How to organise a conference or an exhibition at the CoR 

© European Union / John Thys

​​​​The E​uropean Committee of the Regions (CoR) can host events (conferences, seminars, participatory sessions...) and exhibitions organised by a variety of bodies, such as regional representations, EU institutions, regional associations, foundations, academia.​

To apply for the organisation of such an event at the CoR, a short procedure is required. All the  necessary documents are available in the "related links" section of this page. Before submitting the relevant application form, first read carefully the CoR internal rules and the CoR recommendations ​regarding the sanitary measures in place in the CoR buildings.

​​1. ​A​​​p​​plication for a CONFERENCE or an EVENT                                                  (For Exhibitions please scroll down)

Please note that:

  • Your application should reach us minimum three months prior to the date of your event
  • Your application must be supported and signed by a Member of the CoR (or an alternate) – NB. this does not apply to EU institutions
  • A draft programme of your event must be attached to the application
  • IMPORTANT : Gender balance (NOT including the moderator) is mandatory in each panel. Not gender-balanced panels will be refused
  • The theme of your event must be related to at least one of the political priorities of the CoR​
  • Your event must be attended by a minimum of 50 participants (not including organisers and speakers)
  • The event must not have a commercial purpose; no commercial activity is allowed on the CoR premises nor in relation to an event on the CoR premises.
  • Your event must be entirely free of charge for participants​​ (no fee is allowed for any part (conference, catering etc.) of the event.​

NB. Failure to respect any of these rules may cause the cancellation of your event at any time. 

When can you hold an event at the CoR?

Your event can be scheduled as follows:

  • Monday: 09:30 -17:30
  • Tuesday – Friday: 09:00 – 17:30
  • Evening receptions should end no later than 7.30pm.

What does the CoR offer?

The CoR can provide the following logistics:

  • Conference venues to accommodate 50 to 150 delegates NB. the CoR can grant max. 3 venues for max. 2 days
  • Badging
  • Announcement of your event on the CoR webpages  
  • Standard conference room equipment: seats, tables, screens, headphones, microphones for speakers and attendants, one PC and free internet access, interpretation booths
  • Non-standard equipment (e.g. extra chairs/tables, webstreaming/VOD, pinboards, flipcharts, standalone screens) may be available from the CoR (subject to approval and availability) and must be requested separately
  • The CoR does not  provide online conferencing tools, interpretation services nor catering. ​
What rooms are available for conferences and events?

Click on the meeting room number to see the picture

  • JDE 51: 109 seats + 13 for the speakers, 11 interpretation booths
  • JDE 52: 150 seats + 15 for the speakers, 13 interpretation booths
  • JDE 53: 55 seats + 7 for the speakers, 3 interpretation booths (+ 25 chairs)
  • JDE 70: 50 seats + 16 for the speakers, 7 interpretation booths
  • VMA 1: 80 seats + 55 seats (with non-permanent headphones) + 11 for the speakers, 10 interpretation booths
  • Atrium 5: used for receptions and similar events (max. capacity: 400 persons)
  • Foyer 5​​​: used for exhibitions and coffee breaks (max. capacity: 150 persons) ​

NB. In the present sanitary circumstances the following measures are recommended:

  • Ideally, keep ​a distance of 1.5 metre between participants (i.e. 1/3 of the room capacity)
  • If not possible, try to keep every other seat free
  • If necessary, all the seats can be used and in this case, it is strongly recommended for everyone to wear a mask​
How to apply?
  • To apply for a conference or an event in the CoR please send the relevant application form (see below) with a draft agenda minimum 3 months in advance to [email protected]You should receive a final reply within 10 working days. 

Contact us:

For any question or communication related to the organisation of conferences and events at the CoR: [email protected]

Postal address:
European Committee of the Regions
Directorate for Communication
Unit D2 - Events and Local Dialogues​
101 Rue Belliard
B - 1040 Brussels


​​2. ​A​​​p​​plication for an EXHIBITION                                                                          (For Conferences and Events please scroll up​)

Please note that:

  • Your application should reach us minimum three months prior to the proposed start date of your exhibition
  • Your application must be supported and signed by a Member of the CoR (or an alternate) – NB. this does not apply to EU institutions
  • The theme of your exhibition must be related to at least one of the political priorities of the CoR
  • The exhibition must not have a commercial purpose; no commercial activity is allowed on the CoR premises nor in relation to an exhibition on the CoR premises
  • Your exhibition must be entirely free of charge for participants (no fee is allowed for any part (visit, vernissage etc.) of the exhibition.
NB. Failure to respect any of these rules may cause the cancellation of your exhibition at any time. 

What are the exhibition visiting hours at the CoR?

Your exhibition can be visited as follows:

  • Monday: 09:30 -17:30
  • Tuesday – Friday: 09:00 – 17:30
  • Evening receptions should end no later than 7.30pm.
  • LIMITED ACCESS: Exhibitions at the CoR are not open to the general public, but only to persons carrying a badge granting them permanent access to the CoR, or carrying a special badge as a participant to an event (conference, meeting...) on the CoR premises.

What does the CoR offer?

The CoR can provide the following logistics:

  • Exhibition hall
  • Hooks and rails, easels, screens
  • Badging for exhibition opening guests
  • Internal announcement of your exhibition  
  • The CoR does not provide catering nor manpower for the exhibition mounting and dismantling

​What does the CoR exhibition area look like? 

Click on the links below to see the pictures: 

How to apply? 

  • To apply for an exhibition at the CoR please send the relevant application form (see below) minimum 3 months in advance to [email protected] A final reply will be sent within 10 working days. 
  • Please attach visuals of the proposed exhibition to the application and a description (size, weight, materials) of the exhibits.

Contact us:​

F​or any question or communication related to the organisation of an exhibition at the CoR: [email protected]

Postal address:

Committee of the Regions
Directorate for Communication
Unit D2 - Events and Local Dialogues
rue Belliard 99-101
B - 1040 Brussels​


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