count calories fall
Sharon Telcser and Karen (Dr. Marshall)
the late Lois Kanter; loving father of Michael Alan 39 Shut-eye 12 Track-and-field 32 Six sixths 49 Unsmiling
Garrick; fond grandmother of Dr. Rachel Garrick; 34 Annoying person 50 Facial center
Weinberg, Wendy Weinberg and Jill (Avrum) Miller; 40 For the __; inane event
devoted daughter of the late Peggy and Red Harlib;
adored grandfather of Bradley (Kerri Czopek) Miller, 41 Tyrant 13 African antelope 36 Failure 52 Small
loving sister of the late Melvin Harlib, Arlene (late
Lindsey (Scott) Williams, Michael Adam (Liz Myhre) 43 Truthful 18 Portals 37 Sow’s squeal appliance
James) Heffernan, and Daniel Harlib; doting aunt of
Tracey “BFF” Hoambrecker, Laura Therrien, Gary,
Weinberg and Joshua (Nika Arzoumanian) Wein- 44 Back talk 20 Run away 39 Ginger or 53 Fisherman’s
Alan, and Jeff Smith, and the late Scott L. Harlib; dear
berg; and great-grandfather of Jonah Williams; 45 Grades 23 Come __ nutmeg item
friend of Cindy O’Brien; loving granny to canines
devoted uncle and friend to many. Much gratitude 46 Room at the top money; inherit 40 Use a drill 55 Krypton or radon
Penny and Romeo. Dorothy was born in Milwaukee,
to his excellent caretakers Lanie Bulanon and 49 Misshapen wealth 42 Water park 56 J. Edgar
Winnie Parks. Interment private. No visitation. A folklore man 24 Cry loudly features Hoover’s org.
spent the first 88 years of her life in the Lakeview
memorial celebration of life will be held at a later
neighborhood of Chicago, and graduated Lakeview
date. Contributions in Michael’s memory may be
High School. She owned and operated Wilart Drugs
made to the University of Chicago, give.uchicago.
with her husband Art in the 1960s. Dorothy became
edu or Congregation Makom Solel Lakeside, www.
a leading real estate broker to Chicago’s lakefront
communities and was a longtime member of
Temple Sholom. Funeral services have been held.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be
made to the Jewish United Fund,, or
the Greater Chicago Food Depository, www.chica-

Sign Guestbook at

Torosian, Martin
Martin Torosian, age 91, of Lake Forest, Illinois,
husband of Amy, father of
Craig (Nancy), Brian, and
Jeffrey (Laura). Grandfather
Every life story
of Martin, Katherine, Natalie, deserves to be told.
John, and Edward. Funeral
Share your loved one’s story at
Wednesday, July 12, at 10
am at St. James Armenian
Church, 816 Clark Street,
Evanston, IL 60201. Interment
will be private.

Sign Guestbook at

Honor a Loved One

with a Death Notice
in Chicago Tribune
It’s a final farewell; a sign of love and respect; an homage to a loved
one’s life. Placing a Death Notice shows you care, and is now more
efficient than ever before with our NEW Self-Service tool.

Features of Self-Service
• Instant notice creation and review
• Real-time pricing
• Pre-designed templates
• Enhance your notice by
uploading photos and graphics
• Immediate, printable proof of notice

Includes print listing in the Death Notice section of the Chicago

Tribune, an online notice with guestbook on

Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, July 14, 2023 13




BUYING RECORD ALBUMS! Rock, Jazz & Blues. Proposals will be received for the following PROTECTION DIVISION improvements to Ohio Street bridge in the
Also vintage baseball cards! by Chicago Transit Authority through City of Chicago in Cook County. The scope of
847-343-1628 Electronic Submission to the Bid Office’s IN THE INTEREST OF work proposes to repair and rehabilitate FAP
E-Procurement Platform no later than 3:30 Melanie Stringer 383 Ohio Street at North Branch Chicago
P.M. on Monday, August 14, 2023 to the link River, and the Ohio Street Feeder approach

below: MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Jasmine Stringer bridges over the Union Pacific Railroad and
Buying Selling Vintage Toys / Figures (Mother) Kingsbury Street.
4 N Elmhurst Prospect Heights, IL portal/?tab=openOpportunities This bridge is currently listed in the Illinois (224) 377-8185 Req No.: B22OP00189R2, JUVENILE NO.: 23JA00405 Historic Bridge Structures List and has been
Request for Proposals (RFP) for Professional determined to be eligible for listing in the
Court Reporting Services for the CTA Law NOTICE OF PUBLICATION National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).
Department for three years with two one- Pursuant to 23 U.S.C 144(g) “Historic Bridge
BUYING TOY TRAINS year options. NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Jasmine Stringer Program”.
LIONEL, AMERICAN FLYER, HO, BRASS, PROPOSAL GUARANTEE: NONE (Mother), and Unknown (Father), Work includes repairs to the fixed and Stop wasting time searching for talent.
OLD TOYS,COIN OPERATED-GAMES,COKE Questions regarding this Bid must be respondents, and to All Whom It May movable spans. Steel repairs to major
submitted via Bonfire no later than 4:00 p.m. Concern, that on June 13, 2023, a petition components due to deterioration. Work on
Find the right talent with tribune
Dennis 630-319-2331
(CST) Tuesday, July 25, 2023. Questions will was filed under the Juvenile Court Act by the grid deck of the four bascule bridge publishing recruitment services.
not be accepted after this date and time. KIM FOXX in this court and that in the leaves includes removal and application
For additional information, please contact courtroom of Judge Levander Smith in the of a thin polymer overlay. Fixed spans
Sarah Villaseñor, Procurement Administrator, Cook County Juvenile Court Building, 1100 would receive a latex modified overlay. We work hard to make your talent search
Wanted: Oriental Rugs [email protected]. So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, ON The expansion joints would be replaced,
Any size/Any condition - for cash.
The contractor will be required to furnish August 18, 2023,at 11:00 AM in CALENDAR and concrete repairs performed on the easy. With our expansive network of
***CALL 773-575-8088***
certified copies of any and all Insurance 10 COURTROOM A, or as soon thereafter substructure components including the distinguished print and online publications
Policies required in relation to this contract as this case may be heard, an adjudicatory piers and counterweight pits. Steel and
prior to CTA’s execution. hearing will be held upon the petition to concrete color would match the existing and their respective reach and readership,
Chicago Transit Authority hereby gives notice have the minor declared to be a ward of the structure.
that it will affirmatively ensure that in regard court and for other relief under the Act. The bridge house will receive replacement you’ll have access to top talent from
to any contract entered into pursuant to windows, replacement of damaged roof coast-to-coast.
DOGS this advertisement, Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise will be afforded full opportunity
access hatch and louver, a new security
gate, partition wall repairs and concrete
to submit responses to this invitation and AND GUARDIANSHIP OF THE MINOR, TO repairs to the floor and walls. All repairs are Plus, enjoy advanced job matching and
will not be discriminated against on the TERMINATE YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND in kind to match the original structure. All
grounds of race, color or national origin in TO APPOINT A GUARDIAN WITH POWER TO existing transite panels (concrete product ad targeting technology, access print and
Labrador puppies 8152911370 consideration for an award. CONSENT TO ADOPTION. YOU MAY LOSE ALL that is reinforced with asbestos fibers) will
Freeport IL 400 Boys and girls PLEASE NOTE: The right is reserved to PARENTAL RIGHTS TO YOUR CHILD. IF THE be removed and replaced in the machine digital advertising opportunities, career
Akc Labrador puppies all colors first shot accept any proposal or to reject any and all PETITION REQUESTS THE TERMINATION OF rooms. Electrical and mechanical repairs fairs and more.
Boys $400 Girls $600 proposals. YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND APPOINTMENT to the movable bridge components and
CHICAGO TRANSIT AUTHORITY OF A GUARDIAN WITH POWER TO CONSENT upgrades to the lighting facilities are also
By: Ellen G. McCormack TO ADOPTION, YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL proposed. Extend your reach. Access customized
Vice President RIGHTS TO THE CHILD. Electronic copies of the plans are available
Standard Poodle 574-654-3104 Purchasing & Supply Chain by typing the following URL into a web technology. Simplify your search.
New Carlisle IN $2000 males and female July 14, 2023 UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled browser and then selecting the Ohio Street
Standard Poodles, black, available end 7/14/2023 7464493 to further written notices or publication Bridge over the North Chicago River link.
July. AKC Ch sire and dam with extensive
genetic testing, written health guarantee. CHICAGO TRANSIT AUTHORITY
notices of the proceedings in this case,
including the filing of an amended petition
Photos/videos on Facebook: NightWind ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS NOTICE
Standard Poodles. Veterinarian raised; or a motion to terminate parental rights. html
vaccinated, de-wormed, microchipped. OF TIME EXTENSION WITH NOTICE OF Written comments can be submitted by ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO FOLLOW UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and mailing them to the IDOT office. Comments
Notice is hereby given that the opening date show cause against the petition, the must be received by August 21, 2023, to be
heretofore advertised as Tuesday, July 18, allegations of the petition may stand considered part of the public record.
2023 has been extended to Tuesday, July 25, admitted as against you and each of you, All correspondence regarding this project
VIZSLA 563-380-6866 2023 no later than 2:00 P.M. for the following and an order or judgment entered. should be sent to:
MANCHESTER, IA $2500 MALE/FEMALE items Illinois Department of Transportation
CBJ VIZSLAS - OUTSTANDING BUSCH Req No.: B22OP04553, Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT 201 W. Center Court
BLOODLINES PRODUCING VERSATILE PUPS THAT Invitation for Bids (IFB) to Supply and Deliver COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS Schaumburg, IL 60196-1096
MAKE GREAT PETS, CAN COMPETE IN VARIOUS Substation and Gate House Batteries as July 14, 2023 7465028 Attn: Bureau of Design
AKC LEVEL EVENTS, AND ARE FANTASTIC required for a period of up to 36 months. Fawad Aqueel PE, PTOE
HUNTING PARTNERS. PROPOSAL GUARANTEE: NONE 7/14, 7/21, & 7/28/23 7464369
For additional information, please contact
Jerome Kurth, Procurement Administrator, NOTICE TO ALL SECTION 3
[email protected]. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK
Any contract resulting from this
ASSUMED advertisement will be awarded to the lowest CHILD PROTECTION DEPARTMENT CHILD
- Construction Management Associates is an
equal opportunity employer seeking all certified
responsive and responsible bidder.
NAMES Chicago Transit Authority hereby notifies all
Section 3 subcontractors and suppliers for bids
on the construction of Watch Court Water Meter
bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in Hot Box Installation, Elgin, IL. Job fair to be held
regard to any contract entered into pursuant Shamaria Carpenter
07/27/2023 at the Gale Borden Public Library,
Notice is hereby given, Pursuant to “An to this advertisement, Disadvantaged 270 N. Grove Ave, Elgin, IL 60120 Main Conf.
Business Enterprise will be afforded full MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Garmen Biah
Act in relation To the use of an Assumed Rm., 2nd Fl from 9:30AM to 1:30PM. For more
opportunity to submit bids in response to (Mother)
Business Name in the conduct or transaction information, please contact Construction Man-
of Business in The State” as amended, that this invitation and will not be discriminated agement Associates, Inc. 4015-80th St., Suite F,
against on the grounds of race, color, or JUVENILE NO.: 23JA00305
a Certification was filed by the Undersigned Kenosha, WI 53142. 262-942-3500.
with the County Clerk of Cook County File national origin in consideration for an award. 7/13 & 7/14/237464343
No. Y23010738 on the
Date: 06/24/2023 accept any bid or any part or parts thereof
or to reject any and all bids. NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Unknown (Father),
Under the Assumed Name of: Middlepath
CHICAGO TRANSIT AUTHORITY respondents, and to All Whom It May
Integrative and Functional Psychiatry
By: Ellen G. McCormack Concern, that on May 1, 2023, a petition
with the business located at:
Vice President was filed under the Juvenile Court Act by
4000 N. Montrose #618
Purchasing & Supply Chain KIM FOXX in this court and that in the
Chicago, Il, 60647
July 14, 2023 courtroom of Judge Diane Pezanoski in the
The true name and residence Address of
7/14/2023 7465325 Cook County Juvenile Court Building, 1100
the owner is: Sarah Ritter
So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, ON IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLI-
3024 N. Davlin Ct.
Chicago, IL, 60618
6/30, 7/7 & 7/14/2023 7458967
PROTECTION DIVISION hearing will be held upon the petition to GIA ROSS; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RE-
have the minor declared to be a ward of the CORD CLAIMANTS; Defendant(s). CASE NO.
IN THE INTEREST OF court and for other relief under the Act. 2023CH05616 Property Address: 1132 THOMAS
Notice is hereby given, Pursuant to “An Destini Hill-Brooks AVENUE FOREST PARK, IL 60130 Perkins Calen-
Act in relation To the use of an Assumed THE COURT HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS dar Chancery/Foreclosure Calendar 62 NOTICE
Business Name in the conduct or transaction MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Stephanie CASE TO TAKE FROM YOU THE CUSTODY FOR PUBLICATION The requisite affidavit for
of Business in The State” as amended, that Brooks (Mother) AND GUARDIANSHIP OF THE MINOR, TO publication having been filed, notice is hereby
a Certification was filed by the Undersigned TERMINATE YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND given you, UNKNOWN HEIRS AND LEGATEES
No. Y23010780 on the CONSENT TO ADOPTION. YOU MAY LOSE ALL NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS; , defendants in the
Date: July 12, 2023 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION PARENTAL RIGHTS TO YOUR CHILD. IF THE above entitled cause, that suit has been com-
Under the Assumed Name of: Vicki Ling PETITION REQUESTS THE TERMINATION OF menced against you and other defendants in
with the business located at: NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Unknown (Father),, YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND APPOINTMENT the Circuit Court for the Judicial Circuit by said
880 North Lake Shore Drive Apt 17C respondents, and to All Whom It May OF A GUARDIAN WITH POWER TO CONSENT plaintiff praying for the foreclosure of a certain
Chicago, ILLINOIS, 60611 Concern, that on July 5, 2023, a petition TO ADOPTION, YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL mortgage conveying the premises described as
The true name and residence Address of was filed under the Juvenile Court Act by RIGHTS TO THE CHILD. follows, to wit: LOT 30 IN BLOCK 21 COMSTOCK
the owner is: Nan Ling KIM FOXX in this court and that in the AND DRESSEL’S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCKS 1, 11,
880 North Lake Shore Drive Apt 17C courtroom of Judge Levander Smith in the UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled 12 AND 21 OF JOSEPH K. DUNLOP’S SUBDIVI-
Chicago, Illinois, 60611 Cook County Juvenile Court Building, 1100 to further written notices or publication SION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTH EAST
7/14, 7/21, 7/28/2023 7465654 So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, ON notices of the proceedings in this case, QUARTER AND THAT PART OF THE EAST ONE
August 7, 2023,at 9:00 AM in CALENDAR including the filing of an amended petition THIRD OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTH WEST
10 COURTROOM A, or as soon thereafter or a motion to terminate parental rights. QUARTER LYING SOUTH EAST OF THE CENTER
as this case may be heard, an adjudicatory OF DES PLAINES AVENUE IN SECTION 13, TOWN-
hearing will be held upon the petition to UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and SHIP 39 NORTH, RANGE 12, EAST OF THE THIRD
have the minor declared to be a ward of the show cause against the petition, the PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLI-
court and for other relief under the Act. allegations of the petition may stand
LEGAL NOTICES admitted as against you and each of you,
NOIS P.I.N.: 15-13-427-013-0000 Said property
is commonly known as 1132 THOMAS AVENUE,
GOVERNMENT/EDUCATION THE COURT HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS and an order or judgment entered. FOREST PARK, IL 60130 and which said mort-

CASE TO TAKE FROM YOU THE CUSTODY gage(s) was/were made and recorded in the
AND GUARDIANSHIP OF THE MINOR, TO Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT Office of the Recorder of Deeds as Document
TO APPOINT A GUARDIAN WITH POWER TO July 14, 2023 7465035 Summons was duly issued out of the above
CONSENT TO ADOPTION. YOU MAY LOSE ALL Court against you as provided by law and that
PETITION REQUESTS THE TERMINATION OF less you, the said above named defendants, file
YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND APPOINTMENT your answer to the complaint in the said suit or

IN THE INTEREST OF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK otherwise make your appearance therein, in the
Alexandria Sandifer
MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Gabriella PROTECTION DIVISION taken against you at any time after that date
UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled and a Judgment entered in accordance with the
Raimondi (Mother)
to further written notices or publication IN THE INTEREST OF prayer of said complaint. E-filing is now manda-
notices of the proceedings in this case, Skiler Ross Soul Ross tory for documents in civil cases with limited
including the filing of an amended petition exemptions. To e-file, you must first create an
or a motion to terminate parental rights. MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Elaine Stahi account with an e-filing service provider. Visit
UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and htm to learn more and to select a service pro-
NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Unknown (Father),
show cause against the petition, the JUVENILE NO.: 23JA00290 23JA00291 vider. If you need additional help or have trou-
respondents, and to All Whom It May
allegations of the petition may stand ble e-filing, visit
Concern, that on October 19, 2022, a
petition was filed under the Juvenile Court
Act by KIM FOXX in this court and that
admitted as against you and each of you,
and an order or judgment entered.


gethelp.asp. This communication is an attempt
to collect a debt and any information obtained
will be used for that purpose. Diaz Anselmo &
to place your ad, visit
in the courtroom of Judge Lewis in the
Cook County Juvenile Court Building, 1100
So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois,
July 14, 2023 7465032
(Father), respondents, and to All Whom It
May Concern, that on April 26, 2023, a
petition was filed under the Juvenile Court
Associates, LLC Attorneys for Plaintiff 1771
West Diehl Road, Suite 120 Naperville, IL 60563
Telephone: (630) 453-6960 Facsimile: (630) 428-
or call 312 222 2222
ON October 19, 2023,at 10:30 AM in
CALENDAR 8 COURTROOM H, or as soon Act by KIM FOXX in this court and that in 4620 Attorney No. Cook 64727, DuPage 293191
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NILES the courtroom of Judge Levander Smith
thereafter as this case may be heard, an Service E-mail: [email protected]
PARK DISTRICT GOLF MILL PARK EAST – in the Cook County Juvenile Court Building,
adjudicatory hearing will be held upon the 8120-934424
PHASE 2 IMPROVEMENTS 1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois,
petition to have the minor declared to be a 7/7, 7/14, 7/21/20237461869
The Niles Park District invites the community ON September 19, 2023,at 10:00 AM in
ward of the court and for other relief under to attend a public hearing regarding
the Act. CALENDAR 10 COURTROOM A, or as soon
proposed Phase 2 improvements to Golf thereafter as this case may be heard, an
Mill Park East. The purpose of the hearing adjudicatory hearing will be held upon the
THE COURT HAS AUTHORITY IN THIS is to seek input on the preliminary plan. The
CASE TO TAKE FROM YOU THE CUSTODY petition to have the minor declared to be a
Niles Park District is considering applying ward of the court and for other relief under
AND GUARDIANSHIP OF THE MINOR, TO for an Open Space Land Acquisition and
Development (OSLAD) Grant through the
TO APPOINT A GUARDIAN WITH POWER TO Illinois Department of Natural Resources
(IDNR) for the proposed Golf Mill Park East CASE TO TAKE FROM YOU THE CUSTODY
PARENTAL RIGHTS TO YOUR CHILD. IF THE - Phase 2 improvements. The public hearing
will be held at Howard Leisure Center TERMINATE YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND
YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND APPOINTMENT at 6:00 pm on July 18, 2023, prior to the
Regular Park Board Meeting. The preliminary CONSENT TO ADOPTION. YOU MAY LOSE ALL
TO ADOPTION, YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL plan will be presented to the public and
open comments will be accepted from the PETITION REQUESTS THE TERMINATION OF
community. A representative from the Niles YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND APPOINTMENT
UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled Park District will be available for discussion

Selling Your Car?

to further written notices or publication OF A GUARDIAN WITH POWER TO CONSENT
and to answer questions. All members of TO ADOPTION, YOU MAY LOSE ALL PARENTAL
notices of the proceedings in this case, the community are invited to attend. Any
including the filing of an amended petition RIGHTS TO THE CHILD.
inquires may be directed to Tom Elenz,
or a motion to terminate parental rights. Executive Director of the Niles Park District, UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled
at 847-583-2722 or by email at tome@niles- to further written notices or publication
UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and The Niles Park District values your
show cause against the petition, the notices of the proceedings in this case,
feedback. including the filing of an amended petition
allegations of the petition may stand
admitted as against you and each of you,
7/14/23 7465622 or a motion to terminate parental rights. reach your buyers at
and an order or judgment entered. LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS
COUNTY OF COOK UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and
Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT show cause against the petition, the
COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS In the matter of the revision of the allegations of the petition may stand
July 14, 2023 7465036 assessment of Real Property for 2023: admitted as against you and each of you,
and an order or judgment entered.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the
provisions of Section 14-35 of the Illinois Iris Y. Martinez, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT
Property Tax Code (35 ILCS 200/14-35) that COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS
the Assessor of Cook County will sit for the July 14, 2023 7465031
purpose of reviewing the proposed 2023
assessment of Real Property located in the
following township(s) or taxing district(s) in
The right place to advertise
PROTECTION DIVISION Identified also as Area(s) 08, under the PROTECTION DIVISION
Permanent Real Estate Index Numbering
Amiah Harris
System of Cook County. IN THE INTEREST OF
Tchelcie Delice
your Merchandise, Pets, Auto,
The last date within which applications
MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Lona Brandt for revisions of assessment (Real Estate
Assessed Valuation Appeals) may be filed
MINOR(S) CHILD(REN) OF Enise Delice Real Estate, Tag Sales & Flea Markets,
(Mother) (Mother)


for consideration at such sitting is August
7, 2023. JUVENILE NO.: 23JA00256
Vacation Property, Wanted to
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Such sitting will be held at the office of the
Assessor of Cook County, Room 301, in the
NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Joshua Harris County Building, 118 North Clark Street, NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, Pascal Martin
(Father), respondents, and to All Whom Chicago, Illinois 60602, and will continue (Father) & Unknown (Father), respondents,
It May Concern, that on June 6, 2023, a thereafter from day to day as necessary and to All Whom It May Concern, that on
petition was filed under the Juvenile Court until all such revisions in said township(s) or April 6, 2023, a petition was filed under the
Act by KIM FOXX in this court and that in taxing district(s) have been completed. Juvenile Court Act by KIM FOXX in this court
the courtroom of Judge Levander Smith and that in the courtroom of Judge Diane
in the Cook County Juvenile Court Building, Done by the Assessor of Cook County this Pezanoski in the Cook County Juvenile
1100 So. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, 14th day of July, 2023. Court Building, 1100 So. Hamilton Avenue,
ON August 15, 2023,at 11:30 AM in Chicago, Illinois, ON September 22, 2023,at
thereafter as this case may be heard, an ASSESSOR OF COOK COUNTY or as soon thereafter as this case may be
adjudicatory hearing will be held upon the July 14, 2023 - 7465596 heard, an adjudicatory hearing will be held
petition to have the minor declared to be a upon the petition to have the minor declared
ward of the court and for other relief under to be a ward of the court and for other relief
the Act. under the Act.


UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled UNLESS YOU appear, you will not be entitled
to further written notices or publication to further written notices or publication
notices of the proceedings in this case, notices of the proceedings in this case,
including the filing of an amended petition including the filing of an amended petition
or a motion to terminate parental rights. or a motion to terminate parental rights.

UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and UNLESS YOU appear at the hearing and
show cause against the petition, the show cause against the petition, the
allegations of the petition may stand allegations of the petition may stand
admitted as against you and each of you, admitted as against you and each of you,
and an order or judgment entered. and an order or judgment entered.

July 14, 2023 7465033 July 14, 2023 7465038
14 Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Friday, July 14, 2023


Partly to mostly sun- Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night
ny. A few storms
likely in the evening.
Highs in the mid- to
upper 80s.
High: 86 Low: 70 High: 84 Low: 68 High: 85 Low: 65 High: 79 Low: 63 High: 82 Low: 65 High: 83 Low: 69
Some sun with a shower Mostly sunny with a Partly sunny Mostly sunny and Mostly sunny and Variable clouds with a
and t-storm; warmer thunderstorm in spots pleasant pleasant stray thunderstorm
Meteorologists Larry Mowry,
Cheryl Scott, Jaisol Martinez, POP: 90% POP: 40% POP: 20% POP: 15% POP: 10% POP: 40%
Tracy Butler and Greg Dutra Winds: WSW 6-12 mph Winds: WSW 6-12 mph Winds: W 7-14 mph Winds: WNW 6-12 mph Winds: W 6-12 mph Winds: SSE 7-14 mph


Friday Conditions 88/68 Racine
8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m. 8 p.m. 94/65 85/70 UV Index™ Janesville 92/66
85/66 Lake Geneva Twin Lakes Kenosha
2 4 8 6 4 1 0
91/67 84/65 86/66 LAKE MICHIGAN 87/68 QUESTION: How
RealFeel Temperature® 93/65 Friday Jaisol Martinez
75 83 91 92 95 88 88 Beloit 95/64 96/65 many tornadoes
Wind southwest at 6-12 knots. Seas
85/66 Antioch Waukegan less than a foot. Visibility under 2 miles have there been in Illinois this
Friday Activities 91/66 Woodstock
8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m. 8 p.m.
87/67 8 6/67 in an afternoon thunderstorm. Water year?
Belvidere 85/66 94/64 temperature: 74.
Golfing Index 91/65 96/67
6 4 4 0 2 5 0 84/66 Libertyville Highland Park Boating Index
8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m. 8 p.m.
93/66 86/68 ANSWER: So far this year, Illinois
Fishing Index Marengo 94/67 86//68 6 6 6 6 6 3 6
4 6 6 6 6 6 0 Rockford 84/66 94//65 has had the most tornadoes out
The higher the UV Index
84/66 93/64 Saturday of any state in the United States.
number, the greater the need for eye and skin 93/65 Arlingtoon Heights Wind from the west-southwest at 6-12
protection. 0-2 Low, 3-5 Moderate, 6-7 High, knots. Seas less than a foot. Visibility Before Wednesday’s tornado out-
8-10 Very High, 11+ Extreme. The patented Hampshire 87/69 RealFeel Temperature is an 83/66 95/67 under 2 miles in a thunderstorm. Water break, there were 100 confirmed
Rochelle Elgin temperature: 74.
exclusive index of effective temperature based
84/64 92/63 Evanston tornadoes in the state of Illinois.
on eight weather factors. Golf and Fishing 85/68 85/70 Boating Index: 0-2: Poor; 3-4: Fair; 5-6: Good;
Indexes: 0-2: Poor; 3-4: Fair; 5-6: Good; 7-8: Very 95/63 95/65 Bartlett O’Hare 94/67 7-8: Very Good; 9-10: Excellent. We will be adding several to that
Good; 9-10: Excellent. DeKalb number from Wednesday’s storm.
84/66 85/68 86/70
Aurora 94/65 96/67 Chicago-ddowntown The National Weather Service will
CHICAGO ALMANAC 93/64 85/66 87/69
Naperville Michigan City be conducting surveys throughout
Thursday Temperatures 96/66 96/66 88/66
O’Hare through 4 p.m.
Plano 86/68 Midway the next few days to confirm how
85/66 97/67 89/71 97/63
High 78 95/65 Gary many tornadoes touched down in
Compton 95/668
Low 63 83/65 Joliet Hammond 89/66 our area.
Normal high 85 92/63 Yorkville 88/68 Orland Paark 89/67 98/65
Normal low 67 Leland 86/67 99/69 88/69 96/65 Laa Porte
85/66 96/66 89/66
Record high 104 (1995) Mendota 96/65 95/67 955/65
Record low 52 (1975) 85/65 Chicago Heights s
94/63 89/67 Valparaiso
Local Temperatures 97/65 Crown Point 89/66
through 6 p.m. Thursday Normal Morris 90//66 97/65
Location Hi Lo Hi Lo 88/68 Peotone 98//63
Aurora 75 60 85 62 La Salle Ottawa 100/66 88/67 La Crossee
Gary 73 66 85 65 87/66 88/67 98/65 Momence 91/66
Kankakee 77 63 85 65 99/63 99/65 Braidwood
Lansing 78 64 84 65 89/68 89/66 98/63
100/65 Kankakee 99/63 Demotte
Midway 76 64 85 68 91/67
Romeoville 77 62 85 65 89/65 Franccesville Do you have a weather question for the
Streator 96/64 98/65
Valparaiso 75 64 85 64
89/66 Dwight 91/67 7 ABC 7 team? Submit them at
Waukegan 72 61 82 62 St. Annne 96/64 4
100/63 89/67 or send them to:
Thursday Precipitation 99/64 90/66 6 Ask ABC 7 Weather Team
2023 2022 Normal 99/63 190 N. State Street
Thursday* 0.21” 0.00” 0.12” Chicago, IL 60601
Shown is Friday’s weather. Temperatures are Friday’s highs and Friday nightt’s lows with high and low
w RealFeel Temperatures shown below.
Month to date 5.52” 1.57” 1.47”
Year to date 20.84” 20.16” 20.22”
*24-hour period ending 4 p.m. Thursday
Pollen as of 7/12 Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Fri. Sat.
Trees Grass Weeds Mold City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W
Absent Absent Absent High 73/47 Illinois
Source: National Allergy Bureau Carbondale 93/71/t 88/68/t
Seattle Montreal Champaign 91/68/t 87/64/t
Air Quality Index 84/59 81/65 Decatur 92/69/t 85/67/t
Thursday’s reading Billin
Moline 91/66/t 87/65/t
83/58 Minneapolis Toronto
Moderate Peoria 92/69/t 86/67/t
89/66 80/66 Quincy 94/67/t 87/64/pc
Friday’s forecast
Detroiit Rockford 84/66/t 86/63/t
Moderate Springfield 92/69/t 86/65/t
Primary pollutant Particulates New York Sterling 87/65/t 84/60/t
Source: San Francisco Chicago 82/72 Indiana
6/55 Bloomington 92/71/pc 83/66/t
Sun and Moon Washington Evansville 94/71/t 84/68/t
Fri. Sat. 84/74 Fort Wayne 88/67/pc 78/65/t
Sunrise 5:28 a.m. 5:28 a.m. Denver Indianapolis 89/71/pc 81/68/t
Sunset 8:25 p.m. 8:24 p.m. 82/59 Kansas City Lafayette 92/69/pc 81/65/t
Los Angelles 89/68
Moonrise 2:24 a.m. 3:07 a.m. South Bend 88/68/t 83/64/t
Moonset 6:27 p.m. 7:25 p.m.
New First Full Last Green Bay 88/64/t 87/61/t
Atlanta Kenosha 87/68/t 86/65/t
91/74 La Crosse 89/64/t 86/60/s
El Paso Madison 88/66/t 86/62/pc
104/80 Milwaukee 88/72/t 83/68/t
Jul 17 Jul 25 Aug 1 Aug 8 Wausau 83/60/t 82/57/pc
Friday’s Planet Watch Michigan
Rise Set Chihuahua Hou
uston Detroit 85/69/t 79/66/t
102/76 99/78 Grand Rapids 84/68/t 80/63/t
Mercury 6:39 a.m. 9:21 p.m. Miamii Marquette 77/58/t 75/52/t
Venus 8:34 a.m. 9:59 p.m. Monteerrey 94/8
80 Sault Ste. Marie 74/59/t 77/59/t
Mars 8:55 a.m. 10:26 p.m. 103/73
3 Traverse City 86/64/t 84/63/t
Jupiter 1:04 a.m. 2:55 p.m.
Saturn 10:34 p.m. 9:23 a.m. Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice Cold front Warm front Stationary front
Ames 83/65/t 86/63/s
Best viewing times today: Venus: 8:55 Cedar Rapids 87/64/t 85/62/s
p.m. Mars: 8:55 p.m. Jupiter: 5 a.m. Des Moines 85/66/t 87/65/s
Saturn: 5 a.m. Mercury: 8:55 p.m. -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s Dubuque 84/66/t 84/61/s


Fri. Sat. Fri. Sat. Fri. Sat. Fri. Sat. Fri. Sat.
City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W
Abilene 105/79/s 99/76/s Fairbanks 70/55/sh 62/56/r Palm Beach 94/79/t 94/76/t Acapulco 91/77/pc 92/76/c Kyiv 76/60/r 81/60/s
Albany, NY 82/67/t 89/69/t Fargo 83/56/t 77/54/s Palm Springs 118/91/s 120/93/s Algiers 92/72/s 91/76/s Lima 73/67/c 74/66/pc
Albuquerque 103/72/s 99/69/s Flagstaff 92/55/s 94/52/s Philadelphia 86/71/t 90/74/t Amsterdam 73/64/pc 76/61/t Lisbon 82/65/s 79/61/s
Amarillo 98/67/c 87/66/pc Fort Myers 96/77/t 97/77/t Phoenix 114/90/s 117/91/s Ankara 94/64/s 89/59/s London 69/58/r 68/56/t
Anchorage 64/53/c 56/50/r Fort Smith 94/74/t 92/75/pc Pittsburgh 85/66/t 87/68/t Athens 101/80/s 103/82/s Madrid 99/69/s 94/63/s
Asheville 84/67/t 82/66/t Fresno 105/74/s 110/78/s Portland, ME 79/66/t 79/66/t Auckland 61/54/pc 62/54/c Manila 86/78/t 88/78/t
Aspen 83/44/s 83/46/s Grand Junction 100/64/s 97/63/s Portland, OR 93/62/s 95/62/s Baghdad 115/85/pc 116/84/pc Mexico City 79/55/t 83/57/pc
Atlanta 91/74/t 90/74/t Great Falls 80/52/pc 88/56/s Providence 79/70/t 85/70/t Bangkok 95/80/t 94/82/t Monterrey 103/73/s 101/73/pc
Atlantic City 83/75/t 83/74/t Harrisburg 87/71/t 90/73/t Raleigh 89/73/t 87/74/t Barbados 88/79/pc 88/79/pc Montreal 81/65/t 84/70/pc
Austin 101/76/pc 101/75/s Hartford 81/72/t 87/72/t Rapid City 83/56/t 83/56/s Barcelona 85/73/s 84/73/s Moscow 61/56/sh 63/55/pc
Baltimore 85/72/t 91/76/t Helena, MT 85/55/s 90/57/s Reno 100/67/s 107/69/s Beijing 97/74/pc 92/68/s Munich 82/61/pc 95/64/s
Billings 83/58/s 88/59/s Honolulu 89/74/s 89/76/sh Richmond 87/72/t 90/74/t Beirut 91/79/s 90/79/s Nairobi 76/54/pc 76/54/pc
Birmingham 90/74/t 91/75/t Houston 99/78/pc 101/81/s Rochester 82/62/t 86/67/t Berlin 79/64/pc 96/70/pc Nassau 89/80/t 91/79/t
Bismarck 84/55/t 79/52/s Int’l Falls 78/50/pc 69/48/s Sacramento 103/61/s 108/67/s Bermuda 85/76/s 85/77/s New Delhi 90/80/t 89/77/r
Boise 96/65/s 101/69/s Jackson, MS 91/74/t 95/77/t St. Louis 96/73/t 90/72/t Bogota 66/50/t 67/49/t Oslo 75/56/t 65/60/r
Boston 80/70/t 83/70/t Jacksonville 93/75/t 93/75/t Salem, OR 94/59/s 97/58/s Brussels 79/64/pc 78/59/t Ottawa 82/60/t 82/68/t
Brownsville 98/80/s 99/80/s Juneau 80/56/pc 74/55/c Salt Lake City 94/68/s 98/74/s Bucharest 94/70/s 93/66/s Panama City 88/75/t 86/74/t
Buffalo 83/67/t 84/69/t Kansas City 89/68/t 89/67/s San Antonio 103/77/s 103/78/s Budapest 87/61/pc 93/65/s Paris 89/67/pc 77/59/t
Burlington, VT 81/66/t 86/72/t Las Vegas 111/86/s 115/87/s San Diego 78/66/s 74/66/s Bueno Aires 52/46/pc 57/41/pc Prague 84/58/pc 95/67/s
Charleston, SC 92/78/t 92/77/t Lexington 91/72/pc 82/69/t San Francisco 76/55/pc 80/58/s Cairo 101/77/s 102/78/s Rio de Janeiro 72/64/pc 73/64/pc
Charleston, WV 84/68/t 86/68/t Lincoln 82/62/t 91/64/t San Juan 91/79/s 90/79/t Cancun 94/79/s 92/79/t Riyadh 111/87/pc 114/88/s
Charlotte 91/72/t 90/74/t Little Rock 90/76/t 94/77/pc Santa Fe 98/61/s 92/60/pc Caracas 92/76/t 92/75/c Rome 89/72/s 89/70/s
Chattanooga 90/74/t 90/73/t Los Angeles 89/64/s 90/67/s Savannah 93/76/t 93/75/t Casablanca 91/68/s 84/68/pc Santiago 61/42/pc 59/40/c
Cheyenne 75/55/t 77/56/t Louisville 92/73/pc 85/69/t Seattle 84/59/s 85/60/s Copenhagen 71/62/pc 78/63/pc Seoul 80/74/t 82/73/t
Cincinnati 90/70/pc 82/69/t Macon 92/74/t 91/74/t Shreveport 97/79/pc 97/79/pc Dublin 63/54/r 63/54/t Singapore 87/77/t 89/79/t
Cleveland 85/70/pc 83/67/t Memphis 88/77/t 92/75/t Sioux Falls 82/62/t 86/60/pc Edmonton 75/50/pc 76/53/c Sofia 91/65/s 90/64/t
Colorado Spgs 84/59/s 76/54/t Miami 94/80/t 95/79/t Spokane 91/64/s 94/66/s Frankfurt 85/62/pc 87/64/t Stockholm 71/52/t 73/60/pc
Columbia, MO 95/71/t 92/68/pc Minneapolis 89/66/pc 85/62/pc Syracuse 84/64/t 90/71/t Geneva 88/63/pc 92/65/pc Sydney 73/54/s 75/55/pc
Columbia, SC 92/75/t 89/76/t Mobile 91/78/t 91/77/t Tallahassee 88/75/t 89/77/t Guadalajara 89/64/t 87/62/t Taipei 98/81/pc 98/82/pc
Columbus, OH 89/69/pc 84/68/t Montgomery 91/75/t 94/76/t Tampa 94/80/t 94/82/t Havana 95/74/t 92/73/t Tehran 102/84/s 104/84/s
Concord 79/67/t 85/69/t Nashville 91/75/t 86/71/t Topeka 95/71/t 92/67/s Helsinki 72/52/pc 75/53/t Tokyo 86/78/c 90/80/c
Corpus Christi 98/80/s 96/78/s New Orleans 94/80/t 92/81/t Tucson 108/85/pc 110/85/pc Hong Kong 95/84/sh 98/84/pc Toronto 80/66/pc 77/66/t
Dallas 105/82/s 102/79/s New York City 82/72/t 86/74/t Tulsa 92/70/t 90/71/pc Istanbul 96/77/s 91/72/s Trinidad 87/77/t 85/78/t
Daytona Beach 91/75/t 93/76/t Norfolk 87/74/t 88/77/t Washington, DC 84/74/t 89/77/t Jerusalem 93/70/s 94/70/s Vancouver 74/57/s 75/59/c
Denver 82/59/pc 82/59/t Oklahoma City 94/71/pc 87/71/pc Wichita 89/69/t 91/69/pc Johannesburg 58/37/s 56/41/pc Vienna 84/63/pc 93/70/s
Duluth 81/59/s 73/53/pc Omaha 80/64/t 89/65/pc Wilkes-Barre 85/67/t 88/70/t Kabul 96/65/s 95/68/s Warsaw 79/58/pc 89/66/s
El Paso 104/80/pc 103/79/pc Orlando 94/76/t 95/77/t Yuma 113/88/s 114/89/s Kingston 92/82/t 93/82/s Winnipeg 73/47/pc 68/48/pc
Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice. POP: Probability of Precipitation. Forecasts and graphics, except for the WLS-TV/ABC7 Chicago content, provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2023

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Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, July 14, 2023 1


Kraft Heinz to add 150 jobs in DeKalb with new distribution center
By Talia Soglin products to venues such as restau- the facility for 15 years, said Paul company’s Chicago headquarters $6.5 billion in the first quarter, an
Chicago Tribune rants and stadiums. Borek, executive director of the are located in the Aon Center in increase of 7.3% over the year.
The facility is expected to bring DeKalb County Economic Devel- the Loop; it also has a research and The company saw an increase in
Packaged foods giant Kraft more than 150 permanent jobs to opment Corporation. The planned development center in Glenview. demand during the pandemic, as
Heinz plans to open a $400 million, the area, the company said. facility is located within the DeKalb The company said it employs more consumers looked to stock up on
775,000-square-foot distribu- “The DeKalb distribution center County Enterprise Zone, which than 3,300 people in Illinois. shelf-stable foods to eat at home.
tion center in DeKalb in 2025, the is expected to play a critical role in makes it eligible for the property In a statement, DeKalb Mayor Also in 2020, it announced plans to
company said Thursday. our larger distribution strategy,” tax abatement as well as for a sales Cohen Barnes praised the project, cut $2 billion in costs over five years,
The Jell-O and Lunchables said Carlos Abrams-Rivera, exec- tax exemption on building mate- saying the jobs brought to the area putting the savings into marketing
maker said the facility, which will utive vice president and president, rials used to construct the facility, would “have a positive and lasting brands with high growth potential,
use automated technology, will North America, at Kraft Heinz, in Borek said. impact on our residents.” including Lunchables and Heinz
distribute more than 60% of the a statement. “It’s a testament to the The Enterprise Zone program is “This positive impact is ketchup, in an effort to become
company’s food service business dynamic, out-of-the-box thinking of administered jointly by the state and compounded by the additional more relevant to consumers.
and about 30% of its dry goods busi- our supply chain teams whose work local municipalities, Borek said. diversification of our tax base, The company renovated its Aon
ness, including products like Heinz enables us to operate with greater Kraft Heinz, which is co-head- which will spur further interest in Center headquarters in 2021, when
ketchup and Kraft Mac & Cheese, efficiency and agility every day.” quartered in Chicago and Pitts- DeKalb for many years to come,” it had about 1,400 employees based
when completed. The company’s The company is receiving a 50% burgh, has six manufacturing and he said. there. At the time, it extended that
food service business provides abatement on its property taxes for distribution centers in Illinois. The Kraft Heinz reported net sales of lease into 2033.

Cows are milked on a large carousel at a dairy in Pickett, Wisconsin, in 2019. Wisconsin regulators can’t legally impose environmental regulations on factory farms before they
become operational, two farm advocacy groups allege in a lawsuit that could dramatically loosen protections against manure contamination in state waters. MORRY GASH/AP

Groups argue Wisconsin regulators can’t make

factory farms obtain preemptive pollution permits
By Todd Richmond factory farms, and the Venture Dairy Cooperative, of manure they generate. That would be a disaster for
Associated Press which lobbies for farmers. rural communities throughout Wisconsin.”
Peg Sheaffer, a spokesperson for environmental law Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce attorneys
Wisconsin regulators can’t legally impose envi- firm Midwest Environmental Advocates, called the Scott Rosenow and Nathan Kane didn’t immediately
ronmental regulations on factory farms before they lawsuit “a reckless attempt to dismantle water quality respond to a request for comment.
become operational, two farm advocacy groups allege protections in Wisconsin.” The farming industry and environmentalists have
in a lawsuit that could dramatically loosen protections “As (factory farms) continue to proliferate and been locked in a fierce back-and-forth over the regu-
against manure pollution in state waters. expand, the amount of manure they produce — and lation of factory farms, defined as farms with at least
Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, the the potential for spills — will only increase,” Sheaf- 1,000 animal units. According to the state Department
state’s largest business group, quietly filed the action fer said in a statement Thursday. “If this lawsuit is of Natural Resources, 262 such farms are currently
in Calumet County Circuit Court in May on behalf of successful, it could virtually eliminate any oversight
the Wisconsin Dairy Alliance, which advocates for of how (factory farms) dispose of the massive amount Turn to Farms, Page 3

Amazon marks its biggest sales day in

company history during Prime Day sale
By Lauren Rosenblatt was very simple, we wanted to have second sales event in October,
The Seattle Times a celebration of our members,” said dubbed Prime Early Access, in part
Jamil Ghani, the vice president of to kick-start the holiday season.
Amazon marked its largest sales Amazon Prime. “Over the years … Numerator’s analysis found
day ever Tuesday, the start of a we just keep on making the event shoppers this year favored lower
48-hour Prime Day sales event that bigger and bigger for our members. priced items. The average spend
saw shoppers spend billions to buy You see that in the results.” per item was $32, with 57% of items
more than 375 million items, the Amazon’s 2023 Prime Day purchased marked under $20 and
tech and e-commerce giant said surpassed its results from 2022. just 5% going for more than $100.
Thursday after the end of the sale. Savings increased from $1.7 billion About 6.5% of orders were
Online spending in the U.S. over to $2.5 billion. The total number of purchased through Buy Now Pay
the 48 hours of Prime Day clocked purchases rose from 300 million to Later, which allows customers
in at $12.7 billion, up 6.1% from the 375 million items. to pay for purchases over several
same event last year and setting a Tuesday, the first day of the installments, according to data
record for Prime Day, according to sale, marked the largest sales day from Adobe Analytics. Those sales An Amazon Prime logo appears on the side of a delivery van as it departs an
data from Adobe Analytics. in Amazon’s history, the company drove $927 million in revenue, up Amazon Warehouse location in Dedham, Massachusetts, in 2020.
The average order size was $54, said. 20% from the same event last year. STEVEN SENNE/AP
up from $52 during Prime Day This year’s event also recorded “For months, consumers have
2022, according to data and tech the largest number of Prime felt the effects of persistent infla- rising expenses related to trans- tion service.
company Numerator. This year, membership sign-ups of any previ- tion and an uncertain economic portation and wages. Since then, Ghani said Amazon will “take
65% of households shopping Prime ous Prime Day, Ghani said. He environment, and it has pushed it has worked to entice custom- lessons” from this year’s Prime
Day placed two or more orders, declined to share how many people shoppers to embrace more flexible ers with more benefits for the Day and turn its attention toward
bringing the average household signed up for the service. ways to manage their spending,” subscription, from the expansion the rest of the year, with a focus on
spend to $155. This year, Amazon included new said Vivek Pandya, lead analyst of one-day shipping to Thursday back-to-school shopping and then
Amazon’s Fire TV Stick with features like a filter to search only with Adobe Digital Insights. The Night football. the holiday gift-giving season. The
Alexa voice remote was the top for products from small businesses revenue growth from Buy Now Pay In the first three months of 2023, company will also focus on those
seller across the site worldwide, or the option to request an invita- Later “is a preview of what we can Amazon reported it made $9.6 new members who signed for a
Amazon said. Customers also tion to purchase popular prod- expect in the months ahead.” billion from subscriptions includ- Prime subscription and aim to
reached for lip balm, AirPods and ucts that Amazon thought could The annual Prime Day sales ing Prime and other digital and “have them stick around.”
a portable carpet cleaner. Numer- sell out. Amazon also offered Buy event is only available to shoppers audiobooks. That was a 17% jump Prime “represents the best of
ator, in its own analysis, added With Prime, a way for customers who subscribe to Amazon Prime. from the same period last year. Amazon and best of Amazon’s
Temptations cat treats and Liquid to shop using Amazon Prime on Amazon raised the price of a Prime According to Numerator, 88% leadership principles,” Ghani said.
I.V. packets to the list of bestsellers. third-party sites. membership in 2022 — from $12.99 of Prime Day shoppers were “We look forward to doing that in
“When we started Prime Day, it Last year, Amazon added a to $14.99 per month — to offset already members of the subscrip- the future as well.”
2 Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, July 14, 2023

House GOP grills FTC’s Ex-CEO

of Celsius
Khan over enforcement is charged
Agency chair defends strategy, antitrust record against Big Tech at hearing
By Mary Clare Jalonick ment is critical to the growth and dyna- her ruling.
with fraud
and Matt O’Brien mism of our economy, as well as to our In a similar case, another judge rebuffed Associated Press
Associated Press shared prosperity and liberty,” Khan said. the FTC’s attempt earlier this year to stop
“Recent decades, however, have vividly Meta from taking over the virtual reality NEW YORK — The founder and former
WASHINGTON — The chair of the illustrated how Americans lose out when fitness company Within Unlimited. CEO of the failed cryptocurrency lending
Federal Trade Commission defended her markets become more consolidated and Republicans focused on the agency’s platform Celsius Network was arrested
aggressive legal strategy toward the coun- less competitive.” poor legal record on those antitrust cases. Thursday on federal fraud charges alleging
try’s biggest technology companies Thurs- The hearing comes as the agency has “Are you losing on purpose?” asked Rep. he defrauded customers by misleading them
day as House Republicans charged that the been embroiled in several legal cases Kevin Kiley, a California Republican, citing about key aspects of the business.
agency has become overzealous and politi- against technology companies and as Khan a past comment from Khan that suggested Alexander Mashinsky, 57, of Manhattan,
cized under President Joe Biden. — an outspoken critic of Big Tech before courtroom losses would signal to Congress is charged with securities, commodities
Republicans charged that Lina Khan is becoming the agency’s head — has tried, not that it needs to update its antitrust laws. and wire fraud in an indictment unsealed in
“harassing” Twitter since its acquisition always successfully, to toughen government “Absolutely not,” Khan replied, while Manhattan federal court. He is also charged
by Elon Musk, arbitrarily suing large tech regulation of those companies and prevent acknowledging that “unfortunately, things with illegally manipulating the price of
companies and declining to recuse herself them from growing any larger. don’t always go our way.” Celsius’s proprietary crypto token while
from certain cases. In April, the committee Khan and the agency suffered a major Republicans questioned the wisdom secretly selling his own tokens at inflated
subpoenaed Khan after an investigation by defeat Tuesday when a federal judge behind aggressive regulation, and whether prices.
the panel concluded the agency went after declined to block Microsoft’s looming $69 it could hurt small businesses as well. According to the indictment, Mashin-
Musk for political reasons. billion takeover of video game company California Rep. Darrell Issa criticized the sky from 2018 to 2022 pitched Celsius to
Khan pushed back on the criticism, argu- Activision Blizzard. The FTC had sought to FTC’s “left turn” since she took over two customers as a modern-day bank where
ing that more regulation is necessary as ax the deal, saying it will hurt competition. years ago. they could safely deposit crypto assets and
the companies have grown and that tech U.S. District Judge Jacqueline Scott The FTC has also sued Amazon for earn interest.
conglomeration could hurt the economy Corley said the deal, the largest in the allegedly engaging in a yearslong effort But it says Mashinsky operated Celsius
and consumers. history of the tech industry, deserved scru- to enroll consumers without consent into like a risky investment fund, taking in
“Our competition mission is driven by tiny but the FTC hadn’t shown that it would Amazon Prime and making it difficult for customer money under false and mislead-
the tenet that vigorous antitrust enforce- cause serious harm. The FTC is appealing them to cancel their subscriptions. ing pretenses and exposing customers to a
high-risk business.
The indictment alleges that Mashinsky
promoted Celsius through media inter-
views, his Twitter account and Celsius’s
website, along with a weekly “Ask Mashin-
sky Anything” session broadcast posted to
Celsius’s website and YouTube channel.
Celsius employees who noticed false
and misleading statements in the sessions
warned Mashinsky, but they were ignored,
the indictment states.
Mashinsky’s false portrayal of Celsius
as a safe and secure institution caused
its customer base to grow exponentially
through a large number of retail investors,
the indictment says.
By fall 2021, Celsius had become one of
the largest crypto platforms in the world,
purportedly holding $25 billion in assets, it
says. Celsius filed for bankruptcy last year.


Mortgage rate
climbs to 6.96%
LOS ANGELES — The average long-term
U.S. mortgage rate climbed this week to just
under 7%, the highest level since Novem-
ber and the latest setback for homebuyers
already grappling with a tough housing
market constrained by a lack of homes for
Father Joseph Delargy says a morning blessing June 27 at Tynt Meadow brewery in Coalville, England. ANDREW TESTA/THE NEW YORK TIMES sale.
Mortgage buyer Freddie Mac said Thurs-

This brewery serves blessings

day that the average rate on the benchmark
30-year home loan rose to 6.96% from 6.81%
last week. A year ago, the rate averaged
It’s the third consecutive week of higher
rates, lifting the average rate to its highest
Britain’s only Trappist beer countryside of east central England — the
blessing is a part of the bottling routine that
of Metz, the patron saint of brewers.
And forget about a 9-to-5 work day, for
level since it surged to 7.08% in early Novem-
ber. High rates can add hundreds of dollars a
gets special attention from even nonbelievers say is perilous to skip. the monks at least. Each morning, Delargy month in costs for borrowers, limiting how
monks and their neighbors “If it’s a day when it hasn’t been blessed,
you can guarantee it will all go wrong,” said
and his fellow monks rise at 3:15 for vigils,
held at 3:30, the first of seven sets of prayers
much they can afford.

By Stephen Castle Ross Adams, a professional brewer who is that end at 7:30 in the evening. Lunch is
The New York Times not religious. eaten in silence, except for a reading.

COALVILLE, England — The conveyor

belt was ready, the empty bottles were
There are just a dozen Trappist brew-
eries worldwide, most in Belgium and the
Netherlands. The only U.S. producer, St.
The brewery is separated from the abbey
where silence is observed and from its
church, designed by Augustus Welby Pugin.
Producer prices
stacked and the machinery was about to
splutter into life. But one more step was
Joseph’s Abbey in Spencer, Massachusetts,
said last year it would cease operations.
A dairy farm used to support the abbey,
which was founded in the 19th century rise 0.1% in June
needed before any beer bottling could get To be recognized by the International when religious tolerance permitted Cister-
underway. Trappist Association, products must be cians to return to England after an absence WASHINGTON — Wholesale prices in
That last step required a monk. made within the surroundings of an abbey of three centuries. There were 86 Cister- the United States decelerated again last
Within a minute or two, Father Joseph under the supervision of monks or nuns, cian houses until the dissolution of the month, the latest sign that inflationary pres-
Delargy appeared, dressed in the white and profits should be devoted to the monas- monasteries under Henry VIII. sures are easing in the face of the Federal
robes of the Cistercian order, to bless the tic community, the Trappist order or devel- But what sustained the community in the Reserve’s streak of interest rate hikes.
proceedings in the name of the Father, Son opment projects and charitable works. 20th century proved unviable in the 21st as The government’s producer price index —
and Holy Spirit. And bottles of Britain’s only Named after the nearby field where the milk prices dropped. Cistercian monaster- which measures inflation before it reaches
Trappist beer were soon rattling swiftly abbey’s founders settled in a cottage in 1835, ies had a long tradition of brewing, partic- consumers — rose just 0.1% last month from
along the small production line. Tynt Meadow is a malty beer, a little like a ularly in Belgium, so beer making seemed June 2022, the smallest such increase since
Only beers brewed in monasteries with cross between a stout and an English bitter, an obvious alternative. August 2020.
the active involvement of Roman Catholic with a faint flavor of chocolate. “Certainly we had a big discussion on the And from May to June, prices rose an
Cistercian monks are classified as Trappist That taste has proved popular, with moral aspects of brewing beer,” Delargy identical 0.1% after having fallen 0.4% from
products, and there is just one in Britain — brewing enough of a success that local said. But they concluded they could, in April to May.
Tynt Meadow, a dark English ale made with volunteers help with bottling to relieve the good conscience, brew a quality product The index that the Labor Department
brewing equipment from Germany that is burden on the abbey’s 17 monks. whose full-bodied style may discourage issued Thursday reflects prices charged
celebrating its fifth anniversary. But the differences from a secular opera- most drinkers from overindulgence. Still, by manufacturers, farmers and wholesal-
At Mount Saint Bernard Abbey — set tion are soon clear. Step inside, and gazing the beer’s alcohol content of 7.4% is higher ers. It can provide an early sign of how fast
outside the town of Coalville in the lush down from the wall is a statue of St. Arnulf than most mass-produced brands. consumer inflation will rise.

UK offers workers pay hikes to end strikes Producer price index

Index of prices U.S. producers receive for
goods and services, percent
By Pan Pylas and nurses have pressed for pay that keeps Already, Sunak said the teaching unions change from previous month
Associated Press pace with a sharp increase in prices. will suspend all planned strikes immedi- 1.0
“We will not negotiate again on this year’s ately and will recommend members back
LONDON — The British government settlements, and no amount of strikes will the pay offer. 0.8
offered millions of public sector workers change our decision,” Sunak said. He said Early signs appear to be mixed for the
pay raises Thursday in a bid to end an array the accepted recommendations are a “fair government.
of strikes that have crippled trains, health deal for the British taxpayer” and offered While the FDA union, which represents
care and other services for more than a assurances that they won’t lead to more civil servants, said the offer appears to
year amid the biggest cost-of-living crisis borrowing and stoke further inflation. be “both fair and reasonable,” the British 0.2
in generations. Police will see a 7% pay raise, while Medical Association, the doctors’ union, 0.1
On the day that tens of thousands of teachers will get 6.5%, and the striking was far more critical.
doctors in Britain’s state-funded health doctors, who are at the early stages of their “Today’s announcement represents yet 0.9
service launched a five-day walkout, Prime careers in the publicly funded health care another pay cut in real terms and serves -0.2
Minister Rishi Sunak accepted pay recom- provider, will receive 6%. only to increase the losses faced by doctors
mendations from independent review Hospital consultants, set to strike next after more than a decade’s worth of sub-in- -0.4
bodies. But he insisted that there would be week, also will receive 6%. Some profes- flation pay awards,” said professor Phil JUN. JUN.
no more discussions with unions. sions, including junior doctors, will be Banfield, the medical association’s chair- 2022 2023
Workers from teachers to train drivers getting additional payments. man of council. SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics TNS

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Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, July 14, 2023 3

from Page 1
erative win the Calumet
County lawsuit, but it would
have little practical effect.
2,400 animals.
The Wisconsin Dairy
Alliance and Venture Dairy
Social media star’s AI clone
charges $1/minute for chats
The DNR currently Cooperative allege in their
permitted to operate in requires factory farms to lawsuit that federal courts in
Wisconsin. obtain wastewater permits 2005 and 2011 struck down
Conservationists say within 90 days of becoming the U.S. Environmental
factory farms produce a factory farm or expand- Protection Agency’s author- By Brian Contreras more widespread.
massive amounts of manure ing. The DNR can impose ity to require factory farms Los Angeles Times But Marjorie isn’t plac-
that contaminate ground- requirements in the permits to obtain permits before ing all her chips on the
water, streams and creeks. to protect water, such as they actually discharge Last month, Caryn technology just yet.
Industry advocates counter requiring the farms to contaminants into navi- Marjorie went from a Wi t h i n we e k s o f
that regulations are too monitor pollution levels in gable waters. Therefore, successful but niche social announcing her AI clone,
strict and stifle growth. groundwater and imple- the DNR’s requirement media star to a person she launched a second
The battle came to a ment manure management that factory farms obtain of national interest: the partnership with a differ-
head two years ago when plans. permits before the fact is subject of attention-grab- ent tech company, Fanfix.
the Wisconsin Supreme The department also can also invalid because it now bing headlines and, for This one, too, would
Court ruled that the DNR limit the number of animals conflicts with federal law, many commentators, a let fans talk with her, but
can impose conditions on on the farm through the they argue. template upon which to instead it would be Marjo-
factory farms’ water pollu- permit. Last month, it DNR spokesperson Dana project their anxieties rie herself on the other side
tion permits to protect the scaled back S&S Jerseyland Porter declined to comment about rapidly advancing of the screen.
state’s waters. That deci- Dairy’s request to expand on the lawsuit Thursday, artificial intelligence. The result is essentially
sion would still stand if the from roughly 5,000 cows to saying the agency doesn’t The cause of the furor a two-tier business model
Wisconsin Dairy Alliance 10,000 cows, allowing the publicly discuss pending was a partnership Marjo- where lonely guys looking
and Venture Dairy Coop- operation to add only about litigation. rie, 23, had launched with a for a 3 a.m. chat session
technology startup promis- can talk with Marjorie’s
ing to make a personalized machine mimic, while
AI “clone” of the Scotts- die-hard fans willing to

Nicaragua loses sea dispute dale, Ariz.-based lifestyle

For $1 a minute, fans she
Social media personality
Caryn Marjorie partnered
shell out a bit more can pay
for the genuine article.
That within the span

with Colombia in Caribbean

might never have other- with a technology startup of a few weeks Marjorie
wise had the time to meet on an audio chatbot. DAVID launched two seemingly
could instead chat with LIVINGSTON/GETTY 2018 contradictory business
Marjorie’s digital double. ventures — both aimed at
By Mike Corder in a 2012 ruling by the world the seabed and waters that CarynAI, as the audio Webb, chief executive of turning fan conversations
Associated Press court in The Hague. extend up to 200 nautical chatbot has been dubbed, the consulting firm Future into money — speaks to
But Colombia’s navy has miles beyond their coast. is explicitly framed as a Today Institute. “Which a central question of an
THE HAGUE, Nether- continued to patrol the However, some countries romantic companion — means that it’s likely going AI-obsessed moment: With
lands — The U.N.’s top court waters. have tried to obtain juris- one that aims to “cure to start incentivizing robots increasingly entan-
Thursday rejected a case Colombia’s maritime diction over underwater loneliness” with software behavior that we probably gled in creative industries,
brought by Nicaragua in a claims are linked to its features that lie beyond that that supposedly incorpo- would not want in the real what work should be asked
decadeslong dispute with sovereignty over the San limit, by proving that these rates aspects of cognitive world.” of them and what should be
Colombia over maritime Andres and Providen- features are connected to behavioral therapy into its Webb suggested as left to us?
borders and entitlements cia Archipelago, which their continental shelves — conversations. an example a bot that’s Marjorie’s hybrid model
in the Caribbean. lies about 435 miles north that is the shallow seabed Marjorie said her fans too obedient — listening offers a preview of one
The International Court of Colombia’s Caribbean that extends beyond the have used the program to passively, for instance, as a possible path forward.
of Justice dismissed Nica- Coast but only 68 miles coast. ask for life advice and role- user describes disturbing Users pay a minimum of
ragua’s bid to gain economic from Nicaragua’s coast. A 1928 treaty between play a sunset date to the fantasies. $5 to send her a message
rights over an area of the The world court’s presi- Colombia and Nicaragua beach. Marjorie has addressed on Fanfix, said co-founder
Caribbean that lies more dent, Joan Donoghue, said recognized Colombia’s Marjorie was at one similar dynamics be- Harry Gestetner.
than 200 nautical miles a country’s right to claim a sovereignty over the islands p o i n t t ra c k i n g h e r fore (“If you are rude to That pricing differ-
from its shores. continental shelf beyond of San Andres and Provi- subscriber growth in Caryn­AI, it will dump you,” ence — $5 for one human-
Nicaragua wanted the the 200-nautical-mile limit dencia, and gave Colombia tweets about how many she tweeted at one point), to-human text versus
international court to cannot “extend within 200 economic rights over most new “boyfriends” she had. but when asked about $1 for a minute of the AI
review the limits of its conti- nautical miles from the of the waters around San “They feel like they’re Webb’s perspective, she in- voice-chatting — signals
nental shelf and determine baselines of another state.” Andres. finally getting to know me, stead emphasized her own an approach to automa-
new maritime boundaries The baselines are points on Nine decades later, Nica- even though they’re fully concerns about addiction. tion in which workers use
for the Central American land from which the conti- ragua filed a lawsuit against aware that it’s an AI,” she “I have seen my fans machine learning not as a
nation. nental shelf is measured. this treaty, saying it violated told The Times. spend thousands of dollars wholesale replacement but
Colombia already claims The decision means the international law and This HAL 9000 version in a matter of days chatting as a lower-end alternative
exclusive economic rights world court did not have to deprived the nation of its of pillow talk has, predict- with CarynAI,” Marjorie for more frugal customers.
in much of the area that review maritime boundar- right to 200 nautical miles ably, triggered a backlash. said. One fan, at the bot’s “Messaging directly with
lies to the east of Nicara- ies between Colombia and of territorial waters. Critics branded CarynAI encouragement, built a a fan on Fanfix will always
gua’s 200 nautical mile Nicaragua, established by In a 2012 ruling, the as alternately demeaning shrine-like photo wall of be a premium experi-
boundary. Bogota argued the court in a 2012 ruling, International Court of women, enabling antisocial her. “This is why we have ence,” Gestetner said. “It’s
that there is no precedent which have been disputed Justice sided mostly with straight-male behavior or limited CarynAI to only important to view AI as the
for extending a country’s for the past two decades. Nicaragua and redrew the signaling impending soci- accepting 500 new users co-pilot, not the pilot.”
200-nautical-mile zone, Under international law, maritime borders between etal collapse. per day.” Marjorie is making
when it clashes with that of coastal states have sover- both countries. The new “We’re talking about an As AI comes to play $10,000 a day after
another nation. eignty over waters extend- borders extended Nicara- AI system (where) theo- a growing role in the soft-launching on the plat-
The area has long been ing 12 nautical miles beyond gua’s exclusive economic retically the goal is to keep economy, and especially form and is projected to hit
claimed by both countries, their coastlines. They have zone, and stripped Colom- people on as long as possi- creative industries, the $5 million to $10 million in
and Nicaragua gained fish- exclusive economic and bia of about 30,000 square ble so that you continue questions prompted by total earnings by the end of
ing rights over a big portion environmental rights over miles of territorial waters. earning money,” said Amy CarynAI will only become the year, Fanfix said.


Dow High: 34,482.26 Low: 34,365.33 Previous: 34,347.43 LOCAL STOCKS

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Abbott Labs N 107.74 +1.40 Equity Lifesty Prop N 67.50 +.32 Middleby Corp O 147.89 +.27
Close: 34,395.14 34,140 AbbVie Inc N 133.59 +.09 Equity Residential N 68.02 +.60 Mondelez Intl O 71.83 +.43
Change: 47.71 (0.1%) Allstate Corp
Aptargroup Inc
Exelon Corp
Federal Signal
Morningstar Inc
Motorola Solutions
33,680 10 DAYS Arch Dan Mid N 79.17 +.44 First Indl RT N 54.86 +.14 NiSource Inc N 28.16 +.09
35,200 Baxter Intl
Boeing Co
Fortune Brands Innov
Nthn Trust Cp
Old Republic
Brunswick Corp N 88.30 -.48 Gallagher AJ N 213.83 -1.06 Packaging Corp Am N 134.06 +.62
34,400 CBOE Global Markets
CCC Intellig Solut
Grainger WW
Hyatt Hotels Corp
Paylocity Hldg
RLI Corp
CDW Corp O 188.18 +1.64 IDEX Corp N 212.62 -2.30 Ryan Specialty Group N 44.70 -.14
33,600 CF Industries
CME Group
Ingredion Inc
Stericycle Inc
CNA Financial N 38.33 +.07 John Bean Technol N 121.73 +.75 US Foods Holding N 44.17 +.11
32,800 Caterpillar Inc N 255.86 +2.26 Jones Lang LaSalle N 170.56 +4.90 Ulta Salon Cosmetics O 472.59 -11.45
ConAgra Brands Inc N 33.16 +.18 Kemper Corp N 46.98 -1.07 United Airlines Hldg O 55.23 -.17
Deere Co N 409.55 +1.88 Kraft Heinz Co O 35.64 -.12 Ventas Inc N 48.52 +.21
32,000 Discover Fin Svcs N 119.68 +.56 LKQ Corporation O 58.52 -.49 Walgreen Boots Alli O 29.74 -.58
Dover Corp N 150.08 -.59 Littelfuse Inc O 303.39 +4.46 Wintrust Financial O 78.08 +1.80
Envestnet Inc N 61.63 +.74 McDonalds Corp N 295.22 -.39 Zebra Tech O 318.47 +2.54
Nasdaq S&P 500 Russell 2000 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Based on market capitalization Based on total assets CHG 1-YR
u +219.61 (+1.58%) u +37.88 (+.85%) u +17.51 (+.91%) Palantir Technol 16.74 +.15 Alphabet Inc C 124.83 +5.21 American Funds AMCpA m 36.54 +.39 +22.6
Ford Motor 15.19 -.03 Alphabet Inc A 124.54 +5.61 American Funds AmrcnBalA m 30.92 +.22 +10.5
Carnival Corp 17.75 -.47 Inc 134.30 +3.50 American Funds AmrcnMutA m 50.04 +.23 +9.8
Close 14,138.57 Close 4,510.04 Close 1,950.89 Carvana Co A 37.68 -1.21 Apple Inc 190.54 +.77 American Funds CptWldGrIncA m58.60 +.80 +22.6
WeWork Inc .30 +.03 Berkshire Hath B 343.54 -1.81 American Funds CptlIncBldrA m 65.31 +.56 +9.4
High 14,163.80 High 4,517.38 High 1,952.54 PG&E Corp 18.04 -.14 Broadcom Inc 890.36 +.41 American Funds FdmtlInvsA m 69.14 +.68 +22.8
AT&T Inc 15.12 ... American Funds GrfAmrcA m 62.56 +.77 +25.2
Eli Lilly 434.70 -5.90
Low 14,012.24 Low 4,489.36 Low 1,936.51 Snap Inc A 13.51 +.14 Exxon Mobil Corp 104.54 -1.95
American Funds IncAmrcA m 23.09 +.16 +7.7
Ginkgo Bioworks Hldg 2.16 +.04 American Funds InvCAmrcA m 48.26 +.41 +24.9
JPMorgan Chase 148.87 +.72
Previous 13,918.96 Previous 4,472.16 Previous 1,933.38 Bank of America 29.67 +.31 American Funds NwPrspctvA m 56.65 +.76 +22.4
Johnson & Johnson 158.81 +.73 American Funds WAMtInvsA m 54.69 +.33 +15.4
fuboTV Inc 3.02 +.02
Nu Holdings Ltd 8.18 +.28 MasterCard Inc 400.56 -.13 Baird AggrgateBdInstl 9.74 +.06 -.2
10-yr T-note Gold futures Yen Euro Crude Oil Delta Air Lines 47.71 -.24 Meta Platforms Inc 313.41 +4.07 Dodge & Cox IncI 12.42 +.06 +1.9
Sthwstn Energy 6.10 ... Microsoft Corp 342.66 +5.46 Dodge & Cox IntlStkI 48.96 +.65 +21.6
Exxon Mobil Corp 104.54 -1.95 Nvidia Corporation 459.77+20.75 Dodge & Cox StkI 232.92 +2.21 +16.3
d u d d u Citigroup 47.68 +.30 Taiwan Semicon 105.57 +1.67 Fidelity 500IdxInsPrm
Fidelity BCGrowth
156.56 +1.33 +20.7
162.14 +2.70 +36.9
Nokia Corp 4.35 +.07 Tesla Inc 277.90 +5.91
Fidelity Contrafund 15.22 +.14 +26.7
-.09 +3.00 -.31 -.0066 +1.14 Verizon Comm 34.64 -.22 Unitedhealth Group 447.75 -3.95
Fidelity GlobalexUSIdx 13.94 +.22 +18.5
Alibaba Group Hldg 96.61 +2.61 Visa Inc 243.31 +1.10
to 3.77% to $1,959.20 to 138.02/$1 to .8913/$1 to $76.89 Speng Inc ADR 14.04 -1.11 WalMart Strs 154.13 -.91
Fidelity GroCo 31.12 +.51 +34.3
Fidelity IntlIdxInstlPrm 47.34 +.78 +24.3
Virgin Galactic Hldg 4.02 +.15 Fidelity TtlMktIdxInsPrm 125.15 +1.12 +20.3
Shopify Inc 70.37 +4.43 Fidelity USBdIdxInsPrm 10.32 +.07 -.9
Major market growth and decline Vale SA 14.34 +.41
Banco Bradesco ADS 3.47 +.11 DURATION CLOSE PREV.
Metropolitan West TtlRetBdI
PIMCO IncInstl
9.06 ...
10.52 +.05 +6.5

NASDAQ STOCK MARKET 3-month Disc 5.24 5.24 PIMCO TtlRetIns 8.50 ... -.9
5-day % change 30-day % change 1-year % change 6-month disc 5.23 5.27 Schwab SP500Idx 69.04 ... +19.1
2-year 4.63 4.75 Vanguard 500IdxAdmrl 416.29 +3.54 +20.6
Mullen Automotive .16 +.01 10-year 3.90 3.86 Vanguard BalIdxAdmrl 43.76 +.34 +11.5
DOW NASD S&P DOW NASD S&P DOW NASD S&P Nikola Corp 2.22 +.84 30-year 3.96 3.96 Vanguard DivGrInv 36.14 +.15 +11.1
+1.39 +3.36 +2.23 -.04 +2.58 +1.90 +12.29 +25.66 +18.99 Tesla Inc 277.90 +5.91 Vanguard EqIncAdmrl 85.48 +.50 +11.4
Rivian Automotive A 25.52 -.39 SPOT METALS Vanguard GrIdxAdmrl 148.72 +2.09 +28.3
Marathon Digital Hld 19.30 +2.44 Vanguard HCAdmrl 87.72 +.38 +8.6
u u u d u u u u u T2 Biosystems .11 -.02 CLOSE PREV. Vanguard InTrTEAdmrl
Vanguard InsIdxIns
13.48 +.03 +2.1
376.63 +3.20 +20.6
Coinbase Global Inc 107.00 +21.05 Gold $1959.20 $1956.20
Canopy Growth Corp .65 +.09 Silver $24.768 $24.119 Vanguard InsIdxInsPlus 376.62 +3.20 +20.7 Inc 134.30 +3.50 Platinum $975.30 $948.90 Vanguard IntlGrAdmrl 105.96 +1.99 +19.5
FUTURES Riot Blockchain Inc 20.29 +2.64 Vanguard MdCpIdxAdmrl 280.52 +1.95 +16.5
Ideanomics Inc .10 -.00 INTEREST RATES Vanguard PrmCpAdmrl 154.80 +1.20 +21.7
Lucid Group Inc 7.12 -.04 Vanguard STInvmGrdAdmrl 10.05 +.03 +2.2
WHEAT (CBOT) 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel Jul 23 614.25 627.50 614.25 627.50 +6.25 Adv Micro Dev 115.92 +1.34 Prime Rate 8.25 Vanguard SmCpIdxAdmrl 98.43 +.69 +17.6
Nvidia Corporation 459.77 +20.75 Discount Rate Primary 5.75 Vanguard TrgtRtr2020Fd 27.46 +.22 +7.7
Sep 23 633.50 644.75 622 639.75 +7 Vanguard TrgtRtr2025Fd 18.34 +.16 +10.0
Plug Power Inc 12.36 +.86 Fed Funds Target 5.00-5.25
CORN (CBOT) 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel Jul 23 547.50 593.75 547.50 593.50 +43.75 Alphabet Inc A 124.54 +5.61 Money Mkt Overnight Avg. 0.54 Vanguard TrgtRtr2030Fd 34.88 +.34 +11.7
SoFi Technologies 9.16 -.04 Vanguard TrgtRtr2035Fd 21.70 +.22 +13.3
Sep 23 476.25 494.50 474 493.50 +17.25
Apple Inc 190.54 +.77 FOREIGN EXCHANGE Vanguard TrgtRtr2040Fd 38.46 +.40 +14.9
SOYBEANS (CBOT) 5,000 bu minimum- cents per bushel Jul 23 1489 1518 1489 1518 +29.50 Vanguard TrgtRtr2045Fd 26.04 +.28 +16.6
Faraday Fut Intllgnt .24 +.01
A U.S. Dollar buys . . . Vanguard TrgtRtr2050Fd 43.34 +.47 +17.4
Aug 23 1444 1485.50 1441 1484.75 +40.50 Opendoor Technol 4.83 -.06
Argentina (Peso) 264.4104 Vanguard TrgtRtr2055Fd 48.36 +.54 +17.4
SOYBEAN OIL (CBOT) 60,000 lbs- cents per lb Jul 23 70.00 70.00 69.67 69.67 +.99 Intel Corp 33.87 -.11
Australia (Dollar) 1.4513 Vanguard TrgtRtrIncFd 12.94 +.09 +5.2
Jiuzi Holdings Inc 4.06 +1.27 Vanguard TtBMIdxAdmrl 9.60 +.06 -.9
Aug 23 64.34 66.03 64.05 65.69 +1.35 JetBlue Airways Cp 8.37 -.47 Brazil (Real) 4.7880
Vanguard TtBMIdxIns 9.60 +.06 -.9
SOYBEAN MEAL (CBOT) 100 tons- dollars per ton Jul 23 428.70 432.40 428.70 430.90 +9.50 Alphabet Inc C 124.83 +5.21 Britain (Pound) .7616
Vanguard TtInSIdxAdmrl 30.99 +.48 +18.3
Canada (Dollar) 1.3108
Aug 23 410.90 423.80 409.80 422.30 +11.40 Vanguard TtInSIdxIns 123.94 +1.92 +18.4
FOREIGN MARKETS China (Yuan) 7.1511 Vanguard TtInSIdxInv 18.53 +.29 +18.2
LIGHT SWEET CRUDE (NYMX) 1,000 bbl.- dollars per bbl. Aug 23 75.85 77.33 75.32 76.89 +1.14 Euro .8913 Vanguard TtlSMIdxAdmrl 109.18 +.97 +20.2
Sep 23 75.64 77.15 75.23 76.76 +1.22 India (Rupee) 82.014 Vanguard TtlSMIdxIns 109.19 +.96 +20.2
Shanghai 3236.48 +40.4/+1.3 Israel (Shekel) 3.6131 Vanguard WlngtnAdmrl 71.22 +.47 +10.7
NATURAL GAS (NYMX) 10,000 mm btu’s, $ per mm btu Aug 23 2.659 2.666 2.539 2.545 -.087 Stoxx600 461.48 +2.9/+.6 Japan (Yen) 138.02 Vanguard WlslyIncAdmrl 60.10 +.39 +4.1
Sep 23 2.622 2.631 2.528 2.534 -.063 Nikkei 32419.33 +475.4/+1.5 Mexico (Peso) 16.8305 Vanguard WndsrIIAdmrl 74.08 +.67 +18.8
MSCI-EAFE 2185.01 +31.3/+1.5 Poland (Zloty) 3.96 d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee.
NY HARBOR GAS BLEND (NYMX)42,000 gallons- dollars per gallon Aug 23 2.6716 2.6888 2.6422 2.6786 +.0116
Bovespa 119332.52+1666.0/+1.4 So. Korea (Won) 1266.62 m - Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing
Sep 23 2.5975 2.6211 2.5733 2.6140 +.0205 FTSE 100 7440.21 +24.1/+.3 Taiwan (Dollar) 30.96 fee and either a sales or redemption fee.
Source: The Associated Press CAC-40 7369.80 +36.8/+.5 Thailand (Baht) 34.55 Source: Morningstar.
4 Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, July 14, 2023 


TV, film actors join writers on strike
Walkout shuts down choice, not ours. In doing
so, it has dismissed our offer
productions as talks of historic pay and resid-
fail to yield new deal ual increases, substantially
higher caps on pension and
By Andrew Dalton health contributions, audi-
and Leslie Ambriz tion protections, shortened
Associated Press series option periods, a
groundbreaking AI proposal
LOS ANGELES — Lead- that protects actors’ digital
ers of a Hollywood’s actors likenesses, and more,” the
union voted Thursday to group said in a statement.
join screenwriters in the It added that instead of
first joint strike in more continuing to negotiate,
than six decades, shutting “SAG-AFTRA has put us
down production across on a course that will deepen
the entertainment industry the financial hardship for
after talks for a new contract thousands who depend on
with studios and streaming the industry for their liveli-
services broke down. hoods.”
Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, SAG-AFTRA represents
executive director of the more than 160,000 screen
Screen Actors Guild-Amer- actors, broadcast journal-
ican Federation of Radio and ists, announcers, hosts and
Television Artists, said at a stunt performers. The walk-
news conference that the out affects only the union’s
union leadership voted for 65,000 actors from televi-
the work stoppage hours sion and film productions,
after their contract expired who voted overwhelmingly
and talks broke off with the to authorize their leaders
Alliance of Motion Picture to call a strike before talks
and Television Producers began June 7.
representing employers, Broadway actors said in a
including Disney, Netflix, statement that they stand “in
Amazon and others. solidarity” with SAG-AF-
“A strike is an instrument TRA workers.
of last resort,” he said. Writer Oneika Barrett, left, and actor Justine Bateman celebrate outside Netflix during a Writers Guild of America rally Thursday The 11,500 members of
Union leaders said at a in Los Angeles. It’s the first time major Hollywood unions have been on strike at the same time since 1960. MARK J. TERRILL/AP the Writers Guild of Amer-
news conference that they ica have been on strike since
voted unanimously for a former “The Nanny” star warned Thursday that an it was just to let studios The stakes in the negotia- their own talks collapsed
strike to begin at midnight. and SAG-AFTRA President actors strike would have a promote their summer tions included both base and and their contract expired
Outside Netflix’s Hollywood Fran Drescher said. “It is “very damaging effect on the movies for another 12 days.” residual pay, which actors May 2.
offices, picketing screen- disgusting. Shame on them. whole industry.” Before the talks began say has been undercut by The stoppage has showed
writers chanted “Pay Your They stand on the wrong “This is the worst time June 7, the 65,000 actors inflation and the streaming no signs of a solution, with
Actors!” after the strike was side of history.” in the world to add to that who cast ballots voted ecosystem, benefits and the no negotiations even
announced. With a stoppage looming, disruption,” Iger said in overwhelmingly for union threat of unregulated use of planned.
It’s the first strike for the premiere of Christopher an appearance on CNBC. leaders to send them into a artificial intelligence. That strike brought the
actors from film and tele- Nolan’s film “Oppenheimer” “There’s a level of expecta- strike, as the Writers Guild “At a moment when immediate shutdown of
vision shows since 1980. in London was moved up an tion that (SAG-AFTRA and of America did when their streaming and AI and digi- late-night talk shows and
And it’s the first time two hour so that the cast could the Writers Guild of Amer- deal expired more than two tal was so prevalent, it has “Saturday Night Live,” and
major Hollywood unions walk the red carpet before ica) have that is just not real- months ago. disemboweled the indus- several scripted shows,
have been on strike at the the SAG board’s announce- istic.” When the initial deadline try that we once knew,” including “Stranger Things”
same time since 1960, when ment. A nearly two-week exten- approached in late June, Drescher said. “When I did on Netflix,” “Hacks” on
Ronald Reagan was the The looming strike also sion of the actors union more than 1,000 members of ‘The Nanny’ everybody was Max, and “Family Guy” on
actors’ guild president. cast a shadow over the contract, and negotiations, the union, including Meryl part of the gravy train. Now Fox, which have either had
“Employers make Wall upcoming 75th Emmy only heightened the hostil- Streep, Jennifer Lawrence it’s a vacuum.” their writers’ rooms or their
Street and greed their prior- Awards, whose nomina- ity between the two groups. and Bob Odenkirk, added The AMPTP said it was production paused. Many
ity, and they forget about the tions were announced a day Drescher said the exten- their names to a letter disappointed in the break- more are sure to follow them
essential contributors that earlier. sion made us “feel like we’d signaling to leaders their down. now that performers have
make the machine run,” Disney chief Bob Iger been duped, like maybe willingness to strike. “This is the Union’s been pulled too.

GOP right flank’s abortion

policy put into defense bill
House passage seen gender-transition surgeries dure. Rep. Mikie Sherrill,
— which currently can be D-N.J., a Navy veteran, said
as unlikely without covered only with a waiver the Republican provision
Democratic support — and gender-affirming “puts servicewomen and
hormone therapy. military families’ lives at risk
By Karoun Demirjian Democrats condemned by denying the basic right
The New York Times the moves, with some warn- to travel for health care no
ing Thursday that they could longer available where they
WASHINGTON — A not support the defense bill are stationed.”
divided House voted on with the abortion restriction Republicans defended
Thursday to overturn a included. the move as a matter of
Pentagon policy guaran- “The MAGA majority is principle, arguing that the
teeing abortion access to using our defense bill to get Pentagon policy it would
service members regard- one step closer to the only overturn — offering time off
less of where they are thing they really care about: and travel reimbursement
stationed and to bar health a nationwide abortion ban,” to troops traveling out of
services for transgender Rep. Katherine M. Clark of state to obtain an abortion
military personnel, imper- Massachusetts, the Demo- — violated a prohibition
iling passage of the annual cratic whip, said in a floor against taxpayer-funded
defense bill as right-wing speech. abortions. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., flanked by reporters, enters the House chamber for a
lawmakers rallied Repub- Democratic support is The debate unfolded after vote Wednesday on Capitol Hill in Washington. KENNY HOLSTON/THE NEW YORK TIMES
licans around their drive seen as crucial for pass- Speaker Kevin McCar thy
to load the measure with ing the defense bill in the capitulated this week to a measure from Rep. Marjo- countering Russia. But they Republicans have proposed
conservative policy dictates. narrowly split House, small group of ultracon- rie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., to reflected how anti-Ukraine stand no chance of passing
The vote was 221-213, where Republicans have servative Republicans who end a $300 million program sentiment is growing in the the Democratic-led Senate,
nearly along party lines, to only a slim majority. The had threatened to block the to train and equip Ukrainian Republican ranks. In the and a protracted fight over
attach the abortion proposal $886 billion measure would defense legislation if their soldiers, which has been in spring, only 57 Republicans the measure could imperil
to the bill, with Republicans grant a 5.2% pay raise to proposals, including pulling place for almost a decade. voted against a $40 billion its chance of enactment.
propelling it to passage over military personnel, counter U.S. aid to Ukraine, did not And by a vote of 358-70, package of military and Republican leaders, who
near-unanimous Demo- aggressive moves by China receive consideration. the House rejected a pro- humanitarian assistance for can afford to lose no more
cratic opposition. It was one and Russia, and establish a Instead the House moved posal from Rep. Matt Gaetz, Ukraine. than four votes on their
of a series of controversial special inspector general to forward on Thursday, slog- R-Fla., to prohibit sending Though defense bill side if Democrats remain
amendments that hard-right oversee U.S. aid to Ukraine. ging through dozens of any more security assistance debates have often been a united in opposition, had
lawmakers demanded be But Thursday, Democrats proposed modifications to Ukraine. In both cases, the forum for partisan policy been counting on Demo-
put on the floor as a condi- called the abortion measure with the fate of the bill still supporters were all Repub- fights, the debate in the cratic votes to help pass the
tion for allowing the legisla- unacceptable in the wake of in doubt. licans. House has been particularly defense bill. The demands
tion to move forward. the Supreme Court’s ruling It overwhelmingly de- Those results were a nasty, exposing Republican of hard-right lawmakers to
By a vote of 222-211, last year overturning abor- feated two Republican ef- victory for mainstream divisions and threatening load the bill with a deeply
the House also adopted a tion rights, which set off a forts to cut U.S. military Republicans, who have the customary bipartisan conservative cultural agenda
measure to bar the military’s rush by some states to enact assistance for Ukraine. The defended U.S. military assis- consensus around the legis- could cost them those criti-
health plan from covering bans and curbs on the proce- vote was 341-89 to reject a tance to Ukraine as vital to lation. The measures that cal votes.

Synagogue gunman eligible for death penalty

By Peter Smith against Jewish people online ness and a delusional belief synagogue on Oct. 27, 2018.
Associated Press before storming the Tree that he could stop a genocide He also wounded two wor-
of Life synagogue with an of white people by killing shippers and five police of-
PITTSBURGH — The AR-15 rifle and other weap- Jews who help immigrants. ficers.
gunman who killed 11 ons in the nation’s deadliest Jurors reached the verdict Bowers was convicted
people at a Pittsburgh syna- antisemitic attack. after less than two hours of last month on 63 crimi-
gogue in 2018 is eligible for The jury agreed with deliberation. nal counts, including hate
the death penalty, a federal prosecutors that Bowers Testimony is now ex- crimes resulting in death
jury announced Thursday, — who spent six months pected to shift to the impact and obstruction of the free
setting the stage for further planning the attack and has of Bowers’ crimes on survi- exercise of religion resulting
evidence and testimony since expressed regret that vors and the victims’ loved in death.
on whether he should be he didn’t kill more people ones. His attorneys offered a
sentenced to death or life in — had formed the requisite Bowers, 50, a truck driver guilty plea in return for a
prison. legal intent to kill. from suburban Baldwin, life sentence, but prosecu-
The government is seek- Bowers’ lawyers argued killed members of three tors refused, opting instead
Robert Bowers, who killed 11 people at a Pittsburgh synagogue ing capital punishment for that his ability to form intent congregations who had to take the case to trial and
in 2018, was convicted last month on 63 counts. DAVID KLUG Robert Bowers, who raged was impaired by mental ill- gathered at the Tree of Life pursue the death penalty.
Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, July 14, 2023 5

Ecuador suffers drug traffic boom

Country’s economic she said, asking that she wire
money to a bank account
troubles paired with belonging to a gang. If she
rising gang violence didn’t pay, he explained, he
would be beaten, possibly
By Julie Turkewitz electrocuted.
and Victor Moriyama The violence has trauma-
The New York Times tized many Ecuadorians in
part because the shift in the
GUAYAQUIL, Ecua- country’s fortunes has been
dor — A total of 210 tons of so dramatic.
drugs seized in a single year, Between 2005 and 2015,
a record. At least 4,500 kill- Ecuador witnessed an
ings last year, also a record. extraordinary transforma-
Children recruited by gangs. tion, as millions of people
Prisons as hubs for crime. rose out of poverty, riding
Neighborhoods consumed the wave of an oil boom
by criminal feuds. whose profits the president
And all this chaos at the time, Rafael Correa, a
financed by powerful leftist, poured into educa-
outsiders with deep pockets tion, health care and other
and lots of experience in the social programs.
global drug business. Suddenly, housekeepers
Ecuador, on South Ameri- and bricklayers believed
ca’s western edge, has in just their children might finish
a few years become the drug high school, become profes-
trade’s gold rush state, with sionals and live entirely
major cartels from as far as different lives than those of
Mexico and Albania joining their parents. Today, those
forces with prison and street Ecuadorians are watching
gangs, unleashing a wave of their neighborhoods dete-
violence unlike anything in riorate amid crime, drugs
the country’s recent history. A soldier stands watch May 31 near a school in the Ecuadoran port city of Guayaquil. VICTOR MORIYAMA/THE NEW YORK TIMES and violence.
Fueling this turmoil is the The country’s decline
world’s growing demand for in the drug’s production tunity to expand operations. dor’s ports hidden in recon- nal groups. “They are threat- was also deepened by the
cocaine. While many policy- — while years of lax polic- Today, Mexico’s most structed floors, in boxes of ened,” the leader said. “ ‘You COVID-19 pandemic, which
makers have been focused ing of Ecuador’s narcotraf- powerful cartels, Sinaloa bananas, in pallets of wood don’t want to join? We will as elsewhere in the world,
on an epidemic of opioids, ficking industry have made and Jalisco Nueva Gener- and cacao, before eventu- kill your family.’ ” hit the economy hard. Today,
such as fentanyl, that kills the country an increasingly ación, are on-the-ground fi- ally landing at parties in U.S. In response, Ecuador’s just 34% of Ecuadorians
tens of thousands of Amer- attractive base for drug nanciers, along with a group college towns and clubs in president, Guillermo Lasso, have adequate employment,
icans every year, cocaine manufacturing and distri- from the Balkans that the European cities. a conservative, has declared according to government
production has soared to bution. police call the Albanian ma- In Guayaquil, a humid city several states of emergency, data, down from a high of
record levels, a phenom- The violence linked to fia. Local prison and street framed by green hills, with a sending the military into the nearly 50% a decade ago.
enon that is now ravaging drugs began to spike around crime groups with names metropolitan population of streets to guard schools and The crisis has spilled into
Ecuadoran society, turning 2018, as local crime groups such as Los Choneros and 3.5 million, rivalries among businesses. the government, where
a once peaceful nation into jockeyed for better positions Los Tiguerones work with criminal groups have spilled More recently, Los some officials have been
a battleground. in the trade. At first, violence the international groups, co- into the street, producing a Choneros and others have accused of being co-opted
“People consume abroad,” was mostly confined to ordinating storage, transport horrific and public style found another source of in- by criminal groups. Journal-
said Maj. Edison Núñez, an prisons, where the popula- and other activities, accord- of violence clearly meant come: extortion. Shopkeep- ists have fled, prosecutors
intelligence official with the tion had surged following a ing to police. to induce fear and exert ers, community leaders, have been killed and human
Ecuadorian national police, toughening of drug penalties Cocaine, or a precur- control. even water providers, trash rights activists silenced for
“but they don’t understand and increased use of pretrial sor called coca base, enters Television news stations collectors and schools are investigating or speaking out
the consequences that take detention. Ecuador from Colombia are regularly filled with forced to pay a tax to crim- against crime or corruption.
place here.” Eventually, the govern- and Peru, and then typically stories of beheadings, car inal groups in exchange for Lasso’s approval rating is
It’s not that Ecuador ment lost control of its leaves by water from one of bombs, police assassina- their safety. low, according to surveys,
is new to the drug busi- penal system, with prison- the country’s bustling ports. tions, young men hanging Inside prisons, extortion and in May, facing impeach-
ness. Squeezed between ers coercing other prisoners Of the roughly 300,000 from bridges and children has been common for years. ment over corruption
the world’s biggest cocaine into paying for beds, services shipping containers that gunned down outside their On a recent morning in charges, he dissolved the
producers, Colombia and and security, and even hold- depart each month from homes or schools. Guayaquil, Katarine, 30, a National Assembly and
Peru, it has long served as ing the keys to their own one of Ecuador’s most popu- “It’s so painful,” said one mother of three, sat on a called for new elections.
an exit point for illicit prod- prison blocks. Soon, peni- lous cities, Guayaquil — one community leader, who curb outside the country’s Ecuadorians will elect a
ucts bound for North Amer- tentiaries became operat- of South America’s busiest asked not to be identified largest prison. Her husband, new president and National
ica and Europe. ing bases for the drug trade, ports — the authorities are for safety reasons. The lead- a banana farmer, had been Assembly in August, with a
But a boom in Colombia according to experts on able to search just 20% of er’s neighborhood has been taken into custody five days possible runoff in October,
in the cultivation of the coca Ecuador. them, Núñez said. transformed in recent years, before, she said, following a as the country finds itself at
leaf, a base ingredient in International organized These days, drugs are with children as young as 13 street fight. a political crossroads with
cocaine, has created a surge crime saw a lucrative oppor- transported from Ecua- forcibly recruited to crimi- He called her from prison, violence intensifying.

Earth hit global heat record

in June; July has been hotter
By Seth Borenstein
Associated Press

An already warming
Earth steamed to its hottest
June on record, smash-
ing the old global mark by
nearly a quarter of a degree,
with global oceans setting
temperature records for the
third consecutive month,
the U.S. National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Adminis-
tration said Thursday.
June’s 61.79 degree global
An apartment building bears damage Thursday in Kyiv after it was struck by wreckage from a average was 1.89 degrees
downed Russian drone, one of 20 that Ukraine said it shot down. GENYA SAVILOV/GETTY-AFP above the 20th-century
average, the first time glob-
WAR IN UKRAINE ally a summer month was Children cool themselves with portable fans as they seek
more than a degree Celsius some relief from the heat June 25 in Beijing. ANDY WONG/AP

Ukraine repels large Russian hotter than normal, accord-

ing to NOAA.
Other weather moni-
as did the United Kingdom.
The first half of 2023
of two main reasons: long-
term warming caused by

aerial assault on Kyiv region toring systems, such as

NASA, Berkeley Earth and
Europe’s Copernicus, had
has been the third hottest
January-through-June on
record, behind 2016 and
heat-trapping gases spewed
by the burning of coal, oil
and natural gas that’s then
already called last month 2020, according to NOAA. boosted by a natural El
By Hanna Arhirova States have arrived in ern Ukraine, Lt. Gen. the hottest June on record, NOAA said there’s a 20% Niño, which warms parts
Associated Press Ukraine. Oleg Tsokov, was report- but NOAA is the gold stan- chance that 2023 will be of the Pacific and changes
The munitions, which edly killed Tuesday by a dard for record-keeping the hottest year on record, weather worldwide adding
KYIV, Ukraine — are bombs that open in the Ukrainian missile strike. with data going back to with next year more likely, extra heat to already rising
Ukrainian officials said air and release scores of Tsokov died when the 1850. but the chance of a record global temperatures. He
air defenses shot down bomblets, are banned by Ukrainian military struck The increase over the is growing. Berkeley said it’s likely most of June’s
20 Iranian-made drones many countries because the city of Berdyansk previous June’s record is Earth’s Robert Rohde said warming is due to long-
launched by Russia mostly of their track record for with U.K.-supplied Storm “a considerably big jump” his group figures there’s an term human causes because
at the Kyiv region early causing civilian casual- Shadow missiles, accord- because global monthly 80% chance that 2023 will so far this new El Niño is
Thursday, but wreckage fell ties. The U.S. sees them as ing to retired Gen. Andrei records are usually so end up the hottest year on considered weak-to-mod-
on four districts of the capi- a way to get Kyiv critically Gurulev, who currently broad-based they often record. erate. It’s forecast to peak
tal, wounding two people needed ammunition to help serves as a lawmaker. jump by hundredths, not That’s because it’s likely in the winter, which is why
and destroying several its forces push through Russia’s Defense Minis- quarters of a degree, said only to get hotter. July is NOAA and other forecast-
homes. Russian front lines. try hasn’t reported Tsokov’s NOAA climate scientist usually the hottest month of ers predict 2024 to be even
The attack came hours U.S. leaders debated the death. Ahira Sanchez-Lugo. the year, and the record for hotter than this year.
after NATO wrapped up thorny issue for months, At least three civil- “The recent record tem- July and the hottest month While El Niño and its
its annual summit with before President Joe Biden ians were killed and 38 peratures, as well as ex- of any year is 62.08 degrees, cooling flip side, La Niña,
fresh pledges of weap- made the final decision last more sustained injuries treme fires, pollution and set in 2019 and 2021. Eleven “have a big impact on year-
ons and ammunition and week. in Ukraine over the past flooding we are seeing this of the first dozen days in to-year temperatures, their
longer-term security guar- The latest barrage by 24 hours, Ukraine’s pres- year are what we expect to July were hotter than ever effects are much smaller
antees but no clear path for the Kremlin’s forces began idential office reported on see in a warmer climate,” on record, according to an over the long run than hu-
Ukraine to join the alliance. shortly after midnight, and Thursday morning. said Cornell University cli- unofficial and preliminary man-caused warming,”
Russian President Vladimir explosions shook different In the partially occupied mate scientist Natalie Ma- analysis by the University said climate scientist Zeke
Putin reaffirmed Thursday parts of the city. Two people Donetsk region, Russian howald. “We are just getting of Maine’s Climate Reana- Hausfather of Berkeley
that Ukraine’s membership were hospitalized with forces targeted 13 cities and a small taste for the types of lyzer. The Japanese Mete- Earth and the tech com-
in NATO is unacceptable for shrapnel wounds, authori- villages under Ukrainian impacts that we expect to orological Agency and the pany Stripe. “Back in 1998,
Moscow. ties said. control with aviation, worsen.” World Meteorological Or- the world had a super El
“It would raise the threat In the capital, rescu- missiles and heavy artillery. Both land and ocean were ganization said the world Niño event with record
for Russia’s security,” Putin ers extinguished a fire in a Speaking to reporters the hottest a June has seen. has just seen its hottest global temperatures; today
said in televised remarks. “It 16-story building, as well as in televised remarks from But the globe’s sea surface week on record. the temperatures of 1998
wouldn’t increase Ukraine’s in a nonresidential building, Moscow, Putin reaffirmed — which is 70% of Earth’s NOAA recorded water would be an unusually cool
own security, and, more the Interior Ministry said. that supplies of West- area — has set monthly temperatures around Flor- year. Human-driven cli-
broadly, would make the Debris also smashed into ern weapons to Ukraine high temperature records ida of 98 degrees Wednes- mate change adds a perma-
world more vulnerable and the frontage of a 25-story wouldn’t change the course in April, May and June, day near the Everglades and nent super El Niño worth of
lead to more tensions on the apartment building, it said. of the conflict. He said that and the North Atlantic has 97 degrees Tuesday near the heat to the atmosphere ev-
international arena.” Meanwhile, a senior Western missiles “do inflict been off-the-charts warm Florida Keys. ery decade.”
On Thursday, the Penta- officer leading Russian some damage but nothing since mid-March, scientists NOAA global analysis Global and Antarctic sea
gon said cluster munitions forces against Kyiv’s recent critical is happening” for say. The Caribbean region chief Russ Vose said the ice levels were at record
provided by the United counteroffensive in south- the Russian forces. smashed previous records record-hot June is because lows in June, NOAA said.
6 Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, July 14, 2023


Few favor full abortion bans in US

But poll finds most
Americans oppose
practice at 24 weeks
By Geoff Mulvihill
and Linley Sanders
Associated Press

The majority of U.S.

adults, including those living
in states with the strictest
limits on abortion, want it to
be legal at least through the
initial stages of pregnancy,
a new poll from The Asso-
ciated Press-NORC Center
for Public Affairs Research
The poll was conducted in
late June, one year after the
U.S. Supreme Court over-
turned Roe v. Wade, undo-
ing a nationwide right to
abortion that had been in
place for nearly 50 years.
It comes as state lawmak-
ers in Republican-led states
have moved to drastically
limit abortion access and
as GOP presidential candi-
dates wrestle with how to
approach the issue.
While the laws have
changed over the past year,
the poll found that opinions
on abortion remain much Opinions remain divided one year after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, undoing a nationwide right to abortion. JOSE LUIS MAGANA/AP 2022
as they were a year ago:
complex, with most people anything that would cause stages of pregnancy. and South Carolina have always support for doing Democrats say it’s too diffi-
believing abortion should the baby or her to pass away, Nearly half the states similar bans that are not so. Nationally, about 4 in 10 cult, compared with 22% of
be allowed in some circum- it’s like you’re killing another now allow abortion until being enforced because of people said it was too diffi- Republicans.
stances and not in others. human,” she said. between 20 and 27 weeks court action, and Florida has cult to access abortion in And women were more
Overall, about two-thirds Illinois, where Thomas but bar it later than that in one that hasn’t taken effect. their community, compared likely to say access was too
of Americans say abortion lives, allows abortion until most cases. Before the end of Iowa lawmakers late Tues- with about a quarter who challenging in their area.
should generally be legal, the fetus would be viable, Roe, almost every state fell in day passed a bill that would think it’s too easy. For both Republicans and
but only about a quarter generally considered to that range. add it to those ranks once it Robert Green, an 89-year- Democrats, there was not
say it should always be legal be around 24 weeks, and Now, abortion is banned is signed by Republican Gov. old politically independent much of a gender divide
and only about 1 in 10 say it has become a destination — with varying exceptions Kim Reynolds. rancher in Wyoming, where on the topic: About half of
should always be illegal. for people from neighbor- — at all stages of pregnancy About half of Americans a judge has put on hold a both Democratic men and
By 24 weeks of pregnancy, ing Kentucky, Missouri, in 14 states, including much say abortions should be ban on abortion through- women found it too chal-
most Americans think their Wisconsin and other places of the South. permitted at the 15-week out pregnancy, said he’s lenging, and around 2 in
state should generally not with travel bans for abor- The poll found that 73% mark, though 55% of those supported abortion rights 10 GOP men and women
allow abortions. tions. of all U.S. adults, including living in the most restrictive since before the 1973 Roe did. But nearly half of inde-
That’s true for Jaleesha The poll finds that 1 in 10 58% of those in states with states say abortion should be v. Wade decision. “There’s pendent women thought
Thomas, 34, of Chicago. Americans say they know the strictest bans, believe banned by that point. a lot of reasons,” he said. so, compared with about
“I’d rather the person someone who has either abortion should be allowed And by 24 weeks, about “Not the least of which: The one-third of independent
abort the baby than harm been unable to get an abor- at six weeks of pregnancy. two-thirds of Americans, people who don’t want kids men.
the baby or throw the baby tion or who has had to travel Just one state currently including those who live and go on and have them — The poll of 1,220 adults
out or anything,” she said. to get one in the last year, has a ban in effect that kicks in states with the fewest the kids usually suffer for it.” was done June 22-26 using a
But she said that around since the Supreme Court in around then. restrictions, say it should be People in states with the sample drawn from NORC’s
20 weeks into pregnancy, overturned Roe v. Wade — That’s Georgia, where barred. strictest bans were slightly probability-based Ameri-
she thinks abortion should and that this is especially abortion is banned once While most GOP-con- more likely to say abortion Speak Panel, designed to
not usually be an option. common among young cardiac activity can be trolled state governments was too difficult to access be representative of the
“When they’re fully people, people of color and detected — around six weeks have been pushing for more compared with those living population. The margin of
developed and the mother those living in states where and before women often abortion restrictions, the in the least restrictive sampling error is plus or
doesn’t have any illnesses or abortion is banned at all know they’re pregnant. Ohio poll finds that there’s not states. Overall, about half of minus 3.9 percentage points.

On abortion, Pence stands apart in GOP field

Rivals avoid voicing to an article that did not
address the question of
such strict views as unviable pregnancies. A
held by former VP spokesman for former U.N.
Ambassador Nikki Haley
By Jill Colvin said only that she “will sign
Associated Press pro-life legislation that
includes exceptions for rape,
NEW YORK — In a Re- incest, and for the life of the
publican presidential field mother,” suggesting she, too,
full of candidates opposed to may be opposed to an excep-
abortion rights, Mike Pence tion for nonviable pregnan-
stands out in his embrace of cies — but declined to clarify.
the cause. But Pence, an evangel-
The former vice pres- ical Christian, for whom
ident, who is seeking the the issue is deeply personal,
White House in 2024, is the argues restricting abortion is
only major candidate who “more important than poli-
supports a federal ban on tics” and calls it the “cause
abortion at six weeks, before of our time.”
many women know they’re There are a number of
pregnant. He has advocated fetal conditions in which
pulling from the market doctors generally agree
a widely used abortion there is “truly zero probabil-
pill that has a better safety ity for a healthy outcome,”
record than penicillin and including anencephaly, a
Viagra. And he’s implored severe neural tube defect in
his Republican rivals to back which the skull doesn’t form
a 15-week federal ban as a and the brain is exposed,
minimum national standard, said David Hackney, a
which several have not done. spokesperson for the Society
In a recent interview, for Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Pence went even further, Former Vice President Mike Pence greets people June 24 at the National Celebrate Life Rally in Washington. KEVIN WOLF/AP and a high-risk obstetrician
saying abortion should be in the Cleveland area.
banned when a pregnancy “I want to always err on lives and mental health at also for cases where women surviving. Nine states with abor-
isn’t viable. Such a standard the side of life,” he said. “I risk. receive heartbreaking diag- “They are often absolutely tion restrictions explic-
would force women to carry would hold that view in “One of the things that you noses, often when they’re shocked to learn that the itly exempt cases of lethal
pregnancies to term even these matters because ... I cannot understate is the dif- months along into preg- abortion laws also prohibit fetal anomalies, according
when doctors have deter- honestly believe that we got ficulty for a woman to carry nancies that were deeply them from being able to get to the Guttmacher Insti-
mined there is no chance a this extraordinary opportu- a nonviable pregnancy,” said desired. care to be safe,” she said, tute, a research group that
baby will survive outside the nity in the country today to Alan Peaceman, professor In states like Texas, Flor- “even though they knew supports abortion rights.
womb. restore the sanctity of life to emeritus of obstetrics and ida and Louisiana, women these laws were in place in Even in states with such
“I’m pro-life. I don’t apol- the center of American law.” gynecology at Northwest- have described the anguish this state.” exemptions, however,
ogize for it,” Pence said in Those comments place ern University’s Feinberg of being denied abortions Spokespeople for former doctors say there can be
the interview. “I just have Pence firmly to the right of School of Medicine. “It is even when they know their President Donald Trump confusion.
heard so many stories over the rest of the 2024 pres- psychological torture to go babies will be stillborn and Florida Gov. Ron DeSan- Some states have devel-
the years of courageous idential field and alone out in the world, for people or die shortly after birth. tis declined to say whether oped lists for what qualifies
women and families who among GOP candidates, to see your pregnancy — and Some women have had to they back Pence’s position. as a fatal fetal condition, but
were told that their unborn who largely declined to people will come up to you wait until they developed Trump, the early frontrun- doctors say they will never
child would not go to term take a stance on the issue. and want to talk about your life-threatening infections ner, has repeatedly said he fully capture every potential
or would not survive. And And they drew alarms from pregnancy. And that puts the for intervention. Others backs exceptions in cases of diagnosis. And most states
then they had a healthy obstetricians and doctors woman in a terrible position have spent thousands of rape, incest and the life of do not have such lists, leav-
pregnancy and a healthy who specialize in high-risk that nobody should be in un- dollars to travel to states the mother and has blamed ing definitions up for inter-
delivery.” pregnancies and say nonvi- less they chose to be in that where abortion is legal. hard-line abortion stances pretation.
Doctors disputed Pence’s able pregnancies are far position.” Sarah Prager, a professor for costing the party in last “How lethal does it have
characterization, saying more common than people Once an issue largely of obstetrics and gynecology year’s midterm elections. to be?” Peaceman asked.
there are conditions that are realize. They range from hidden from public view, at the University of Wash- DeSantis, who is polling “Does it have to die within
always incompatible with ectopic pregnancies, when nonviable pregnancies have ington Medical Center, said a distant second, signed a the first few hours? Or the
life and others where the an embryo implants some- gained attention since the she and her colleagues have six-week ban in Florida first 30 days?”
chance of survival is so slim where other than the uterus, Supreme Court ended the seen a stream of patients that includes an exception At the same time, doctors
that most patients, when to deadly birth defects and constitutional right to an coming from states where for fatal fetal abnormalities, in some states risk felony
previously given the choice, other severe pregnancy abortion last year, ushering abortions are now banned. along with rape, incest and convictions that can carry
concluded that continuing complications. in a wave of bans and restric- About 11% of those to save the mother’s life. He five or 10 years of mandatory
the pregnancy wasn’t worth Banning abortions in tions in Republican-led patients, she said, have has declined to say whether prison time if others dispute
the suffering, grief or risk. these cases, doctors say, states. Those moves have received a serious diagno- he supports a federal ban. their interpretations of what
Pence, however, says he’s leads to outcomes that are implications not only for sis, including cases where South Carolina Sen. Tim some complain are overly
undeterred. both cruel and put women’s unwanted pregnancies but the fetus has no chance of Scott’s campaign pointed broad and confusing rules.
Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, July 14, 2023 7


Spacey testifies how

sex abuse allegations
‘exploded’ his career
From news services count of causing a person to
engage in penetrative sexual
LONDON — Kevin activity without consent.
Spacey fought back tears Spacey, 63, has pleaded not
and dabbed his eyes with a guilty to all counts.
tissue Thursday as he told
jurors in a London court US prisoner exchange:
how sexual misconduct President Joe Biden on
allegations six years ago had Thursday said he’s serious
destroyed his career. about pursuing a prisoner
“My world exploded,” exchange for a Wall Street
Spacey said at his sexual Journal reporter who has
assault trial. “There was a been detained in Russia for
rush to judgment and before more than 100 days.
the first question was asked The Kremlin earlier this
or answered I lost my job, month suggested that it
I lost my reputation, I lost was open to a possible pris-
everything in a matter of oner exchange that could
days.” involve Evan Gershkovich,
The emotional testimony but it underscored that such
came toward the end of his talks must be held out of the
nearly three hours in the public eye.
witness box, in what could Speaking at a news
be the most consequential conference in Helsinki, Funeral service: Hundreds of mourners pay their respects Thursday in Newark, New Jersey, to firefighter Augusto “Augie”
speaking part of his life. He Finland, Biden made clear Acabou, 45, who died July 5 while fighting a fire aboard the Grande Costa d’Avorio, an Italian-flagged vessel that was docked at
denied sexually assaulting that the U.S. is interested. Port Newark. Firefighter Wayne “Bear” Brooks Jr., 49, also died in the blaze. His funeral will be held Friday. JOHN MINCHILLO/AP
three men and chalked up “I’m serious about doing
crotch-grabbing allegations all we can to free Ameri-
by a fourth as having been a cans being illegally held in Sept. 26 by Simon & Schus- Deadly monsoon rains: uncovered in a mass grave ical party that outpaced its
“clumsy pass.” Russia or anywhere else for ter. Schools and colleges were in West Darfur, the United rivals to a surprise first-place
The allegations that sent that matter, and that process In testimony last year to closed after record monsoon Nations said Thursday. finish in May’s general elec-
Spacey’s stellar film and is underway,” said Biden, the House Jan. 6 commit- rains led to massive water- According to “credible tion failed Thursday in his
stage career into a spiral who was concluding a five- tee, Hutchinson recalled logging, road cave-ins, information” obtained by initial bid to have Parliament
came in 2017 as the #metoo day visit to Europe that took the Secret Service resisting collapsed homes and grid- the U.N. Human Rights name him the country’s new
movement gained momen- him to the UK, Lithuania Trump’s demands that he locked traffic in large parts Office, at least 87 people prime minister.
tum in the U.S. and a fellow and Finland. join the mob of supporters of northern India, killing — some of them from the The vote of a joint session
actor accused him of sexu- Gershkovich was arrested trying to disrupt congressio- more than 100 people over ethnic African Masalit tribe of the 500-seat House
ally inappropriate behavior on espionage charges in the nal certification of Democrat two weeks, officials said — were killed by the para- of Representatives and
three decades earlier. city of Yekaterinburg while Joe Biden’s electoral victory. Thursday. military Rapid Support 250-seat Senate saw Pita
News of those accusa- on a reporting trip. He is She alleged that members At least 88 people died, 42 Forces and an affiliated Limjaroenrat win 324 votes
tions led others to come being held at Moscow’s of Trump’s inner circle of them in the past five days, Arab militia. Their bodies in the first round of ballot-
forward, including four Lefortovo prison. A Moscow dangled job opportunities and more than 100 others were dumped in a three-foot ing, short of the majority of
men in England who said court recently upheld and financial assistance were injured in the worst- grave just outside the West 376 needed to become prime
the two-time Oscar winner a ruling to keep him in while she was cooperating hit, mountainous Himachal Darfur city of Geneina, the minister.
sexually assaulted them custody until Aug. 30. with the committee. Pradesh state, where cars, agency said. His Move Forward Party
between 2001 and 2013. Gershkovich and his She also testified that buses, bridges and houses Sudan has been rocked finished first in the May
Prosecutor Christine employer deny the allega- her own lawyer — a former were swept away by swirling by violence since mid-April 14 election and afterward
Agnew has called Spacey a tions, and the U.S. govern- ethics counsel in the Trump floodwaters, a state govern- when tensions between the assembled an eight-party
“sexual bully” who “delights ment has declared him to be White House — told her ment statement said. The military and the paramili- coalition that together had
in making others feel power- wrongfully detained. “the less you remember, the region is nearly 310 miles tary Rapid Support Forces won 312 seats, a healthy
less and uncomfortable.” better.” north of New Delhi. erupted into open fighting. majority in the lower house.
The four alleged victims, Former aide’s book deal: A Hutchinson, a native of The water level of the Darfur has been one of the But opposition in the
who didn’t know each other, former White House aide Pennington, New Jersey, Jamuna River in New Delhi epicenters of the 12-week Senate, whose members
independently described to President Donald Trump previously worked in the topped a 40-year record and conflict, morphing into an a re ove r w h e l m i n g l y
disturbing encounters that who became a prominent White House Office of reached 681.5 feet Wednes- arena of ethnic violence with conservative and gener-
escalated from unwanted congressional witness Legislative Affairs and as an day night. the paramilitary troops and ally opposed to the reform-
touching to aggressive against him and his allies in intern for such Republicans allied Arab militias attacking ist platform of Pita’s party,
fondling. the wake of the Jan. 6 siege as Rep. Steve Scalise of Loui- Mass graves in Sudan: The the Masalit and other Afri- doomed his chances in the
Spacey could face a prison of the U.S. Capitol has a book siana and Sen. Ted Cruz of bodies of dozens of people can ethnic groups. first vote. Only 13 senators
term if convicted of charges deal. Texas. allegedly killed by Suda- supported his bid, while 34
that include sexual and inde- Cassidy Hutchinson’s Financial terms for her nese paramilitary forces and Thai politics: The leader of voted against him and 159
cent assault counts and one “Enough” will be released memoir were not disclosed. an allied militia have been the progressive Thai polit- abstained.

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8 Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Friday, July 14, 2023


Many cities left lead pipes buried

Some places say they
can keep them with
chemical treatment
By Michael Phillis
Associated Press

Prandy Tavarez and his
wife were expecting a
baby when they bought a
four-bedroom house in a
well-kept neighborhood of
century-old homes here.
They got to work making it
theirs, ripping off wallpaper,
upgrading the electrical and
replacing windows coated in
paint that contained lead, a
potent neurotoxin that can
damage brain development
in children.
That wasn’t the only lead.
The pipe carrying water to
their home was made of it
too. Providence’s tap water
had had dangerous lead
levels for years. So it wasn’t
surprising in 2008 when a
road crew came through and
dug up the street to take out
the pipe. Then they left part
of it in the ground.
“They put on a Band-Aid,” Richie Nero, left, of Boyle & Fogarty Construction, guides a backhoe operator while pulling a lead water line June 29 in Rhode Island. CHARLES KRUPA/AP
Tavarez said.
Around the country, util- “I can’t but think of partial to be this way. Even though water is shut off. requirement, saying it didn’t only the city-owned pipe
ities have been leaving lead replacements as immoral Detroit had recently filed for But decades after the give the public enough and the homeowner could
pipe in the ground even because they involve a bankruptcy protection, in dangers of lead became chance to weigh in. A federal pay to remove the rest. But
when it is easiest to remove witting decision by govern- 2018 leaders there decided clear, other cities have made appeals court in 1994 agreed. at a cost of thousands of
during water main work. ment agencies to leave resi- that when work is done on different decisions and have The EPA then “completely dollars, most didn’t.
Worse, they have been dents at continued risk of water mains, they would been leaving lead pipe in the caved” and didn’t reissue the But by 2011, EPA scientists
removing sections, disturb- exposure,” Lambrinidou replace all lead pipe. ground. It has occurred in provision, said Erik Olson, were weighing in, saying this
ing the pipe and leaving the said. “We’re protecting the Providence, Chicago and an attorney on the case method doesn’t lower lead.
rest, which can spike lead The sections that remain intellectual capacity of the other places. with the Natural Resources Providence Water’s
levels, causing harm that can poison tap water until next generation of Detroi- It continues today in Okla- Defense Council, leaving policy also changed last
will last a lifetime, an inves- they’re removed. The prac- ters,” said Sam Smalley, chief homa City, in Allentown, only partial replacements year, helped by an influx of
tigation by The Associated tice is also more expensive operating officer of Detroit’s Pennsylvania, Nashville required when lead levels federal funds. Officials said
Press has found. in the long run, since crews water provider. If a utility and Memphis, Tennessee, are high. In 2005, Provi- now, when they do water
Leaving lead pipe behind presumably will have to doesn’t fully replace lead and St. Louis. Recently, more dence Water made a change main work, they replace
should have stopped a return someday. pipes, it’s usually because money and attention to the to its chemical treatment, the whole pipe and for free,
long time ago, said Yanna Many cities say they can they “don’t really want to do danger of lead has prompted causing lead levels to jump nearly always. The state
Lambrinidou, a medical leave the pipes and use it,” he said. some to stop the practice. above EPA limits. legislature recently passed
anthropologist at Virginia chemical treatment instead. It hasn’t been easy for Still, it remains legal. That triggered the a bill to remove all lead pipes
Tech and co-founder of the But that isn’t foolproof, Detroit. Officials had to The Environmental removal requirement, but within 10 years.
Campaign for Lead Free and the Biden administra- hunt for state and federal Protection Agency first set not for whole pipes. And Cities nationally have
Water. The metal is espe- tion has said it wants all 9.2 funds to keep water bills limits on lead in drinking that raises an issue that now also benefited from
cially dangerous for young million lead pipes in the U.S. under control. They hold water in 1991, requiring util- continues to plague the the Bipartisan Infrastruc-
children. It can lower IQ replaced. Even some cities neighborhood meetings ities, with some exceptions, country: divided ownership ture Law that included
and deprive kids of prob- that are committed to taking and distribute water filters. to replace entire lengths of lead pipes. In many cities $15 billion for finding and
lem-solving skills. The out lead pipe say they have Thanks to those efforts, of lead pipe when water like Providence, the utility replacing lead pipes. And
Environmental Protection too few resources and local officials say residents there exceeded those limits. owns part of the pipe that the money is only going to
Agency says no amount is rules can get in the way. allow contractors to dig on But the American Water runs to the house, and the places that replace lead lines
safe for kids. Utilities, she But Buffalo, New York, their property and enter Works Association, a group homeowner owns the rest. in their entirety. The EPA is
said, have tried to cut costs Lincoln, Nebraska, and even homes to take out lead pipes. that represents utilities, Providence took the posi- also drafting stricter lead
and dodge responsibility. Detroit show it didn’t have If residents say no, their challenged that replacement tion that it would remove regulations.

Texas sheriff with classic image now in doubt

Deputies alleged they don’t find the agency
corruption — then The logs do not clarify
came mass shooting the nature of all the calls to
Oropeza’s home, but Capers
By Jake Bleiberg has said his office previously
Associated Press received complaints about
the man’s gunfire.
COLDSPRING, Texas — Kean and another sher-
Sheriff Greg Capers was the iff’s official said the initial
classic picture of a Texas calls came in as harassment
lawman as he announced complaints about Oropeza
the capture of a suspected shooting on his own prop-
mass killer: white cowboy erty and that some calls
hat on his head, gold star required a Spanish trans-
pinned to his chest, white lator. They said the three
cross on his belt and a large deputies on duty were work-
pistol emblazoned with his ing on an aggravated robbery
name on his hip. and the time it took them to
For four days, Fran- respond was “average” given
cisco Oropeza had evaded the county’s size and the
hundreds of officers after area’s rough roads.
allegedly killing five neigh- The next day, when Keith
bors when they complained and Tiffany Pinkston heard
that his late-night shoot- about the shooting, their
ing was keeping their baby first thought was, “That
awake. The sheriff said could have been us.”
his deputies arrived in 11 In January, the family was
minutes, but Oropeza was enjoying a backyard camp-
gone. With the search over, fire with friends when they
Capers had a message for San Jacinto County Sheriff Greg Capers, center with hat, speaks to the media May 2. BRETT COOMER/HOUSTON CHRONICLE said their neighbor began
the victims’ families. shooting. Bullets blew holes
“They can rest easy now,” Former deputies said found evidence that Capers through thick forest. when his wife reported he through their fence and one
Capers told a row of televi- Capers’ office has long fostered a “fear-based” Kean also dismissed the punched and kicked her, sprayed sandy soil up at
sion cameras in May. The neglected basic police culture and oversaw the consultant’s accusations as “pounded” her head on their 8-year-old daughter as
burly sheriff later personally work while pursuing asset improper seizure of tens of lies from the sheriff’s polit- the “driveway gravel” and she ran, , they said.
hauled the “coward” across a seizures that boost its $3.5 thousands of dollars of prop- ical opponents and said the threatened to kill her, court The group scrambled for
town square into court. million budget but don’t erty. The group’s report, county settled the whis- records said. The logs show cover and called 911. When
But an Associated Press always hold up in court. obtained by the AP, also tleblower suit to avoid a a deputy arrived 46 minutes deputies arrived nearly 40
investigation led the sheriff’s Deputies did not arrest alleges deputies failed to costly trial. “This place is later; Oropeza was gone. minutes later, the Pinkstons
office to disclose that depu- Oropeza last year after he follow up on reports of 4,000 open any time to the Texas An arrest warrant for said, they did not ask for the
ties took nearly four times as was reported for domes- crimes, including sexual Rangers,” Kean said in an Oropeza was dropped late neighbor’s identification.
long as Capers initially said tic violence and never abuse and child abuse. interview. “Any day they can the next month after his wife Two months later, state
to arrive at the mass shoot- contacted federal authori- “The sheriff and his come in here and go through said she didn’t want to press police arrested the neighbor
ing near Cleveland, about 45 ties to check his immigration inner circle do whatever this whole building top to charges, according to Kean. on a manslaughter charge in
miles northwest of Houston. status, although immigra- they want, regardless of bottom.” She is accused of hinder- a deadly car crash.
The AP also found tion officials say he was in law, with no consequence,” In April, as Wilson ing his apprehension in the Court documents show
Capers’ turn in the national the country illegally. said Michael Voytko, who Garcia and his wife tried to mass shooting. he was a convicted sex
spotlight belied years of Capers’ department also spent nearly five years as a calm their crying baby boy, Experts say Oropeza’s offender who had failed to
complaints about corrup- appears to have done little San Jacinto County deputy gunfire from the lot next immigration record barred register with Houston police
tion and dysfunction that to investigate after another before leaving in 2020 for door echoed off the pines him from having a firearm. the year before. His felony
were previously unknown family’s call to 911 reporting another law enforcement around their house. The 38-year-old Mexican record prohibited him from
outside the piney woods of a different man’s backyard job. “There was no account- Garcia said he walked national was deported four possessing a firearm.
San Jacinto County. Capers gunfire nearly struck their ability there for any of the over and asked Oropeza times before 2016 and ille- Kean said deputies
did not directly respond to young daughter. deputies.” to take his target practice gally reentered the country, “routinely” identify call-
requests for comment. The county paid $240,000 After the April 28 mass farther from their home. according to U.S. Immigra- ers and anyone they are
What has played out in 2020 to settle a whis- shooting outside Cleve- When Oropeza refused, tion and Customs Enforce- calling about, make sure
under his watch is indica- tleblower’s lawsuit accusing land, Capers’ second-in- Garcia and his wife made ment. His lawyer, Anthony no one is wanted, and look
tive of challenges police face Capers of misconduct. Last command said the sheriff their first of many 911 calls Osso, declined to comment for evidence of gunfire,
across rural America, where year, county leaders hired initially gave his “best guesti- at 11:34 p.m. on his client’s immigration although he could not say
small staffs must patrol vast a police consulting firm to mation” about the response By that point, Oropeza status and said Oropeza will whether they did so at the
jurisdictions. It also reveals examine the sheriff’s office time. Chief Deputy Tim was on the sheriff’s radar. plead not guilty to capital Pinkstons’ home.
the difficulty in holding but disregarded its recom- Kean added that low pay has Deputies were called to murder. Keith Pinkston, a self-de-
powerful law enforce- mendation to have the Texas left the office short of depu- Oropeza’s home at least Kean said deputies scribed “country boy” who
ment officials accountable Rangers’ public corruption ties to patrol the county, three times in the prior two can’t check immigration generally supports police,
in isolated areas with little squad investigate. where 27,000 people live years, according to call logs. records themselves and did called Capers and his depu-
outside oversight. The LION Institute scattered along dirt roads One came in June 2022, not contact ICE because ties “worthless.”
Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Friday, July 14, 2023 1

CHICAGO SPORTS Chicago’s best sports section, as judged by the Associated Press Sports Editors


Day 1
haul has
Ole Miss SS Gonzalez
in particular creating
real excitement
By LaMond Pope
Chicago Tribune

The 2023 Major League Baseball

draft for the White Sox included
players spanning the globe from
Downers Grove to Pineuilh,
France, and Osaka, Japan.
The Sox selected 10 pitchers
(seven right-handers and three
left-handers), five infielders, three
outfielders and two catchers.
Sox director of amateur scouting
Mike Shirley mentioned the “secu-
rity of some of the skills of some of
the guys we drafted on the first
day” as a highlight while talking
with reporters in a conference call
Here are three takeaways from
the three-day draft.

The Sox were thrilled to get Jacob

Gonzalez at No. 15: Gonzalez is
from Glendora, Calif., and grew
up rooting for the Dodgers.
He said he’s visited Camel-
back Ranch — the spring training
home in Glendale, Ariz., for both
the Dodgers and Sox — “my whole
That was his most immedi-
ate connection with the Sox until
Sunday, when they selected the
Mississippi shortstop with the No.
15 pick.
“I think Jacob Gonzalez is a real
player,” Shirley said. “He does so
many great things. You’re talking
about a guy who was a Freshman
Player of the Year (by D1Baseball)
in college, he won a national cham-
pionship his sophomore year and
he’s a first-round draft pick his
junior year.”
Gonzalez slashed .319/.427/.561
with 43 doubles, four triples, 40
home runs, 158 RBIs and 186 runs
in 186 games during three seasons
with the Rebels.
“He’s a left-handed hitter who
walks more than he strikes out,”
Shirley said. “He gets the power,
he’s got plus instincts.
“I’m excited about what Jacob
brings to the table.”

Downers Grove North product

George Wolkow’s power stands
out: Wolkow is 6-foot-7, but that’s
not all that stood out to the Sox.
“The power is unbelievable,”
Shirley said. “The power is signif-
The Sox selected the outfielder
in the seventh round Monday.
“Remember, he’s 17, 6-foot-7, 240
pounds, so his body is still matur-

Here and gone

Patrick Wisdom reacts after grounding into a fielder’s choice to end the third inning against the Dodgers on April 20. CHRIS SWEDA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE ing,” Shirley said. “George has
significant tools. ... You’re talking
about a kid who’s taking a huge risk
in life.

Turn to White Sox, Page 2

Cubs, Sox must soon decide what their training camp and suck up all the MVP
oxygen on talk radio and in the
next move will be with several players media.
The Cubs begin the second
Cubs: Dansby Swanson. A left
heel injury kept him out of the
The Cubs and White a prolonged stretch of half at home with a three-game All-Star Game, but Swanson
Sox find themselves in winning baseball. series against the Boston Red has lived up to the hype that
similar positions Friday Both have several Sox, part of a 10-game home- accompanied his seven-year,
as the second half talented and proven stand that could decide their fate $177 million contract, with a 2.9
begins following the players who could be at the deadline. Ditto the Sox, WAR and superb play at short. Mississippi infielder Jacob Gonzalez
All-Star break. traded for prospects by who open an equally important His power numbers still need to sets to throw March 17, 2022, in
Both teams are Paul Sullivan the Aug. 1 deadline if nine-game trip in Atlanta, where increase. Auburn, Ala. VASHA HUNT/AP
under .500 and a good In the Wake management decides they’ll face the best team in base- White Sox: Luis Robert Jr. He’s
distance behind the of the News the playoffs are a pipe ball. seventh in the majors in fWAR UP NEXT
leaders of their respec- dream in 2023. Here are some things we (3.7) and with 26 home runs has White Sox at
tive divisions yet close enough And both teams have less than learned in the first half and what Braves 6:20 p.m.
to get back in contention with two weeks before the Bears start to look for down the stretch. Turn to Sullivan, Page 3 Fri., NBCSCH


Fitzgerald firing has recruits reassessing NU commitment

By Shakeia Taylor President Michael Schill. the initial 14 members of the 2024 of the 2024 recruiting class are opportunistic. They’re going to
Chicago Tribune Fitzgerald originally received class have reopened their recruit- committed to the Wildcats for see this as an opportunity to maybe
a two-week, unpaid suspension ment. now, but Allen Trieu, a Midwest come back in on some recruits that
Amid fallout from the report from the university July 7. After Offensive linemen Payton sports analyst for 247Sports who they missed the first time round or
of an outside investigation into pressure that followed report- Stewart and Julius Tate and has spoken with some of the play- these are recruits they may now be
hazing within Northwestern’s ing from the Daily Northwestern wide receiver Brett Eskildsen ers, said many are keeping their interested in.
football program, recruits have student newspaper, Schill said he announced on social media that options and the lines of communi- “When there’s a coaching
started to reassess their commit- “may have erred” in his initial deci- they were decommitting. Defen- cation open with other programs. change, (other universities) scan
ments. sion to suspend Fitzgerald, citing a sive tackle Dillan Johnson, from “I imagine that some other that school’s commit list to see if
Northwestern fired football “broken” culture in the program. Joliet Catholic, decommitted and schools are going to reach out,” there are guys they can recruit.
coach Pat Fitzgerald on Monday In the days since Fitzgerald’s flipped to Wisconsin. Trieu told the Tribune. “College
with a statement from university firing four three-star recruits from The 10 remaining members football coaches and teams are Turn to Northwestern, Page 2
2 Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Friday, July 14, 2023

Team Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday


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bad start
Associated Press

Xherdan Shaqiri and Maren

Haile-Selassie each had a goal
and an assist in the first half to
power the Chicago Fire to a 3-0
victory over CF Montreal on
Wednesday night.
The Fire (7-7-8) struck
quickly when Brian Gutiérrez
used a pass from 19-year-old
Georgios Koutsias in the 9th
minute to score his first goal of
the season.
Haile-Selassie and Shaqiri set
up each other’s goals. Haile-Se-
lassie’s of the season came two
minutes after Gutiérrez scored.
Shaqiri scored his third goal of
the season in the 34th minute to
give the Fire a 3-0 lead at half-
The Fire snapped a four-
match losing streak to Montreal
(8-12-2) with their first multi-
goal margin of victory this
Chris Brady saved four shots
to earn the clean sheet for the
Fire. Jonathan Sirois totaled
two saves for Montreal, which
fell to 3-6-3 all time against the
Fire in Chicago.
Montreal has been shut out in
nine of its 12 road matches this
season with a 1-9-2 record. The
club has scored just four away
goals all season. Montreal has
earned only five points on the
road this season after leading
the league with 35 in 2022. Oregon player Rikuu Nishida celebrates his double on June 2 in Nashville, Tenn. GEORGE WALKER IV/AP
The Fire improve to 4-1-0 in
their last five matches after a
3-6-8 start. White Sox records at Oregon with 25 stolen
bases and 67 runs in 2023.
11th round. They picked LaCombe
in the 12th.
Wolkow, Downers Grove North HS
Round 8, No. 239: OF Eddie Park,
Montreal returns home to from Page 1 “You can’t take your eyes off the “He’s not short on talent, 93-95 Stanford
host Charlotte FC on Satur- guy when he’s on the field,” Shirley (mph) with a real breaking ball,” Round 9, No. 269: RHP Jake
day. The Fire will play host to “He graduated high school early said. “That alone, and his skill set Shirley said of LaCombe. “This guy Peppers, Jacksonville State
Toronto FC on Saturday. and took a significant amount of and his talent, it’s real. is a real piece of the puzzle. Round 10, No: 299: RHP Zach
money from a professional base- “We thought it was important “The guy has a bunch of energy, Franklin, Missouri
ball team to jump in a career really enough to take him in the 11th he loves to pitch. We think there’s Round 11, No. 329: 2B Rikuu Nishida,
quick in his life. round because I think he’s going untapped potential here, as well.” Oregon
“Sometimes when you think to get on base, he’s going to steal Here’s a breakdown of the Sox Round 12, No. 359: RHP Mathias
about the makeup of people, the bases. He bunts, he slashes, he can selections in the 2023 MLB draft: LaCombe, Cochise (Ariz.) College
ability to take on risk, manage risk hit.” Round 13, No. 389: 3B Ryan Galanie,
and feel good about it, that says a Nishida earned honorable Draft selections Wofford (S.C.) College
lot about his character.” mention All-Pac-12 Conference Round 14, No. 419: 2B Edrick Felix,
honors after batting .312 with five Round 1, No. 15 (bonus slot value Florida Gulf Coast
Japan and France were repre- home runs and 37 RBIs. $4,488,600): SS Jacob Gonzalez, Round 15, No. 449: RHP Carlton
sented in the 11th and 12th rounds: Shirley also pointed to his Mississippi Perkins, Cowley County (Kan.) CC
California, Texas, Florida and success in the Cape Cod League, Round 2, No. 51: RHP Grant Taylor, Round 16, No. 479: C Weston Eberly,
North Carolina are a few of the where he hit .291 with three LSU Columbia
states where some of the Sox picks doubles, 11 RBIs, 25 runs and a Round 3, No. 84: RHP Seth Keener, Round 17, No. 509: IF Mikey Kane,
have their hometowns. league-leading 28 stolen bases in Wake Forest Oregon State
The Sox also selected Oregon 2022. Round 4, No. 116: C Calvin Harris, Round 18, No. 539: LHP Anthony
second baseman Rikuu Nishida, “It was significant what he was Mississippi Imhoff, Pima (Ariz.) CC
who is from Osaka, Japan, and doing in a wood-bat league to give Round 5, No. 152: LHP Christian Round 19, No. 569: OF Caden
Xherdan Shaqiri, shown during a Cochise (Ariz.) College right- you some validation without the Oppor, Gulf Coast (Fla.) CC Connor, Cal State Fullerton
match in 2022 had a goal and an handed pitcher Mathias LaCombe, aluminum bat in his hands,” Shir- Round 6, No. 179: LHP Lucas Round 20, No. 599: RHP Garrett
assist for the Fire on Wednesday who is from Pineuilh, France. ley said. Gordon, Texas Wright, TCU
in their 3-0 win. DARRYL DYCK/AP Nishida set single-season school The Sox selected Nishida in the Round 7, No. 209: OF George

Northwestern ranked 62nd nationally and 16th

(last) in the Big Ten, according to
interim head coach do but how
quickly the university is able to
done a really good job of recruit-
ing through that and making that
have 30 days from Fitzgerald’s
termination to enter the transfer
from Page 1 247Sports. bring in a new coach. a thing of the past.... portal with no penalty.
Trieu added that a coaching “If we use Penn State as an “It’s up to whoever the next According to Schill’s statement,
And I’m sure that that’s happen- change, regardless of the circum- example, after Joe Paterno, that coach or coaches are, to be able to the external investigation found
ing with Northwestern right now. stances, has the potential to have could have really had a big impact try to quickly move on from this 11 current or former players who
“So these kids will have some long-lasting impacts on recruit- on the next couple of staffs,” Thieu and get the program and recruit- corroborated the hazing allega-
new opportunities.” ing, but it ultimately depends not said. “And I think that Bill O’Brien ing back on the right track.” tions, but no current players have
Northwestern’s 2024 class is only on what the current staff and and then James Franklin have Northwestern football players officially entered the portal.

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Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Friday, July 14, 2023 3


Cubs open ’24 on road; Sox at home

By Meghan Montemurro The Cubs and Sox are part of eight games Tigers, New York Yankees and Oakland backs, Miami Marlins, San Francisco Giants
Chicago Tribune for the traditional opening day March 28. Athletics. Their interleague road series will and San Diego Padres.
The Los Angeles Dodgers and San Diego take them to the Rangers, Seattle Mariners, Four holiday games will be played at
The Chicago Cubs’ 2024 season will kick Padres play Major League Baseball’s first Boston Red Sox, Tampa Bay Rays, Baltimore Wrigley next season: Father’s Day (June 16)
off on the road. games of the season March 20-21 in Seoul, Orioles, Kansas City Royals and Cleveland versus the St. Louis Cardinals, Juneteenth
The Cubs open away from Wrigley Field South Korea, the first time MLB is playing Guardians. (June 19) versus the San Francisco Giants,
for the first time since 2019, again in Arling- big-league games in the country. The Sox will welcome the Atlanta Braves, Independence Day (July 4) versus the Phil-
ton, Texas, against the Rangers. They are As part of their interleague schedule, the Cincinnati Reds, Washington Nationals, Los adelphia Phillies and Labor Day (Sept. 2)
scheduled for a three-game series at Globe Cubs and White Sox play a pair of two-game Angeles Dodgers, Colorado Rockies, Pitts- against the Pittsburgh Pirates.
Life Field (March 28, 30-31) as part of the series at Wrigley Field (June 4-5) and Guar- burgh Pirates, and the New York Mets to The Sox’s lone holiday home game comes
tentative 2024 schedule released Thursday. anteed Rate Field (Aug. 9-10). Guaranteed Rate Field for interleague play. against the Blue Jays on Memorial Day (May
The White Sox, meanwhile, play host The Cubs host interleague games versus Their interleague road series send the Sox to 27).
to the Detroit Tigers as part of a six-game the Houston Astros, Los Angeles Angels, the Philadelphia Phillies, St. Louis Cardinals, They play at the Guardians on Fourth of
homestand to begin the season. Minnesota Twins, Toronto Blue Jays, Detroit Milwaukee Brewers, Arizona Diamond- July and at the Orioles on Labor Day.

from Page 1

a shot at breaking Albert Belle’s single-sea-

son franchise record of 49 homers. Cutting
down on his strikeout percentage (28.5)
will be the key.

Biggest disappointment
Cubs: Jameson Taillon. A 6.15 ERA isn’t
what anyone expected when Taillon
signed a four-year, $68 million deal.
The Cubs hope a brilliant outing last
Friday in his return to Yankee Stadium —
eight shutout innings of one-hit ball in a
3-0 win — can turn things around. If not,
they’re in trouble.
White Sox: Tim Anderson. Having the
lowest on-base percentage in the majors
(. 259) is bad enough, but manager Pedro
Grifol refused to move him from the lead-
off spot until recently.
Even worse, Anderson looks like he
doesn’t want to be here.

Must trade
Cubs: Patrick Wisdom. After an early home
run surge, Wisdom has regressed to his old
ways, as evidenced by a whopping 39.1%
strikeout rate, second-worst in the majors
behind Joey Gallo (40.9%).
Despite the obvious power he brings the
Cubs offense doesn’t click when he’s in the
Sox: Lance Lynn. The sooner the better for
the Sox and Lynn, whose last start against
the Toronto Blue Jays — a one-hit gem over
seven innings — was a rarity in a season of
An elite strikeout rate (11.1 Ks per nine
innings) should convince someone to bite
in spite of his 6.03 ERA, second-worst
among qualified starters.

Cubs: Kyle Hendricks. It makes perfect
sense to shop Hendricks if the Cubs drop
out of contention. He has pitched well
enough to bring back some value.
But the karmic ramifications of dealing
the last man standing from the 2016 cham-
pions could come back to bite team Presi-
dent Jed Hoyer.
White Sox: Dylan Cease. A 3-3 record and
4.30 ERA suggest a major drop-off from his
2022 season, when Cease finished second
to Justin Verlander in Cy Young Award
voting. But the Sox should build a rotation
around Cease, especially with Lynn and sealed the closer’s role, and Mark Leiter Jr.
Lucas Giolito probably gone by Aug. 1. and Julian Merryweather have stepped up
in high-leverage situations. At least Hoyer
Biggest win won’t have to start over again with his bull-
pen in 2024.
Cubs: A 7-6, 11-inning win over the White Sox The food at Sox Park remains of
Milwaukee Brewers on July 4 at American high quality.
Family Field had a little bit of everything,
including a postgame rant from David Ross Worst trend
on the umpiring and the roof. Justin Steele
said the game “was drunk.” He was correct. Cubs: Power outage. Seiya Suzuki, Ian
White Sox: A 12-9 comeback win over the Happ, Trey Mancini and the since-de-
Tampa Bay Rays on April 30 at Guaran- moted Matt Mervis all were expected to hit
teed Rate Field. Andrew Vaughn’s walk-off, for more power.
three-run home run capped a seven-run White Sox: Catching issues. Yasmani Gran-
ninth that ended a 10-game losing streak. dal continues on his downward slope and
The Sox failed to capitalize on the uplift- Seby Zavala has yet to show he’s an every-
ing moment. day catcher.

Toughest loss Biggest 2nd-half question

Cubs: An 8-6 road loss to the Brewers on Cubs: Hoyer has to decide whether to
July 3 after blowing a 6-0 lead was devas- deal Marcus Stroman or risk losing him
tating. Swanson said afterward that the for nothing if he opts out of his contract,
Cubs had to “man up.” They won four of as expected. Stroman’s popularity with
their next six against the Brewers and New teammates and fans can’t enter into the
York Yankees heading into the break. equation if Hoyer is true to his words about
White Sox: An 8-7 loss to the Rays on April doing what’s right for the organization.
21 at Tropicana Field. The Sox led 7-5 in White Sox: General manager Rick Hahn
the ninth when Reynaldo Lopez gave up a has never executed a major summer fire
home run, a single and a two-run homer to sale like Hoyer in 2021. But if any team
the only three batters he faced. It was the deserves to be blown up, this is the one.
beginning of the end. Getting players who can contribute in
2024 is a must since the farm system is
Player to watch in 2nd half lacking.

Cubs: Miguel Amaya. A .976 OPS against Managerial outlook

left-handers suggests he should get more
playing time. But with three catchers he’s Cubs: Ross weathered a storm of criticism
not getting enough chances. in the first half but remains in high stand-
White Sox: Jake Burger. Plate discipline ing with Hoyer. Change is unlikely, but
needs to improve, but 19 home runs in 241 another sub-. 500 finish could put him on
at-bats is hard to overlook. Daniel Palka hit the hot seat in ‘24.
27 homers for the Sox in 2018 but was out White Sox: Most Sox fans have absolved
of the majors by 2020. Hopefully Burger is Grifol of blame for the team’s underachiev-
no Palka. ing ways, but lineup decisions and funda-
mental mistakes fall on his shoulders. If
Most underappreciated Hahn remains as GM, Grifol will be back
next season.
Cubs: Christopher Morel. His .972 slugging
percentage ranks ninth in majors among
players with 150 or more at-bats. Demoting TOP: Jake Burger hits a three-run home run in
Morel to Triple-A Iowa in spring training the first inning against the Phillies on April 18
was a head-scratching decision. at Guaranteed Rate Field.
White Sox: Lucas Giolito. He leads the MIDDLE: White Sox starting pitcher Dylan
American League with 19 starts and Cease delivers in the first inning against the
allowed two or fewer runs in 13. He wants Marlins on June 9 at Guaranteed Rate Field.
to stay with the Sox but likely is a goner as BOTTOM: Cubs third baseman Patrick
their top trade chip. Wisdom throws his helmet to the ground
after striking out to end the fifth inning
Best trend against the Padres on April 25 at Wrigley Field.
Cubs: Bullpen arms. Adbert Alzolay has KIM (WISDOM)/CHICAGO TRIBUNE
4 Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Friday, July 14, 2023


American League National League

Tampa Bay 58 35 .624 — — 3-7 W-1 35-15 23-20 Atlanta 60 29 .674 — — 8-2 L-1 30-15 30-14
Baltimore 54 35 .607 2 +5 6-4 W-5 26-18 28-17 Miami 53 39 .576 8½ +3 5-5 W-2 30-18 23-21
Toronto 50 41 .549 7 — 6-4 W-1 23-18 27-23 Philadelphia 48 41 .539 12 ½ 6-4 L-2 22-16 26-25
New York 49 42 .538 8 1 4-6 L-1 28-23 21-19 New York 42 48 .467 18½ 7 6-4 L-2 20-19 22-29
Boston 48 43 .527 9 2 8-2 W-5 26-22 22-21 Washington 36 54 .400 24½ 13 4-6 W-2 15-32 21-22

Cleveland 45 45 .500 — — 6-4 L-1 24-22 21-23 Cincinnati 50 41 .549 — — 7-3 L-1 23-21 27-20
Minnesota 45 46 .495 ½ 5 5-5 L-3 26-22 19-24 Milwaukee 49 42 .538 1 ½ 6-4 W-1 26-21 23-21
Detroit 39 50 .438 5½ 10 5-5 L-1 20-25 19-25 Chicago 42 47 .472 7 6½ 5-5 W-1 21-22 21-25
Chicago 38 54 .413 8 12½ 3-7 L-2 21-25 17-29 Pittsburgh 41 49 .456 8½ 8 3-7 W-1 22-21 19-28
Kansas City 26 65 .286 19½ 24 3-7 W-1 13-31 13-34 St. Louis 38 52 .422 11½ 11 5-5 W-2 17-25 21-27

Texas 52 39 .571 — — 3-7 L-2 27-18 25-21 Los Angeles 51 38 .573 — — 7-3 W-4 29-16 22-22
Houston 50 41 .549 2 — 6-4 L-1 25-22 25-19 Arizona 52 39 .571 — +2½ 4-6 L-1 26-24 26-15
Seattle 45 44 .506 6 4 7-3 W-1 24-20 21-24 San Francisco 49 41 .544 2½ — 4-6 W-2 26-22 23-19
Los Angeles 45 46 .495 7 5 1-9 L-5 23-20 22-26 San Diego 43 47 .478 8½ 6 6-4 W-2 25-23 18-24
Oakland 25 67 .272 27½ 25½ 4-6 L-4 12-32 13-35 Colorado 34 57 .374 18 15½ 3-7 L-2 20-24 14-33



Mia Alcantara (R) 3-7 4.72 7-11 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-1 18.2 2.89
Bal Kremer (R) 6:05p 9-4 4.78 12-6 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-1 17.0 5.82
Ari TBD 0-0 0.00 0-0 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 0.0 0.00
Tor TBD 6:07p 0-0 0.00 0-0 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 0.0 0.00
ChW Kopech (R) 3-7 4.08 6-10 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-2 12.1 4.38
Atl Morton (R) 6:20p 9-6 3.43 10-7 0-0 0.0 0.00 3-0 17.0 2.12
Bos Bello (R) 6-5 3.04 9-5 0-0 0.0 0.00 2-1 20.2 1.74
ChC Hendricks (R) 7:05p 3-3 3.04 6-3 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-1 18.2 3.86
NYY Rodon (L) 0-1 3.38 0-1 2-0 16.0 2.25 1-1 15.2 3.45
Col Gomber (L) 7:40p 7-7 6.40 10-8 0-0 0.0 0.00 3-0 18.0 3.00


Cle Civale (R) 3-2 2.56 5-4 1-0 5.0 3.60 1-0 19.0 2.37
Tex Gray (R) 7:05p 6-5 3.29 8-8 0-1 10.0 4.50 0-3 17.0 4.76
TB Glasnow (R) 2-3 4.10 4-4 0-0 5.0 1.80 0-2 16.1 2.76
KC Marsh (R) 7:10p 0-2 7.00 0-2 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-2 9.0 7.00
Hou France (R.) 4-3 3.26 5-6 0-0 7.0 1.29 2-1 19.0 2.84
LAA Ohtani (R.) 8:38p 7-4 3.32 11-6 0-2 13.0 4.85 1-2 18.1 3.44
Min Maeda (R) 2-5 5.18 2-5 0-0 0.0 0.00 2-1 17.0 1.59
Oak TBD 8:40p 0-0 0.00 0-0 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 0.0 0.00
Det Rodriguez (L) 4-5 2.64 5-7 0-1 10.0 7.20 0-2 15.0 4.80
Sea Castillo (R) 9:10p 6-6 2.85 9-9 0-0 0.0 0.00 2-0 20.0 2.70


SD Darvish (R) 5-6 4.87 6-9 1-0 13.0 2.08 0-2 16.0 7.31
Phi Sanchez (L) 5:05p 0-2 2.84 3-2 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-2 17.0 2.65
SF Stripling (R) 0-2 6.37 2-5 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 9.0 5.00
Pit Hill (L) 6:05p 7-9 4.78 8-10 0-1 6.0 9.00 1-2 15.0 7.20
The Cubs’ Mike Tauchman warms up barefoot before a game againsrt the Giants on June 10 in San Francisco. JEFF CHIU/AP LAD Urias (L) 6-5 4.76 7-5 0-0 5.1 1.69 1-2 12.0 9.75
NYM Verlander (R) 6:10p 3-4 3.60 5-7 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-0 18.0 1.00
Mil Burnes (R) 7-5 3.94 10-8 1-0 12.0 3.75 2-0 18.2 3.86
BASEBALL Cin Ashcraft (R) 6:10p 4-6 6.28 8-8 0-1 4.0 22.50 1-1 16.2 4.32

Splendor on the grass

Was TBD 0-0 0.00 0-0 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 0.0 0.00
StL Mikolas (R) 7:15p 5-5 4.23 9-10 0-1 7.0 2.57 1-0 19.0 4.26
TEAM REC: Team’s Record in games started by today’s pitcher.
VS OPP: Pitcher’s record versus this opponent.



No games scheduled
No games scheduled
trying to stay mindful SATURDAY’S GAMES

with barefoot walks on SATURDAY’S GAMES

Boston at Chi. Cubs, 1:20p.m.
G1: San Diego at Philadelphia, 12:05p.m.
Boston at Chi. Cubs, 1:20p.m.

the field before games Atlanta at Toronto, 2:07p.m.

Cleveland at Texas, 3:05p.m.
Arizona at Toronto, 2:07p.m.
Miami at Baltimore, 6:05p.m.
Miami at Baltimore, 6:05p.m. G2: San Diego at Philadelphia, 6:05p.m.
Minnesota at Oakland, 6:07p.m. San Francisco at Pittsburgh, 6:05p.m.
By Janie McCauley Tampa Bay at Kansas City, 6:10p.m.
Chi. White Sox at Atlanta, 6:15p.m.
Milwaukee at Cincinnati, 6:10p.m.
Chi. White Sox at Atlanta, 6:15p.m.
Associated Press N.Y. Yankees at Colorado, 7:10p.m. L.A. Dodgers at N.Y. Mets, 6:15p.m.
Houston at L.A. Angels, 8:07p.m. Washington at St. Louis, 6:15p.m.
SAN FRANCISCO — Shoes off and Detroit at Seattle, 8:40p.m. N.Y. Yankees at Colorado, 7:10p.m.

dropped near the visitor’s dugout

in San Francisco, Christian Walker AROUND THE HORN
begins his barefoot stroll through the
perfectly manicured grass and makes „ MLB: The Cubs will play have begun to submit infor-
his way into right field, where he the Rangers in Arlington, mation related to their
plops down for a much-needed dose Texas, the only interleague relocation application,”
of Vitamin D on a sunny, summer Bay matchup on Major League MLB Commissioner Rob
Area day. It’s a welcome chance for a Baseball’s traditional open- Manfred told the Baseball
good stretch and fresh air following a ing day on March 28 in Writers’ Association of
cross-country flight from Washington. the second season of the America on Tuesday. “It’s
It also provides a little bit of quiet balanced schedule. MLB not complete at this point.”
time, all to himself, before the struc- released its 2024 sched- Nevada’s Legislature
tured baseball activity of warmups and ule Thursday, seven weeks recently approved provid-
batting practice begins. The Diamondbacks’ Christian Walker takes time before games to connect his mind earlier than the 2023 ing $380 million in public
For nearly a decade, Walker has and body. “I can usually find a quiet corner somewhere,” he says. JANIE MCCAULEY/AP announcement. All 30 financing for a proposed
counted on this time before each teams are slated to play on $1.5 billion, 30,000-seat
game to connect his mind and body. man arrives early enough to get his Manaea confided his struggles to March 28, a week after the ballpark with a retractable
And on this occasion, he even made a work done 10-15 minutes before the his girlfriend, teammates, family and Dodgers and Padres meet roof on the Tropicana hotel
barehanded catch while sitting with home team begins its pregame routine friends. in a two-game series March site of the Las Vegas Strip.
his legs out, somehow corralling a of batting practice and groundballs. Now, he works regularly on breath- 20 and 21 in Seoul, MLB’s The new venue would be
two-hopper from Nick Ahmed during Sometimes it will be just walking a ing and even focuses his efforts on first regular-season games close to Allegiant Stadium,
Diamondbacks early hitting — a first lap around the outfield, or lying in the something simple like being a better in South Korea. AL open- where the NFL’s Oakland
for Walker utilizing his Gold Glove grass and stretching out his limbs. friend. ers include the Angels at Raiders moved to in 2020,
defensive skills since beginning his “I love the sunlight on me, so I try to The Giants’ Joc Pederson also Orioles, Tigers at White Sox, and T-Mobile Arena, where
routine of “earthing.” wear something sleeveless,” Walker said. counts on constant support from Yankees at Astros, Twins at the newly-crowned Stanley
Players who participate in bare- “It doesn’t take much. Even if the other Martin and is committed to breath Royals, Guardians at A’s, Red Cup champion Golden
foot walking say the benefits are team is out here for batting practice, I can work and earthing. He and Manaea Sox at Mariners and Blue Knights started play in
wide-ranging: give the feet opportu- usually find a quiet corner somewhere have pointed to the important skills Jays at Rays. NL games on 2017 as an expansion team.
nity to move without the constraints and just kind of be in the moment.” they’ve gained from both Martin and March 28 have the Rockies An A’s move would have
of shoes to potentially decrease pain He started earthing under the guid- Shana Alexander, the Giants’ director at Diamondbacks, Nationals to be approved by at least
and inflammation, lower stress and ance of then-Orioles strength coach of mental health and wellness. at Reds, Cardinals at 75% of the 30 major league
help normalize the nervous system for Trevor Howell — “before there was “Realizing that I’m not alone on this Dodgers, Pirates at Marlins, teams. The team’s lease at
improved sleep and day-to-day func- much info on it.” journey was very helpful,” Manaea Brewers at Mets, Braves the Coliseum expires after
tion among other potential benefits for “It started as we were working on said. “It’s not just me, there’s a team at Phillies and Giants at the 2024 season. It remains
the heart, cortisol levels and mental sprint form and working on ankle behind me. It took a lot for me to real- Padres. This season marked unclear where the team
health. No accepted scientific studies mobility and stuff like that,” Walker ize that. ... It took me a while to realize the first time since 1968 that would play until a new ball-
confirm grounding improves perfor- said, “and it’s kind of evolved into there are people in my corner.” every team played on open- park opens in Las Vegas.
mance, but the players believe it. something else for me.” Manaea said he learned from a 2022 ing day. Next year’s regular „ Extra innings: Astros
“The science of grounding is Manaea almost dances as he moves season in which he under-performed start on March 28 matches slugger Yordan Alvarez will
harnessing the earth’s energy,” Walker barefooted through the left field grass by his standards: 8-9 with a 4.96 ERA 2019 as the earliest opening begin a rehab assignment
explains. and out to the hidden bullpen in center and his fewest innings at 158 pitching a day, not including interna- Friday at Triple-A Sugar
Some 10 minutes after Walker starts field for a breathing session led by full season since his rookie year of 2016 tional games. Games outside Land. Alvarez, 26, landed
his session, barefooted pitcher Kyle Giants human performance specialist with the A’s. the U.S. and Canada include on the IL on June 9 with
Nelson passes with a quick hello while Harvey Martin. “I don’t think I did a really good job the Astros and Rockies on right oblique discomfort.
taking his own pregame walk to feel the Assistant pitching coach JP Marti- at it,” he said, “but I did get through it.” April 27 and 28 in Mexico After nearly a month out,
grass between his toes. Ahmed does it, nez participates, too, and the three men The Diamondbacks’ Ahmed City, and the Mets and Alvarez began taking swings
too, while Cubs outfielder Mike Tauch- find seats along the outfield wall where reminds himself “to be grateful for the Phillies on June 8 and 9 in a batting cage and going
man removed his shoes for a walk at they will be safe if a batting-practice opportunity that I have to do what I in London. The Cardinals through outfield drills last
Oracle Park during his team’s June visit. ball happens to fly over the fence. love doing and to do what I’ve wanted and Giants are scheduled week ahead of the All-Star
Giants left-hander Sean Manaea is For 15 minutes, they transform into to do since I was a little kid.” to play at Rickwood Field in break. Alvarez, the 2019 AL
another big fan and can often be seen another world. Inhale-exhale in a For Walker, there’s a peace to keep- Birmingham, Alabama, on rookie of the year, is hitting
skipping or shuffling barefoot from the constant rhythm, then a lengthy breath ing baseball in perspective by remind- June 20 in a tribute to the .277 with 17 HRs, 12 doubles
dugout, his long dark locks swaying in hold of 90 seconds. Repeat. It’s focused ing himself each day to soak in the Negro Leagues and Willie and 55 RBIs in 57 games this
the breeze. meditation and breath work. beauty around him, to notice the small Mays. The All-Star Game is season. ... The All-Star Game
Walker is thrilled how the practice “The first thing I go to in the foun- details. Even in the unpredictable July 16 at Globe Life Field in drew a record low in viewers
— also known as “grounding” — has dation is your breathing,” Martin said. conditions of the Rockies’ Coors Field, Arlington, Texas. The regu- for the second straight year.
caught on all over as players find it “Breathing is kind of the language of where you might get snow in May. lar season is scheduled to The NL’s 3-2 win over the AL
useful for their own reasons. the body, the connector of the mind He looked around at the Giants’ end on Sept. 29. on Tuesday night in Seattle
When he began doing it during his and the body.” empty ballpark last month and appre- „ Athletics: The A’s have was seen by 7,006,000
second season in the big leagues with Manaea, who pitched a no-hit- ciated all of the elements. started the process of apply- viewers on Fox, down from
the Orioles in 2015, Walker heard all ter for the A’s five years ago and has “For me it’s not about a nice day,” ing to MLB to move to Las 7.51 million last year. The
the teasing, friendly jabs and scrutiny. handled a variety of roles in his first Walker said. “What I’m after is just Vegas. MLB last month game drew a 3.9 rating, down
“Everybody’s got some funny joke campaign with the Giants, suddenly being outside — the fresh air, feeling established a relocation from a 4.2 last year, and a
about grounding or earthing or trying found himself needing support last the grass on my feet, walking around committee to evaluate the 12 share, the same as for the
to make a joke about being a hippie, season with the Padres, when he and feeling my toes be able to spread move, a group headed by AL’s 3-2 victory last year
or whatever the funny narrative is,” struggled with self-doubt. Eventually, out. It’s more of a decompression I feel Brewers chairman Mark in Los Angeles. The Home
he said. “It’s cool to see more people the pitcher asked for help and knew like than anything. ... Attanasio. Phillies CEO Run Derby on Monday night
doing it.” he had to make changes — hardly an “It’s just such a nice change of pace, John Middleton and Royals drew 6.11 million viewers on
Now, at 32 and a nine-year veteran, easy task for someone who describes especially at this baseball stadium. CEO John Sherman also are ESPN, down 11% from 6.88
the Diamondbacks’ slugging first base- himself as a “solitary person.” This is such a cool thing.” on the committee. “They million last year in 2022.
 Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Friday, July 14, 2023 5


CHAMPIONSHIPS As of July 19, 2022, All-Star break CHAMPIONSHIP
Thursday at All England Lawn New York 14 4 .778 — 1st of 4 rounds, Firestone CC-South-
Connecticut 15 5 .750 — AL EAST W L PCT. GB RS RA Course, Akron, Ohio, 7,248 yards; Par: 70
Tennis and Croquet Club, London,
outdoors, grass Atlanta 11 8 .579 3½ N.Y. Yankees 64 28 .696 -- 497 298 Harrison Frazar 31-34—65 -5
WOMEN’S SINGLES, SEMIFINALS Washington 11 8 .579 3½ Tampa Bay 51 41 .554 13 388 359 Steve Stricker 32-33—65 -5
#6Ons Jabeur d. #2Aryna Sabalenka, Chicago 8 12 .400 7 Toronto 50 43 .538 141/2 428 404 Stewart Cink 30-36—66 -4
6-7(5), 6-4, 6-3. Indiana 5 15 .250 10 Boston 48 45 .516 161/2 430 412 Alex Cejka 34-33—67 -3
WEST W L Pct GB Baltimore 46 46 .500 18 386 393 Brett Quigley 32-35—67 -3
JABEUR Time: 2:19. SABALENKA Las Vegas 19 2 .905 — Y.E. Yang 33-34—67 -3
Dallas 11 9 .550 7½ Ernie Els 34-34—68 -2
3 Aces 10 Minnesota 50 44 .532 -- 421 393
Minnesota 9 11 .450 9½ Justin Leonard 34-34—68 -2
3 Double faults 5 Cleveland 46 44 .511 2 391 386
Los Angeles 7 13 .350 11½ Ken Duke 37-32—69 -1
28 Winners 39 Chi. White Sox 46 46 .500 3 406 420
Phoenix 4 15 .211 14 David McKenzie 33-36—69 -1
14 Unforced errors 45 Detroit 37 55 .402 12 288 400
Seattle 4 16 .200 14½ David Toms 35-34—69 -1
6 Net points won 13 Kansas City 36 56 .391 13 359 469 Stuart Appleby 35-35—70 E
110 Total points won 104
99 Avg. 1st srv speed (mph) 110
No games scheduled; All-Star break Shane Bertsch 34-36—70 E
80 Avg. 2nd srv speed (mph) 93 Houston 59 32 .648 -- 403 305 K.J. Choi 35-35—70 E
108 Fastest speed (mph) 121 Seattle 51 42 .548 9 385 349
62% 1st serve in % 64% Texas 41 49 .456 171/2 406 407
Team Wilson vs Team Stewart, 7:30 p.m., Glen Day 35-35—70 E
74% % 1st srv pts won 71% LA Angels 39 53 .424 201/2 363 393
at Michelob Ultra Arena, in Paradise, Nev. David Duval 37-33—70 E
64% %$ 2nd srv pts won 49% Oakland 32 61 .344 28 306 424 Scott Parel 35-35—70 E
3-10 Break points won 1-3 Aces forward A’ja Wilson will serve as a team captain for
TUESDAY’S GAMES NL EAST W L PCT. GB RS RA Joe Durant 36-35—71 +1
6-11 Net points 13-22
Minnesota at Atlanta, 6p.m. Richard Green 37-34—71 +1 the WNBA All-Star Game on Saturday in Las Vegas. The
2937.3m Distance covered (m) 2485.5m NY Mets 58 35 .624 -- 437 354
Connecticut at Phoenix, 9p.m. Jerry Kelly 36-35—71 +1
13.7 Distance covered/pt (m) 11.6 Atlanta 56 38 .596 21/2 446 374 Bernhard Langer 34-37—71 +1 3-point contest and skills challenge is Friday. RYAN SUN/AP
Philadelphia 49 43 .533 81/2 431 369 Jeff Maggert 36-35—71 +1
Marketa Vondrousova d. Elina Svitolina, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19 Miami 43 48 .473 14 371 383
6-3, 6-3. Indiana at Washington, 10:30a.m. Washington 31 63 .330 271/2 364 513
Rocco Mediate
Corey Pavin
36-35—71 +1
36-35—71 +1
Dallas at New York, noon

WNBA takes
#6 ONS JABEUR THURSDAY, JULY 20 Mike Weir 36-35—71 +1
Milwaukee 50 43 .538 -- 417 392
R1: Magdalena Frech, 6-3, 6-3 Atlanta at Connecticut, 10:30a.m. Stephen Ames 36-36—72 +2
St. Louis 50 44 .532 1/2 431 366
R2: Zhuoxuan Bai, 6-1, 6-1 Los Angeles at Minnesota, 7p.m. Billy Andrade 35-37—72 +2
Pittsburgh 39 54 .419 11 340 474
R3: Bianca Andreescu, 3-6, 6-3, 6-4 Chicago at Phoenix, 9p.m. Arjun Atwal 37-35—72 +2
Chi. Cubs 35 57 .380 141/2 386 472
R4: #9 Petra Kvitova, 6-0, 6-3 Las Vegas at Seattle, 9p.m. Cameron Beckman 38-34—72 +2
Cincinnati 34 57 .374 15 390 497

Vegas stage
QF: #3 Elena Rybakina, 6-7(5), 6-4, 6-1. Jason Bohn 37-35—72 +2
SF: #2 Aryna Sabalenka, 6-7(5), 6-4, 6-3.
F: vs. Marketa Vondrousova Connecticut 84, Chicago 72 LA Dodgers 60 30 .667 -- 462 293 Stephen Dodd 36-36—72 +2
New York 95, Indiana 87 (OT) San Diego 52 42 .553 10 408 377 Steve Flesch 36-36—72 +2
MARKETA VONDROUSOVA Dallas 107, Minnesota 67 San Francisco 48 43 .527 121/2 437 386 Fred Funk 38-34—72 +2
R1: Peyton Stearns, 6-2, 7-5 Atlanta 85, Seattle 75 Colorado 43 50 .462 181/2 427 489 Paul Goydos 37-35—72 +2
R2: #12 Veronika Kudermetova, 6-3, 6-3 Las Vegas 97, Los Angeles 78 Arizona 40 52 .435 21 383 436 Billy Mayfair 37-35—72 +2
R3: #20 Donna Vekic, 6-1, 7-5 Shaun Micheel 35-37—72 +2
R4: #32 Marie Bouzkova, 2-6, 6-4, 6-3 Colin Montgomerie 36-36—72 +2 By Mark Anderson think people are excited
STARRY THREE-POINT CONTEST SOCCER Jose Maria Olazabal 37-35—72 +2
QF: #4 Jessica Pegula, 6-4, 2-6, 6-4.
SF: Elina Svitolina, 6-3, 6-3. Friday at Michelob Utlra Arena, 4 p.m. Rod Pampling 34-38—72 +2 Associated Press to come visit. I think we’ve
F: vs. #6 Ons Jabeur. PLAYER HT 3P 3PA PCT. MLS Tom Pernice 35-37—72 +2 played our way into the
DiJonai Carrington, Con 5-11 14 36 .389 EASTERN W L T PT GF GA Vijay Singh 36-36—72 +2
LAS VEGAS — The conversation of being one
#1 Carlos Alcaraz vs. #3 Daniil Medvedev
Sabrina Ionescu, NYL 5-11
Kelsey Mitchell, Ind 5-8
New England
GENESI SCOTTISH OPEN timing and location of the of the best shows here.”
#2Novak Djokovic vs. #8Jannik Sinner Arike Ogunbowale, Dal 5-8 51 171 .298 Nashville 11 7 5 38 30 19
1st of 4 rounds, The Renaissance Club,
Gullane, U.K., 7,237 yards; Par: 70
WNBA All-Star Game Hammon spoke after
Alcaraz vs. Medvedev Head-to-head (1-1)
-2023 Indian Wells: F, CA, 6-3, 6-2.
Sami Whitcomb, Sea 5-10
Jackie Young, LVA 6-0
Philadelphia 11 7 4 37 37 25 Byeong Hun An 31-30—61 -9 couldn’t be much better. Tuesday night’s 98-72
-2021 Wimbledon: R64, DM, 6-4, 6-1, 6-2.
Davis Riley 29-34—63 -7 Just in the last week, victory over the Mercury,
Thomas Detry 33-31—64 -6
Djokovic leads Sinner 2-0 head-to head
-2022 Wimlbedon: QF, 5-7, 2-6, 6-3 6-2, 6-2.
SKILLS TEAM COMPETITOIN Orlando City 9 6 7 34 32 27 Rory McIlroy 33-31—64 -6 19-year-old phenom Victor which was played before a
Aces: Chelsea Gray, Kelsey Plum
-2021 Monte Carlo: R32, 6-4, 6-2. Dream: Allisha Gray, Cheyenne Parker
D.C. United
Kyoung-Hoon Lee 33-32—65 -5 Wembanyama made his franchise-record crowd of
Liberty: Sabrina Ionescu, CF Montréal 8 12 2 26 20 32
Yannik Paul
Oliver Bekker
32-33—65 -5
34-32—66 -4
NBA debut in the Summer 10,281 and was the team’s
Courtney Vandersloot
Wings: Arike Ogunbowale, Satou Sabally
N.Y. Red Bulls
Charlotte FC
Julien Brun 33-33—66 -4 League to sold-out crowds third sellout this season.
New York City FC 5 7 11 26 24 28
Ewen Ferguson
Ross Fisher
35-31—66 -4
36-30—66 -4
at the nearby Thomas Paul George, Donovan
United States
United Kingdom
NBA SUMMER LEAGUE Toronto FC 3 10 10 19 18 32 Will Gordon 33-33—66 -4 & Mack Center, league Mitchell and Bam Adebayo
Czech Republic 45 7 55-38
Inter Miami CF
5 13
Max Homa 34-32—66 -4 commissioner Adam were among the NBA
NBA 2K24 Tom Kim 31-35—66 -4
Tunisia 1 1 6-0
All games played in Las Vegas Saint Louis City SC12 8 2 38 40 27 David Lingmerth 34-32—66 -4 Silver spoke openly about players watching, joined
WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS Los Angeles FC 10 6 6 36 33 24 Sam Burns 33-34—67 -3 Las Vegas as a potential by former Duke and USA
Australia 38 1 33-37
COX Pavilion
LA Clippers 83, Memphis 74
Real Salt Lake
10 8 5 35 28 22
9 7 7 34 32 33
Eric Cole
Rickie Fowler
36-31—67 -3
33-34—67 -3
expansion candidate, and Basketball coach Mike
Dallas 98, Golden State 96 (OT) San Jose 8 7 8 32 28 29 Brian Harman 33-34—67 -3 the Aces continued to Krzyzewski and Hall of
Croatia 11 1 16-10
Oklahoma City 98, Indiana 87
Utah 96, Denver 91
Austin FC
FC Dallas
8 9 5 29 30 31
8 9 5 29 24 25
Padraig Harrington
Garrick Higgo
34-33—67 -3
34-33—67 -3
roll through opponents Famer Isiah Thomas.
Netherlands 22
Chinese Taipei (Taiwan) 6
Thomas & Mack Center Houston 8 10 4 28 26 31 Thriston Lawrence 33-34—67 -3 to move to 19-2 as they “The birth of Vegas
Poland 15 1 19-14
Atlanta 99, Minnesota 93 Vancouver 7 7 7 28 34 30 Robert Macintyre 33-34—67 -3 seek a second straight sports outside of boxing
Detroit 94, Toronto 90 Thorbjorn Olesen 31-36—67 -3
Indonesia 2 0 5-2
New York 82, Orlando 80
Minnesota United 7 8 6 27 25 29
Sporting KC 6 10 8 26 30 34 Sebastian Soderberg 34-33—67 -3 WNBA championship. has been amazing,”
Boston 95, L.A. Lakers 90 Portland 5 9 8 23 23 31 Sami Valimaki 33-34—67 -3 That’s a lot of basketball Thomas said. “It truly is
Belgium 18 2 20-16
LA Galaxy
5 9 7 22 23 33
3 10 9 18 16 30
Wu Ashun, China
Wyndham Clark
33-35—68 -2
32-36—68 -2
momentum ahead of the becoming a hub of sports
Thomas & Mack Center Three points for win, one point for tie. Matt Fitzpatrick 34-34—68 -2 All-Star Game at Mich- and entertainment, and the
Slovakia 10 2 11-8
Cleveland 87, Chicago 83
Brooklyn 99, Toronto 94 SATURDAY,’S MATCHES
Daniel Hillier
Lee Hodges
33-35—68 -2
36-32—68 -2
elob Ultra Arena. The WNBA and the Vegas Aces
Houston 118, Golden State 101 Orlando City at Atlanta, 6:30p.m. Charley Hoffman 34-34—68 -2 3-point shooting contest are driving that.”
El Salvador 2 0 3-2
Portland vs. Orlando, late Nashville at Cincinnati, 6:30p.m. Min Woo Lee 33-35—68 -2 and skills competitions The NBA could be next.
COX Pavilion Zander Lombard 34-34—68 -2
Georgia 2 0 3-2
Atlanta 99, Philadelphia 98
Charlotte FC at CF Montréal, 6:30p.m.
D.C. United at New England, 6:30p.m. Guido Migliozzi 35-33—68 -2 take place Friday, and the Silver has often referred to
Miami 91, Milwaukee 72 N.Y. City FC at Philadelphia, 6:30p.m. Keith Mitchell 35-33—68 -2 game Saturday has been Las Vegas as the “31st fran-
Serbia 16 2 13-14
New Orleans 89, Chrlotte 83
Minnesota vs. Sacramento, late
Toronto FC at Chicago, 7:30p.m.
Los Angeles FC at Minnesota, 7:30p.m.
Tapio Pulkkanen
Antoine Rozner
37-31—68 -2
35-33—68 -2
declared a sellout. chise” because of the pres-
16-24 Miami at Saint Louis City SC, 7:30p.m. Scottie Scheffler 36-32—68 -2 Te a m Wi l s o n i s ence of all 30 teams at the
Bulgaria 12 0 10-12
Thomas & Mack Center
Sporting KC at Austin FC, 8:30p.m.
Houston at Colorado, 8:30p.m.
Shubhankar Sharma
Marcel Siem
36-32—68 -2
36-32—68 -2
captained by Aces star Summer League each year.
LA Clippers vs. Philadelphia, 3:30p.m. N.Y. Red Bulls at Real Salt Lake, 8:30 p.m. Jordan L. Smith 35-33—68 -2 and two-time MVP A’ja And that relationship
New Zealand 3 0 3-3
Dallas vs. Indiana, 5:30p.m. Columbus at Portland, 9:30p.m. Connor Syme 35-33—68 -2 Wilson, and she will be is growing with the NBA
San Antonio vs. Detroit, 7:30p.m. Nick Taylor 34-34—68 -2
Venezuela 3 0 3-3
Memphis vs. L.A. Lakers, 9:30p.m.
FC Dallas at Seattle, 9:30p.m.
LA Galaxy at Vancouver, 9:30p.m. Justin Thomas 36-32—68 -2 joined by three of her playing the final four
South Africa
COX Pavilion Dylan Wu 35-33—68 -2 teammates when they take games of its first in-season
Canada 14 0 10-14
Oklahoma City vs. Washington, 4p.m.
Boston vs. New York, 6p.m. WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS
Adri Arnaus 37-32—69 -1
Christiaan Bezuidenhout 34-35—69 -1
on Team Stewart, led by tournament in Las Vegas
Miami vs. Denver, 8p.m. New England 2, Atlanta 1 Dan Bradbury 35-34—69 -1 2018 MVP Breanna Stew- on Dec. 7 and 9.
Greece 4 0 3-4
Utah vs. Phoenix, 10p.m. Cincinnati 2, N.Y. Red Bulls1
Chicago 3, CF Montréal 0
Rafa Cabrera Bello
Sean Crocker
36-33—69 -1
36-33—69 -1
art of the Liberty. Silver, when address-
CYCLING Minnesota 3, Houston 0 Grant Forrest 35-34—69 -1 Aces coach Becky ing the Associated Press
Slovenia 5 0 3-5 Real Salt Lake 2, Sporting KC 2 Simon Forsstrom 36-33—69 -1 Hammon, who will lead Sports Editors conven-
110TH TOUR DE FRANCE Ryan Fox 35-34—69 -1
Colombia 5 0 3-5
Thursday’s 12th stage, 169 kilo-
Philadelphia 2, Nashville 0
San Jose 2, Seattle 0 Daniel Gavins 36-33—69 -1 Team Wilson, noted that tion Monday in Las Vegas,
1-2 meters (105 miles) from Roanne to Vancouver 2, Austin FC 1 Gavin Green 36-33—69 -1 Las Vegas has a history as a didn’t tamp down specula-
LaLatvia 2 0 1-2 Belleville-En-Beaujolais
Los Angeles FC 3, St. Louis City SC 0 Ben Griffin
Tyrrell Hatton
36-33—69 -1
33-36—69 -1
basketball city. UNLV won tion of the city as a poten-
3-11 1. Ion Izaguirre Insausti, Spain, NWSL Tom Hoge 35-34—69 -1 the 1990 national champi- tial expansion candidate.
Morocco 4 0 1-4 COFIDIS/Fra, 3:51:42s. CLUB W L T PT GF GA Billy Horschel
Mackenzie Hughes
34-35—69 -1
33-36—69 -1
onship and appeared in “We will look at this
2. Mathieu Burgaudeau, France,
0-2 TotalEnergies, 58*
North Carolina
8 5 2 26 21 13
7 4 4 25 34 21
Matthew Jordan 34-35—69 -1 three other Final Fours, market,” Silver said.
South Korea 2 0 0-2 3. Matteo Jorgenson, U.S., Movistar Gotham FC 7 4 4 25 17 14
Maximilian Kieffer 34-35—69 -1 making Runnin’ Rebels “There’s no doubt there is
Seonghyeon Kim 35-34—69 -1
Finland 2 0 0-2 Team, :58*
4. Tiesj Benoot, Belgium, Jumbo-Visma,
OL Reign 7 5 3 24 23 18
Joakim Lagergren 33-36—69 -1 games must-see events (also) enormous interest in
Washington 6 3 6 24 22 21
0-1 1:06* San Diego 6 6 3 21 21 18
Luke List 35-34—69 -1 even in this entertain- Seattle.
Turkey 1 0 0-1 5. Tobias Halland Johannessen,
Norway, Uno-X Pro Cycling Team, 1:11*
Louisville 4 4 7 19 19 16
Richard Mansell
Alex Noren
34-35—69 -1
36-33—69 -1
ment-driven city. “It’s not a secret.”
WTA EST OPEN 88 6. Thibaut Pinot, France, Groupa-
6 8 1 19 15 21
4 5 6 18 10 12
Victor Perez 35-34—69 -1 “We just have the priv- For now, at least, the
Thursday’s at Tennis Club de Contrex- ma-FDJ, 1:13* Angel City 4 6 5 17 18 23
J.T. Poston
Marcel Schneider
36-33—69 -1
32-37—69 -1
ilege and honor to be its world’s best women’s play-
7. Guillaume Martin, France, COFIDIS/
eville, Contrexeville, France, outdoors,
Red clay Fra, 1:13*
Kansas City
5 9 1 16 19 33
5 10 0 15 17 26
Ockie Strydom 35-34—69 -1 first professional basket- ers will call Vegas home
WOMEN’S SINGLES, ROUND OF 16 8. Dylan Tuens, Belgium, Israel-Premier Three points for win, one point for tie.
Dale Whitnell 35-34—69 -1 ball team,” Hammon said. for a couple of days, going
Oliver Wilson 37-32—69 -1
#2Cristina Bucsa d. Tessah
Andrianjafitrimo, 6-0, 6-0.
Tech/Isr, 1:13*
9. Ruben Almeida Guerreiro, Portugal,
“But you go back to those through All-Star Game
#3Sara Errani d. Anastasia Tikhonova, Movistar Team, 1:27* OL Reign at Kansas City, 7p.m. PGA BARBASOL CHAMPIONSHIP early UNLV games, I festivities and trying to put
6-2, 7-5. 10. Victor Campenaerts, Belgium, Lotto
DSTNY/Bel, 3:02*
1st of 4 rounds,Champions at Keene think this town has always on a show for the fans.
Trace, Nicholasville, Ky.7,328 yds, Par 72
Fiona Ferro d. #6Diane Parry,
3-6, 6-2, 7-5. Also
Angel City at Louoisville, 6:30p.m. Lucas Glover 31-32—63 -9 loved basketball. ... But to
#8Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova, d. 22. Sepp Kuss, U.S., Jumbo-Visma, 4:14* Washington at Houston, 7:30p.m. Ryan Armour 32-32—64 -8 have a product like this, a AP writer W.G. Ramirez
76. Kevin Vermaerke, U.S., Team
Rosa Vicens Mas, 6-4, 7-6(4).
DSM-Firmenich, 13:21*
Gotham FC at San Diego, 9p.m. Ryan Moore
Daniel Brown
33-31—64 -8
32-33—65 -7 women’s team like this, I contributed to this report.
WTA NORDEA OPEN 111. Neilson Powless, U.S., EF Educa- NWSL CHALLENGE CUP Wesley Bryan 32-33—65 -7
Thursday at Bastad Tennis Stadium, tion-EasyPost, 24:53* EAST GP W D L GF GA PT Cody Gribble 33-32—65 -7
Bastad, Sweden, outdoors-Red clay 115. G Lawson Craddock, U.S., Team Andrew Novak 31-34—65 -7
Jayco Alula, 24:53* North Carolina 3 1 2 0 4 3 5
WOMEN’S SINGLES, QUARTERFINALS Marcus Helligkilde 33-33—66 -6
#1Emma Navarro d. Tamara Zidansek,
Gotham FC
Angel Hidalgo 33-33—66 -6 IN BRIEF
6-0, 6-4. OVERALL STANDINGS *-time behind Marcus Kinhult 33-33—66 -6

Passenger in car crash

1. Jonas Vingegaard, Denmark, Jumbo- Orlando 2 0 1 1 3 5 1
#2Yulia Putintseva d. Aliona Bolsova, Adam Long 31-35—66 -6
2-6, 7-6(2), 6-4. Visma, 50:30:23s. Vincent Norrman 33-33—66 -6
2. Tadej Pogacar, Slovenia, UAE Team Saturday, July 22
Louisa Chirico d. #7Claire Liu, Bo Van Pelt 34-32—66 -6
Washington at North Carolina, 6p.m.

sues Georgia, Carter

6-4, 3-6, 6-1. Emirates, :17* Johannes Veerman 35-31—66 -6
3. Jai Hindley, Australia, Bora-Hans- Sunday, July 23
#8Olga Danilovic d. Deon Germishuys 34-33—67 -5
grohe, 2:40* Gotham FC at Orlando, 6p.m.
#9Viktoriya Tomova, 6-3, 6-3. Wes Homan 34-33—67 -5
4. Carlos Rodriguez Cano, Spain, Ineos Patton Kizzire 32-35—67 -5
ODDS Grenadiers, 4:22* CENTRAL GP W D L GF GA PT
Peter Malnati 32-35—67 -5
5. Pello Bilbao Lopez, Spain, Bahrain Louisville 3 3 0 0 8 2 9 Niklas Norgaard Moller 31-36—67 -5
MLB FRIDAY Victorious, 4:34* Kansas City 3 2 0 1 8 3 6 Sean O’Hair 34-33—67 -5
American League 6. Adam Yates, Great Britain, UAE Team Houston 3 1 0 2 2 5 3 Chad Ramey 33-34—67 -5 News services in general damages along
FAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE Emirates, 4:39* Chicago 3 0 0 3 0 8 0 JC Ritchie 33-34—67 -5 with punitive damages.
7. Simon Yates, Great Britain, Team
at Texas
Tampa Bay
-156 Cleveland +132
-330 at Kansas City +265 Jayco-Alula, 4:44* Friday, July 21
Clement Sordet
Akshay Bhatia
35-32—67 -5
35-33—68 -4 A woman seriously The NCAA D-I men’s
at LA Angels -156 Houston +132 8. Tom Pidcock, Great Britian, Ineos Chicago at Louisville, 6p.m. John Catlin 33-35—68 -4 injured in the January car basketball committee said
at Seattle
-189 at Oakland +160
-205 Detroit +172
Grenadiers, 5:26*
9. David Gaudu, France, Groupama-FDJ, 6:01* WEST GP W D L GF GA PT
Jason Dufner
Michael Gligic
34-34—68 -4
34-34—68 -4
crash that killed Georgia no moves were imminent
National League 10. Thibaut Pinot, France, Groupa-
OL Reign 4 3 1 0 6 0 10 Tano Goya 34-34—68 -4 offensive lineman Devin to increase the March
Angel City 4 1 1 2 4 6 4 Kramer Hickok 36-32—68 -4 Willock and an athlet- Madness field beyond
San Diego -116 at Philadelphia -102 Harry Higgs 36-32—68 -4
San Francisco -120 at Pittsburgh +102 11. Sepp Kuss, U.S., Jumbo-Visma, 6:45*
San Diego
3 Russell Knox 33-35—68 -4 ics staffer has sued the the current 68 teams. ...
LA Dodgers -126 at NY Mets +108 42. Matteo Jorgenson, U.S., Movistar, 55:44* Mikael Lindberg 31-37—68 -4 school’s athletics associa- Former LSU women’s
59. Neilson Powless, U.S., EF Educa-
at St. Louis
-120 at Cincinnati +102
-169 Washington +140 tion-EasyPost, 1:20:56*
Friday, July 21 Maxwell Moldovan
Adrien Saddier
33-35—68 -4
33-35—68 -4 tion and former Bulldogs basketball player Danielle
San Diego at Portland, 9:30p.m.
Interleague 85. Kevin Vermaerke, U.S., Team
Friday, July 28 Jayden Trey Schaper 33-35—68 -4 defensive tackle Jalen Ballard died after being
at Baltimore -122 Miami +104
DSM-Firmenich, 1:48:36*
103. G Lawson Craddock, U.S., Team
San Diego at OL Reign, 9p.m. Matti Schmid
Andy Sullivan
32-36—68 -4
32-36—68 -4
Carter for damages. struck by a car in Memphis,
at Toronto -179 Arizona +150 Jayco Alula, 2:05:16*
Victoria S. Bowles was Tenn. Ballard, 29, was a
at Atlanta -255 Chi. White Sox+210
CHAMPIONSHIP LPGA DANA OPEN riding in the backseat of pedestrian and the driver
Boston -120 at Chi. Cubs +102
NY Yankees -210 at Colorado +176 1. Tadej Pogacar, Slovenia, UAE Team
Sunday in Inglewood, Calif. 1st of 4 rounds, Highland Meadows GC, the rented Ford Expedi- of the car remained on the
Panama vs. Mexico, 6:30p.m.
ODDS TO WIN WORLD SERIES Emirates, 50:30:40s. Sylvania, Ohio, 6,642 yards; Par: 71
Jaravee Boonchant 31-33—64 -7
tion driven by fellow UGA scene.
2. Carlos Rodriguez Cano, Spain, Ineos
Grenadiers, 4:05*
SEMIFINALS Linn Grant 30-34—64 -7 recruiting analyst Chan-
Ariya Jutanugarn 31-34—65 -6
Tampa Bay
3. Tom Pidcock, Great Britian, Ineos
Wednesday, July 12 in San Diego
Panama 1, United States 1 Emily Pedersen 32-33—65 -6 dler LeCroy, who died Cycling: Ion Izagirre
L.A. Dodgers 5-1 7-1 24-5
Grenadiers, 5:09*
4. Felix Gall, Austria, AGZR Citroen
(Panama advance 5-4 on penalties) Aditi Ashok
Matilda Castren
31-35—66 -5
33-33—66 -5
in the Jan. 15 crash along claimed his second career
Team, 9:29*
Wednesday, in Las Vegas
Mexico Jamaica 0
Linnea Johansson 34-32—66 -5 with Willock while racing stage win and defending
Xiyu Lin 32-34—66 -5
N.Y. Yankees 9-1 16-1 15-1
5. Skjelmose Mattias Jensen, Denmark,
LIDL-Trek, 27:26*
Linnea Strom 29-37—66 -5 Carter at more than 104 champ Jonas Vingegaard
Minnesota 40-1 40-1 24-1 6. Mathieu Burgaudeau, France,
Wednesday, Jan. 25: Serbia 2, U.S. 1
Kelly Tan
Bailey Tardy
32-34—66 -5
32-34—66 -5
mph following the Bull- kept his 17-second overall
Toronto 9-1 20-1 24-1
Philadelphia 13-1 50-1 27-1
TotalEnergies, 37:30* Saturday, Jan. 28: U.S. 0, Colombia 0 Xiaowen Yin 33-33—66 -5 dogs’ College Football lead over two-time champ
7. Tobias Halland Johannessen, Norway, Rose Zhang 32-34—66 -5
Arizona 66-1 40-1 28-1 Uno-X Pro Cycling Team, 46:50*
a-Friday, March 24: U.S. 7, Grenada
Celine Borge 31-36—67 -4 Playoff championship Tadej Pogacar at the Tour
12 undefinedn., March 27: U.S. 1, El
San Francisco
8. Matteo Jorgenson, U.S., Movistar Salvador 0
Allisen Corpuz
Maria Fassi
33-34—67 -4
32-35—67 -4
celebration. de France.
San Diego 14-1 30-1 35-1
Team, 55:27*
9. Maxim Van Gils, Belgium, Lotto
Wednesday, April 19: U.S. 1, Mexico 1 Soo Bin Joo 33-34—67 -4 Bowles sustained multi-
Sei Young Kim 33-34—67 -4
DSTNY, 1:20:39*
a-Thursday, June 15: U.S. 3, Mexico 0
a-Sunday, June 18: U.S. 2, Canada 0 A Lim Kim 33-34—67 -4 ple serious injuries in the Golf: Byeong “Ben” Hun
Seattle 18-1 50-1 50-1
10. Lars Van Den Berg, Netherlands,
Groupama-FDJ, 1:31:34*
b-Sat:, June 24: U.S. 1, Jamaica 1 Lydia Ko
Minjee Lee
33-34—67 -4
32-35—67 -4
crash including lumbar An shot an opening-round
Milwaukee 22-1 28-1 55-1 b-Wed., June 28: U.S. 6 St. Kitts & Nevis 0
b-July 2: U.S. 6, Trinidad & Tobago 0
Yu Liu 32-35—67 -4 and rib fractures, a spinal 9-under 61 to take a
N.Y. Mets 11-1 25-1 50-1 Pornanong Phatlum 32-35—67 -4
Cleveland 35-1 50-1 75-1
MOUNTAIN STANDINGS PTS b-Sun., July 9: U.S. 2, Canasa 2 (3-2pk) Sarah Schmelzel 33-34—67 -4 cord injury and lacerations two-stroke lead at the
1. Neilson Powless, U.S. 46
L.A. Angels 25-1 40-1 100-1 2. T. Halland Johanessen, Norway 30
b-July 12: Panama 1, U.S. 1 (Pan 5-4 pk) Samantha Wagner
Laura Wearn
32-35—67 -4
33-34—67 -4
to the kidney and liver, the Scottish Open.
Chi. Cubs
3. Felix Gall, Austria 28 Gemma Dryburgh 33-35—68 -3 lawsuit stated. She also
Mia Hammond 32-36—68 -3
St. Louis 17-1 60-1 120-1
4. Ruben Almeida Guerreiro, Portugal 24
5. Giulio Ciccone, Italy 22
2023 FIFA WOMEN’S WORLD CUP Mina Harigae 32-36—68 -3 sustained a closed head NFL: The Jets signed
Chi. White Sox
6. Michael Woods, Canada 20
Group Stage Schedule
Esther Henseleit 35-33—68 -3 injury with neurological All-Pro DT Quinnen
Frida Kinhult 34-34—68 -3
Detroit 150-1 500-1 500-1
7. Tadej Pogacar, Slovenia
8. Jai Hindley, Australia
A: New Zealand vs. Norway, 3 a.m. (FOX) Ilhee Lee 33-35—68 -3 damage and severe eye Williams, 25, with a four-
Colorado 80-1 500-1 1,00-1 9. Daniel Martinez Poveda, Colombia 18
B: Australia vs. Ireland, 6 a.m. (FOX)) Polly Mack 31-37—68 -3 pain. year, $96 million contract
Kansas City 80-1 1,000-1 1,000-1 B: Nigeria vs. Canada, 10:30 p.m. (FOX)
Oakland 150-1 200-1 1,000-1
10. Jonas Vingegaard, Denmark 18 Alexa Pano
Annie Park
34-34—68 -3
33-35—68 -3
The lawsuit, which extension through the
Washington 150-1 500-1 1,000-1 UPCOMING STAGES
FRIDAY, JULY 21 Patty Tavatanakit 33-35—68 -3 includes the estate of 2027 season that includes
For the latest odds, go to
FanDuel Sportsbook,
Friday: S13, Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne
A: Philippines vs. Switzerland, 1 a.m. (FS1)
C: Spain vs. Costa Rica, 3:30 a.m. (FS1)
Arpichaya Yubol
Weiwei Zhang
32-36—68 -3
34-34—68 -3
LeCroy as a defendant, $66 million guaranteed,
to Grand Colombier, 138 km (86 miles),
E: U.S. vs. Vietnam, 9 p.m. (FOX) requests at least $171,595 ESPN reported.
6 Chicago Tribune | Section 3 | Friday, July 14, 2023



McIlroy: If LIV only option, I’d retire Douglas plotting surprise comeback Vitale reveals new cancer diagnosis
Rory McIlroy laughed off a Saudi- Gabby Douglas, the first Black woman Longtime ESPN college basketball
backed idea that he and Tiger Woods to win the Olympic all-around gymnas- analyst Dick Vitale says he has been
own LIV Golf teams, saying Thursday tics title, is taking aim at the 2024 diagnosed with cancer for a third time.
he would retire if playing for LIV was Games in Paris. Douglas announced on Vitale tweeted Wednesday that he
the only option. The concept came from her Instagram page Thursday that she’s had surgery in Boston this week,
an April document titled, “The Best of making a comeback attempt, a dozen and tests revealed that he has vocal
Both Worlds,” provided to Congress years after her triumph in London cord cancer. He said he will undergo
ahead of a Senate subcommittee hear- in 2012 and eight years after her last six weeks of radiation treatments. “I
ing Tuesday on the PGA Tour’s agreement to partner with competition, the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. “I plan to fight like hell to be ready to call games when the
the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia. That was wanted to find the joy again for the sport that I absolutely college hoops season kicks off in the fall,” Vitale tweeted,
brought to McIlroy’s attention after his opening round of love doing,” Douglas posted. “I know I have a huge task adding that his doctor “feels that scenario is entirely possi-
the Scottish Open, and he looked bemused. “If LIV Golf ahead of me and I am beyond grateful and excited to get ble.” The 84-year-old Vitale has previously been treated
was the last place to play golf on earth, I would retire. back out on the floor.” The now 27-year-old Douglas also for melanoma and lymphoma. He chronicled his
That’s how I feel,” McIlroy said. “I’d play the majors. I’d posted video of herself practicing uneven bars, her signa- treatments and recovery on social media and celebrated
be pretty comfortable.” McIlroy has left little doubt how ture event. Douglas is the second Olympic champ in recent being cancer-free in April of last year. Vitale has been
he feels about the rival league, even before LIV Golf was weeks to say they’re pointing toward Paris. Simone Biles, with ESPN since 1979, the year the network launched.
formed. He was the first top player to declare loyalty to the who won the all-around gold in Rio and was teammates He called ESPN’s first college basketball broadcast.
PGA Tour in early 2020. A month ago, after the surprise with Douglas on the five-woman U.S. squad that cruised to He’s also a longtime fundraiser for cancer research.
announcement about the deal, McIlroy said, “I still hate the team gold in Brazil, is returning to competition in early Vitale helped friend Jim Valvano to the stage at the
LIV. Like, I hate LIV. Like, I hope it goes away.” McIlroy August. Douglas never formally announced her retirement 1993 ESPYs, where Valvano delivered his famous
said he watched only a little of the Senate hearing because after Rio, instead writing an autobiography, dabbling in “Don’t give up” speech. Valvano died of adenocarcinoma
there wasn’t much information he didn’t already know. reality TV and becoming a motivational speaker. less than two months later. —Associated Press


Grateful for another shot

Year after losing final, Jabeur
gets return trip with gutsy win
By Howard Fendrich
Associated Press

WIMBLEDON, England — There was a

time — a year ago; six months ago, even —
that Ons Jabeur might not have recovered
from the deficit she found herself in during
the Wimbledon semifinals. Down a set.
Down a break in the second set. So close to
being just a game from defeat.
She credits a sports psychologist with
helping her understand how to deal with
those on-court situations, with managing
to keep her focus, keep her strokes on-tar-
get. Thanks in part to that, and a steadiness
down the stretch at Centre Court on Thurs-
day, Jabeur is on her way to a second consec-
utive final at the All England Club and her
third title match in the last five Grand Slam
Now she wants to win a trophy.
The sixth-seeded Jabeur earned the right
to play for one again by beating big-hitting
Aryna Sabalenka 6-7 (5), 6-4, 6-3.
“I’m very proud of myself, because maybe
old me would have lost the match today and
went back home already. But I’m glad that
I kept digging very deep and finding the
strength,” said Jabeur, a 28-year-old from
Tunisia who already was the only Arab
woman and only North African woman to
reach a major final.
“I’m learning to transform the bad energy
into a good one,” Jabeur said, explaining that
she was able to get over the anger she felt
after the first set.
“Some things I have no control over: She
can ace any time. She can hit the big serve,
even if I have a break point.
“That’s frustrating a bit. But I’m glad that
I’m accepting it and I’m digging deep to just
go and win this match — and, hopefully, this
To do that, Jabeur will need to get past
Marketa Vondrousova, a left-hander
from the Czech Republic, on Saturday. Tunisia’s Ons Jabeur celebrates after beating Aryna Sabalenka on Thursday to advance to the women’s final at Wimbledon. ALBERTO PEZZALI/AP
Vondrousova became the first unseeded
women’s finalist at Wimbledon since a “I want to make my path worth it,” Jabeur before Sabalenka came within a point from but also double-faulted five times.
then-19-year-old Billie Jean King in 1963 by said. leading 5-3 after Jabeur put a forehand into A break put Jabeur up 4-2 in the third,
eliminating Elina Svitolina 6-3, 6-3. Thursday’s triumph, which came by the net and fell onto her back on the grass of but there was still some work to be done.
Like Jabeur, Vondrousova has been to a collecting 10 of the last 13 games, prevented Centre Court. Sabalenka, as powerful a ball-striker as there
major final before. Like Jabeur, she’s never Sabalenka from replacing Swiatek at No. 1 She dusted herself off and broke to take is on tour, erased four match points before
won one, having been the runner-up at the in the rankings. that game and begin the comeback. When Jabeur converted her fifth with a 103 mph
2019 French Open as a teen. “I had so many opportunities,” said she delivered a backhand return winner ace.
“We’re both hungry,” Jabeur said. Sabalenka, a 25-year-old from Belarus who to force the match to a third set, Jabeur In the first semifinal, the 43rd-ranked
So far, Jabeur is 0-2 in Slam finals. She lost was not allowed to compete at Wimble- held her right index finger to her ear, then Vondrousova reeled off seven consecutive
to Elena Rybakina at the All England Club don last year because all players from her raised it and wagged it as she strutted to the games in one stretch against the 76th-ranked
last July and to Iga Swiatek at the U.S. Open country and Russia were banned over the changeover. Svitolina, who returned from maternity
last September. war in Ukraine. “Overall, I didn’t play my Sabalenka’s shots missed the mark repeat- leave just three months ago.
Jabeur’s win over No. 2 Sabalenka, the best tennis today. It was just, like, a combo of edly. She finished with far more unforced After surprisingly beating Swiatek in
Australian Open champion in January, everything. A little bit of nerves, a little bit of errors than Jabeur: The margins were 14-5 the quarterfinals, she was trying to become
followed victories against three other major luck for her at some points.” in the last set and 45-15 for the match. the first woman from Ukraine to make it
title winners: No. 3 Rybakina, No. 9 Petra Jabeur trailed 4-2 in the second set when “I was little bit emotionally down, then to the title match at a major tennis tourna-
Kvitova and Bianca Andreescu. she began to turn things around. But not she was up,” said Sabalenka, who hit 10 aces ment.


Djokovic on chances to win title: I’m the favorite

By Howard Fendrich for saying, but was too polite to, was: “Come Medvedev is into his sixth, Alcaraz his third, 26 consecutive Grand Slam matches overall
Associated Press on, my friend. Is that really what you want to Sinner his first. and 33 in a row at Wimbledon, will be Sinner,
ask? Of course I expect to win the title. And And then there’s also this: Djokovic is a considered one of the leading members of
WIMBLEDON, England — Novak you should expect me to win the title. combined 12-5 against the other three guys the sport’s next generation.
Djokovic looked as if he were a bit surprised “And everybody should expect me to win head-to-head. He leads Sinner 2-0, including Djokovic’s scouting report on Sinner:
by the question. the title.” a win in last year’s Wimbledon quarterfinals. “He’s so young, so of course it’s expected that
And maybe he should have been. Start by looking at his accomplishments Sinner took the first two sets in that one but he’s going to improve. He is improving, no
The query, essentially, was this: Are you relative to the other three men still around blew the huge lead and lost in five. doubt, I think, with the serve. He’s been serv-
the favorite to win the championship at at the grass-court Grand Slam tournament: After eliminating No. 7 Andrey Rublev ing better. On grass, obviously, (that) makes
Wimbledon? Now, sure, there is some work —Djokovic has won seven Wimbledon in the quarterfinals Tuesday, Djokovic was a difference. He’s a very complete player.”
to be done to collect that trophy. titles. The other three guys have won a total asked during his on-court interview what Sinner’s description of facing Djokovic:
First Djokovic, 36, needs to beat No. 8 of zero. it feels like to constantly be the player every “It is also a little bit mental, no? If you play
seed Jannik Sinner, 21, on Friday in what —Djokovic has reached his 12th Wimble- else is focused on trying to beat. against Novak, it’s always tough to play ...
represents the largest age gap between two don semifinal. The other three guys have “I know they want ... to win,” he said. “But especially (at) Grand Slams.”
men’s semifinalists at the All England Club never played in one. it ain’t happening. Still.” At 20, Alcaraz is even younger than Sinner,
in the professional era, which began in 1968. —Djokovic has won a men’s-record One thing working in Djokovic’s favor against whom he is already developing a
And after that, Djokovic would need to 23 Grand Slam titles, including both so far these days, unlike during most of his time rivalry thanks to some stirring matches
beat the winner of that day’s other match — this year. The other three guys have won a on tour, is he no longer needs to deal with between them. And Alcaraz has accom-
No. 1 Carlos Alcaraz or No. 3 Daniil Medve- total of two: Medvedev at the 2021 U.S. Open, Federer, who announced his retirement last plished more so far. But he wants to do much
dev — in the final on Sunday. Alcaraz at the 2022 U.S. Open. year, and currently does not need to worry more in the sport.
This, then, was Djokovic’s reply: “I mean, —Djokovic will be participating in his 46th about Rafael Nadal, who has been sidelined He and Medvedev, 27, offer contrasting
I don’t want to sound arrogant, but of course major semifinal on Friday, equaling Roger since January with a bad hip and indicated styles that could produce a scintillating
I consider myself the favorite.” Federer’s record for men. The other three that 2024 will be his final season. matchup. Still, all eyes on Friday — and, most
What Djokovic might have been forgiven guys have raised their combined total to 10: Next to try to solve Djokovic, who has won assume, Sunday, too — will be on Djokovic.
Chicago Tribune | Section 4 | Friday, July 14, 2023 1


Kumail Nanjiani, from left, Issa Rae, Meko Winbush and Gina Prince-Bythewood. DOMINIC MILLER/MAX



Issa Rae and friends take over for Matt Damon and Ben Affleck for Season 5
By Nina Metz
Chicago Tribune

Intentionally or not, the fifth

season of “Project Greenlight”
makes a persuasive argument that
writers are the backbone of Holly-
Originally the brainchild of
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, the
reality series launched in 2001
and followed the pair as they (and
a small team of producers and
executives) plucked an unproven
filmmaker from obscurity, handed
them a budget and script, and gave
them the opportunity to direct
their first studio movie.
In exchange, everyone involved
agreed to be followed by a camera
crew documenting the behind-the-
scenes process.
The premise for Season 5
remains the same but with one
key change: Issa Rae takes over
for Damon and Affleck, and she
has recruited Kumail Nanjiani
and director Gina Prince-Bythe-
wood to offer their services as

Turn to ‘Greenlight’, Page 2 Director Meko Winbush on Season 5 of “Project Greenlight.” JESSICA PEREZ/MAX

Making pleasant memories

Bughouse storytelling event to honor novelist
Toya Wolfe’s ‘Last Summer on State Street’
of reading about Chicago in
Chicago. A small committee
selects winners from a few dozen
books and the top prize is a stun-
ning $25,000, a sum that makes
this among the most substantial
Rick Kogan monetary prizes in the liter-
ary world. (By comparison, the
Toya Wolfe writes in her spec- venerable Pulitzer Prize for
tacular novel “Last Summer on Fiction is $15,000). The winner
State Street” that “The memories of the inaugural prize last year
won’t go away; they’re proof that was my former Tribune colleague
once upon a time, I lived in a brick Dawn Turner for her magnificent
skyscraper on State Street where “Three Girls From Bronzeville.”
stairwells filled with echoes Wolfe will be honored during
of stampeding gym shoes and an event titled “Chicago Story-
harmonizing winos.” telling in Bughouse Square,”
A child of what is now the taking place Saturday in the patch ‘LAST SUMMER ON STATE
Robert Taylor public hous- of greenery formally known as STREET: A NOVEL’
ing complex on the South Side, Washington Square Park, which by Toya Wolfe (June 14, 2022).
where her novel is set, Wolfe will sits across Walton Street from the William Morrow
be making some very pleasant Newberry Library, between Dear-
new memories on Saturday when born and Clark streets. from the 1880s through the 1930s
she and her novel will be honored That is a place rich in memo- when all sorts of people would
with the Pattis Family Foundation ries. It is the oldest park in the stand on soap boxes or crates and
Chicago Book Award. city and has long been famil- spout their passions and philos-
This is the second year of this iarly known as Bughouse Square, ophies to anyone who would
award, presented by the High- “Bughouse” being a slang term for listen. Some were famous and
Novelist Toya Wolfe will be presented with the Pattis Family Foundation land Park-based nonprofit orga- a mental health facility because
Chicago Book Award at the Newberry Library. LEICESTER MITCHELL nization to promote the notion that is what it often resembled Turn to Kogan, Page 3
2 Chicago Tribune | Section 4 | Friday, July 14, 2023


Sheila E. makes Walk of Fame history

From news services By Amy Dickinson
[email protected] Twitter@askingamy
Legendary percussionist
and multi-instrumental-
ist Sheila E. was honored
Wednesday with her very
own star on Hollywood’s
Walk of Fame.
Co-worker excluded from team recognitions
“Her career can be Dear Amy: I work with tive co-worker social ball or expectation that guests
summed up by using her wonderful people. rolling. I’m taking your will purchase something,
own words: ‘Follow the There are a dozen of us word for how wonder- Guests, who are often
beat,’ ” said master of cere- on the team. We work ful these co-workers are, friends or associates of the
monies Jimmy Jam Harris. well together and genu- but the fact that your own “host,” will often bow to
Sheila E., born Sheila inely enjoy one another’s momentous events have the implied social pres-
Escovedo, met Prince company and friendship. been ignored — when so sure and purchase some-
backstage after a gig in the When someone has a many others are recog- thing they might not need
San Francisco Bay Area, baby, we throw a shower. nized — is unconscionable. or want, which seems to
which led to the launch of For a milestone anniver- I suggest that you be the overall business
her solo career. sary with the company, swallow the momentary model of these direct sales
Her list of credits we celebrate that. When embarrassment, adopt a schemes.
include playing not only someone is ill, we provide baffled attitude, raise your The only way out of this
with her dad, Pete Escov- support. When someone hand, and let the others is death or (preferably)
edo, but also with pioneer- leaves the company, we in this group know: “I’m declining the invitation.
ing talents like Prince, bid a fond farewell. Birth- always happy to celebrate
George Duke, Herbie days often involve surprise and contribute to these Dear Amy: Your advice
Hancock, Marvin Gaye, treats. It’s all great, and I’ve things, but hellooooo, do to “Already Moved On,”
Diana Ross, Lionel Richie, always happily partici- you realize that all of my whose daughter was
Gloria Estefan, Beyoncé, pated in and contributed to moments are skipped continually reaching out
Snoop Dogg and Jennifer these things. over? Who do I have to to and being rejected by
Lopez. The Grammy-nom- Sheila E. is honored Wednesday with a star on the Hollywood Alas, I’ve never been on know to get on this gener- her father, was not help-
inated singer-songwriter is Walk of Fame in Los Angeles. DAMIAN DOVARGANES/AP the receiving end of any of ous list?” ful. This woman needs the
also the only female musi- it. My milestone anniver- help of a qualified therapist
cian to tour with Ringo ner Darius Daulton Jack- rio will fund scholarships sary with the company Dear Amy: Recently I to deal with her feelings.
Starr, who called her a son’s online criticism of and a climate education passed without note, as visited a friend who lives a Advising her to continue
“force of nature” at the star her. program at the UCLA- did a milestone birthday. plane ride away. attempting contact is the
ceremony. In a recent interview, based elementary school When I had major surgery During my visit, she definition of insanity.
“I am proud to call Palmer was asked what her where he was once himself ... nothing. took me to one of those She needs the tools to
Sheila E. a friend,” said the mentality was upon learn- a scholarship student, the Today I received an invi- “parties” where a sales come to terms with the
Beatles drummer. ing of the online chatter actor and the college said tation to contribute to a pitch is given and attend- fact that her father doesn’t
Grammy and Oscar that centered on her moth- Tuesday. group housewarming gift ees are supposed to buy deserve to have her or his
winner H.E.R. told the erhood and her body. The Leonardo DiCaprio for one of my colleagues. products. This was never grandchildren in his life
story of seeing Sheila E. “After having my baby, Scholarship fund and the Normally, I would be all mentioned in advance as and learn to move on with-
perform with Prince when I’ve gotten so much more Climate Justice Educa- in. The thing is, I moved to part of our plans. out him.
she was 13 years old. powerful,” she said. “We’re tion Program are set to a new house five months Having no interest in the I’m speaking from
“That changed my life going to lean into this new begin in the forthcoming ago. All of my co-work- merchandise (and no room personal experience. My
forever because in that body, and I think that is school year at the UCLA ers know this and yet they in my suitcase), I did not biological father was the
moment I knew that I the whole aura of what’s Lab School. The fund will didn’t band together for a purchase anything. Later, king of the losers. My ther-
could do this,” she said. happening with me in this give its students who need gift. I can’t figure out why my friend told me I was apist and I have worked
The day’s event marked big boss era as I come into financial aid, which he got I’m not on the collective rude for not participating. through all of this together
the first time in history that my 30s, and I have my baby as a child when he went radar. When I explained my and I’m a lot stronger.
a female percussionist was boy, and I’m just continu- to the school in the 1980s, Should I just let it go, or position, she told me I — Moved On, With Help
honored on the boulevard. ing to spread my wings as a and will help the school to can you offer any advice on should have purchased
“I used to sit on the young woman.” maintain diversity. how to let them know that a small item. What is the Dear Moved On: I could
corner outside of the Palmer and Jackson had this is kind of hurtful and correct etiquette? probably match you in the
local community center a public spat after a video July 14 birthdays: Actor insensitive? I’m planning — Wondering bad dad department, and I
with Twinkies and 7 Up of Usher serenading her Vincent Pastore is 77. Actor to retire within the next agree that therapy would
listening to Sly and Larry at one of his shows went Eric Laneuville is 71. Actor few years, and I’m already Dear Wondering: It is be very useful. As I said
Graham rehearse,” recalled viral. Jackson criticized Stan Shaw is 71. Singer expecting (and pre-disap- certainly not polite for one in my response, achiev-
Sheila E. “The sounds Palmer, who was wear- Kyle Gass is 63. Actor Jane pointed) that it will be a friend to accuse another ing detachment from any
of the Bay Area molded ing a black thong bodysuit Lynch is 63. Actor Jackie non-event. of being “rude” for sitting particular outcome is the
me. I’m telling ya, there’s under a sheer dress. Earle Haley is 62. Actor — Hey, I’m Sitting Right quietly during a sales party ideal.
something in the water.” “It’s the outfit tho.. you a Matthew Fox is 57. Singer Here! to which she has not been
mom,” Jackson replied to Tameka Cottle is 48. Musi- invited. Copyright 2023 by Amy
Palmer addresses criti- the clip on Twitter. cian taboo is 48. Actor Dear Right Here!: If you are invited to one Dickinson
cism: Keke Palmer is ready Scott Porter is 44. Actor Company doings are often of these parties and attend
to jump into the discourse DiCaprio funds scholar- Phoebe Waller-Bridge is initiated by one or two knowing the purpose, then Distributed by Tribune
that was spurred by part- ships: Leonardo DiCap- 38. people who get the collec- the host does have a hope Content Agency

‘Greenlight’ don’t see them offering

much beyond encourag-
from Page 1 ing words. Winbush really
could have used some
celebrity mentors, while practical insights from
Rae’s production company, Prince-Bythewood in
Hoorae, oversees both the the editing room, but the
film and TV projects. latter was up against her
A woman has never been own timeline editing “The
chosen in previous seasons, Woman King.”
and Rae & Co. make it their Winbush does not come
purpose to change that, off well, and that tracks
selecting Meko Winbush. with previous seasons:
The director initially comes These first-timers tend to
across as wonderfully be stubbornly resistant to
down to earth. advice and creative input.
Surprisingly, this trait Notes are greeted with
doesn’t work in her favor. skepticism, sometimes with
In the first episode, good reason and sometimes
when Rae and her team to the director’s detriment.
are narrowing down the Rae and her team are
contenders, you can see optimistic that they can
they expect the candi- improve upon past incar-
dates to open a vein or two nations of the show, and
and share personal stories yet it remains the same
as part of the interview as it ever was, for good or
process. But Winbush is Celebrity mentors Issa Rae, from left, Kumail Nanjiani and Gina Prince-Bythewood on Season 5 of “Project Greenlight.” for ill. None of the result-
visibly uncomfortable with JESSICA PEREZ/MAX ing movies in the past was
this, which prompts some watchable and none of the
creased foreheads. work. And since Winbush this detail is ironic for a also reveal so much about The last time “Proj- directors has gone on to
Watching the interaction advertised herself as a couple reasons: The WGA how Hollywood actually ect Greenlight” aired in noteworthy careers. Maybe
you think: Shouldn’t it be writer as well as a director is currently on strike and works. It’s not always about 2015, the movie had a $3 that’s why the series was
OK if she’s not inclined to (did anyone see her writing this is emblematic of the who has real filmmaking million budget, which was moribund for nearly a
play this particular game? samples ahead of time to way writers are often talent, but who can talk a then raised to $3.3 million decade before Rae revived
Is that really the price of confirm this?), the Hoorae treated in Hollywood — as good game. when the director wanted it to mixed results.
admission when the thing team expects her to revise nonentities — but it’s also You can see how this to shoot on film instead Let us pause to appreci-
you’re directing isn’t even the script herself. odd because all three celeb- might put introverts at a of digital. Nearly 10 years ate an irony you might only
about you? If a screenplay isn’t rity mentors are screen- disadvantage. But a big part later the budget is only $3.5 notice if you pay attention
It turns out the panel was ready, you need a capable writers themselves. of any creative profession million. That’s not close to to the show’s credits: A
right to be concerned. It’s writer to wrangle that thing Why give Winbush a is sales, no matter how matching the rate of infla- series that proudly aims to
not that Winbush is protect- into submission, which script that no one is happy gauche that may sound — tion (if it were, the budget give a woman an import-
ing her privacy. She’s just underscores how import- with — and then tell her you’re selling yourself and would be about $1 million ant foot in the door lists 3
generally uncommunica- ant and valuable writers are she has only seven weeks you’re selling your ideas. higher), and there’s some- Arts talent manager Dave
tive and fails to convince the to the process. Weirdly, the to rewrite it, while also The Hoorae executives thing conspicuous about Becky among its executive
executives at Hoorae that show doesn’t even name juggling preproduction on recognize this isn’t intuitive this being the case the first producers.
she’s on top of things. the screenwriter at first. It’s her first film? That decision for Windbush, but they also time a Black woman is Becky, you may recall,
This becomes a stum- as if the script just fell from feels cynical and designed to expect her to figure it out featured as a director. was Louis C.K.’s manager
bling block as the proj- the sky. create reality-show drama. instead of more explicitly Once production on when the comedian was
ect progresses. Everyone The series was filmed We finally do meet the teaching her the ropes. She the movie begins, there’s accused of sexual miscon-
agrees the script needs more than a year ago, but screenwriter, Philip Gelatt, needs them to spell it out! more conflict — this time duct. According to report-
who works with Winbush Her struggles are clear. between the film crew and ing in The New York
to tweak the script, but his Despite being experienced the “Project Greenlight” Times, the two women
“PULSATING…ENTHRALLING. efforts are futile. Winbush professionals themselves TV crew. Tempers flare “began telling others what
AN UNFLINCHING LOOK AT THE TRUE PRICE is passive and not great (unlike Winbush), the and reality-show mics are happened but said they felt
OF RUSSIA’S WAR ON UKRAINE.” at brainstorming on Hoorae team doesn’t brain- discarded. threatened by Mr. Becky,
- IndieWire command. She’s resistant storm alternate strategies An executive from Max who was angered they were
to being rushed and prefers of their own. Winbush is visiting the set lays down talking about it openly.
“A BRAVE, VISCERAL, to wait for inspiration — not good at reading signals, the law: “We wouldn’t hire “I now comprehend that
MERCILESS MASTERPIECE.” even if, apparently, it never but they’re not good at a director with no experi- my response was perceived
- The Guardian
comes. adapting to that and being ence and give them several as a threat to cover-up
“A MIRACULOUS FEAT.” It’s a slow-motion car more straightforward. million dollars to make a sexual misconduct,” Mr.
- Harper’s Bazaar wreck, which is why it’s so This is the director they movie and just go let ’em do Becky wrote. “This is not
watchable. The stakes feel decided to go with and it. That’s not the point of an excuse. What I did was
real — this is Winbush’s big script revisions are not her this. The point of this is to wrong.”
opportunity. And the show strength. She’s floundering document the process.” Apparently, for Rae &
reveals details about hiring and is seemingly waiting The film itself is titled Co., that’s all water under
that we rarely see play for someone else to step “Gray Matter,” a coming- the bridge, while Becky
out: Just because a Black in. So instead of forcing of-age sci-fi thriller collects whatever fees are
woman is at the helm, her into this box, why not about a teenager with associated with his produc-
there’s no guarantee she’ll present her with another psychic powers and it also ing title.
be focused on assembling a option: Take the script off premieres this week on
diverse crew. The team at her hands, hire someone Max (I have not seen it). Where to watch: Max
Q&A with FILMMAKER MSTYSLAV CHERNOV TUESDAY 7/18 after the 6:15 show Hoorae has to bring this to to fix it and tell her that As with previous seasons,
Fri, Mon-Wed: 6:15 her attention. money will be subtracted the celebrity mentors pop Nina Metz is a Tribune critic.
ONE-WEEK ENGAGEMENT Sat: 2:30, 5:15 The tensions on the show from her budget? in here and there, but we [email protected]
164 N. STATE STREET, CHICAGO (312) 846-22085
Sun: 1:45
Thu: 8:30
Chicago Tribune | Section 4 | Friday, July 14, 2023 3

Brigitte Bardot, Jack Palance (above) and Michel Piccoli in Jean-Luc Godard’s “Contempt.” RIALTO PICTURES


Provocative Godard film gets 4k restoration

By Michael Phillips drive like a normal vehicle. for Godard, but its contradictions “That’s life,” she replies. the director’s privilege; as proof,
Chicago Tribune While it was sold by its produc- and tensions — visual, narrative, Jack Palance plays the third Godard’s signature, whatever he
ers on the occasionally bare misogynistic and, yes, poetic — point in the triangle, the arrogant was feeling and living at the time,
“Contempt” remains as pecu- derriere of its female star, Brigitte are the result of Godard’s experi- American film producer on the is on each frame of the film.
liar, sullen and gorgeous a film Bardot, Godard filled “Contempt” ment in commercial conformity. make. Palance had a lousy time of Palance, among others, may
today as when Jean-Luc Godard with the encoded romantic He considered “Contempt,” with it on “Contempt.” have fought the making of it the
had the profoundly conflicted torments of his own life, and its million-dollar budget, half of In his own words, Godard whole way. Godard’s star vehicle
experience of making it 60 years his controlling, Svengali-in-Ray which went to Bardot, his first — sought to “disconcert” his actors, ended up not being commercial
ago. Bans relationship with his wife perhaps only — attempt to deliver keeping them in the dark as to his sensation of, say, Fellini’s far more
The new 4k digital restoration, and frequent collaborator, Anna some quasi-conventional high- intentions for any given scene. As companionable “La Dolce Vita”
courtesy of Rialto Pictures, makes Karina. The filmmaker adapted gloss trash. we watch a disconnected quarter earlier in the ’60s.
its Chicago appearance for a week “Contempt” from the 1954 Italian I don’t know, though. Is it? of major players try to figure it all But the short list of movies
starting Friday at the Gene Siskel novel “Il disprezzo” by Alberto It does not play that way (to me, out, against serene seaside vistas about the special torment of
Film Center. For newcomers as Moravia. anyway) in 2023. As we watch a and empty Cinecittà backlots, moviemaking will always include
well as for Godard aficionados, it’s The book carried the title marriage unravel against Godard’s legendary German director Fritz this one.
a fine opportunity to see what was “A Ghost at Noon” in its initial elegy for classic Hollywood, Lang plays the fourth major char-
possible then, and what remains a English translation; its story of a already dead and gone by 1963, its acter Fritz Lang, the director of Michael Phillips is a Tribune critic.
tantalizing CinemaScope wonder playwright-turned-screenwriter, otherworldliness is too strange for the film-within-a-film’s treatment [email protected]
of doomed romance. his two-year marriage to a former conventionality. What Godard was of “The Odyssey” — “Contempt” Twitter @phillipstribune
The project, Godard said, was typist and a wolfish film producer feeling about his own marriage stretches out, widescreen-friendly,
“a little more normal” than his forms a sexual triangle amid a off-screen ended up being the like a languorous cat in the sun. No MPA rating (some nudity and
earlier features. (This was his film in production, based on “The innards of the story acted out by In the source material, written language and violence)
sixth; his first, “Breathless,” was Odyssey.” Moravia also wrote Bardot and her sublimely cast from the screenwriter character’s Running time: 1:41
and is a sensation of form and “The Conformist,” which became co-star, Michel Piccoli. point of view, the screenwriter How to watch: July 14-20 at the
rhythm.) “Contempt” was differ- filmmaker Bernardo Bertolucci’s “Why don’t you love me bemoans that a mere writer can Gene Siskel Film Center, 164 N.
ent, a star vehicle but a Godard masterwork. anymore?” Piccoli asks Bardot at never say “It was I who made State St.;
star vehicle, meaning it didn’t “Contempt” is not quite that one point. this film … this film is me.” That’s contempt.


Two ‘Housewives’ are dropped into small town Illinois

By Nina Metz
Chicago Tribune

For a time, I used to watch vari-

ous incarnations of Bravo’s reality
franchise “The Real House-
wives.” Brightly lit and filled to
their Botox gills with aspirational
bunkum, the shows require little
by way of mental engagement.
These tantrums of the wealthy
(and pretend wealthy) function
as an easy distraction from your
real-life headaches. I’ve likened
the shows to sucking on a pop
culture sourball, as you become
transfixed by the uncanny valley
of dysfunction, plastic surgery
and obsession with thin bodies.
But something about it all finally
turned too rancid — too cynical Sonja Morgan in “Luann and Sonja:
and ugly — even for me. Welcome to Crappie Lake.”
Which brings us to “Luann &
Sonja: Welcome to Crappie Lake,” one says. I’ve no doubt that senti-
the reality show with an unwieldy ment is sincere. But Jay-Staglik’s
title starring “Real Housewives aw-shucks demeanor is pretty
of New York” veterans Luann disingenuous. A one-off reality
de Lesseps and Sonja Morgan, TV series isn’t going to generate
the Frick and Frack of Bravoleb- the economic infusion Benton
rities. They’ve agreed to spend actually needs.
five weeks in Benton — a small Luann and Sonja don’t ques-
town in southern Illinois that’s tion any of it, but why would
been struggling financially since they? This is a paycheck to
COVID — to help give the place Luann de Lesseps in “Luann and Sonja: Welcome to Crappie Lake.” NICK FOCHTMAN PHOTOS them. They’re good-natured and
an infusion of … something. This upbeat. But this is a job.
involves questionably meaning- from a more cunningly executed board. Then the pilot announces over-accessorized. That’s the They once craved the status
ful projects such as organizing a (scripted) idea. he’ll be circling the airport point. But (at least as edited) they and elevated station that came
talent show and building a play- For anyone acquainted with the because there’s livestock on the don’t resort to actual rudeness. with the connections their former
ground. antics and charms and desper- runway and someone has to clear Here are some factoids about marriages offered. Post-divorces,
The premise is a straight ate finances of Luann and Sonja, them off. I don’t know if this is Benton: It was the site of one of they’re milking their reality
rip-off of “The Simple Life,” the series offers fairly predict- actually true, but bravo Bravo. the last public hangings in Illi- careers for all they’re worth and
which premiered 20 years ago able stuff. At home in New York Once the pair arrive in Benton nois in 1928. George Harrison’s they’ve become far more inter-
with Paris Hilton and Nicole as they pack, Luann holds up two (the series was filmed last sister lived in Benton in the ’60s esting people now that they don’t
Richie scrunching their noses options of something or another: summer) they’re welcomed by a and he came to visit her there as take themselves so seriously and
to spend time around people “I have so many choices to make decent-sized group of expectant the Beatles were first taking the have embraced their new normal:
in (gah) Middle America. But because this is white, and this is locals — yes, they recognize the world by storm. Playing the clown in exchange for
“Crappie Lake” is also a riff on off-white.” Over at Sonja’s town- women! — and a car that, like the The show’s executive producer, that Bravo money. It’s a far more
“Schitt’s Creek,” with Luann and house — a notorious real estate plane, also lacks air conditioning. seen briefly in the first episode, honest life than the ones they
Sonja bunking at the exceed- albatross that she still hasn’t They grumble but get on with it. is Russell Jay-Staglik, a Benton were living before.
ingly modest local motel. Does managed to offload all these years The show is dull, but I’ll give native (his extended family still
an original idea exist anywhere later — she holds up some of the Luann and Sonja one thing: lives there) and longtime reality Where to watch: 8 p.m. Sundays
in this project? To their credit, items she’s bringing: “These are They are good time gals and they show veteran. “If Russell could on Bravo (and streaming on
Luann and Sonja seem game for the pads for my leaking liposuc- understand what’s expected of do something to bring people Peacock)
anything. But that’s not the same tion.” them — to be playful and absurd to town, to see what’s going on,
as watching the likes of Cath- They fly private but apparently — and they lean into that. They maybe that would bring a spark Nina Metz is a Tribune critic.
erine O’Hara spin comedy gold there’s no air conditioning on know they’re overdressed and back into the community,” some- [email protected]

Kogan and after his death in 1989, others

filled that role, most dramatically
very little listening.”
So the creative Newberry staff
activities that peppers Wolfe’s
coming-of-age tale.
annual book fair, which runs from
July 28-30.
from Page 1 author and activist Studs Terkel, started “Chicago Storytelling in It is a book filled with young
who had spent some of his early Bughouse Square.” Though some but distinct personalities, girls “Chicago Storytelling in Bughouse
smart (Carl Sandburg). Many years listening to the soapbox attendees missed debates, it satis- who live on the page and provide Square 2023: Chicago Forward” is 1
others were anonymous goofs, orators. Then came my turn fied the majority. observational insights into a slice to 4:30 p.m. July 15 at Washington
anarchists, dreamers, poets and 2008 after Terkel’s death and I And so I will be there again of the city that few knew beyond Square Park, 901 N. Clark St.;
preachers. did so with all the energy I could Saturday to introduce and listen the horrors of newspaper head- free, more information at www.
In the mid-1980s an event was muster. to some dignitaries and the six lines and the gore of television
created to “honor” those times. Last year the event changed. storytellers. I’ll then introduce news. It is a novel of friendship,
The “Bughouse Square Debates” It became a less confrontational the members of the Jumping hope and resilience. The 2023 Newberry Book Fair is
were conceived by the social gathering of voices because, as Juniors, a nonprofit organiza- You can, of course, buy the 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. July 28-30 at the
historian and author Arthur then Newberry President Daniel tion that uses the sport of double book at any of the places where Newberry Library, 60 W. Walton
Weinberg and his wife, Lila, a Greene said, “We are living in Dutch to mentor young people. books are sold. You might even St.;
historian, author and teacher. a time when there is a lot of That’s appropriate because try to find a copy in a couple of
He served as the event’s emcee screaming at one another and jumping rope is among one of the weeks at the Newberry for its [email protected]
4 Chicago Tribune | Section 4 | Friday, July 14, 2023

Full-tilt franchise turns it up notch in new film

‘Mission: Impossible’ projects. Tom will insist
that’s him.”
showcases practical Just as “Top Gun: M ​ aver-
effects, stunt work ick” strove to get as many
cameras in the cockpits of
By Jake Coyle fighter jets, the set-pieces
Associated Press of “Mission: Impossible”
are choreographed to get
There are, as a rule, only cameras as close to Cruise
so many places you can go and the cast — here that
as an action movie after includes Hayley Atwell,
leaving Tom Cruise cling- Rebecca Ferguson and
ing to the side of an Airbus Vanessa Kirby — as possi-
400M and flinging him out ble.
a cargo plane at 25,000 feet. For Taggart, that meant
But in the kinetic, head- getting his head around
long world of “Mission: often dizzying challenges
Impossible,” the pressure to like shooting a scene
keep upping the ante — like involving a train moving
the films’ always running 60 miles an hour through a
star — never stops. mountainous Scandinavian
“Every time we finish a landscape with uncontrol-
movie, the first thing Tom lable weather conditions.
says to me is: ‘We can do He didn’t want just fixed
better,’ ” says Christopher cameras.
McQuarrie. “So now we’ve got to
McQuarrie, the writer-​ get a whole camera crew
director of 2015’s “Mission: involved and some lighting,
Impossible — Rogue and we’ll probably end up
Nation” and the 2018 fran- with 10 people strapped to
chise high point, “Mission: the top of a train carriage,
Impossible — Fallout,” including an old-fashioned
was working with Cruise physical camera up there,”
on “Top Gun: Maverick,” says Taggart. “You think:
which McQuarrie co-wrote Can we actually get 10
and co-produced, when people on top of the train
they started talking about doing 60 miles an hour?
their ambitions for the Star Tom Cruise, left, and writer-director Christopher McQuarrie arrive June 22 at the London premiere of “Mission: Impossible — That’s the challenge.”
next iteration of “Mission: Dead Reckoning Part One,” the seventh installment in the action film franchise. VIANNEY LE CAER/INVISION In another sequence
Impossible.” with characters inside a
Their plan was to make back with another high-fly- Months later, Cruise and just reach a place of such spies are masters of decep- falling train cabin, they
not one but two sequels — ing spectacle of daring-do. “Dead Reckoning” — a despair,” says McQuarrie. tion. At the same time, suspended a camera oper-
back-to-back blockbusters Similar to “Maverick,” globe-trotting $290 million In “Dead Reckoning,” McQuarrie and his crew, ator, Chunky Richmond,
that would feature even “Mission: Impossible — movie so logistically compli- Ethan Hunt faces off with including cinematogra- on stunt wires so he was
bigger stunts. Cruise envi- Dead Reckoning Part One” cated that it prompted a rogue artificial intel- pher Fraser Taggart, go hanging alongside the
sioned a motorcycle jump/ is a state-of-the-art action controversy for initial plans ligence, a prescient and to considerable lengths to actors. For a nighttime
skydive and a massive train extravaganza of old-school to blow up a century-old well-​suited antagonist for a ensure what the audience chase through the byzan-
sequence that McQuarrie technique, made with star bridge in Poland — led an movie universe built less on is watching feels authentic tine passageways of Venice,
pined to realize. The heady power, practical effects industrywide effort to get CGI than practical effects. and immersive. they knocked on doors
experience on “Maver- and stunt work designed the movie business back McQuarrie told Cruise “The challenge normally everywhere along the route
ick,” a pop-​culture jugger- to prompt exclamations of online during the pandemic. he wanted to wanted to is hiding the fact that it’s to get cameras on terraces
naut that grossed nearly “He did what?” An already high-stress take “Mission: Impossi- not the actor doing it,” says and pointed out windows.
$1.5 billion worldwide, only It was also their most production became even ble” beyond the threat of a McQuarrie. “And here the McQuarrie has said he
further ratcheted up their nearly impossible mission tenser. In December 2020, terrorist getting hold of a reverse is the case. You’re likes to write “Mission:
aspirations. yet — and not just because an audio recording leaked deadly weapon. actually going to great Impossible” movies as
“ ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ of, according to Paramount of Cruise yelling at two “Another lesson we took lengths to show that Tom’s they’re shooting; “Fall-
really taught us a lot in Pictures, the 500 skydives crew members for not from ‘Top Gun’ was: What actually doing it.” out” began with just an
terms of character dynam- and 13,000 motocross obeying COVID-19 proto- is the audience bringing to Taggart, who had shot outline. For McQuarrie and
ics and the emotional jumps that Cruise did in cols. the movie? ‘Top Gun’ came the helicopter sequence in company, the only way to
payoff of the movie overall,” preparation for his climac- There were numerous out of Cold War anxiet- “Fallout,” says he has never make a “Mission: Impossi-
McQuarrie said in a recent tic stunt. “Dead Reckon- delays and pivots along the ies. I said to Tom in 2019: worked with an actor so ble” movie is full-tilt.
interview. “To be making ing” was just days away way. But McQuarrie says ‘What anxiety is it now?’ ” resistant to stunt doubles as “Everything we’re doing
movies on this scale, you from beginning production he never thought “Dead says McQuarrie. “What Cruise — even in the most is by the seat of our pants,”
really need to think about, in Venice when COVID-19 Reckoning” wouldn’t get we didn’t anticipate was innocuous of shots. says McQuarrie. “We want
more than anything, the cases began skyrocketing in finished. the level to which it would “Tom won’t do it. He you to come to the movie
feeling that the audience is Italy, an early epicenter. “We just kept moving accelerate.” just refuses, even to the and experience it the same
left with going away.” “Mission: Impossible” forward because if you In “Mission: Impossible,” extent of you’ll do an insert way the characters are,
A year after the box-​office was one of the first major stopped, if you were what you see is rarely what of hand,” says Taggart. “It which is: I don’t know
dominance of “Maverick,” productions to be shut trying to find the end of you get. can’t be anyone else doing what’s going to happen
McQuarrie and Cruise are down by the pandemic. the tunnel, you would Hunt and his team of it, as you would on other next.”


Horror franchise’s finale fails

to scare up winning formula
By Mark Kennedy
Associated Press

The “Insidious” fran-

chise folds back on itself
for the fifth installment,
Daryl McCormack stars as aspiring writer Liam Sommers in “The Lesson.” BLEECKER STREET returning to its roots with
the movie equivalent of
REVIEW ‘THE LESSON’ ★★§ getting the (traumatized)

Spicy literary thriller a tightly

band back together.
Patrick Wilson, Ty
Simpkins, Rose Byrne and
Andrew Astor reunite for

crafted film by and for adults “Insidious: The Red Door,”

and whether or not you’ll
want to push this door
By Lindsey Bahr of the year. The movie is a and wife, Hélène (Julie open may depend on how
Associated Press memory prompted by that Delpy). When he queues much of a completist you
very standard interview up Rachmaninoff as their are. For many, leaving it Patrick Wilson stars in “Insidious: The Red Door,” which is the
The egos are as vast question: What was your dining music and Bertie shut may be just fine. franchise’s fifth installment. SONY PICTURES
and thorny as the gardens inspiration? protests, he challenges his The new movie takes
on the lush estate of a Anyone in the business son to give him three good place nine years after the were supposed to be wiped feels “foggy” and Dalton’s
prominent author in “The of asking artists questions reasons why — a snobbish events of 2013’s “Insidi- away. memories are triggered
Lesson,” an entertaining about inspiration knows, test that only shuts down ous: Chapter 2,” and the Dad and son in the new by a swashbuckling art
and erudite chamber piece on a certain level, that at the conversation. It’s also heroic Lambert family installment gradually teacher who challenges
about a master, a tutor and best you’re only getting a quite the introduction to is not doing well. Dad unlock The Further and her class with this motto:
a family after loss. very brief version of one an author whom Liam has (Wilson) and mom (Byrne) return to navigate it, but “You must let go of your
This is a story that, in person’s highly sanitized worshipped. are divorced and their the movie gradually falls past.”
different hands, could truth. At worst, it’s just a McCormack, Grant and college-age son, Dalton (Ty apart into incoherence There are some nifty
have easily turned maud- plausible sounding fabrica- Delpy are a deliriously Simpkins), pretty much and the use of jumpscares new touches, most nota-
lin or melodramatic, but tion, safely constructed in captivating group to watch. hates dad. “You really don’t of shocking images, like bly a fright-fest in an MRI
director Alice Troughton, the rearview mirror. J.M. Grant, so adept at comedy, know me!” he wails. creepy dolls in a birdcage, a machine, an already very
writer Alex MacKeith and Sinclair, in the YouTube is prickly and terrifying The push-pull of fathers demon vomiting or circus intimate procedure in
composer Isobel Waller- interviews that Liam as this intellectual tyrant and sons is a prominent contortionists emerging a tight place. Chunks of
Bridge opted instead for watches on repeat, coyly who is unafraid to crush theme here, but the roots from sofas. “Insidious: Chapter 2”
wry lightness within the speaks about how all great anyone in his path with of this particular father- It’s a pity because — the final scene and a
construct of a slow-burn writers steal, but he’s not casual cruelty, as when he son unhappiness may Wilson not only acts, he crucial fight — are reused
thriller. It’s as though “The one, you imagine, who asks Liam for help because have to do with the fact also makes a strong direc- liberally, and actor Sinclair
Lesson,” and everyone would publicly own any he’s “not a real writer.” And that they have suppressed torial debut and even sings Daniel adds comic relief
involved, is winking at the thievery. He is as precious McCormack once again memories of wrestling over the end credits, join- and some sanity as the
audience through the seri- about the singularity of his excels at playing a shrewd, with demons in a twilight ing the very appropriate son’s college friend, but her
ous material that lingers, works and his talent as, underestimated outsider. realm called The Further. Swedish rock band Ghost story is abandoned unsat-
intentionally, on the fine in his words, the average Liam has a few Tom Ripley The Further — a sort of for “Stay.” It wouldn’t isfactorily at the end. Too
line between pretentious writers who attempt origi- talents up his sleeve that Upside Down, but long surprise us if Wilson was many bows are attached to
and provocative. nality and “fail universally” he uses to his advantage at before “Stranger Things” actually the projectionist at the movie’s final moments
Daryl McCormack, of and the good writers who key moments. — is described as “a world your local cineplex too. as well, reunions not
“Good Luck to You, Leo have the “sense to borrow.” As Liam says of Sinclair’s far beyond our own, yet it’s The screenplay by fran- earned or coherent.
Grande” and “Bad Sisters,” But it all helps to plant newest book, the third act all around us, a place with- chise newcomer Scott If the “Insidious” fran-
plays Liam Sommers, an the seed that you’re about in the film feels like a bit of out time as we know it, a Teems feels more like fan chise is your jam, by all
aspiring writer who has to watch a literary heist a jarring departure from dark realm filled with the fiction, with its loving nods means go and see the
accepted a job tutoring unfold, though perhaps not the fun escalating tension tortured souls of the dead, to items associated with original Fab Four of the
the son of world-famous the one you might expect. of the first two acts. But a place not meant for the the franchise — the camper Lambert family battle
author J.M. Sinclair (Rich- The Sinclair family “The Lesson” is worth a living.” So like Hollywood? light, a scary version of hollow-eyed demons for
ard E. Grant), who also is the picture of upper- watch as a tightly crafted Dad and son share a “Tiptoe Through the perhaps the last time. But
happens to be his literary class posturing, with a film made by and for adults special gift — the ability Tulips” and a box of old for everyone else, why not
idol. But the film begins household staff and a unafraid of some rhodo- to astral project, or leave photos of dad. Mostly the let the past stay in the past?
with Liam on a fancy feigned formality fitting dendron metaphors and their bodies and drift into story just meanders.
stage, being interviewed of someone who is always casual Tchaikovsky talk. other worlds. But the cost In reality, Byrne and MPA rating: PG-13 (for
about his novel about a in control of the narra- is high — the son was in Astor have very little violence, terror, frightening
fading patriarch and a tive, even at the dinner MPA rating: R (for language a coma for a year and a screen time, and it is images, strong language and
grief-stricken family that table in the company and some sexual content) demon possessed dad, who Wilson and Simpkins who suggestive references)
the moderator calls one of of only his son, Bertie Running time: 1:44 then tried to slaughter the are the stars, as dad tries to Running time: 1:47
the most striking debuts (Stephen McMillan), How to watch: In theaters family. Memories of that come to grips with why he How to watch: In theaters
Chicago Tribune | Section 4 | Friday, July 14, 2023 5

What Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan

Prime Video  Series Finale MOVIES
to watch YOU’LL LOVE
The fourth and final season of this espionage
thriller starring John Krasinski as the title
character concludes with two episodes today.

Family Law
FRIDAY The CW, 7 p.m.
In “I Now Pronoun You,” Abby (Jewel Staite)
July 14, 2023 and Daniel (Zach Smadu) represent a trans
teenager who is not able to access hor-
All times Central. Start times can vary based mone-replacement therapy.
on cable/satellite provider. Confirm times on
your on-screen guide.
‘Bird Box Barcelona’
Moonshine ‘Tag’
The CW, 8 p.m.
Yuzuru Hanyu Ice Story NETFLIX In “Escape Goat,” Lidia (Jennifer Finnigan) G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013, Action)
2023 ‘Gift’ at Tokyo Dome sannah’s (Rachel Blanchard) cancer, she’s not takes the reins of the annual Goat Roast and Dwayne Johnson, Bruce Willis VH1,
5:30 p.m.
Disney+ sure summer will ever be the same. When an insists on a glamp-y upgrade and fancy new
The first-ever solo ice show at the Tokyo unexpected visitor threatens the future of name. The Hunger Games (2012, Science
Dome, Gift is a story about professional Susannah’s beloved house, Belly must rally fiction) Jennifer Lawrence, Josh
skater Yuzuru Hanyu’s life and future on the the gang to come together — and to decide The Proof Is Out There Hutcherson AMC, 6 p.m.
ice. Hanyu portrays himself and also pro- once and for all where her heart lies. Kyra History, 9 p.m. Final Destination (2000, Horror)
duced this special. Sedgwick joins the series in a recurring role. What is the mysterious sea beast seen from Devon Sawa, Ali Larter POP, 7 p.m.
The first three episodes drop today; new epi- the shore of a small seaside town in the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s
Bird Box Barcelona sodes are available Fridays. U.K.? Are summoners able to commune with Stone (2001, Children) Daniel Rad-
Netflix  Original FIlm UFOs? Were a field of massive mysterious
From the producers of the 2018 global phe-
Too Hot to Handle jars made by giants? And how does the
cliffe, Rupert Grint E!, 7 p.m.
Netflix  Season Premiere ground seem to be breathing — is the Earth Ocean’s 8 (2018, Comedy) Sandra
nomenon Bird Box comes a new tale. After a Bullock, Cate Blanchett TBS, 7 p.m.
mysterious force decimates the world’s pop- Another sultry but sexless retreat awaits a alive? In “Mystery Sea Beast, the Earth Is
ulation, Sebastian (Mario Casas) must nav- new group of incurably flirty singles in Sea- Alive and Shapeshifting UFO,” TV journalist Pixels (2015, Comedy) Adam San-
igate his own survival journey through the son 5 of this dating series. Under host Lana’s Tony Harris and his team of experts examine dler, Kevin James TNT, 7 p.m.
desolate streets of Barcelona. As he forms watchful eye, they are each hoping to win a the clues and determine these mysteries’
Rocky IV (1985, Drama) Sylvester
uneasy alliances with other survivors and massive $200,000 prize. validity.
Stallone, Talia Shire BBC America,
they try to escape the city, an unexpected 7 p.m.
and even more sinister threat grows.

Iron Man 2 (2010, Action) Robert
Five Star Chef Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow FX,

9 p.m.
Netflix  New Series
In this British cooking competition, seven Rocky III (1982, Drama) Sylvester
professional chefs vie to bring their fine-din- Stallone BBC America, 9 p.m.
ing concept to the historic Palm Court Star of the Month: The Hunger Games: Catching
restaurant at London’s luxurious Langham
hotel. ’70s Stars: ‘Leading Men’ Fire (2013, Science fiction) Jennifer
Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson AMC,
TCM, beginning at 7 p.m. 9 p.m.
The Summer Top male actors of the 1970s headline
Tag (2018, Comedy) Ed Helms, Jon
tonight’s Friday night lineup on Turner WARNER BROS.
I Turned Pretty Classic Movies as the network’s monthlong The Goodbye Girl (1977), Burt Reynolds
Hamm TNT, 10 p.m.
Prime Video  Season Premiere salute to stars of the decade continues. (near the start of his several-year reign as Tremors (1990, Horror) Kevin Ba-
The hit young-adult drama based on Jenny First you’ll see Robert Redford in the 1972 the top male box-office star) in the action con, Fred Ward CMT, 10 p.m.
Han’s bestselling book trilogy returns for political comedy/drama The Candidate, comedy Hooper (1978), Richard Roundtree
Season 2. Belly (Lola Tung) used to count followed by Jack Nicholson and Warren in 1971’s Shaft (pictured), Jon Voight in
down the days until she could return to Beatty in the dark comedy The Fortune the drama The All-American Boy (1973)
Cousins Beach, but with Conrad (Christopher (1975), Best Actor Oscar winner Richard and Clint Eastwood in the action comedy
Briney) and Jeremiah (Gavin Casalegno) From the editors of
Dreyfuss in the romantic comedy/drama Every Which Way But Loose (1978).
fighting over her heart and the return of Su- TV Weekly and


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Yvonne Orji, left, and Issa Rae are among the stars of “Insecure.” HBO

Black TV history analyzed from

multiple angles with ‘See It Loud’ “TOP-NOTCH CAST, GLORIOUS “EXCELLENT SINGING,
By Rodney Ho our future at the same time. Mackie,” she said. “It’s been
Atlanta Journal-Constitution It was also a nice tapestry of quite a journey.” PERSONALITY COMBINE FOR
Two years ago, CNN
aired an eight-part series,
people from yesterday and
One of Gomes’ favor-
One of the trickiest
segments was discussing
the huge impact of “The
— Chicago Sun Times
— Chicago Tribune

“The History of the ite sources of insight Cosby Show” while also
Sitcom.” Now, it’s digging was Jimmie Walker, the addressing the misdeeds
deep into Black TV. stand-up comic and star of of Bill Cosby himself, who
The five-part series, “Good Times.” His “Dyno- has been accused by more
dubbed “See It Loud: The mite” saying was both a than 50 women of sexual
History of Black Televi- “gift and a curse,” she said. misconduct, accusations he
sion,” recently debuted “It was obviously a big deal has denied.
with sitcoms such as “Good for him to become a big TV “For me as a woman, it
Times,” “The Cosby Show,” star, but he also had to deal was very challenging, but
“The Fresh Prince of Bel with criticism that he was we needed to confront it
Air,” “Family Matters” and a sellout. He had worked head on,” Gomes said. “His
“Insecure.” with the Black Panthers legacy is always going to
The weekly docuseries and Martin Luther King Jr., be great in this industry.
now airing on Sundays will so this was hurtful for him.” The question is how do
also touch on variety and Courtney Whita- you separate the man from
stand-up comedy, drama, ker, senior manager of the mischief. How do you
reality TV and science unscripted programming separate what he did versus
fiction. The producers and documentaries for the doors he opened? We
spoke to more than 120 the SpringHill Company, left that to the audience to
people, including Gabrielle said viewers may not fully decide.”

Union, Ben Vereen, Debbie appreciate how massive the Gomes said given all the
Allen, Sherri Shepherd, unscripted lane is. “They turmoil happening at CNN
Tatyana Ali, Blair Under- may think of reality TV, while she was produc-
wood, Anika Noni Rose, but it’s the power of the ing “See It Loud,” she was
Tisha Campbell and Vivica talk landscape and Oprah grateful the series made it A COMPELLING PORTRAIT OF THE MAN WHO WAS DOWNRIGHT
A. Fox. Winfrey that really changed on air at all.
“For me, it was a labor the game,” she said. “This could have been REVOLUTIONARY IN THE MUSIC INDUSTRY”
of love, and I enjoyed Gomes said the most either ‘The Love Boat’ or
— Chicago Concert Reviews

every second of it,” said insightful episode for her the ‘Titanic’ for us,” Gomes
Emmy-winning producer was the one focused on said. “Creatively, we were
Jodi Gomes, who was direc- horror and science fiction able to stick with the plan
tor and showrunner. “It was because Black people were we started with. It sat on
easy to book because a lot of largely underrepresented the shelf a little longer
people in Black Hollywood in this genre until the past than it should have, but I’m
had never been given the few years. thankful we made it here.
mic before to actually speak “We now have Captain A lot of series got dropped,
the truth on our history and America played by Anthony but we survived.”
6 Chicago Tribune | Section 4 | Friday, July 14, 2023

Grand Avenue By Mike Thompson

Today’s birthday (July 14): All for one and
one for all this year. Disciplined practices ex-
pand explorations into exciting discoveries.
Domestic bliss flavors the autumn, before
a winter team transition phase. Adapting
around a challenge at home empowers your
career to new heights. Combine forces and pull together.
Aries (March 21-April 19): Today is a 7. Stay focused. A hid-
den danger could arise. Diplomacy helps you communicate
around a misunderstanding. If an invitation goes against
your grain, turn it down.
Taurus (April 20-May 20): 9. Stick to steady, reliable income
sources. Despite distractions, profitable work energizes your
efforts. Avoid risky business. Plug any financial leaks. Baby Blues By Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott
Gemini (May 21-June 20): 9. Doubts or cynicism could ap-
pear. Avoid self-sabotage. Choose who you want to be. Take
charge for what you want. You can have what you work for.
Cancer (June 21-July 22): 6. You could feel especially sensitive.
Take extra time for yourself. Balance emotion with reason.
Don’t get lost in negative thoughts. Slow to enjoy the scenery.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): 8. Share support with a community
or team challenge. Find creative solutions together. You can
move mountains. Diversity provides much needed strength.
Savor peaceful rituals.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): 8. Advance a professional project
by reinforcing foundational support structures. Adapt for a
hidden opportunity. Integrity provides workability.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): 7. Professional obstacles could cause
delays. Assess the situation carefully before advancing. Ex- Zits By Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
plore from your own backyard. Adapt studies and research
to explore virtually.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): 8. Hunt for hidden inefficiencies
or financial leaks and plug them. You can get what’s needed.
Discuss the situation and pull together for common gain.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): 7. Collaborate for ease and
efficiency. In the face of challenging circumstances, your
partnership deepens. These circumstances too shall pass.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): 9. Physical action gets satisfying
results. Focus on your work, health and fitness, taking one
step at a time. No need to hurry. Choose stable footing.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): 7. Creativity and romance
could spark spontaneously. Things may not go as planned.
Strengthen basic infrastructures. Communication reveals
harmonious solutions. Choose love and playfulness. Mr. Boffo By Joe Martin
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): 7. Home draws you in. Savor do-
mestic comforts and flavors. Avoid travel or traffic. Discuss
the domestic changes you’d love. Settle on practical ideas.

— Nancy Black, Tribune Content Agency

The Argyle Sweater By Scott Hilburn

Frazz By Jef Mallett

Bliss By Harry Bliss Classic Peanuts By Charles Schulz

Pickles By Brian Crane

East-West vulnerable, South deals
Dick Tracy By Shelley Pleger and Mike Curtis
♥ J 10 9 8 6
♦ AKQ43
♣ A 10
West East
♠ KJ86 ♠ 9743
♥ Void ♥ 754
♦ J9652 ♦ 10 8
♣K973 ♣QJ85
♠ Q 10 5 2
♥ AKQ32
There was a group of students from a foreign country
who were cheating in American tournaments some years
Animal Crackers By Mike Osbun
ago. They were caught due to the disparity between their
bidding ability and their card-playing ability. They could
reach excellent contracts, but they could not make them.
Key Card Blackwood is a good convention, but it won’t take
the tricks for you.
The bidding: South’s five-
South West North East spade bid showed
two key cards,
1♥ Pass 2NT* Pass
among the four
3♦** Pass 4NT Pass aces and the king
5♠ Pass 7♥ All pass of hearts, plus the
*Game-forcing heart raise queen of hearts.
North, hoping
**Shortness in diamonds partner had a black
Opening lead: Five of ♦ king, bid the grand
slam. South won the
opening diamond lead in dummy and led a heart to his ace. Prickly City By Scott Stantis
Had the hearts or the diamonds split more favorably, this
would not have been fatal, but on this lie of the cards South
was no longer able to ruff three spades in dummy. Can you
spot a better line of play?
South should have cashed the ace of spades before
leading a heart to the ace. He could then ruff a spade in
dummy, ruff a diamond back to his hand, and ruff another
spade in dummy. He could ruff another diamond in hand,
over-ruffing East if necessary, and ruff a third spade in
dummy. He could then lead dummy’s last heart to his king
and cash the queen, drawing trumps while discarding the 10
of clubs from dummy. Making seven!

— Bob Jones
Tribune Content Agency
Chicago Tribune | Section 4 | Friday, July 14, 2023 7

Dustin By Steve Kelley and Jeff Parker

Sudoku 7/14

For Better or for Worse By Lynn Johnston

Complete the grid

so each row, column
and 3-by-3 box in
bold borders contains
Blondie By Dean Young and John Marshall every digit 1 to 9.

By The Mepham Group
© 2023. Distributed by
Tribune Content Agency,
LLC. All rights reserved.

Unscramble the four Jumbles, one letter per square, to
form four words. Then arrange the circled letters to form
the surprise answer, as suggested by this cartoon.
Hägar the Horrible By Chris Browne

Mutts By Patrick McDonnell

Answer here

Thursday’s answers

By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek. © 2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
All rights reserved.

WuMo By Mikael Wulff and Anders Morgenthaler

Crossword 7/14

Sherman’s Lagoon By Jim Toomey

Brewster Rockit: Space Guy! By Tim Rickard

Across 38 Childhood companion 10 Server’s edge, in tennis

1 Email option that depicted five times in 11 Law enforcement org.
protects privacy this puzzle, thanks to 12 __ and behold
4 Hands down some Down clues 13 Dash used in date
Broom-Hilda By Russell Myers 42 Helgenberger of “CSI” ranges
9 Syrup source
43 West Coast sch. 19 “The Lion King” lion
14 “There it is!” whose application 21 Option in a classic
15 Compact cosmetic process may include an paradoxical dilemma
16 Build a new room, audition 24 Wrinkled tangelo
say 44 Break off 25 Jennifer Egan’s “A Visit
17 “Da 5 Bloods” setting, 45 Cynical start? From the __ Squad”
for short 48 Epiphany trio 27 Web store icon
18 Second on a ticket 49 Finishes a gin rummy 28 12/24 and 12/31
20 Nutrition regimen turn, e.g. 29 __ Antonio
22 North America’s tallest 52 Overseas 31 Budget carrier HQ’d in
peak correspondent? Dallas
23 “Bring it in, dude” 56 Aye-aye or dik-dik 34 Muscat resident
embrace 58 Flight board info 35 Fabric measures
Trivia Bits Jumble Crossword 26 Hushes 59 “Booksmart” or 36 Tolkien monster
30 Vanity cases “Dumb and Dumber” 37 Twist, as a wet rag
What caused 32 Pt. of USNA 64 No-frills bed 38 Cyberchatted with,
the death of the 33 “Selma” director 65 Slow tempo briefly
“Sun King” Lou- DuVernay 66 Future esposa, perhaps 39 Orange tuber
is XIV of France 34 “Selma” actor David 67 Roxy Music name 40 __ of luxury
in 1715? 37 Small bird with a big 68 12-year-old, e.g. 41 Number of candles,
A) He was be- voice 69 Ridley of the “Star perhaps
headed Wars” sequel trilogy 45 Big name in cameras
B) He was Thursday’s solution 70 TV room 46 Actor Bana
wounded in 47 Astronomer Halley
battle Down 50 Batting __
C) He devel- 1 Wedding __ 51 South Pacific island
oped gan- 2 Hindi word for “tea” group
grene 3 Showed up 53 Finished perfectly
D) He had 4 Exclamation during a 54 Musical pitch
an allergic polar bear plunge 55 Historic British school
reaction to a 5 “__ had one job!” 57 __ Strauss & Co.
spider bite 6 Endow 59 USN officer
Thursday’s an- 7 Moorehead of 60 “How cute!”
swer: Heffalum. “Bewitched” 61 Do, __, mi
By Ella Dershowitz. Edited by Patti
© 2023 Leslie Elman. Varol and Joyce Nichols Lewis.
8 Restrain 62 Knock
Dist. by By David L. Hoyt. © 2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. 9 Bullet train technology 63 “Huzzah!”
8 Chicago Tribune | Section 4 | Friday, July 14, 2023


An extra array of word games, search and Jumble. Want more? Play online at Scan QR code to play online.


Level 1 2 3 4
Complete the grid so each row, column
and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains
every digit from 1 to 9. For strategies
on solving Sudoku, visit

© 2018 The Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. All rights reserved. 10/19/18

INSTRUCTIONS: Find as many words as you can by linking
B U P H letters up, down, side-to-side and diagonally, writing words
on a blank sheet of paper. You may only use each letter box
W O I S once within a single word. Play with a friend and compare
G O K E word finds, crossing out common words.




3 letters = 1 point 151+ = Champ
4 letters = 2 points 101-150 = Expert
By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek 5 letters = 3 points 61 - 100 = Pro
6 letters = 4 points 31 - 60 = Gamer
7 letters = 6 points 21 - 30 = Rookie
8 letters = 10 points 11 - 20 = Amateur
9+ letters = 15 points 0 - 10 = Try again

Boggle BrainBusters Bonus


We put special brain-busting words into the grid

of letters. Can you find them?


in the grid of letters.

BOGGLE is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc. 4-16-21
2021 Hasbro, Inc. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. All Rights Reserved.
Answers to Thursday’s Boggle BrainBusters:
Answers to Friday s Boggle BrainBusters:

by Jacqueline E. Mathews
by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles,

one letter to each square,
to form four ordinary words.

Check out the new, free JUST JUMBLE app

©2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

All Rights Reserved.



Now arrange the circled letters
to form the surprise answer, as
suggested by the above cartoon.

Answer: After scuba diving for hours, they were ready

(Answers Monday)
ACROSS 47 Actress Gardner
1 “Not __ Stranger”; Sinatra movie 48 Sault __. Marie
4 Actor Scott and his family 49 Actor Lloyd __ Fill in the grid using the clues provided in the direction of the arrows. When complete, unscramble
9 Donaldson or Waterston 50 Marina Squerciati’s role on
12 Boy “Chicago P.D.” the letters in the circles to reveal a mystery word.
13 __ Winfrey 51 Suffix for heir or count
14 180 from WSW 52 Go on a shopping spree
15 Prior to 53 Junior nav. rank
16 “The Phantom of the __”
17 Objective DOWN
18 Tyler Blackburn’s role on “Pretty 1 __ Baldwin
Little Liars” 2 __ Michelle Gellar
20 Famous drummer 3 Screenwriter __ Rogers St.
22 Role on “Person of Interest” Johns
26 “The __ Tenenbaums” 4 Yogi’s pal
27 Ping-Pong table divider 5 Game or other program
28 “__ tree falls in the forest...” downloaded to a cell phone
29 “__ World News Tonight with 6 Anger
David Muir” 7 Rower’s need
32 Proclamation of innocence 8 Puppeteer Lewis
35 Actor on “The Goldbergs” 9 Meeting conducted by a medium
39 Wilma Flintstone’s neighbor 10 “__ at the Roxbury”; movie for
40 “__ Out”; Kevin Costner film Will Ferrell
42 Crawling bug 11 Short note
43 Recent Bradley Cooper/Emma 19 Goof up
Stone movie 21 Home for the Dick and Joanna
Solution to Last Week’s Puzzle
Loudon on “Newhart”
23 Fibbing
24 Actor Willem
25 Apartments
29 “__ of S.H.I.E.L.D.”
30 Davis and Midler
31 Rollaway bed
33 “3 __ a Baby”; Tom Selleck film
34 Sense of self-esteem
36 “__ Hope”; soap opera of old
37 Movie for Hayden Christensen
and Jessica Alba
38 Star of “Alice”
39 First, second, third or home
41 Potato varieties
44 Cut off ©2022 Knight Features. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. 2/6/22
45 “Grand __ Opry”
46 __ Solo; role in “Star Wars” films
©2016 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
All Rights Reserved.


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