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Przyszłość Partnerstwa Wschodniego z perspektywy lokalnej i regionalnej

Opinion Number: CDR 5113/2022
Rapporteur: NICA Alin-Adrian
Commission: CIVEX
Status: Adopted
Date: 15/03/2023

 urgent need for the EU to support the free and democratic path of countries in the EU's neighbourhood more firmly;

 there is a commitment among EU Member States and the current Eastern European Partner countries […] to continue, renew and strengthen the Eastern Partnership (EaP) so that it remains the leading forum and framework for cooperation with the neighbouring countries east of the EU;

 the most powerful long-term European response to the Russian invasion will be free and democratic states in Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and beyond, with strong regional and local authorities, economically vibrant cities and societies committed to European values;

 the "fundamentals" should remain the common ground for bringing the Eastern Partnership closer together, i.e. a shared commitment to freedom, democracy, the rule of law, and human rights, while continuing to work on shared objectives such as promoting gender equality, protection of minorities and language rights, counteracting climate change, advancing the green and digital transitions, supporting a strong and independent civil society, increasing resilience and prosperity, and deepening economic relations;

 points to the significant role that regional and local authorities can play in defending the "fundamentals" in regions and local communities, and in attaining the shared objectives, guaranteeing at the same time the subsidiarity principle of the EU by bringing local citizens closer to the European Union and its values;

 acknowledges that the EaP remains a relevant framework, which has not exhausted its full regional potential and can continue to have a purpose for all partners, based on differentiated objectives towards the EU. Flexible formats and tools within that framework should complement the needs of both the new EU candidate countries and the other partners […]




Participation of the rapporteur at the CORLEAP Annual Meeting held on 7 September 2023, in Batumi, Georgia (session on 'Cities and regions' voice on Eastern Partnership in new geopolitical reality'), as well as at the Conference on the Role of municipalities in the implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy on the following day.

07 Sep
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