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Property Tax Professionals Exam Information

PSI administers licensing examinations for TDLR. PSI offers testing at 22 locations throughout Texas and at additional sites across the country. For information about PSI, visit

For more detailed information about taking your examination at PSI, download the current Property Tax Professional Candidate Information Bulletin (CIB). This document is vital to your understanding of the examination process and the content of the examinations.

When you become eligible to sit for an examination, TDLR will notify PSI electronically. PSI will then send an eligibility postcard to your address on file with TDLR. The postcard contains instructions for registering and scheduling your examination. The examination fee will be paid directly to PSI. Check the CIB for amounts and additional information.

Exam Pass/Fail Rates

Please contact the Education and Examination division if you have questions or need assistance.