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'Detailed' help short on detail

This article is more than 23 years old

This week the government has been bombarding the public with an advertising campaign aimed at rescuing rural tourism from the effects of the foot and mouth epidemic.

It claims that 80% of Britain's attractions are open and ready to receive visitors. The multimillion pound campaign in newspapers and on radio promises "detailed information" on which attractions are available for visitors to enjoy, giving opening times and details of any restrictions.

A test of the service yesterday showed that it is un able to offer anything other than telephone numbers or website addresses of tourist bodies or the attractions themselves.

The tourist boards were unable to answer any of the Guardian's 10 questions on opening times or locations of popular attractions. The website has a list of 29 top attractions with details of restrictions due to the epidemic: only 11 are rural, while 14 are in London.

A spokesman for the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions said the helpline and website were only a starting point and not meant to answer detailed inquiries.

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More on the election and foot and mouth
Politics: foot and mouth

What's going on?
Full list: outbreaks
Graph: rise in cases
Full list: closed & cancelled
Causes and effects
The issue explained

The front line: meet those affected by the crisis
03.04.2001: Straws in the wind
06.03.2001: Meet our panel

Related articles
06.04.2001: £120m boost for tourism
06.04.2001, comment: Pig in the middle
06.04.2001: Burial mound suggested to cut west's surplus of carcasses
06.04.2001: Man shot in head with bolt gun dies
06.04.2001, analysis: No reason to be cheerful - yet
05.04.2001, world dispatch: 'Hoof and mouth' blights tourism

Interactive guides
How the virus spread across Britain
The countryside in crisis

More on the countryside in crisis
27.03.2001: Hard times

From the Guardian archive
28.11.1967, leader: indecision on foot and mouth
18.11.1967: 'Slaughter must seem a cruel remedy'
16.11.1967: Foot and mouth may cost agriculture more than £12m
11.11.1967: Emigrant flights to Australia stopped by foot and mouth
01.11.1967: It is cheaper to kill than to prevent cattle disease

Map: The spread of the disease (week 4)
Map of confirmed cases so far
Computerised image of the virus

Steve Bell on how pigs will fly
Steve Bell on Hague going over the top

Photo gallery
The story in pictures

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Special reports
Foot and mouth
Election 2001: foot and mouth
What's wrong with our food?
Countryside in crisis

Net notes
Pigs - the story in links

Useful links
The government's Open Britain site
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Maff information and factsheets
EU legislation on the disease
National Farmers' Union
Meat and livestock commission
National Pig Association
World organisation for animal health: foot and mouth disease
Advice for horse owners - Equine World
The Ramblers Association
The Institute of the Public Rights of Way
The Forestry Commission
The Association of National Park Authorities
Countryside agency report - the state of the country 2001

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