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PO No.

: 2329/QP/24/009FA/01
Creation Date: 20-JUN-2024
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone / Fax:
Delivery Date: 22-JUN-2024
Delivery Port & Country: MUMBAI INDIA
Quote No.: Quote Date: 20-JUN-24 Currency: USD
Vessel Name: Om Shanghai [email protected]

We confirm our order for the supply of items as per the list attached subject to the terms and conditions contained
Kindly acknowledge the receipt and acceptance of this order.

Purchase Summary:
Total Items: 23 Total Item Value 934.19
(Ref item list) Discount 12.00%
Sub-total 822.09
Add: Delivery Charges 0.00

Total 822.09

Amount in words:USD Eight Hundred Twenty-Two and Cents Nine Only

Payment Terms: 30 DAYS

Payment to be made within 30 DAYS from the date the invoice is registered on Eye Share.

Primary Terms & Conditions:

1. The "Supplier" here in means the party who is the recipient of this Order and the Company is the entity placing this order
and includes its officers, employees, agents and contractors.

2. This order is placed by the Company in the capacity as Agents of Fleet Ship Management Inc. having its administrative office at
27th Floor, South Island Place, 8 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong.

3. The rates mentioned are final and inclusive of all costs & taxes unless otherwise specified and are not subject to change.

4. Delivery to be made in the port / anchorage at the time informed by us / the Master of the vessel or our Agents.

5. If a launch is required for the delivery it must be intimated to us well in advance and must be hired only with our prior approval.

6. We may advise you to combine the stores with any other stores/crew boat that we/our principals may have arranged.

7. Only one delivery shall be accepted for one delivery schedule and delivery should be made strictly as per this Order.

8. Quantity variance shall not be accepted for any reason, unless mentioned in the primary or revised Order.
9. It is mandatory to have the date of expiry label on all products. The vessel will return all such products without the label.

10. If products are accepted without inspection, due to inadequate time, any item without "Date of Expiry" shall be rejected and
discarded. Such discarded products shall not be paid for. The Masters decision in this regard shall be final and no disputes shall be

11. All delivery should be accompanied by a "Delivery Note". One copy of the delivery note shall be retained by the master.

12. The orignal delivery note, duly accepted by the Chief Cook and the Master should be sent along with the Invoice, else the
invoice shall not be paid.

13. Invoice shall be drawn in favor of 'The Master /Owners of Om Shanghai' ; Fleet Ship Management Inc. C/o Elegant
Marine Serivces Private Limited. 601, Gundecha Solitaire, Next to Annex Mall, Siddharth Nagar, Thakur Village, Western
Express Highway, Kandivali (East), Mumbai 400101. India. at the above address.

14. The party raising the invoice & the beneficiary receiving the payment should be identical. No payment will be issued to
an 'individual' account for an invoice raised by a 'company'.

15. Discount, if any applicable for this supply must be deducted from the invoice itself, no separate credit note is required,
(Except for agreed annual rebates, if applicable).

16. Each Delivery Note and Invoice should carry the reference of this Order. Only one Order reference is allowed per Delivery Note /

17. The Delivery Note and Invoice should be from the same entity to which the Order is placed.

18. Payment will strictly be made to the entity to which the Order is placed after receipt of Invoice as per the agreed terms.

19. Appropriate Internationally acceptable markings should be provide on the packaging to indicate if the package is fragile or


PO No: 2329/QP/24/009FA/01

General Terms & Conditions:

1. The Order is the Company's offer to the Supplier to sell and does not constitute an acceptance by the Company of any offer to
sell contained in a quotation, catalog or proposal provide by the Supplier.

2. This Order is subject to acceptance by the Supplier. Acceptance of any advance made against this Order or delivery of goods in
accordance with this Order shall be automatically an acceptance of the terms of this Order by the Supplier.

3. The supply must be carried out in a 'legitimate way' clearing all the necessary local formalities such as Customs ,
Immigration etc . Should the vendor decide to bypass the local regulations and avoid paying any local
dues/fees/mandatory taxes ., it will be viewed as serious violation of this purchase contract and therefore any resultant
detention, its related off hire costs , any fines ,penalties and other costs including legal costs shall be solely on account
of the Vendor. The vendor shall also be responsible for consequential losses incurred in the matter and will face action
including imposition of black listing and its related consequences.By accepting this Purchase Order, it is understood
that the vendor agrees to this condition unequivocally and assures the Buyer of full compliance with the local laws and
related regulations.

4. Acceptance of this Order which is at variance to the terms and conditions of this order will not be binding on us.

5. Any changes to this Order should be in writing by way of a revision to this Order only.

6. This Order cannot be assigned or sub-contracted by the Supplier without the written consent of the Company.

7. Time is of essence for this Order. If delivery of goods or service is not complete within the time specified, we may, without liability
and in addition to other remedies, terminate this Order, by intimating in writing. Acceptance of part shipment will not bind the
Company to accept any future shipment or deprive the right to return goods already accepted.

8. The goods should be packed in a manner which assures that they are protected against deterioration and contamination. The
supplier will be responsible for any damage in transit up to the point of delivery. Title and risk remain with the supplier until the
delivery is completed.

9. Note: MARPOL ANNEX V (Regulations for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships) has recently been revised
and comes into force. You are instructed to take back all the extraneous packaging materials (pallets, cardboards, plastic
wraps, etc) at the time of leaving the ship after the supply is effected.

10. The Supplier warrants that the goods supplied under this Order confirm to the specification and requirements agreed to by the
Supplier and are in good condition and fit for human consumption (as applicable).

11. The Supplier confirms that the goods supplied are genuine products of the original manufacturer of the product as specified on
the packaging and the sale of such products does not infringe directly or indirectly any patent, trademark, copyright or other
protected right or any other party.

12. The Supplier warrants they have good title to the goods supplied and they are free from any lien or encumbrance.

13. The Company has a right to deduct any amounts due from the Supplier from the proceeds of this Order.

14. The details of this order including the items ordered, terms and conditions are confidential information and the Supplier agrees
not to divulge this information to any other Party without the written consent of the Company.

15. The Supplier agrees comply fully with all applicable international, national, state and local laws or regulations.

16. The Supplier confirms that they have not been sanctioned against or listed as a blocked person by the UN or USA

17. The Suppliers confirm that they adhered to globally acceptable standards with respect to human rights of employees, child labor,
health and safety, environment protection and non-discrimination.

18. No supply of alcoholic beverages beyond 5.5% by vol alcohol & exceeding a capacity of 375 ml is permitted. No wine ,
hard liquor must be supplied to the vessel under any circumstances.

19. Any intentional / unintentional supply of beverages exceeding the above restrictions will be considered as a wilful
breach & willing default of company governed policy. This may result in temporary or permanent suspension / blacklisting
of business with our company.

20. If the Supplier is found to have given or offered gratuities (in any form whatsoever) to any officer or employee of the Company
for securing this or any other order or for influencing any employee or officer of the Company to favor the Supplier, the Company
shall have the right to cancel the order without any liability to the Company and to initiate suitable action against the Supplier
including recovering monetary compensation.

21. The Supplier agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified and harmless the Company from any claims, demands, actions,
litigations, penalties, losses, liabilities, damages or expenses (including for defense) arising out of or in connection with any false
declaration or warranty regarding this Order or due to any non-compliance or infringement of any laws, regulations or sanctions in
force or any negligence, non-performance of any acts or wrongful acts or any product liability.

22. This Order shall be construed in accordance with English law and any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement
shall be referred to arbitration in Hong Kong. The Courts at Hong Kong shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute that may
arise out of this Agreement.

Annexure to Purchase Order

Party Name : INAYAT MOOSA AND CO Order No: 2329/QP/24/009FA/01
Brand / Specification / Weight
Sr Code Item Unit Pkg Quantity Rate Amount
Country of Origin Pkg
To be delivered at : MUMBAI USD
2 A09.500 FILTER COFFEE INDIAN 500 GMS Bottle 3 16.88 50.64
3 C43.200 CHOCOLATE HERSHEY'S 200 GMS Bottle 6 1.50 9.00
4 D36.500 TEXTURED SOY PROTEIN 500 GMS Pack 16 2.81 44.96
5 F72.100 COATED INDIAN 100 GMS Pack 2 6.56 13.12
6 G36 1 KG Pieces 2 19.69 39.38
7 G73.450 BUTTER DANISH 450 GMS Tin 12 5.16 61.92
8 G93.500 500 GMS Pack 2 4.69 9.38
9 J16.2400 NOODLES - NESTLE (30 PKTS X 80 GMS) 2400 GMS Box 200 0.26 52.00
10 N18 BUTTERSCOTC 1 KG Tube 6 4.69 28.14
11 N31.82 CORNETTO NUTTY BUNNY 82 ML Pieces 48 0.84 40.32
12 N40 1 LTR Pack 24 4.69 112.56
13 N49.96 STICKS - MAGNUM 96 GMS Pieces 48 1.78 85.44
14 S53 FISH ROHU FROZEN 1 KG KG 20 3.38 67.60
15 S55 KATLA FISH FROZEN 1 KG Pack 20 3.38 67.60
16 V26 SPINACH 1 KG KG 10 1.13 11.30
17 V34 SPRING ONION 1 KG KG 2 2.25 4.50
18 W21 AVOCADO 1 KG KG 5 8.91 44.55
19 W24 SAPODILLA / ZAPOTA 1 KG KG 10 1.88 18.80
20 W26 POMEGRANATE 1 KG KG 10 3.75 37.50
21 W27 LITCHI - FRESH 1 KG KG 15 4.69 70.35
22 W33 1 KG KG 5 4.69 23.45
23 F86.200 LOCAL 200 GMS Pack 12 1.13 13.56
24 A13.100 COFFEE - NESTLE 100 GMS Each 4 7.03 28.12

(Note: This is a system generated document. Signature on this is not required)

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